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Well aren't you nice to speak down to others...


The last expansion we received was RotHC. We have had content updates since, some larger than others, but that is the last update that I would call an expansion.


If we get a jump to 60, another planet, another chapter in the story, more FP and ops, and we get it in a nice package that everyone calls an expansion, then I'm happy to revise my MX mode view.


We know almost nothing about 3.0. It might be all of that and more, or it might not. Time will tell.


Wrong, the last expansion we received was GSF since it was announced and addressed as one by Bioware/EA.

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I already admitted that if I was wrong, than I was wrong and that I had only been following the recent conversation and didn't exactly care. So it's no big deal what I say about that, LA.


I didn't mean to seem like I was hitting you over the head with it...if that was the impression, my apologies. So I say fair enough.


Just putting the information out there if anyone is still confused on the issue.

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We started this Year with GSF, Kuat Drive Yards, New Warzone Map for Huttball, Rakghoul Event, Forged Alliance start, Casinos and Now GSH. Yeah look at all that content they produced that requires the CM to play. (Hint None of it requires the CM to play.)


Are you saying that is all that it takes to keep you subbed?


If so, fair enough. It isn't for me, I consider that list just enough to avoid most people calling it dead, nothing else.


If we don't get more by the end of this year, regardless of how much of a Star Wars nut I am, I will move on. I'm already bored with most of it, if I have to run the same FP and dailies one more time I'll scream.


I have my second sniper and second commando almost to 55. I might run a Sage, haven't played that AC yet, but really don't want to level another alt. if I could convert one of my two shadows to a sage, I would in a heartbeat. Alas that isn't an option.


I'll play The Gree event which I didn't do enough of last time, I'll play with GSH a bit, just to try something new. End of the summer I'll need more info, or I'll have nothing else to do.

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Wrong, the last expansion we received was GSF since it was announced and addressed as one by Bioware/EA.


Ha... If you call that an expansion, more power to you. If I were EA I would as well, for marketing reasons, but it isn't.


An expansion is Chapter 5, even if done Makeb style (faction stories rather than class stories), nothing else counts in my book.


You're free to disagree, but that is my take and from reading these forums, i am not alone.

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IF it could be argued that the CM is the focus of the game...I'm not convinced of that, I see plenty of evidence to the contrary, I would say that focus is exactly where it needs to be....


Where the lions portion of revenue potential resides. This is a business, and as a business they have to focus on what maintains a healthy and growing revenue stream. I think the CM is it.


In fact, I think the CM needs to be refined and expanded. So I would advocate MORE focus.


But then that's just me. I don't speak for anyone but myself.


Yes, but that is a short term business plan, not a long term one.


It works for awhile, but fi you have nothing new to run around in your shiny new armor or walker mount, it won't matter.

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Are you saying that is all that it takes to keep you subbed?


If so, fair enough. It isn't for me, I consider that list just enough to avoid most people calling it dead, nothing else.


If we don't get more by the end of this year, regardless of how much of a Star Wars nut I am, I will move on. I'm already bored with most of it, if I have to run the same FP and dailies one more time I'll scream.


I have my second sniper and second commando almost to 55. I might run a Sage, haven't played that AC yet, but really don't want to level another alt. if I could convert one of my two shadows to a sage, I would in a heartbeat. Alas that isn't an option.


I'll play The Gree event which I didn't do enough of last time, I'll play with GSH a bit, just to try something new. End of the summer I'll need more info, or I'll have nothing else to do.


I expect info by end of August of early September in regards to what comes next, currently they are in GSH Hype mode as well as they should be.


Ha... If you call that an expansion, more power to you. If I were EA I would as well, for marketing reasons, but it isn't.


An expansion is Chapter 5, even if done Makeb style (faction stories rather than class stories), nothing else counts in my book.


You're free to disagree, but that is my take and from reading these forums, i am not alone.


Until these people actually put forth the effort to develope the game content we play, we have no official say in whether something is or isn't an Expansion, only EA/Bioware and if they say it is one, then it is one.

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Ha... If you call that an expansion, more power to you. If I were EA I would as well, for marketing reasons, but it isn't.


An expansion is Chapter 5, even if done Makeb style (faction stories rather than class stories), nothing else counts in my book.


