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Whats the problem with legacy storage having BoP items (not relics implants and ear)


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How again would BoP in legacy storage hurt anyone if GSF legacy gear hasn't hurt anyone?

It would divert resources to implementing that could instead be fixing bugs or developing new content.

I, like many players, would rather have fewer bugs and more content than Bound items in Legacy Storage.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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It would divert resources to implementing that could instead be fixing bugs or developing new content.

I, like many players, would rather have fewer bugs and more content than Bound items in Legacy Storage.


Resources? Did they say it would be difficult to do? I would find that amazing considering they can check equipment types going into the storage bin, like they are already doing to limit whats going into Legacy Storage?


Simple it bypasses the credit sink and progression.

This is not a valid argument. As I stated, it's already being done with the free GSF legacy gear or reputation legacy gear. I have legacy main hand, legacy off hand, legacy full armor set for 3 different mirror classes for both PvP and PvE. Already bypassing the lame credit sink and already making the most effective use of progression. Do all weekly ops and progression raids on Sentinel, swap to Maurader with the sentinel's full set of gear and repeat. Grind my PvP dailies on Shadow, switch to Assassin with the shadow's full set of gear and repeat.

Edited by undiess
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bypassing a credit sink is like the worse excuses ever because you can already bypasses it LOL. There can be no reason for it not to be in the game because it already is with just gear that looks one way so anything you say will apply to that gear. Edited by vailingfob
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Resources? Did they say it would be difficult to do? I would find that amazing considering they can check equipment types going into the storage bin, like they are already doing to limit whats going into Legacy Storage?



This is not a valid argument. As I stated, it's already being done with the free GSF legacy gear or reputation legacy gear. I have legacy main hand, legacy off hand, legacy full armor set for 3 different mirror classes for both PvP and PvE. Already bypassing the lame credit sink and already making the most effective use of progression. Do all weekly ops and progression raids on Sentinel, swap to Maurader with the sentinel's full set of gear and repeat. Grind my PvP dailies on Shadow, switch to Assassin with the shadow's full set of gear and repeat.


You seem like one of the few that understands it :)

Edited by vailingfob
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You seem like one of the few that understands it :)


Tbh it took me several months to fully maximize my use of BoL gear, I wasn't using it properly. I also needed to create mirror classes (i.e. powertech / maurader / assassin) so that I could fully share my gear from republic on the imperial side. I just think that some people don't fully understand what is already possible and think BoP in legacy storage would allow for something that they don't realize already happens.

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Resources? Did they say it would be difficult to do? I would find that amazing considering they can check equipment types going into the storage bin, like they are already doing to limit wants going into Legacy Storage?


Currently, the game need not check whether an item is, e.g., a Bound Earpiece, as opposed to a Bound Helmet, before putting it into a locker or vault. Legacy Storage probably leverages the code for Guild Vaults, which just checks the Binding status: is the gear unbound (like mats) or Bind-on-Equip? Everything that isn't cannot go in: Bound, BtL, and Bound-on-a-cooldown (like new Cartel packs items). The Guild Vault doesn't check what kind of item a thing is. It doesn't care whether an item is Cartel Market, crafted, or dropped, either, just whether it is Bound or BtL or not. Alternatively the Legacy Storage may use the code that checks what you can mail, which would mean BtL can go in Legacy Store but Bound items (and all BoP becomes Bound when you take possession of it) cannot.


There is one other check the code needs to do: how many of the item can go in one stack. That's it.


Remember the title of this thread: "(not relics implants and ears)". That phrase means new code.

I'd rather they wrote new code for something else, or fixed a bug.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Tbh it took me several months to fully maximize my use of BoL gear, I wasn't using it properly. I also needed to create mirror classes (i.e. powertech / maurader / assassin) so that I could fully share my gear from republic on the imperial side. I just think that some people don't fully understand what is already possible and think BoP in legacy storage would allow for something that they don't realize already happens.


Pretty much. We can already send almost all of our gear over through legacy gear. BoP would just add implants, earpieces, and relics to the list.


The only real arguments against this are:

1. Cartel market items. BW wouldn't want you being able to bypass the collections fee.

2. Crafters. If everyone was sending their relics around to other toons, then there's less demand for them.


Even if they never let us send bound gear to other toons, I would still like to be able to place it into legacy storage so that my other toons could RE the item for mats. There's plenty of gear that I'd love to have the mats for, but don't have the correct crew skill to RE it.

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He is referring to the Dev post today that BoP items, at least at launch in 2.9, cannot be placed in LS.


