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Poll: Planet of fleet chat in your stronghold?


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How about a global Ops group and trade chat? I have virtually no reason to be on fleet aside from looking for a pug ops group and catching item sales. Most of the time they are just spewing garabage there.


The problem with an open global chat channel is that they all become magnets for the gold sellers, spammers, those just trying to incite flame wars and those just looking to disrupt other player's play experience.


I would not mind seeing an automated global channel for forming OPS or FP groups.


The OPS leader could choose from a series of drop down menus, choosing the OP/FP, mode (story, HM, NM), number of players needed, number of each role needed, etc. and the system would send the automated LFG message. This would allow for a global LFG channel without the typical open global channel side effects.

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In my experience capital planet chat is just as bad, and often worse than fleet chat. Here on the European servers we have the added fun of nationalism thrown into the usual sordid, toxic mix, and lots of people telling other people to "Speak f***ing English!"


So as far as I'm concerned it really doesn't make any difference, as I'll probably be turning it off pretty quick whichever it is.

Edited by PLynkes
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In my experience capital planet chat is just as bad, and often worse than fleet chat. So as far as I'm concerned it really doesn't make any difference, as I'll probably be turning it off pretty quick whichever it is.


On the Progenitor, I'm currently leveling a BH, a Mercenary to be more exact.


Midway the first chapter, you need to go to Dromund Kaas a couple of times in a real short time span. Both times, the first phrase I got to read in the General chat had either "azz" or rape".


No matter the server, DK chat is filth it would seem. It was pretty late in the evening but even so... Most decent talk I've read there was over the fact Gerard Butler would make a good James Bond. That's it.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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The problem with an open global chat channel is that they all become magnets for the gold sellers, spammers, those just trying to incite flame wars and those just looking to disrupt other player's play experience.


I would not mind seeing an automated global channel for forming OPS or FP groups.


The OPS leader could choose from a series of drop down menus, choosing the OP/FP, mode (story, HM, NM), number of players needed, number of each role needed, etc. and the system would send the automated LFG message. This would allow for a global LFG channel without the typical open global channel side effects.


Maybe require certain keywords, ban certain words (known credit seller sites, selling credits etc) , require linked missions and items (Weekly: Dread Palace or Weekly Eternity Vault etc.). Limit how many messages can be said on that channel. One message per person every 5 minutes for example. Limit to lvl 55s.


Yours would be nice too.

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Tatooine seems to be a haven of almost-niceness on the Red Eclipse, I very rarely find myself wanting to turn that one off. There is generally fun banter, a bit of joking and malarkey, and hardly any of the Kaas toxicity.


I imagine it is slightly bored people sitting in balloons having all these nice chats, or people like me puttering away with their seeker droids and macrobinoculars.


So I guess if I had a Tatooine stronghold I wouldn't mind it having planetary chat. Thing is, I wasn't planning to get one of those, just the free one for the utility items, legacy storage and that.


Oh well. :rolleyes:

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With how painfully archaic our housing system has turned out to be, It'll have very little point of existing without some form of unified chat system.

It doesn't have to be attached to fleet, or planet. A unified housing channel would work just fine.


Otherwise it'll be something people visit from time to time, but otherwise abandoned within weeks and just generally a waste of dev time and effort.

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With how painfully archaic our housing system has turned out to be, It'll have very little point of existing without some form of unified chat system.

It doesn't have to be attached to fleet, or planet. A unified housing channel would work just fine.


Otherwise it'll be something people visit from time to time, but otherwise abandoned within weeks and just generally a waste of dev time and effort.


I don't like housing in this game = NO ONE LIKES HOUSING


Genuine effort there.


Regardless, assuming people will spend considerable time in their Strongholds, they'll spend most of it playing decorator, not so much chatting.

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Maybe require certain keywords, ban certain words (known credit seller sites, selling credits etc) , require linked missions and items (Weekly: Dread Palace or Weekly Eternity Vault etc.). Limit how many messages can be said on that channel. One message per person every 5 minutes for example. Limit to lvl 55s.


Yours would be nice too.


IMO, there are too many ways around any restrictions that could be placed on an open channel.


Ban or censor certain words? just add spaces or use numbers in place of letters


Require certain keywords? Just add the keyword in your spam.




I do not see any way to create an open global channel without also inviting all the dregs of this game and all the undesirable side effects of an open global channel.

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IMO, there are too many ways around any restrictions that could be placed on an open channel.


Ban or censor certain words? just add spaces or use numbers in place of letters


Require certain keywords? Just add the keyword in your spam.




I do not see any way to create an open global channel without also inviting all the dregs of this game and all the undesirable side effects of an open global channel.


