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Black talon esseles


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Well, don't you have to explore, find it, and stuff? I am sorry, I have never been. I planned on doing PvP till I finish changing into Makeb comm gear and try Illum to see if it is doable, then worry about dailies.


Most of the "endgame daily missions" (aka dailies) are usually concentrated in one rather small location that can each be cleared in 45 minutes even when you go slow. And the quest giver are usually just one or two terminals or few NPC clustered around one point.

However, most of them are level 55, so I suggest getting that extra level and get some nice level 50 gear from Makeb planetary comms vendor, which should be more than enough to run dailies.


Making money from dailies is easy, just finish missions, grab all loot you can, sell it to vendors (don't even bother with GTN for random loot, unless it is something purple, and even then, consider if it is actually useful to someone)

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Most of the "endgame daily missions" (aka dailies) are usually concentrated in one rather small location that can each be cleared in 45 minutes even when you go slow. And the quest giver are usually just one or two terminals or few NPC clustered around one point.

However, most of them are level 55, so I suggest getting that extra level and get some nice level 50 gear from Makeb planetary comms vendor, which should be more than enough to run dailies.


Making money from dailies is easy, just finish missions, grab all loot you can, sell it to vendors (don't even bother with GTN for random loot, unless it is something purple, and even then, consider if it is actually useful to someone)


That depends on your patience.

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But that is not entirely true either. On fleet and on level appropriate planets there are droids waiting for you to initiate a conversation and they prompt you to go to fleet and the mission departure area and talk to the lead NPC (Satele or Malgus). AND after the FP is over yo talk to that NPC again.


I will agree that most FPs are little more than glorified side quests, but there is story behind them.


But that's the point. After you get your ship, you don't really have to go to fleet during your storyline (except for that "quickie" between act 2 and 3) so you don't get steered towards the flashpoints the same way you do BT/Ess.


The planetary ones (droids near shuttles) are pretty rare actually, and usually not in a very convenient place (usually right in the path of an ongoing mission, so that would make the FP a detour).


What I'm saying here is that the first FP's (BT and Esseless) were designed to be noted by players as they were leveling up their characters with their class storyline.

The other flashpoints were not (I'm sure they wanted to when they started designing the game, but in the end they just got pretty unceremoneously plonked on fleet) designed that way. Instead they feel very much like side quests, with the emphasis on side.


I'm not contending that there is story behind them tho. I fully agree that there is. I'm just saying that there was a shift in design after the first two. And I fully understand why.

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Well, don't you have to explore, find it, and stuff? I am sorry, I have never been. I planned on doing PvP till I finish changing into Makeb comm gear and try Illum to see if it is doable, then worry about dailies.


Just search for Oricon on youtube and you'll see how large (or actually small) most daily areas are.

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Despite what the die-hards are throwing at you, I understand what your saying (and secretly they do too, they just wont admit it because that means admitting BW did something wrong)



So the real question is "why do these two FP's have more conversations than the rest", considering they all have 'story' and some considerably more 'story' than Black Talon/Esseles.



Personally, although I understand you took it as a chance to complain about Bioware, I would rather they not have that much conversation in any other flashpoints.

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Just search for Oricon on youtube and you'll see how large (or actually small) most daily areas are.

I think they did a good job in setting up some variety among the different Daily Areas actually, at both 50 and 55 you have:


A pretty small area that can be completed quickly: Black Hole (50) and CZ-198 (55)

A middle-sized area that takes a bit more time and is a bit more spread out: Section X (50) and Oricon (55)

A much larger area spread out over parts of a questing planet: Ilum and Belsavis (50) and Makeb (55)

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I am pretty much on the right track then for once. :o


once you started doing dailies, you should at worse break even money wise if you are failing a lot in flashpoints. Dailies will give you 7-10k in credits in completing them and you pick up some decent credits from kills and even if you just vendor any loot you pick up you should have more than enough money

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Or, I can skip FPs and keep the creds, right? ;) I kindda prefer FPs in a perma group with folks I know to see what story they do contain at a non break-neck pace. Why would you be repeating them, save for the already mentioned right of passage Esseles and BT? They do seem like a high risk - low reward stuff, tbh.
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Most of the "endgame daily missions" (aka dailies) are usually concentrated in one rather small location that can each be cleared in 45 minutes even when you go slow. And the quest giver are usually just one or two terminals or few NPC clustered around one point.

However, most of them are level 55.


Belsavis, Black Hole, and Section X are L50 (tho the last is tough for a 50) and a great way to get XP and creds.

Makeb and Oricon dailies can be done at level 53 or less (the Oricon story quests give L53 gear as rewards).

GSI dailies are doable at 52 (the minimum level to get them).


So, which dailies are you thinking about that are 55-only? the GF HM FP daily and GF Op daily are the only ones that come to my mind.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Or, I can skip FPs and keep the creds, right? ;) I kindda prefer FPs in a perma group with folks I know to see what story they do contain at a non break-neck pace. Why would you be repeating them, save for the already mentioned right of passage Esseles and BT? They do seem like a high risk - low reward stuff, tbh.