I am sure Eric meant 'formerly BoP and now bound' items, but the post did say BoP. So, that is what it is there.


The post: BoP Items in LS.


It's pretty obvious what he meant. A BoP item becomes bound when you pick it up. So when people were asking about placing BoP items in legacy storage, obviously they were asking about items that they have picked up and are bound to them.....because clearly people can't place items anywhere if they've never picked up them up, let alone placing them in legacy storage.


I'd hoped for this, but I didn't actually expect it. It would have meant that new characters could get all their gear from old ones.


And that's why they aren't going to do it. It would completely undercut their CM market, not to mention the crafting market, but allowing people to gear 20 characters off of 2-3 characters. Frankly, leveling is ridiculously easy in this game and you don't need anything about blue/prototype gear to level. You can easily go 4-5 levels in between updating gear (not counting the people that run Kuat over and over under-geared by 20 levels expecting people to carry them through it). Yeah, it would be convenient but it would basically turn all gear into legacy gear which is not something they want to do. Also, you shouldn't be able to earn Ops, FP and PVP rewards for multiple characters based on the gear of 1 character.....if you're not going to gear up your other characters, then you don't deserve the rewards for those characters.

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It's pretty obvious what he meant. A BoP item becomes bound when you pick it up. So when people were asking about placing BoP items in legacy storage, obviously they were asking about items that they have picked up and are bound to them.....because clearly people can't place items anywhere if they've never picked up them up, let alone placing them in legacy storage.




And that's why they aren't going to do it. It would completely undercut their CM market, not to mention the crafting market, but allowing people to gear 20 characters off of 2-3 characters. Frankly, leveling is ridiculously easy in this game and you don't need anything about blue/prototype gear to level. You can easily go 4-5 levels in between updating gear (not counting the people that run Kuat over and over under-geared by 20 levels expecting people to carry them through it). Yeah, it would be convenient but it would basically turn all gear into legacy gear which is not something they want to do. Also, you shouldn't be able to earn Ops, FP and PVP rewards for multiple characters based on the gear of 1 character.....if you're not going to gear up your other characters, then you don't deserve the rewards for those characters.


I don't get it. I have about 20 alts all classes and legacy lvl 50 for ages. My main is a sorc healer and atm i have 5 sorc's 55 and stil 5 sorc lvl 18 til 36. i have now for all my sorcs legacy gear with bis and augmented and not alone for my toon but also for her comp. this said the only thing i can't send over are inplants ears and relic's. People are saying it's hurting the market. Howso we have legacy gear to swap from char to char. the only thing is most people hate the looks but it can be done already. 4 of my 55 sorcs are naked have no gear you only can play with 1 char at the time. The argument for need for altjes is the same. It is already happining with the modded gear. the only thing for me is now i wil only need 2 relic's 2 implants and 1 earpies not 16 relics 16 implants and 8 earpieces for bis.

and i won't buy it from the market so the builders won't benefit or lose anything


Just my 2ct

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Resources? Did they say it would be difficult to do? I would find that amazing considering they can check equipment types going into the storage bin, like they are already doing to limit whats going into Legacy Storage?



This is not a valid argument. As I stated, it's already being done with the free GSF legacy gear or reputation legacy gear. I have legacy main hand, legacy off hand, legacy full armor set for 3 different mirror classes for both PvP and PvE. Already bypassing the lame credit sink and already making the most effective use of progression. Do all weekly ops and progression raids on Sentinel, swap to Maurader with the sentinel's full set of gear and repeat. Grind my PvP dailies on Shadow, switch to Assassin with the shadow's full set of gear and repeat.


Yes for the same AC but let's say you raid on your sentinal but want to gear up you Merc now you gotta put in a credit sink even with the free legacy gear

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bypassing a credit sink is like the worse excuses ever because you can already bypasses it LOL. There can be no reason for it not to be in the game because it already is with just gear that looks one way so anything you say will apply to that gear.


So tell me how you bypass the credit sink if you want BiS gear for your merc from your main you still have to extract the mods add the augments kit at the very least.


What if you like a cartel set and not the legacy set now you gotta pull the mods out the legacy gear still a credit sink and very few will go to the extreme it takes to bypass it.

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So tell me how you bypass the credit sink if you want BiS gear for your merc from your main you still have to extract the mods add the augments kit at the very least.


What if you like a cartel set and not the legacy set now you gotta pull the mods out the legacy gear still a credit sink and very few will go to the extreme it takes to bypass it.


