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The new Nerf sith inquisitor thread


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Torhead's damage values aren't accurate, unless they've updated them since release.


I know, but both spells has same pattern to calculate dmg. + this is about showing that sorc=sage, ppl tends to believe they has different spells, while they are same with different animations. Sorc stun has huge lightning and electric discharges on target during stun, while sages stun is hardly noticable at all, but effect is same.

Edited by DwaneDibbley
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Where do you get the idea that all these Sorcerer abilities are instant cast? There's only one ability that's instant, and that's Shock, and it's on a cooldown. The only other possibility is when you crit on Affliction and you get a proc that let's you instant cast Chain Lightning once. You're proving that you have no idea what you're talking about every time you speak....


You're also practically saying every class but yours needs a nerf. You do realize that makes you sound like a complete noob, right? Oh, and the IA who can hit you for 4k and who can apply a long duration stun at range on instant cast isn't OP... but the Sorc who has an equivalent duration CC on a 3 second cast and otherwise the same CC abilities but about half the damage, that's the class that's OP. Right.


I'm not saying that the IA is OP... but the reasons you people are giving for the Sorcerer being OP aren't even true. They apply more to the IA. My point here is that the IA is just about the most underplayed class in the game, and the SI is probably the most overplayed. You see more of them, so you're more likely to be killed by one. But with your reasoning for why it's OP, there's no reason you shouldn't be complaining about IA instead. The fact that you aren't just proves your ignorant bias.


You need to go play a Sorcerer... now. At the very least, go do some serious research on both the ability list and the skill trees. If you're going to claim something is OP, at least have a fundamental understanding of the class mechanics. You should be able to say what abilities are OP and why... not just "omg sorcerer kills me in pvp nerf it!!!"


You need to realize that this game, like any MMO, has a rock paper scissors type balance in PvP. On my Sorcerer, I will own a warrior every time I'm a fair fight... but an Assassin/Shadow will own me. When I play my Shadow, I destroy Sorcerers... but a BH will stomp me. That's just the way it is. Maybe if I didn't know any better and all I played was my Shadow, I would be crying for a BH nerf. But any good PvPer understands that his class isn't equipped to take on every other class 1v1. If you don't think that's fair, you probably shouldn't ever play another MMO again... ever. This is the way it's always been, and always will be... and guess what... it's fair.


See my signature is what it is because of thinking like yours.


There's a talent in the Balance tree that gives your telekinetic throw a 30% chance per tick to make your next spell with a cast time instant cast AND deal 20% more damage. I just got it on my Sage, so I have yet to test it out. It sounds very strong, especially considering all the other great improvements you get to telekinetic throw.

Edited by csward
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exactly. consular gets telekinetic throw which ticks for about 500 or something low like that, you get force lightning which ticks for 2k per tick...thats super unbalanced.


I read this and laughed, hard. Gear for willpower and power then, stop crying that other people play your class better than you.

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Its not that any class is "OP" its just that those are the most played classes, hell on my server , in war zones we almost go against 70% Sith Inquisitors... its just the fact that so many people play them... swtor's huntard so to speak...



side not: a fix to every ones problems could be within the resolve bar... i find it pretty random because some cc's fill the bar completely instantaneously then some barely even 1/4

Edited by Mastersix
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Its not that any class is "OP" its just that those are the most played classes, hell on my server , in war zones we almost go against 70% Sith Inquisitors... its just the fact that so many people play them... swtor's huntard so to speak...



side not: a fix to every ones problems could be within the resolve bar... i find it pretty random because some cc's fill the bar completely instantaneously then some barely even 1/4


Resolve bar is atm rly worthless, u die in stuns with resolve hardly half full.

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Well... There is a thing I heard that Force Lightning is Elemental (my trooper only has 7% resistance to Elemental attacks) while Sages' telekinesis is kinetic (being subject to resistance from armor, my trooper's being 45%).


Just a rumor, I haven't checked it myself.


Lie. Both have the same mitigation. This has already been confirmed.

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Ok since the last thread got locked for people trolling and stuff, lets make a new thread regarding how OP and unbalanced sith inquisitors are.