Each day, you can queue for a random HM 55 FP in GF, complete it, and get 10 Ultimate comms.

Seems like low-risk - high reward if you have the right combination of skill and gear.

Do it three days in one Tues->Mon week, you get the Weekly HM55 FP reward too. :)


My wife and I recently started doing this on a regular basis with Heal/tank pairs: Sorc+PT, PT+Sorc, and Sage+Vanguard. If we had more time, we'd probably be throwing in other H/T combos as well - we have the alts and the gear to form 6 or 7 such pairs. It's fun, and we do not wipe if the DPS we draw are actually DPS and not mis-categorized heals or tanks.

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He might be scaling it for my qualifications :) What's the easiest one, Belsavis?

Might be, I haven't done it in a while. But getting to the Belsavis dailes might be a pain.

Start with Black Hole. Join a good group for the Heroic and you should be able to do the rest of the weekly. See if you can get someone to group with you (just ask in the gen chat) the first time, so you have a chance to "learn the dance."

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Belsavis, Black Hole, and Section X are L50 (tho the last is tough for a 50) and a great way to get XP and creds.

Makeb and Oricon dailies can be done at level 53 or less (the Oricon story quests give L53 gear as rewards).

GSI dailies are doable at 52 (the minimum level to get them).


So, which dailies are you thinking about that are 55-only? the GF HM FP daily and GF Op daily are the only ones that come to my mind.


Been a while since I ran Oricon story, but I was under the impression it rewarded what used to be Basic Gear, and that was for level 55, IIRC. It is entirely possible that some are lower levels, but I usually hit 55 on new toons around time I leave Corellia, so maybe I just never noticed it was available earlier.


However, for the sake of it, lets say I scaled it for DomiSotto :rak_03:

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Been a while since I ran Oricon story, but I was under the impression it rewarded what used to be Basic Gear, and that was for level 55, IIRC. It is entirely possible that some are lower levels, but I usually hit 55 on new toons around time I leave Corellia, so maybe I just never noticed it was available earlier.


However, for the sake of it, lets say I scaled it for DomiSotto :rak_03:


Basic gear was LV53.


The Elite vendor sold Black-Market and the Ultimate vendor sold Verpine. Both were LV55.


This was all prior 2.4.

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Basic gear was LV53.


The Elite vendor sold Black-Market and the Ultimate vendor sold Verpine. Both were LV55.


This was all prior 2.4.


Ok, ok, I yield. I haven't ran Oricon with anything below level 55 (because everything I have hits 55 in middle of Makeb, if not sooner), and I never bothered to get Basic gear, so I never checked it very throughly.

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I think they did a good job in setting up some variety among the different Daily Areas actually, at both 50 and 55 you have:


A pretty small area that can be completed quickly: Black Hole (50) and CZ-198 (55)

A middle-sized area that takes a bit more time and is a bit more spread out: Section X (50) and Oricon (55)

A much larger area spread out over parts of a questing planet: Ilum and Belsavis (50) and Makeb (55)


I'm not complaining.

I was just adressing someone who has not done dailies in the game and thus don't know the size of daily areas (as he was under the impression that he'd have to do alot of exploring and such).

Oricon is a good indication of the size of the average daily area (illum and belsavis lvl 50's not included)

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I'm not complaining.

I was just adressing someone who has not done dailies in the game and thus don't know the size of daily areas (as he was under the impression that he'd have to do alot of exploring and such).

Oricon is a good indication of the size of the average daily area (illum and belsavis lvl 50's not included)

Oh, I wasn't trying to say you were complaining about anything.


I was just saying that because there is this variety of sizes I don't think there is really a size for daily areas that one can point to when describing them to a newcomer. There are various sizes to fit various play-styles (and give some variety to those of us who run them all each week). Doing your CZ-198 dailies is a somewhat different experience than doing your Section X dailies and all that.

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+ Six month into the game, my only L54 character, a DPS, and she is undergeared, and freshly finished Corellia


With respect, Corellia should be a cakewalk at lvl 54. Heck, Black Hole and Sec X are cake walks at lvl 54.


How do you define, "undergeared"? With purple 140 makeb commendations, you're actually overgeared for most lvl 50 content.


+ Every time she dies, it is a good 10 thou repair bill.


Something is wrong, repairs should not be that expensive. What do you have equipped?


My main is in 168/180 armor, nothing below 168 other than the 156 augments. Death is about a 6K repair bill. I've never seen a 10K repair bill actually.


+I have never been able to sell the drops on GTN for anything above 30-50% of the suggested price, so most of it goes to vendors. Blues and purples go to the younger alts.


Most of the green stuff I vendor as well, not worth the time or trouble. Most of the blue and purple sells, abit slowly on the blues. Vendoring all the daily area stuff adds up however.