I'm saying you could put gear in say the GSF legacy gear if you wanted to and then use it on 2 characters so i don't see the problem with having the gear i already have being legacy. Once again credit sink is a bad excuses. Did you even read my post? I never said i wanted to gear alts and ignore that credit sink all i want is gear i already have on say a sentinal and use it on my marauder of which i can do if i didn't care about what my character looked like but i do. The right thing for them to do would be to add kits like augment kits for legacy so its not avoiding the credit sink (but i don't see bioware doing something right for once) and as ive already said only being able to use it on cartel item if its unlocked through collections.

Why should we have to use legacy gear we don't like the look of? For example i could put all my sentinels gear in Gree legacy gear i don't like and use it on my marauder.
Edited by vailingfob
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I'm saying you could put gear in say the GSF legacy gear if you wanted to and then use it on 2 characters so i don't see the problem with having the gear i already have being legacy. Once again credit sink is a bad excuses. Did you even read my post? I never said i wanted to gear alts and ignore that credit sink all i want is gear i already have on say a sentinal and use it on my marauder of which i can do if i didn't care about what my character looked like but i do. The right thing for them to do would be to add kits like augment kits for legacy so its not avoiding the credit sink (but i don't see bioware doing something right for once) and as ive already said only being able to use it on cartel item if its unlocked through collections.


But your speaking of a very specific and small portion of the issue. Because having bop in LS won't just affect mirror classes but alts of different ac that's the issue a lot of ppl have and you may not care how your toon looks but others find it very important.


Don't take this the wrong way but I see your reasoning as a small portion of the larger group issue

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So tell me how you bypass the credit sink if you want BiS gear for your merc from your main you still have to extract the mods add the augments kit at the very least.


What if you like a cartel set and not the legacy set now you gotta pull the mods out the legacy gear still a credit sink and very few will go to the extreme it takes to bypass it.


That isn't a credit sink, that is a "go away and don't even try it" road block.


Just changing appearance on a toon, costs a million credits, once mod rip cost and augment costs are added up.


I'm rich in game, but even I don't walk around wasting a million credits.


Moving all of the gear to another alt, including a new set of augments, would be more than two million credits. That isn't a sink, that is the game saying, "don't do that".

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So tell me how you bypass the credit sink if you want BiS gear for your merc from your main you still have to extract the mods add the augments kit at the very least.


What if you like a cartel set and not the legacy set now you gotta pull the mods out the legacy gear still a credit sink and very few will go to the extreme it takes to bypass it.


Everyone arguing that the credit sink would cease to be if you could move bound items through Legacy Storage is ignoring a simple fact of how MMO players actually play the game:


We customize our appearance.


As a rule, players are going to extract the mods out of the gear it came in, whether or not you can move the bound items through Legacy Storage. The credit sink is going to be essentially the same, whether or not you can move Bound items through Legacy Storage.


All that changes is they have increased choice in the outfits they use to customize their character. Very few people, currently, spend money to move the same set of mods back and forth again and again and again. People pay that fee once, put it in gear they like that provides Legacy utility, and that's it.


And that fee would still apply, whether or not I can move bound items through Legacy Storage.



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That isn't a credit sink, that is a "go away and don't even try it" road block.


Just changing appearance on a toon, costs a million credits, once mod rip cost and augment costs are added up.


I'm rich in game, but even I don't walk around wasting a million credits.


Moving all of the gear to another alt, including a new set of augments, would be more than two million credits. That isn't a sink, that is the game saying, "don't do that".


No its the game saying "this will cost you" I know plenty of players who sink tons of credits into alts and it helps prevent the economy from ballooning.

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Everyone arguing that the credit sink would cease to be if you could move bound items through Legacy Storage is ignoring a simple fact of how MMO players actually play the game:


We customize our appearance.


As a rule, players are going to extract the mods out of the gear it came in, whether or not you can move the bound items through Legacy Storage. The credit sink is going to be essentially the same, whether or not you can move Bound items through Legacy Storage.


All that changes is they have increased choice in the outfits they use to customize their character. Very few people, currently, spend money to move the same set of mods back and forth again and again and again. People pay that fee once, put it in gear they like that provides Legacy utility, and that's it.


And that fee would still apply, whether or not I can move bound items through Legacy Storage.




Maybe it's cause I am on the Ebon Hawk but I know people who change their toon's attire all the time and move mods from one armor set to another. Especially cartel market sets

Edited by MisterBlackJack
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