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Kaggath Battlegrounds Heats - Empire of Plagues vs Imperial Droid Division


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Beni, can you link me to which exact ship this is -> Allegiance-class battlecruiser [Vengeance]


Sorry, I should have mentioned, Vengeance was just a name Silenceo gave it.


EDIT: Also note according to the 3D model the Allegiance has 12 heavy turbolaser turrets and 9 triple turbolaser cannons.

Edited by Beniboybling
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My initial argument for space is centered around the fighters of both fleets. It seems that both factions are relatively even on fighter numbers, at least based on my rough estimates. But the quality is starkly different.


The TIE/D is easily outwitted by sentient starfighter pilots. In the only battle in which the TIE/D were used, they had a huge numbers advantage and lost to sentient pilots (albeit very good ones). However, it was noted that their piloting ability never matched that of living pilots, and they were abandoned shortly after being put into use.


Alternatively, killiks are connected to a hive mind, and can communicate with each other, basically brain to brain, while in combat. This gives the killik pilots not only the advantage of being sentient, but also the ability to coordianate their attacks much better than any pilots the TIE/D have ever faced. Coupled with the fact that the TIE/D no longer have the numbers advantage, and the fighter battle is soundly AiR's.


And that's without even comparing armaments. The TIE/D only have two laser cannons, easily countered by the Coralskipper's dovin basals. Dovin basals are also good counters for missiles of the Skipray Blastboats.


It is safe to say that the fighter battle is easily won by AiR.

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I do think that the Shadow Droids will find it difficult to stay loyal to the IDD. They have the ability to access the Dark Side, which essentially made them extensions of Palpatine's will. The issue is that Jerec and Muur are both Dark Side users. This means that they could both potentially take Palpatine's place as the will that the Shadow Droids are extensions of.


Obviously, I would argue that Muur's will is stronger. Jerec was considered almost as strong as Darth Vader (but not quite) by Tash Arranda,but as much as I love her, I'm not sure about her credentials to judge such things. Muur, on the other hand, was stronger than Darth Krayt. Considering the rankings of Darth Vader (#6) and Darth Krayt (#7) on the REAL Most Powerful Sith thread, I would suggest that Muur is more powerful.


However, if the Shadow Droids are agents of the Dark Side, they will defect. Muur's faction is much more Dark Side than Jerec's. Jerec's mission, it seems, is one of preventing the plague from spreading. Muur is wanting to see the expansion of the Dark Side.


Does this argument make sense to anyone other than me?


Also, gonna stop with the new arguments until Silenceo returns.

Edited by Warren-Stride
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Would it be rude if I said no?


Because it really doesn't make sense for me :(


XD No worries. I'm still figuring it out too.


Basically, from how I understand it, Shadow Droids are Dark-Side-Sensitive. Emperor Palpatine (or his clone, at least) used this connection to the Dark Side to command them through the Force. However, now Palpatine is gone, and two other powerful Dark Siders are left with Dark-Side-Sensitive droids. The question is, which one's commands will the droids follow?

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TIE/D Fighter.....


you mean TIE DEFENDER or? Automated Starfighter, I am assuming the automated one correct?


Also I lol at thier cost to make, my character could buy an imperial Wing of these things

Edited by tunewalker
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Initial thoughts (Spoilers used to cut down on text wall size)...





I don't think loyalty is much of an issue here. The units on both sides are fairly loyal to each other, and I don't think the leaders are going to betray each other either.


I think Lomi Plo and Karness Muur give the AiR the edge on the ground, but Trench gives the IDD a major advantage in space.


Also, put IG-88 on the ground and you have a pretty good bug killer.



Leadership battles.



I know we had a big argument regarding Lomi Plo, but the fact remains that she has abilities that really come out of left field. The Force Web, energy drain, etc, are all abilities that few, if any, have encountered before. Further, her durability is in the same league as the likes of Mace Windu or Darth Vader. My impression of her durability suggests that the loss of insect parts fazes her little, so targeting her human parts (like Luke did in their final battle) is critical to taking her down.


