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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

An idea that can make the Bounty Weeks more fun


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Well I'll go stright to the point...


You can add daily or weekly quests that target some random active player (based on game statistics of players who are online almost daily and most of the day) and you have to kill him/her in order to complete it.


It should make the event more interesting. Let the one who holds the quest to enter any instance where the targeted player is located (even to the VIP Lounge, just disabling the vendors for them if they dont have the wristband), let them engage that player wherever he is (paint the target's nameplate yellow as a character you can attack anytime. [obviously this quest targets only players of your faction since it would be more complicated to have you infiltrate the other fleet but you can make the quest to talk about traitor hunts or something like that]).


Since the target isnt going to be notified that it has been selected as someone's target it wont be playing hide and seek or leave its daily activities while you hunt him down, and if you find that your target is really hard or you just want to switch give the option to reset the quest to get another target that is currently online.

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Uhm... so I log in after a day of work... and want to relax and get the notifaction "a bounty has been placed on your head"... ya know what? I'd log out and play a toon.


But I'd agree with the bounty HUNT being a bit static right now...

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Sounds like griefing to me.

And how would an imp get a rep on rep fleet, and vice versa? What about the imp/rep faction only flashpoints? What if they are on their own ships? What if they kill you? What is your punishment for not being able to kill them?

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Only if players are, by default, opted out, and have to manually opt in to this. I rolled on a PVE server because I have no desire to engage in open world PVP (except for the few, mostly abandoned except during events, open world zones). And while I won't say that every player, or even most players on PVE servers rolled there for the same reasons, it's fair to say that a significant number of them did. Also, no PVP on the fleet. It's laggy enough there as it is.
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Only if players are, by default, opted out, and have to manually opt in to this. I rolled on a PVE server because I have no desire to engage in open world PVP (except for the few, mostly abandoned except during events, open world zones). And while I won't say that every player, or even most players on PVE servers rolled there for the same reasons, it's fair to say that a significant number of them did. Also, no PVP on the fleet. It's laggy enough there as it is.


I agree ... opt-IN *only* for such a feature. Ditto for not on fleet.

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How would it work if they were on their own ship? Or in a Warzone? Or in a GSF Warzone?Or in an Operation? Or in a Flash Point? Or in a Class Instance?


That shouldn't be too hard to implement.


People should decide to become bountys not have them placed on them.

Accepting "Bounty on My Head" status should be done at a planetary terminal, bounty status lasts XX hours of GAME TIME (24?), doing so locks out all travel options (except maybe quick travel) and ques, so the toon is restricted to the current planet for the duration. Likely a lockout of instances and a slowed logout function will be needed to prevent people from ducking out every time somone gets close.

"Bounty on My Head" lists you on the terminal by name, planet, current on/offline status for hunters to scan.

Hunters "Buy in" for a hunting license for that target, more hunters bigger payout.

Escaping the hunters (ie bounty times out) gives the license fees to the hunted.


Bonus idea: Successfully completing a bounty collection has a 5%(?) chance of invoking the anger of friends and family automatically placing the hunter on the active bounty list.


Bonus idea#2: Chicken out option, bounty can "chicken out" by "buying out" the contract, which returns the license fee to the hunter plus the same amount and ending the hunt

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Well I used to play a MUD that had a similar game:


A brief description of the game:


Assassins is a game where you can merrily kill your fellow adventurers and earn a bit of money for it. The way that it works is, you join the game, and then can request a target. Your target won't know you're coming after him, but he'll know that somebody is.


When you get a kill, your contract is complete, and you'll be able to claim the bounty from a game representative in-game. However, if your target kills you, your contract gets revoked, and you'll need to request a new one after a bit of a 'shame downtime'.


This is not a one-off event, but rather a continuous, long-running game that you should be able to engage in whenever you please.


Some Notes:


* When you request a target, your skills will be compared to the other players and another player within an acceptable range will become your target.


* The ASSASSIN command will be your portal into the game. It has the following options:


ASSASSIN JOIN - Join the Assassins game.

ASSASSIN LEAVE - Leave the Assassins game, provided you are allowed.

ASSASSIN LIST - List all of the people playing the game.

ASSASSIN STATUS - Get some basic information about your role in the Assassins game.

ASSASSIN REQUEST - Request a new target.

ASSASSIN ABANDON - Abandon your current target.

ASSASSIN INVESTIGATE [person] - Investigates whether or not a player is targeting you. Can be used once per day.


* News 5 36 has information about consent granted by Assassins.


* You cannot abandon a target until a number of days have passed after you've acquired your target.


* Abandoning a target will make you unable to acquire a new target for a few hours.


* You will not be able to leave the Assassins game if you have a target, or if you area currently being targeted.


You'd have to change it up a little to account for safe zones and faction exclusive zones, but it would definately be a good way to get open world PvP going.


Maybe something like:

Agents (IA or SIS) on planets from Tatooine on up, except Balmorra/Taris, once you join you are put into a pool and can request a target. Others can get you as a target as well, not necessarily the person that's your target.

Targets will be notified that someone is after them (this is more so they don't decide to quit just as someone gets them for a target).

Hunters can use macrobinoculars to scan for where their target is on a planet.

Successful completion of a mission fulfills your contract and allows you to request another target or leave the mission. Failure awards your contract to your target, plus a short lockout to request another contract.


Just a few other things:

Should favor cross-faction targets, if there is none cross-faction then go with same faction.

Somehow allow travel between planets where you can pick up the missions, otherwise it would have to be done completely on one planet which I think would ruin some of the charm of going on a cross-galaxy manhunt.

Hopefully it would be something they could keep ongoing instead of just a week long event that repeats.

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Well I'll go stright to the point...


You can add daily or weekly quests that target some random active player (based on game statistics of players who are online almost daily and most of the day) and you have to kill him/her in order to complete it.


It should make the event more interesting. Let the one who holds the quest to enter any instance where the targeted player is located (even to the VIP Lounge, just disabling the vendors for them if they dont have the wristband), let them engage that player wherever he is (paint the target's nameplate yellow as a character you can attack anytime. [obviously this quest targets only players of your faction since it would be more complicated to have you infiltrate the other fleet but you can make the quest to talk about traitor hunts or something like that]).


Since the target isnt going to be notified that it has been selected as someone's target it wont be playing hide and seek or leave its daily activities while you hunt him down, and if you find that your target is really hard or you just want to switch give the option to reset the quest to get another target that is currently online.


adding a bounty in a player against his will is a brutal and unacceptable and unfair and creepy and disgusting and .....

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I could see adding new henchmen into the current event's roster of henchmen. Add 2 or 3 new beacons to each planet and split up 8 newcomers among these new beacons. Interrogate the shady characters as usual and then have your target picked randomly from this expanded list of targets.


I could see adding new kingpins into the current event's roster of kingpins. Add bounties to planets not currently used by the event such as Korriban / Tython, Balmorra, Taris, Hoth, Belsavis, or Corellia.


I could also see the addition of new kingpin targets to the same planets already used by the event, with the new content being some sort of instanced heroic 4 mission. Like maybe instead of doing all this sneaking around picking off henchmen and eventually facing off with the kingpin... Maybe they're just such a big target that we already know where they are and we have go for an assault on their base of operations where we have to deal with several random henchmen as well as the kingpin (1 at the front door, then a pair further in, then 2 more fighting alongside the kingpin at the end).


These are the kind of changes that I would find like to see. This player bounty stuff though? Meh. I'll pass.

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