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What you BoP people should be asking for is....


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Cosmetic items= (chest, pants, gloves, head, boots , belt, bracers, MH and OH for some classes) NOTE: NOT Implants, earpeices, and relics


I just want cosmetic items to be BoL across the board. Think about it, the only thing that having cosmetic items BoP does is make it so we can't have whatever look we want while still being able to legacy accross gear. As it stands now you can get a legacy version of all cosmetic items, but they are ugly for the most part. (I'm looking at you oricon pokemon ears!) THIS WOULD NOT INCLUDE Implants, earpeices, or relics nor should it. This would not effect crafting anymore than legacy gear already has effected crafting. There's a reason why you can only charge a tip on Implants, Earpeices, and relics, it's because you can only get those for your current character while raiding.


Also, please make credits legacy wide, pretty pretty please.

Edited by theSCARAYone
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then just give us another slot on our gear for appearance only, and whatever we put in there overrides the look but effects nothing else. then you don't have to worry about people being lazy, you have the flexibility for the appearance, and they should be able to implement it because they did the dye slots already. They could charge CC to unlock appearance slots... it would be very easyto change your look then without effecting gear stats and you would still have to win the gear on that character in order to use it so it protects BoP and limits BoL still.


What could be wrong with appearance slot?

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Absolutely nothing other than I don't see it happening.


They already spend the time creating the gear itself to look a certain way so if they were to create slots where you could ideally slot in items for a specific look they would then need to create something to achieve this as well, which would basically be a schematicey type thing with all the different armors design attached to it ... which they already have in the armor itself so seems like a lot of work for something that ideally already exists.


For the record I've no idea of removing bound items if its solely for cosmetic reasons. I.e. an idea I've put out a couple of times elsewhere is make any gear BoL when it's a shell and as soon as you put mods in it then it becomes bound. Thus anyone who is truly only wanting the legacy storage to store their different armors on a look basis has that freedom not to mention it brings those long since gone old armors many people talk about back in to play.

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Absolutely nothing other than I don't see it happening.


They already spend the time creating the gear itself to look a certain way so if they were to create slots where you could ideally slot in items for a specific look they would then need to create something to achieve this as well, which would basically be a schematicey type thing with all the different armors design attached to it ... which they already have in the armor itself so seems like a lot of work for something that ideally already exists.


For the record I've no idea of removing bound items if its solely for cosmetic reasons. I.e. an idea I've put out a couple of times elsewhere is make any gear BoL when it's a shell and as soon as you put mods in it then it becomes bound. Thus anyone who is truly only wanting the legacy storage to store their different armors on a look basis has that freedom not to mention it brings those long since gone old armors many people talk about back in to play.


The appearance slot idea was just simply "put a piece of armor in a new slot type" and they just made it so the new slot type did not effect gear, only appearance. Wouldn't need a whole new type of piece to put in there, just take something you already have and, boop, put it in the slot and it overrides the main gear slots appearance.


This is similar to alot of mmos out there that have a whole appearance tab but this would take a Swtor style approach in that you just have one more slot on each piece of armor.

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They already cannot do that. In fact, it is not POSSIBLE to do that. And Bioware should not be AIMING to satiate the needs of the incredibly tiny population that raids at that pace. The vast majority of players are casual and consume content much more slowly and at a relaxed pace.


And as has been mentioned, being able to move bound items through LS doesn't change that one needs to acquire the gear in the first place. The only change is I don't have to do it on my brand new character, I can do it on my finely geared character without inordinate risk of dying and wiping.


Dying and wiping is part of the progression process

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What could be wrong with appearance slot?

Just the diversion of resources to it from other things I would rather the devs be doing, IMO.

But we all have different ideas of what we would rather the devs be doing, right? :)

(insert Authentic Jedi Robes reference)

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So you speculate. I personally believe that your fears are unfounded.


Firstly, most people who are raiding are casual players.


Secondly, the groups that are worried about "Ops dying" are the hardcore few who run them so often and so early and then whine that Bioware can't make them fast enough. The people complaining about lack of content are not the casual players.