Regarding Muur, I don't necessarily agree with Warren's interpretation of his possible power, but he is likely to be very powerful. However, I think he is better served to pursuing Alchemy-based strategies.


That said in favor of the AiR, the IDD's leaders are no chumps and the AiR should watch out for IG-88.






I'll have to give the Imperial Droid Division the edge. No Joining, no sickness, no psychological impacts, it's just a ground and pound. Credit where credit is due, the Killiks and Nekghouls are not to be trifled with, but they lack firepower and defense. The Dark Troopers are heavily armored and the second phase possesses very heavy firepower. That said, the Nekghouls are Force-sensitive, so further consideration could change my mind here.



Vehicles (in this case big flippin' monsters for the AiR).



So the AiR has Voxyn and Leviathans. Unfortunately, I don't see much use for the Voxyn in straight-up combat due to their nature as Jedi Hunters and close-quarter combat tools. The Leviathans on the other hand are beasts, figuratively and literally. According to Wookieepedia, they apparently require massive amounts of firepower to take down. However, one of their primary tools, being their ability to drain the life force of sentients, is practically useless here against non-living targets. I feel that the IDD has the advantage here as their vehicles are more suited for combat against a number of targets. They are more well-rounded for combat, whereas the AiR 'vehicles' are designed for combat against close-quarter units. All that said, those Leviathans don't go down easy, and the Voxyn probably would be useful in these engagements. So a close edge to the IDD.



Space forces.



I'm honestly not sure here. The usual go-to answer is Vong tech > all, but I don't really want to do that. I'll think more on this.



Anyway, as far as standard forces go, I'm leaning towards the IDD, with the AiR getting the edge with leadership battles.


I'll expand on my thoughts as the battle goes on, but these are my feelings at the moment.

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I'm pretty sure I know Sil's plan here....clever.


I do wonder which plan of mine you believe to have discovered. Mind PMing me your suspicion? :)


*Working on some topics while I work on my own overview of my force.*

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M'lady, I hate you. Hate you, hate you, hate you. I actually despise you right now.


But I have to support you. I'm sorry Silenceo, really I am. But Warren is playing me like a fiddle. I can't resist supporting the zombies here- the inner zombie nerd inside me is revolting. I'm sorry, but know I helped you as much as I could in faction creation :o


M'lady, I'm back under your command.

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M'lady, I hate you. Hate you, hate you, hate you. I actually despise you right now.


But I have to support you. I'm sorry Silenceo, really I am. But Warren is playing me like a fiddle. I can't resist supporting the zombies here- the inner zombie nerd inside me is revolting. I'm sorry, but know I helped you as much as I could in faction creation :o


M'lady, I'm back under your command.


Betraying your own kind?! If I win this...what happens then? :p *being optimistic*

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In "Therefor I am: The Tale of IG-88" by Kevin J. Anderson, from the book Tales of the Bounty Hunters, it explains a little bit about IG-88. IG-88, in actuality, is four droids who all share the exact same programming, thus making them essentially share the same consciousness. The IG-88 that we all know and love is IG-88B. IG-88B was assigned to become a bounty hunter while its other personas (IG-88A, C, and D) worked on their grander plan of eliminating life from the galaxy.


IG-88B's work was meant to be a distraction to prevent Imperial authorities from suspecting his other schemes. The bounty hunter profession was merely a ruse to bide time until their ultimate plan could be launched.


What does this mean?


IG-88 isn't loyal to any organic. He doesn't need to be a bounty hunter and credits are no object to him. What IG-88 wants is power. The ability to destroy life, especially sentient life, throughout the galaxy.


And now, the IDD has given him the perfect armada to do just that. IG-88 will quickly assume control of all IDD droids, similar to how he took over Mechis III in minutes. He will eliminate all IDD biologicals in much the same way as he did on Mechis III, instructing his now "sentient" droid followers to eliminate them with extreme prejudice.