+ It took me a good 3 weeks to finish Corellia, so doing what? 6 planets in a day, that's far beyond what I can possibly accomplish, with Makeb and Oricon and quite possibly most of it will just be a die-fest and drain what little savings I managed rather than build it up


You simply don't understand, daily areas are not like the story mode of planets, they don't take that long.


4 to 6 hours is all that should take if you have your husband with you. The first time might take a bit longer, but once you have them on farm (meaning you run them each week), you'll get really good at them.


Do 1 planet a day, 1 hour is all most take. Oricon, for example, takes me less than an hour to run, usually 45 minutes, and earns me between 100K and 150K, not counting the value of the comms.

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Well, don't you have to explore, find it, and stuff? I am sorry, I have never been.


And this is your problem. You aren't listening... I've watched your posts for a few weeks, you've been given great advice, but if by this point you refuse to take it, then we can't help you.


Let me be more blunt, and this is honestly for your own benefit.




DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT $200. Stop messing with planets and story mode and Makeb and everything else.


You're missing it and not listening. You are playing this in the wrong order. Black Hole, grouped with another person, will take less than an hour to do, earn you a bunch of classic comms (which buy you rather nice 146 gear), a bunch of credits, and drops that you can use, sell, or vendor.


Once you've done Black Hole a few times, move on to Section X and run it as well.


You'll find that those two will get you fully geared in at least 146 purples from top to bottom. Then the rest is easy. Sec X is nice because it gives you both Classic and Basic comms, so you can finish off in 146 while building comms for 162 gear (basic).


Oricon daily area will give you 5 pieces of 156 purple armor for free, between that and the 146/162 stuff from comms, you'll be decked out in no time.

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I am not grouped on my alt that finished Corellia. She is a solo Gunslinger. The oldest paired characters we have finished Voss, and are doing Hoth BS, waiting for my husband's toon to hit 50 to re-equip into Makeb comm-gear. He's even more averse to death of his toon than I am (and seeing he is a tank in that combo, I need him a bit more sturdy - we couldn't finish the two last H4+ on Voss :( (the boss battle on H4+ #3 was too hard for us).


I am listening, I just really wanted to finish Corellia and that is how long it took, after I had to bolt from there initially, before figuring out how to deal with those droids and farming comms any way I could to get the toon through the content with Riggs, rather than Treek (and yes, in the end it was easy, but well, dunno, it is not content designed for L50). Now, I really want to finish Hoth/Chapter 2 on Warrior, get my third buff (and see the whole epic thing there), then I will attempt the Black Hole on the GS. Probably get my behind handed to me as usual, because I don't want to go back to Treek... again. Maybe I can manage it. Dunno till I try. But I want to get fortified as much as I can for it. I am honestly scared. :)


Am slow and clumsy gamer so have to stop and work things out.


So, yeah, most FPs are not for the likes of me. :) SO, maybe it is for the best most do not have a story....

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Fair enough... I'm just telling you what to do to solve your money issues.


As for Hoth and Voss... If you and your Husband are grouped and doing the planets together and you both have companions out, you shouldn't be dying, in fact you should be rolling over the content like it wasn't even there.


If that isn't happening, then either you have a gear problem... or... with respect, you aren't playing the game right. Perhaps you aren't using all your class abilities, or your quickbars aren't setup right, or something...


Because frankly, the number of times I've died on any of my toons, even my early ones, on single player content on the planets, can be counted on one hand. When grouped, death isn't even an option.


So if you're dying a lot... well, something is wrong. Without watching you play and seeing your setup, I can't tell you what it is.


Not trying to attack you, please don't take it personally... just saying what I see you type and how it doesn't make sense from my own experience. I'm no uber player, just an average person doing well enough only due to 2+ years of playing.

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Am slow and clumsy gamer so have to stop and work things out.


So, yeah, most FPs are not for the likes of me. :) SO, maybe it is for the best most do not have a story....


The first part is not a crime, not everyone is 18 with uber reflexes. I'm nearly 40 and have kids, so I'm no spring chicken either. :)


Have you watched YouTube videos to watch other people play and see how they have their quickbars setup and how they do rotations of skills?


Regarding FP, have you considered trying older ones solo to try out the content and see how they work? You can go into any of the older ones manually, the enemies can't hurt you, so go try Hammer Station or something similar on your 54, you'll be invincible! :)

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Yes, I am doing all of it and more, tbh, and yes it's getting better. I don't want to spam too much, but i just want to repeat again that my problems are on the eldest solo character rather than on the groupped ones (groupped ones do have H4+ problems, strategy related, our movement is poor, but the rest is so simple as to be nearly boring).


I am pretty positive that we will do all the contents on the second generation of pairs now we have crafting on the level and an idea how to equip. Not sure if we ca solo FPs past Hammer, but we'll try.


But as a solo pug, one my own, no. Just no. I did it before, and it is not a fun experience.

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