Most players who are doing the content are casual. They'd do them anyways. These are the people who run the classic operations even though they're as old as the game. Because it's fun, and they enjoy it.


The group who would behave as you fear, who would optimize themselves perfectly with the fewest sets of gear required, are a tiny, tiny fraction of the raiding population.


People run classic ops cause its easy ultimate comms but try to get people to do HM or NiM EC and you will find few willing to do it.


For those that may want 16 man achievements have more difficult to get in classic ops because there no incentive to do it when getting 8 ppl is easier.


People need incentives to do content many font do it just for fun and gear is the primary incentive

Edited by MisterBlackJack
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I don't really think of my characters as individuals. They are all "me". Why am I restricted from using some of my items?



How many characters do you have that would benefit from wearing the exact same set of gear, anyways? Two at most, yea?


Unless some crazy people out there want to roll several characters of the same class to get around the lock out timers...You can already do that to a large degree with legacy gear.

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I don't really think of my characters as individuals. They are all "me". Why am I restricted from using some of my items?

Your basic mistake is thinking you own anything in the game, even your toons. You don't. BioWare owns it all, check the ToS, I am pretty sure it will say that. And BioWare gets to decide what you can do with BW's stuff.


Their game, their rules. Same as it ever was, same as it ever will be.


How many characters do you have that would benefit from wearing the exact same set of gear, anyways? Two at most, yea?

Check my sig:

  • 2 Sorcs, a Sage, an Assassin, and a Shadow, all of which can share Willpower DPS gear.
  • A Jug, a Mara, and a Sentinal, all can share Strength DPS gear.
  • An Operative, A Sniper, a Scoundrel, and a Gunslinger: all can share Cunning DPS gear.
  • A Merc, a Powerech, and a Vangard: all can share Aim DPS gear.


So no, not just two. As many as 22 toons can share gear, if they all have the same Main stat.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Linked item it's stupid in the first place !!!


In a MMO you should be able to do what you want with all the items you loot !


Use it for you, trade it or sell it.


There will allways be people that don't like to do operations or raids and prefer doing craft and sell things.


Others prefer to do PVE and not craft and sell what they loot.


That how it's have to be in a real MMO.


Real MMO = Star Wars Galaxies

Edited by Uludelu
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Linked item it's stupid in the first place !!!

In a MMO you should be able to do what you want with all the items you loot !


That how it's have to be in a real MMO.

Real MMO = Star Wars Galaxies

So, why aren't you playing that instead of SWTOR?

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Real MMO = Star Wars Galaxies


And yet here you are, paying a sub to play a game which - by your definition - must be definitely inferior. Truth be told, if SWG was as awesome as you claim you wouldn't be here.



Oh I do :cool: it's called SWG-Emu


And I still play swtor with friends when they need me.


Sounds like a resounding success.

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Your basic mistake is thinking you own anything in the game, even your toons. You don't. BioWare owns it all, check the ToS, I am pretty sure it will say that. And BioWare gets to decide what you can do with BW's stuff.


Their game, their rules. Same as it ever was, same as it ever will be.



Check my sig:

  • 2 Sorcs, a Sage, an Assassin, and a Shadow, all of which can share Willpower DPS gear.
  • A Jug, a Mara, and a Sentinal, all can share Strength DPS gear.
  • An Operative, A Sniper, a Scoundrel, and a Gunslinger: all can share Cunning DPS gear.
  • A Merc, a Powerech, and a Vangard: all can share Aim DPS gear.


So no, not just two. As many as 22 toons can share gear, if they all have the same Main stat.


Whether or not you legally own your account is completely irrelevant. All you are doing is arguing semantics.


For all intents and purposes, you "own" your account. EA reserves the right to revoke access to your account at any time for any reason. That is all that means. We are discussing game mechanics, not EA's legal rights.


It is already possible to roll as many alts as you want to get a single set of gear faster. But how many people are actually going to roll "22" characters to do that? Even if they did, they are likely not going to transfer between different advanced classes. You run into min/max problems. Your sorc dps set may not be as optimal on your assassin, or healing spec sorc. Yes, it's possible, but do you really want to?