Jerec will die in the uprising. Or, if he does not, he will be factionless, without any droids to command.


IG-88 seems like a good member of a droid faction. But not when the other leadership are the biologicals he's been waiting for a chance to eliminate.

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M'lady, I hate you. Hate you, hate you, hate you. I actually despise you right now.


But I have to support you. I'm sorry Silenceo, really I am. But Warren is playing me like a fiddle. I can't resist supporting the zombies here- the inner zombie nerd inside me is revolting. I'm sorry, but know I helped you as much as I could in faction creation :o


M'lady, I'm back under your command.


\o/ Yay! Feel free to play both sides. I will be attempting to (kinda) do the same thing, giving credit where credit is due to Silenceo's faction.


And I hope you actually read Red Harvest (and can give me some insight into Project I71A), because I sure didn't!

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While I work on the write up, I just wanted to clarify a few things:


Regarding the Points of Interest:



-Kebla Yurt’s Equipment Emporium and likely various other shops located within the Upper City traded in heavy weaponry and speeders prior to the Imperial occupation.


Sooo....a boost to IDD? Good. :d_grin:


- The Tarisian military base is situated in the Upper City, established by Revan’s Sith Empire the base is equipped with a barracks, detention facility, repair facilities and heavy security.


Relatively safe command center.


-The famous Taris duelling ring located in the Upper City attracted many fierce combatants such as Bendak Starkiller, Ice, Twitch and the Mysterious Stranger.


Is that the jingle of credits being handed out I hear? :d_wink:


-Zelka Forn’s medical facility run by Doctor Zelka Forn was a key proponent in the mass production of the Rakghoul serum after it was wrested from the hands of the Sith.


Useful in the evacuation protocol that is almost certainly to be put into effect immediately upon the IDD's arrival.


-Javyar’s Cantina in the Lower City was a frequent hangout for smugglers and bounty hunters.


More cannon fodder! ;)


-The Undercity sewers down to a lack of proper maintenance have become infested with rakghouls, and occupied by the criminal elements from the Tarisian lower levels.


Just a entertaining thought I had...multiple P2's walking shoulder to shoulder with their repeaters...Quite a messy sight...




It is very likely that the first order of business that the IDD will enact once announcing their arrival, they will immediately begin evacuating the higher class residents. It likely will take multiple trips, but should the space battle be won, all the time in the world. Though, would wait for the Rakghoul cure to have been mass produced a little more before attempting to evac the lower city. Also, another fun thought, while it would take some doing to get Enforcers down there...2-3 side by side eliminate their weakness to flanks, and provide firing platforms for P2's while they patrol the lower city. Anything in the way will be rolled over by the Enforcers as they are known to do. Likely taking up the entire corridor.


Now, for Space, I do believe you are severely underestimating the IDD Fleet. Then again, I wouldn't be a competent Faction maker if I didn't! :D



Something you appear to lack other than your own fighter compliment. I have Tartan corvettes which are quite well equipped, not to mention how heavily the Vindicators are equipped to deal with small fast moving craft. *Though, I thought it was 9 Strikes and 15 Tartans.*



Skipray vs Yorik-vec assault cruiser:

I can't help but feel that my Skiprays have the advantage here, not only is it slightly smaller, but it is much heavier armed, it has even been referred to by some here as a "pocket corvette" :p



Corral Skippers vs TIE/D Automated:

1 on 1, you are correct, they would indeed be out matched by the corral skippers. Though, I explain farther down why they will not be having any 1 vs 1 at all.