Limiting the OPS channel to Level 55s would virtually eliminate all credit sellers from the equation because none of them go beyond lvl 10.


Putting a time limit before you can speak again would make it fairly unattractive as means of spamming and trolling people. Having to wait 5 minutes every time you want to speak to spew garbage is idiocy and inefficent for the troll. If they really have that much time to waste, one message at a time, that level of sadness deserves an ignore by the opposing user and they are gone for good.


There are certainly trade offs to just about every system but I think the benefits outweigh it.


Of course something like this should be able to toggled on and off.


Alternatively, I wouldn't mind being able to view a certain chat, not necessarily being able to speak in that chat or participate in the chat. I hate missing out on deals when I decide to go onto the planets to go questing.

Edited by Nickious
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Limiting the OPS channel to Level 55s would virtually eliminate all credit sellers from the equation because none of them go beyond lvl 10.


Putting a time limit before you can speak again would make it fairly unattractive as means of spamming and trolling people. Having to wait 5 minutes every time you want to speak to spew garbage is idiocy and inefficent for the troll. If they really have that much time to waste, one message at a time, that level of sadness deserves an ignore by the opposing user and they are gone for good.


There are certainly trade offs to just about every system but I think the benefits outweigh it.


Of course something like this should be able to toggled on and off.


Alternatively, I wouldn't mind being able to view a certain chat, not necessarily being able to speak in that chat or participate in the chat. I hate missing out on deals when I decide to go onto the planets to go questing.


Limit the open global channel to 55's and you effectively negate it's function for those below 55 who may be looking for level 50 OPS, or even lower level FP's. This game does not encompass only level 55's.


Limit the time between posts? Have you seen fleet chat? People cannot wait 30 seconds before spamming their message again.


I'm sorry, but an open global channel is just a magnet for all the dregs and trolls, IMO.

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Look make it simple, when you add a chat channel tab, give the OPTION to create one for fleet, planet, stronghold, what ever you want, or as many chat tabs as you like. just add the check box for ALL of the channels when you edit the chat tab and you choose which ones you want.


JUST ASK EA / BW to add ALL of the chat channels to he edit part of creating a chat channel tab, that way you can choose your options.

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Limit the open global channel to 55's and you effectively negate it's function for those below 55 who may be looking for level 50 OPS, or even lower level FP's. This game does not encompass only level 55's.

Then you can limit it to 50+, that should still be enough to get rid of gold spammers. Lowbie flashpoints don't need an LFG channel.

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Planet chat since there is no option for Housing Chat (like ship chat we have now on our toon's starships). TBH, that would be no different than being on a Planet anyway, so what's the big deal. If you want to chat on fleet - go to fleet. You want to isolate yourself in your house whilst playing Interior Designer, then you get Planet Chat, which is more than enough. I have found plent of places on fleet to stand around where I don't see any other players if I am feeling in that kind of an anti-social mood.
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Then you can limit it to 50+, that should still be enough to get rid of gold spammers. Lowbie flashpoints don't need an LFG channel.


That would be your opinion and not necessarily the opinion of other players or the devs.


My opinion is that OPS do not need a global LFG channel.


I understand the desire for a global channel, but there is no "need" for a global channel, IMO.


This is why I suggested an automated global LFG channel. That would satisfy the desire for a global channel, while not inviting all the negative side effects that an open global typically brings.

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This x infinity. Fleet chat is 2% LFG, 2% WTS/WTB, and 96% Racists, Douchbags, pedophiles, and rape fetishists. Pass on having that funneled into my "home"

On what Server are you playing? oO

On my Server (Jarkai Sword) the Fleet-Chat is actually really nice.

Of course I talk about republic-side. ImperialChat is always immature ;-)

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Actually I'd prefer to have neither. Give strongholds their own chat channel.


If they have fleet chat I will still be bombarded with gold seller spam, racism, sexism, jawa movie titles, "body part" movie titles and HODOR! :mad: If they have planet chat then the gold sellers will move to the relevant planets. :mad:


If they had their own chat channel that you have to own a stronghold to join then at least we can avoid the gold seller spam. Unfortunately the other undesirable chat will remain but one battle at a time.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Look make it simple, when you add a chat channel tab, give the OPTION to create one for fleet, planet, stronghold, what ever you want, or as many chat tabs as you like. just add the check box for ALL of the channels when you edit the chat tab and you choose which ones you want.


JUST ASK EA / BW to add ALL of the chat channels to he edit part of creating a chat channel tab, that way you can choose your options.


^ This.

In case they want to make money with it, some sort of crazy expensive receiver to get 1 / 2 / 5 / w/e choosable chats. I know I would pay for say 2 choosable channels, credits perferably.

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