You're free to disagree, but that is my take and from reading these forums, i am not alone.


Yeh it was officially dubbed an expansion but I agree with you that it wasn't really an expansion by my standards. I dunno, I have the same issue. I have lots of alts and over the last 6 months or so the game has just grown stale and the so called new content have little replay value for me. Events come and go and fp's are boring and pointless after a couple of times, especially tactical ones. GSF....well I did like it at first but two domination maps for months and then two death match maps that only seem to have completely imbalanced teams pitted against each and a really annoying UI for ship building made GSF something that has lost its charm for me.


So yeh strongholds looks interesting but it's all coming rather a bit late. It's been taking too long. I like this game but these days I log in for an hour tops before getting bored again since I've done it all too many times by now.

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Yeh it was officially dubbed an expansion but I agree with you that it wasn't really an expansion by my standards. I dunno, I have the same issue. I have lots of alts and over the last 6 months or so the game has just grown stale and the so called new content have little replay value for me. Events come and go and fp's are boring and pointless after a couple of times, especially tactical ones. GSF....well I did like it at first but two domination maps for months and then two death match maps that only seem to have completely imbalanced teams pitted against each and a really annoying UI for ship building made GSF something that has lost its charm for me.


So yeh strongholds looks interesting but it's all coming rather a bit late. It's been taking too long. I like this game but these days I log in for an hour tops before getting bored again since I've done it all too many times by now.


Yes, being tired of current content happens a lot to a lot of players at this point in the expansion cycle. We're heading toward a new expansion and it's almost 'expected' that people won't be playing as much while they build the next expansion.


The only difference is that we've gotten a number of content patches and new features during that expansion building, which isn't common in the MMO business.


People need to realize that we're not in the midst of expansion release, we're in that lull between expansions and a slow down at that time is not just expected but planned for.

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Yes, being tired of current content happens a lot to a lot of players at this point in the expansion cycle. We're heading toward a new expansion and it's almost 'expected' that people won't be playing as much while they build the next expansion.


The only difference is that we've gotten a number of content patches and new features during that expansion building, which isn't common in the MMO business.


People need to realize that we're not in the midst of expansion release, we're in that lull between expansions and a slow down at that time is not just expected but planned for.


Also we're in the middle of summer which has always been a lull for MMO's.

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We started this Year with GSF, Kuat Drive Yards, New Warzone Map for Huttball, Rakghoul Event, Forged Alliance start, Casinos and Now GSH. Yeah look at all that content they produced that requires the CM to play. (Hint None of it requires the CM to play.)


I actually finished last year with GSF, since it was initially launched in December 2013.


The fact it was made available to Preferred and F2P later doesn't change that. Also, while at it, kindly point out what I said already repeatedly in numerous threads:


KDY, just like the two flashpoints that followed it, are BEYOND ANY DOUBT a step back compared to the CZ-198 ones, namely by ONLY offering a tactical approach.


Also, events are not exactly PERMANENT features, not to mention the paradox that it is to have gambling once a year(!!!) on Nar Shaddaa... That's the ultimate trololo, Reno. :o

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Yes, but that is a short term business plan, not a long term one.


It works for awhile, but fi you have nothing new to run around in your shiny new armor or walker mount, it won't matter.


I would disagree. The market has proven time and time again, especially in the US market that FTP and microtransaction revenue continues to rise at a steady pace despite the games it resides in..while subscription revenues continue to plummet.


..and this is just for sub based games....


That is not to argue that your point does not have merit...naturally, if you want to grab and keep players you need content. I'm just pointing out that the microtransaction market right now dominates the sub market. It is a sustainable revenue source all by itself.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I expect info by end of August of early September in regards to what comes next, currently they are in GSH Hype mode as well as they should be.


Until these people actually put forth the effort to develope the game content we play, we have no official say in whether something is or isn't an Expansion, only EA/Bioware and if they say it is one, then it is one.


Fair enough... Thank you for the polite and reasonable reply.


I still don't call it an expansion, but I see your point of view as well.


Let me put it another way, I expect Chapter 5, more daily areas and even more ops are no longer enough. EA doesn't have to meet my wishes, but they won't keep me otherwise.

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I actually finished last year with GSF, since it was initially launched in December 2013.