Dart Ships vs Shadow Droids:

Though, the dart ships do not really seem to have much, if any, weapons, And they will be running head long into a literal WALL of anti-star fighter fire from all 3 of my capital ship types. Other than that... I do believe the Shadow Droids will be quite operational with the other parts of the fighter force at a distinct numbers disadvantage. *Considering the dart ships will be attempting to do their suicide runs, and getting hammered away by the anti-star fighter fire.* I also HEAVILY disagree with any notion that the Shadow Droids will defect. :rolleyes:



Star Fighter Theory:

Due to much I have read on both the TIE/D and the Shadow droids, I have a theory that they could link together and form a sort of *droid hive mind* I have had this theory for a while now, and it is only made much more likely due to having IG-88. IG-88 could download himself to the TIE/D's as well as into the PI's on the ground. *If not the others as well.* What this would do, is it would mean each Shadow droid would have control of 4+ TIE/D's, and due to the fact each Shadow Droid is a Imperial Ace pilot...well...you catch the drift... Toss in the numbers disparity due to the darts suiciding...



A-vek liluunu [10] vs Strike Class [9] and Tartan Class Corvette [15]:

Granted, the A-vek liluunu has many more fighters, though I would wager *since no exact amount for the vong is given...* that the Strike has superior ship to ship fire. The main difference between these fleets are shown in the light capital ships. The IDD has each of its ships competent at ship to ship while still having an impressive fighter capacity for their sizes.



Miid Ro’ik [4] vs Vindicator Heavy Cruiser [20]:

While it is indeed true that the Miid Ro’ik can tear apart a Vindicator in 1 vs 1, there is but one problem. There are only 4 Miid Ro’ik and 20 Vindicators. Nor are they lightly armed, even though they each carry 72 fighter craft. Numbers wise, 3 Vindicators = 1 Imperial Class in firepower, or just about.



(Legacy of Torment vs Vengeance):

Clear advantage to the Legacy of Torment, however, it is good to note that due to the sheer firepower in those massive guns of the Vengeance, it is likely it could take out the smaller vessels in a volley or two *per, not all at once*. This means that while the Legacy of Torment has impressive firepower, it would soon be drastically out numbered. The Vengeance was DESIGNED to decimate ships smaller than itself if it does not have to worry about star fighters. Here, it does not. I can not say the same for the Legacy of Torment.



Tactical Space Leadership:

I Believe that Trench has this in the bag right here. He has many advantages, throw in the previously mentioned points, and his expertise with droid forces...I do believe he will be able to win the engagement quite handily. Though, I admit to somewhat of a lack of knowledge on some of the AiR leadership, so I likely am underestimating their tactical capibilities. Please, enlighten me. :)





Voxyn [50] vs Phase III Dark Trooper [21] and Persuader-class droid enforcer [43]:

I do not see anything be a severe victory for the IDD in this case. In the Enforcer alone, I have 43 units, to the Voxyn 50. That is not even counting the 21 Dark Troopers! This actually makes me feel bad, makes me envision dogs whining as they charge at my lines. :(



Leviathan [6] vs OG-9 homing spider droid [21]:

While the Leviathans easily take the cake 1 vs 1, the fact that there are only 6 of them, and given the spill over from the light vehicles, I am inclined to think I have the advantage here as well. Not to mention the spider droids have a laser weapon that could penetrate its armor if concentrated. Though, it is also good to note, that I believe the Leviathans will be restricted to the under-city due to their sheer size, and inability to *fit* up above. They are not called Leviathans for nothing! Not to mention the spider droids can cling to the buildings themselves, basically becoming untouchable by the majority of the AiR forces. Similar to how the PII and PIII all have jetpacks if they become swarmed. *PI have something similar, but not really flight, more of just something that makes them move quick in short bursts.*



Killik Warriors [2,304] vs Phase I Dark Troopers [768]:

I do not doubt that the Killik's are skilled, but due to IG-88's trick, are they skilled enough? Not to mention, do they even have weaponry that can bring these guys down?



Nekghouls [100] vs Phase II Dark Troopers [128]:

I view the Nekghouls as about average, not quite trained, jedi padawans/knights. While they are lethal, I do not believe they have the deflection skills to survive the onslaught of the PII. Not to mention the droids are much easier to replace should they show how be destroyed. Phrik is quite strong. :p



Going to outline why IG-88 would NOT turn on the IDD soon, just thought I should release this monster of a post before it became longer. :d_grin:

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