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Future Strongholds I'd Love To See (with ideas for each one) - what do you think?


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If BW were to release four starter world SH's or any other arrangement i don't think a "collect-em-all" approach would be adequate. As I posted earlier about korriban, Hutta, Tython, & Ord mantell, my theory was to have the diversity of whatever one may persue. For instance If a player has a tight bond to all things sith then there's an intriguing opportunity, as a zeroing in on what u like the most and to make that your go-to place.

What I dread as far as decorating goes is making a place look like something it shouldn't ex: seeing a Dromund Kaas SH with republic banners across from empire ones and alderaan house flags thrown about and so on.. So if they were to release another SH by itself people would have to settle for a place that is dumbed down to be pseudo acceptable to all decorations like Tatooine and NS palace.

Funny you mention that as may DK stronghold is in fact the retreat of an SiS agent.


Entrance and main room with shiny emprire flags and decorations for a high ranking officer. Then hidden in a separate room republic command center and weapon lab. ;)


(Edit: btw Republic flags are much nicer than Imperial ones in the DK stronghold, especially when you drop a CE statue along. Matches nicely!)

Edited by Deewe
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The most best idea for the next stronghold is Alderaan because its a wonderful planet. It has it all....



Mountains, ice, lakes, green blue, gray... its sooo good planet to have a home.


I also love to have a green house there AND a huge balcony with a view in the snowy mountains.


The second best choice is Manaan. A underwater house made of glass and be able to watch outside the fish and sea monsters.


The third best choice for a house is Yavin...


A house in the trees (a tree house) with many layers and beautiful nature and wild life outside. (Kashyyyk is the most applicable for a tree house, but we dont have Kashyyyk)

Edited by Oyranos
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If BW were to release four starter world SH's or any other arrangement i don't think a "collect-em-all" approach would be adequate. As I posted earlier about korriban, Hutta, Tython, & Ord mantell, my theory was to have the diversity of whatever one may persue. For instance If a player has a tight bond to all things sith then there's an intriguing opportunity, as a zeroing in on what u like the most and to make that your go-to place.

What I dread as far as decorating goes is making a place look like something it shouldn't ex: seeing a Dromund Kaas SH with republic banners across from empire ones and alderaan house flags thrown about and so on.. So if they were to release another SH by itself people would have to settle for a place that is dumbed down to be pseudo acceptable to all decorations like Tatooine and NS palace.


I agree.. You can only do so much with the décor that is available. I'm not suggesting that it is all bad. BUT... there should be a good diversity. The only reason I suggested the floating city away from everything is due to, well, the over all idea: seclusion if needed. The inside of the apartment could easily be changed to suit the story of the individual character: Smuggler (light side or borderline dark side) .. the Sith, Jedi. The possibilities of what the inside is like should be open to the player.


I'm quite certain that all of this will take time to develop. I've read the thread concerning ideas and suggestions for items to be developed that would be used in a strong hold... some of them pretty good at that!!


All in all .. should be interesting to see what take place over the next 12 months or so!

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  • Solution: add more rooms to existing strongholds.


Players will open them and furnish them for sure.


More rooms would be good, even if they're not traditional "rooms." For example, a pleasure barge that floats around Nar Shaddaa that you can get on and off from the current Stronghold, or a sail barge for Tatooine like Jabba has.

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I don't know why they would ever not keep creating strongholds. Those are (from what I can see) a huge credit sink and/or a huge draw for purchases in the Cartel Market. Being able to buy all of them is even better. Having tons of options would increase this exponentially. I say implement all of these options!
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The most best idea for the next stronghold is Alderaan because its a wonderful planet. It has it all....



Mountains, ice, lakes, green blue, gray... its sooo good planet to have a home.


I also love to have a green house there AND a huge balcony with a view in the snowy mountains.

Well nice but not as:


The second best choice is Manaan. A underwater house made of glass and be able to watch outside the fish and sea monsters.

This one would be pretty cool but at least one part of the house has to be underwater letting us see the fishes and plants..


So you'd have windows under water, and a glass floor and why not an inverted dome with a promenade going around it.


Then this one:

The third best choice for a house is Yavin...


A house in the trees (a tree house) with many layers and beautiful nature and wild life outside. (Kashyyyk is the most applicable for a tree house, but we dont have Kashyyyk)

Actually very nice too as you'd have more natural environments, ie wood leaves and so instead of just concrete, metal and glass.


You had me drooling ;)

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I like the idea of say a asteroid base somewhere, near a main commercial planet, that a smuggler could use for illegal trades or a hideout point for a imperial or republic mass assault, or even a mercenary could use as a base to hold his collected prisoners to be picked be picked up by the person who offered the bounty Edited by Calwred
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Remember the balloon for datacron in Tatooine? I want a house like that, moving extremly slow in HOTH maybe, like a huge baloon or a walker with 2-3 floors...


I have so many characters and all of them asking for their own home :) kiding... I have 3 allready and I havent finished the first one, because I am waiting for more of my likes decorations to be added.


1) I want more paintings

2) more flora, because I love nature...

3) dynamic weather effects maybe...

4) festive events

5) special stronghold events...


Up to date, there is lots of gothic type and kinky for decor (cages, torches, skulls, dead animals, etc), or high tech... something for natura? And I hope they will stop making them EXTREME HUGE...

Edited by Oyranos
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I actually get sort of upset when I am questing around because I see the scenery that the devs put together with their skill all throughout the game. They have the tool that SWG gave to players - a free placement system. I see tables with small boxes on them yet they are actually shrunk down versions of large cargo crates that now resemble a tool box or lock box. When I quest through a planet like voss for example, I see hundreds of things that could be potential decorations, yet the planet's reputation vendor only has one or 2 items.


I propose "gasp" that each planet gets 1 (don't wana over-expect anything here) decoration droid that sells items from that planets theme and a crapload of items not 3 or 4 peices like we have at rep vendors now. The kits need to be crafted just like the three that exchange synthetic, ind, universal prefabs. My real idea was have a synthetic/ind/univ droid for each planet but that would be asking a lot from BW I presume.


Or make all those small stores we run past on the Nar Shaddaa maps actual decor vendor stores with themes for each such as Ex: >alien name<'s carpet depot selling different colors of the rugs available or >alien name<'s Outer Rim imports selling stuff from Rishi, Tatooine, Hoth, Belsavis. I think it would make Nar Shaddaa that much more alive since it feels sort of bland even though there's theoretically millions of folks around you partying it up. Any thoughts on these?

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Most of these don't make any sense in the main stories timeline....


Balmora is in a war and the republic is driving the empire off-world...no stopping the republic from bombing your "stronghold" into glass.


Taris is a wreck as it is and the Empire has driven the republic offworld..see Balmora about turning your place into glass


Corellia - war...not a real smart place to buy or have a personal stronghold atm.


Hoth wouldn't make sense as it's virtually uninhabited by Ep V.


Belsavis - prison planet....that was unknown..the republic wouldn't allow someone to set up a stronghold there and the empire..well


etc etc...


sure some planets would work..but the majority of these are dumb and wouldn't fit, at all, in the storyline of the time.

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