The fact it was made available to Preferred and F2P later doesn't change that. Also, while at it, kindly point out what I said already repeatedly in numerous threads:


KDY, just like the two flashpoints that followed it, are BEYOND ANY DOUBT a step back compared to the CZ-198 ones, namely by ONLY offering a tactical approach.


Also, events are not exactly PERMANENT features, not to mention the paradox that it is to have gambling once a year(!!!) on Nar Shaddaa... That's the ultimate trololo, Reno. :o


Actually it does change that as GSF wasn't officially released until 2014 with all the features intended.


KDY is actually a step forward because it offers leveling players a good alternative instead of waiting for queues that may never come. What they need to do is add more leveling tacticals to prevent KDY from getting any more Stale.


I agree with you about Events but they were content did provide entertainment and I hope they return soon.

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Yes, being tired of current content happens a lot to a lot of players at this point in the expansion cycle. We're heading toward a new expansion and it's almost 'expected' that people won't be playing as much while they build the next expansion.


The only difference is that we've gotten a number of content patches and new features during that expansion building, which isn't common in the MMO business.


People need to realize that we're not in the midst of expansion release, we're in that lull between expansions and a slow down at that time is not just expected but planned for.


That may all be true, but it is taking too long. They don't get an unlimited amount of "lull between expansions" time.


If we get 3.0 in October, great, if Chapter 5 comes then, ok fine.


What if it doesn't come until April 2015 on the second anniversary of RotHC?


There is a limit to the "lull". :)

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I am really not here to be a Debbie Downer, but those are statistics for 2013. The game WAS in a good spot in 2013, as the major competition releases did not yet exist. The pessimism from many people lie in the seemingly lackadaisical, snails pace forward plodding that is enabling games like Wildstar to leave us in the dust. Show me this same blog when the 2014 Fiscal Year ends, if SWTOR is higher than 7th, I will be impressed. This article, while nice, is nothing for 2014 players of SWTOR to get excited over.
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Fair enough... Thank you for the polite and reasonable reply.


I still don't call it an expansion, but I see your point of view as well.


Let me put it another way, I expect Chapter 5, more daily areas and even more ops are no longer enough. EA doesn't have to meet my wishes, but they won't keep me otherwise.


Those are nice expectations to have but you have to be kind of realistic. As much as we would all love all of that we can't really expect it given how short staffed or budgeted they appear to be, which is why I didn't think much of the stuff GSH could do. I mean it's nice theorize but I didn't exactly have a lot of high expectations.

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That may all be true, but it is taking too long. They don't get an unlimited amount of "lull between expansions" time.


If we get 3.0 in October, great, if Chapter 5 comes then, ok fine.


What if it doesn't come until April 2015 on the second anniversary of RotHC?


There is a limit to the "lull". :)


Until they come out and state otherwise, we are getting our expansion by the end of the year and if you go by the date in October and add 9 weeks, that comes to Mid December. Which while close to the end of the year is still 2014.

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Actually it does change that as GSF wasn't officially released until 2014 with all the features intended.


As I said earlier: GSF was initially released for Subscribers in December 2013.


The fact that Bioware chose to hold back(!) content deliberately(!!!) as a way to overstretch it doesn't change that. You being OK(?) with that approach is surprising however.


KDY is actually a step forward because it offers leveling players a good alternative instead of waiting for queues that may never come. What they need to do is add more leveling tacticals to prevent KDY from getting any more Stale.


That makes no sense.


In other words, in your opinion, less is good thus it is a "step forward"... Because of the bolster...?


It doesn't exactly explain why such a thing would prevent them from keeping both tactical and traditional approaches.


Regardless - yet again - less is more. Gotcha. :confused:


I agree with you about Events but they were content did provide entertainment and I hope they return soon.


Next year it would seem, not to mention it's the kind of event that took them like five minutes to conceive and implement, since they couldn't even be bothered to take use of the actual Casino(!!!) space.




Can never state this enough times...


Gambling in Nar Shaddaa = Once a year :rolleyes:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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That may all be true, but it is taking too long. They don't get an unlimited amount of "lull between expansions" time.


If we get 3.0 in October, great, if Chapter 5 comes then, ok fine.


What if it doesn't come until April 2015 on the second anniversary of RotHC?