Even if somebody does make a dozen characters for this purpose....that is all time and effort spent playing the game.

Edited by Vinak
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And yet here you are, paying a sub to play a game which - by your definition - must be definitely inferior. Truth be told, if SWG was as awesome as you claim you wouldn't be here.





Sounds like a resounding success.


I find it ironic that the people that claimed they loved SWG pre NGE because you had to work for your progression (becoming a Jedi) are the same people begging bioware to do exactly what they hated in SWG, turning it into something it was never intended to be.


They really need to get over it. This was never marketed as well the next SWG and it never will be SWG. Its on the completely opposite spectrum of MMOs. This is a themepark game never intended to be a sandbox game and anybody who feels it should be because its the only "legal" star wars mmo is foolish and arguably mentally delusional. Take the game for what it is.

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Really? If it's such a Real/Great MMO then how come it got shut down and the only way anyone can play it is by playing on a Private Server?


Everything has a Lifecycle. Some companies choose to support the game past it, other companies don't. SWG also was seen initially as being "replaced" by SWTOR even if it was not technically a direct replacement. This is getting off topic though, so give me my BoL stuffs noa!!

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I will never understand the endless discussion around this topic, as both sides of the debate are pointless, especially in terms of endgame gear progression.


You can already transfer bound gear between your own characters using Legacy gear. So those that say you should only get it on a toon if said character earns it are already losing the argument - its already in game and widely used by many (in my guild anyway).


Conversely, why are people passionately advocating for the transfer of BoP and bound gear, when its already there? Is it because you can't do it for certain items? Does that even matter? You can almost fully gear an alt using the right legacy gear anyway for transferring, why not enjoy playing the newly geared alt while earning those other pieces.


Seems like arbitrary arguments to me, as if both sides have forgotten sharing of bound items around your legacy is already present in game.

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I will never understand the endless discussion around this topic, as both sides of the debate are pointless, especially in terms of endgame gear progression.


You can already transfer bound gear between your own characters using Legacy gear. So those that say you should only get it on a toon if said character earns it are already losing the argument - its already in game and widely used by many (in my guild anyway).


Conversely, why are people passionately advocating for the transfer of BoP and bound gear, when its already there? Is it because you can't do it for certain items? Does that even matter? You can almost fully gear an alt using the right legacy gear anyway for transferring, why not enjoy playing the newly geared alt while earning those other pieces.


Seems like arbitrary arguments to me, as if both sides have forgotten sharing of bound items around your legacy is already present in game.


Truth is its all about the credits. Having BOP in LS would end the credit sink needed to transfer to alts as well as speed up progression to a point the game content can't keep up.


One side wants the need of the credit sink the go the other doesn't. Transferring mods through legacy is not the real issue how easy it should be to do it IS

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No. This would increase playability. There is no benefit whatsoever to having BoP items, when they could be BoL. It's still my item. Let me use it on the character that I see fit.


It has nothing to do with the "benefit". If your character earns a bound reward from an Op, FP, event, etc., then you should not be able to transfer it to another character. People just want to turn the game into farmville and run everything on their main and just hand out stuff to their other characters. If you don't want to earn something on an alt, then don't run alts.

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Really? If it's such a Real/Great MMO then how come it got shut down and the only way anyone can play it is by playing on a Private Server?


SWG was cursed with the worst *********** devs in the history of bad devs. :rolleyes:


The game had a perfectly healthy population until they decided to put the game out of its misery. RIP PRE-CU


What is in essence swg 2.0 is currently in alpha.


It has nothing to do with the "benefit". If your character earns a bound reward from an Op, FP, event, etc., then you should not be able to transfer it to another character. People just want to turn the game into farmville and run everything on their main and just hand out stuff to their other characters. If you don't want to earn something on an alt, then don't run alts.

Straw man


Nothing inherently wrong with people wanting to play a main character and feeding unneeded stuff to alts. You can already do that with 9/14 slots. 14/14 isn't going to make the game explode.

Edited by Vinak
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