Im currently a lvl 50 consular, and get hit by a sith inquistor that is 20 lvls below me for 3-4k several times in quick succession. i have 6 pieces of lvl 50 epic pvp gear and still get torched in seconds by this class.


other classes dont touch me...just inquisitors. They fling around lightning like no tommorow with no CD it seems.


PvP games are now simply about how few seconds the 5 inquisitors on the opposite team take to stun lock and kill you.


Please keep this thread civil and on topic or posts will be reported.


LOL op please stop i have an inquisitor/assasin and yes they can hit hard, but so cant every other class out there snipers & bountyhunters hit alot harder than inquisitors!


But stop the sillyness you cant expect one class to own every other in any mmo, teamwork and good groups wins warfronts not inquisitors.


Dont yell for a nerf in classes because you chose a class/advanced class with too few CC's


This game is actualy the most balanced mmo i have ever tried regarding pvp so please just learn to play or reroll.

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Never post in the middle of nerd rage ... just saying ;)


You know to understand the relationship better, I made a consular and then turned him into a sage, then ran him as a healer for a bit, only to switch to dps.


I was easily healing 100K +. When DPS I easily did 100k +. Each was right in line with others of the same class (either side). I didn't see a problem. I worked with my cc abilities and learned while I could really pour out damage and healing (could do both extremely effectively) at will, but man was I squishy. I purposely went against my own class version (I actually play a Jedi Knight Guardian tank) to see what I could do and then learn what I could do against them. I never once felt the inquisitor was stronger, I recognized immediately they had a cooler graphic, that is where difference is.


I didn't find healing or damage the problem and in the end I didn't find the CC a problem as if I didn't cc, I was dead adn dead very very quickly. OP I simply ask that you pick a different class and understand a bit more about the game. In fact I challange you to play something like the Sith Warrior (tank) or Jedi Knight (tank) and then lets see your posts when you realize what broken feels like because I promise you its not Inquisitor vs Consular :)


Keep your heads up Warriors and Knights... put out that protection baby!

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It's funny but when I pvp, people scream to nerf sorcerers but it's because there are 6 of us and lightning flying all around so a lot of it is people getting nailed by several of them at once. Then when the match is over, I see smugglers and bounty hunters in the top brackets for damage and kills. Go figure. This is a case of what appears to be rather than what is. :(
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Never post in the middle of nerd rage ... just saying ;)


You know to understand the relationship better, I made a consular and then turned him into a sage, then ran him as a healer for a bit, only to switch to dps.


I was easily healing 100K +. When DPS I easily did 100k +. Each was right in line with others of the same class (either side). I didn't see a problem. I worked with my cc abilities and learned while I could really pour out damage and healing (could do both extremely effectively) at will, but man was I squishy. I purposely went against my own class version (I actually play a Jedi Knight Guardian tank) to see what I could do and then learn what I could do against them. I never once felt the inquisitor was stronger, I recognized immediately they had a cooler graphic, that is where difference is.


I didn't find healing or damage the problem and in the end I didn't find the CC a problem as if I didn't cc, I was dead adn dead very very quickly. OP I simply ask that you pick a different class and understand a bit more about the game. In fact I challange you to play something like the Sith Warrior (tank) or Jedi Knight (tank) and then lets see your posts when yorealize what broken feels like because I promise you its not Inquisitor vs Consular :)


Keep your heads up Warriors and Knights... put out that protection baby!



Truth has no place in a forum of fools. :rolleyes:

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I can't tell if this guy is being serious or not?


You are aware that the only difference between Sorc and Sage is the animation, and a slight delay due to travel time on Project. Telekinetic throw and Force lightning are exactly the same.


How long before the morons that post this crap realise that.




empire get lightning, republic scum looks like they are firing poo at you.


If you not hitting that hard maybe your stacking wrong stats with your gear

Edited by lethal_ghost
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Originally Posted by Allmightyprom

exactly. consular gets telekinetic throw which ticks for about 500 or something low like that, you get force lightning which ticks for 2k per tick...thats super unbalanced.





/this....is not true



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Guys, stop posting. OP is an idiot and doesn't realise his own class is an ALMOST EXACT match for the sorcerors he wants to nerf. He also seems to lack any basic understanding of empirical proof. Hopefully BW/Mythic doesn't listen to fools like this when they balance or we will reach a stage like WoW where balance is decided by the whine babies. Edited by UncleDennis
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