There is a limit to the "lull". :)


They've said already that the level-increasing expansion is still going to be released before 2015. That was less than a month ago. It'll be closer to December, however.


As for it not happening fast enough, well, bear in mind that RotHC hasn't even been out two years yet. It won't be 2 years until April of 2015. So, if it 'does' release in December 2014, then we'll be having whole new expansions happening much faster than the average in the MMO market. Plus, we're seeing new features added in between expansions at no cost.


I'm sure you're very certain that it's not happening fast enough, but when you take the time to take a step back and compare reality to what you're feeling, you'll find that maybe you're demanding far more from this game than you have any legitimate right to demand.


Concerning content release, TOR is not only meeting the market average, but they're actually beating the average time between releases 'and' adding additional features at no cost.


Maybe you need to take a step back and see the forest.

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My opinions about recent releases.


GSF - Failed to get the kind of traction it should have IMO. Underdeveloped IMO. They did a poor job on this one...but this is FAR BETTER than the PVE space combat feature IMO. The release of this caused me to unsub and walk for a while. Very disappointed.


CM - Almost perfect marks from me. I have a few small complaints, but the CM has kept me subbed...when I was subbed.


Gambling - Liked it, didnt like that it was an event. Overall pretty good, but not enough to keep me subbed.


KDY (tacticals) - Love it. Great idea IMO, should have more, in fact I would like to see all SMs and heroics converted to tacticals. This was brilliant IMO.


GS - Not impressed up to this point...but in fairness I haven't hands on yet. Just based on what I have seen and heard. Legacy bank is interesting, but not interesting enough to stay subbed. The actual decoration design is a fail IMO. The quality of the work is also rather poor.


Just my take.

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Until they come out and state otherwise, we are getting our expansion by the end of the year and if you go by the date in October and add 9 weeks, that comes to Mid December. Which while close to the end of the year is still 2014.


I'm fairly sure that December will see the release of the last chapter for Forged Alliances ONLY, not much else, aside the return of the Gree event and some other stuff.


3.0 two months(!!!) after the "OFFICIAL RELEASE" for Strongholds? You guys are expecting way too much. :o

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(...) KDY (tacticals) - Love it. Great idea IMO, should have more, in fact I would like to see all SMs and heroics converted to tacticals. This was brilliant IMO. (...)


No offense but that's kinda silly.


What would you like next, while at it? Tactical operations too?


I kinda wish that there was an option for tactical flashpoints but an OPTION, not actual CONVERSION.

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I'm fairly sure that December will see the release of the last chapter for Forged Alliances ONLY, not much else, aside the return of the Gree event and some other stuff.


3.0 two months(!!!) after the "OFFICIAL RELEASE" for Strongholds? You guys are expecting way too much. :o


Denial of reality and official statements just makes you look silly. Whatever will you do if it turns out that the new expansion will release before 2015?

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As I said earlier: GSF was initially released for Subscribers in December 2013.


The fact that Bioware chose to hold back(!) content deliberately(!!!) as a way to overstretch it doesn't change that. You being OK(?) with that approach is surprising however.


Would you rather them not continue to give Subscribers perks for being subscribers?


That makes no sense.


In other words, in your opinion, less is good thus it is a "step forward"... Because of the bolster...?


It doesn't exactly explain why such a thing would prevent them from keeping both tactical and traditional approaches.


Regardless - yet again - less is more. Gotcha. :confused:


You are mistake, I never said less was more or even intended it. I wouldn't mind seeing HM's of these tacticals and I wouldn't be surprised with all the Tacticals we're getting this year if they arn't just holding off until the expansion to release them as HM at the new level. That being said I don't know how you got Less is More from me wanting more tactical flashpoints for leveling but okay.


Next year it would seem, not to mention it's the kind of event that took them like five minutes to conceive and implement, since they couldn't even be bothered to take use of the actual Casino(!!!) space.




Can never state this enough times...


Gambling in Nar Shaddaa = Once a year :rolleyes:


I would love for the Gambling event to have been a permanent feature but the event is based off a Hutt holiday so there's that. However considering they said this was a test about these kinds of features (and I would say this test has been a success btw) That it wouldn't be too silly to expect more different gambling things in the future. There is plenty of un-used space in the casino they can put these new games



Answers in Red like my Rage.

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