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Flashpoint Vote to Kick


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OP, honestly I can't see why you stayed in the HM FP for a whole hour. A good group can fly through most of them, so perhaps you may want to see how it is going in the first 10 mins. Leave if it is that bad, wait the 10 minutes on the lockout and actually get a decent group. It'll still take less than an hour, even with the lockout.


You do know that the lock out timer starts as soon as you take the invite. If you spend 15 min in group there is no lock out timer. If you drop group as soon as you take the invite you are place on the 15 min timer minus whatever time it took you to drop group.


Back when I did use GF, if I didn't like the group I dropped without a word and swap to my other tank. I don't deal with other player ****. I play to have fun, if I'm not having fun so long.

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buttbuddies will be buttbuddies.

you should have asked the question to the whole group where the guy bought his account, if I was there, and he was using wrong charges, doing every possible thing wrong he would have kicked. Banned from the game too if I had the power. People like the OP are ok, backbone, insults ready for those who deserve it.

An attitude that wants cancer removed is one that has a chance to succeed. Sometimes scumbag people just need to be smacked around.


The rest of the group showed that attitude and removed the cancer. It seems to me the the one who should have been smacked around, was.

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The only person you can control is yourself. If you do that IMO, you will likely find this problem does not present itself as it has.


In other words, don't give folks a reason to boot you in the first place.


Other than that morsel, I am personally fine with the system as designed.

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I kicked the guy from HM Meltdown.

He was wearing a mix of green/orange items with mods from 37-50 level (and 50 lvl i mean planetary comms mods).

So... Do i have to explain why i kicked him?

He will be a "dead weight" for team.


Also, if you didnt know, you can buy good starting gear by doing planetary daily and gathering Basic comms (Section X, Black Hole). 162 rate is enough for 55 HM.


I go with the 156 gear(basic I think) and you get 5 pieces from oricon which can be done in less than an hour if you are under geared with the help of someone else.

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Wait a minute.. You were openly antagonistic in PMs and then got your feathers ruffled because they kicked you?


Here's a tip, if you couldn't tolerate their behaviour, you could have dropped sooner, put them on ignore and not had to deal with it. Or you could have just swallowed it til the end and then ignored them. Or you could have did what you did and suffered the consequences of that.


Sorry, you asked to be kicked by being confrontational. No sympathies here.


The correct way to do it is to be openly confrontational in party chat.

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If I am fairly confident that I will reach the end of the FP without any major trouble I usually suck it up. Last week I had a healer who refused to heal anyone but the tank. This meant I was less efficient because I was actively trying to limit my agro. So I put him on ignore and finished the FP. Similarly I was put into a group of characters all from the same guild who were bored and put on PvP gear. It took longer this way and severely increased the risk of wiping but I just shook my head and finished the FP.


I don't know about you guys, but for me on the imp side, the chances of a bad FP run are a lot higher than on the rep side. Not sure what that is about.


In addition, I have never had any problems with the vote to kick system.

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I don't see how there is any way a vote kick system would know whether the votes are legit or not. Think about it, how could the vote kick system recognize a valid vote?


All votes are valid to the system, because system has no way of validating.

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I too have noticed this. TRE Imps be cray cray. :eek:



That's odd. I play all the classes on both sides, so I am neither Imp nor Pub, or if you like, I am both. I assumed everybody did that, at least a bit. Surely we're meeting the same people on both sides? Are there really people who only play half the game? Genuinely curious.

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Few days ago I was grouped with 3 guys when one went LD. We start chatting and what not till like 10-15 min later I push a vote to kick the healer so we can at least replace it with a companion.


Long story short story the guys finally kicked me, I queued and immediately got a pop up.


Morale of the story: play a tank (I was) and never be bothered with being kicked again.

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