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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Legacy Storage?


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"You cannot place credits in legacy storage". So, now essentially all it is for is putting matts in. Whoopdy freakin do. What a freakin JOKE. You can't do ANY BOP gear, even as a sub, and now no credits. Bioware really dropped the ball on this one. Pretty let down on how their Legacy Vault works. Very lackluster. :mad:


How about throwing SUBSCRIBERS the ability to put credits in? You know, the people paying your frakin bills?


How about letting subscriber pay a fee for putting a BOP piece into Legacy Storage so it can be USED and not WASTED on a toon that can't use it???? Ya, those 180 drops you got of earpiece, implants, and relics....the ones just setting there unable to be used because of a stupid restriction.


Actually, I, and many others, plan to use it for much more than consolidating mats.


I never built up the unrealistic expectation that I would be able to circumvent binding restrictions and transfer bound to character items (especially earpieces, relics and implants) to other characters.


I would have liked to see the ability to store credits in a central location, but since I never had that ability, I'm not losing anything. I will simply continue to use the mail system to send credits between characters.


You, of course, are free to use it, or not use it, however you see fit.

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Oh well. This was never going to be 'My' patch anyways. I am not so big on housing. But I wish it well as I know many do.


I think I am glad that BoP is out; I have yet to be convinced by any of the proponent's arguments. But, whatever.


Crafting material in the LS is great, makes that one aspect of my inventory management easier. So that's a +1 QoL for me.


Credit bank would have been 'money!,' but, I don't have it now, so, OK. Would have been a HUGE QoL though.


I'll still just do what I planned on: spend a wee bit of time pimping out my NS pad and adding whatever decorations come as they may, but, I cannot see myself worrying too much about my prestige score.

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I do hope we can put GTN's and what not in like you can with your ship? I've not really watched the streams so not sure on what functional items we can put in the stronghold.


This way I can do what i now travel to the fleet to do from my stronghold and only really need travel to fleet if I fancy some LFG stuff.


So for me it would be something along the lines of:


Full inventory - quick travel to stronghold - check mail for sold items/expired items - sell whatnot from my inventory on gtn - put other inventory I dont sell into my storage - quick return to where I came from.


I think that covers the simplistic use I may have for strongholds. If they do not have a GTN well then I really don't see me using them much since as a crafter/gatherer that sells alot of what I make/gather I do need the GTN and it would be an extra hassle and a loss of QoL if I had to go to my stronghold just to put extra stock into storage.


Stupidest of all would be if we can acess legacy storage from fleet and the stronghold has not gtn making yet one more reason to have to go to fleet heh. Yes I know I can deck out my ship in a lot of what I use but the costs suck so I don't pay them and just quick travel to fleet instead. :p


Be interested if anyone has noticed if these ( or other ) QoL abilities have been demonstrated in the streams etc.

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I think I am glad that BoP is out; I have yet to be convinced by any of the proponent's arguments. But, whatever.


Maybe another way to look at it is... What is the benefit of BoP.


It is what you know, so you take it as the default. You say you're not convinced. Fair enough. Give it a try and convince me that BoP is superior to BoL.


Honestly, I'll listen, because the pro BoP people mostly just insult me rather than offering any real reasons why I can't hand a drop that I get from a mission from my smuggler to my trooper who can use it.

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Just a question. Guild storage. Does it have a credit bank as well?


Actually, I answered my question myself.



This is an example of Legacy storage that exists in game....Guild storage. As you can clearly see, a number of folks can access it (insert legacy here) and also allowances can be set (restrictions on withdrawals for preferred players).


So, I would imagine that considering the code already exists for the system it would be likely that the current Legacy storage either is already a modified Guild bank, or it could be.


And that stands as evidence that yes...it would likely not be that difficult to implement. One could argue the code already exists.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Maybe another way to look at it is... What is the benefit of BoP.


It is what you know, so you take it as the default. You say you're not convinced. Fair enough. Give it a try and convince me that BoP is superior to BoL.


Honestly, I'll listen, because the pro BoP people mostly just insult me rather than offering any real reasons why I can't hand a drop that I get from a mission from my smuggler to my trooper who can use it.


1. becasue mission quest rewards are class based, so your smuggler will get cunning drops or companion specific drops, while your trooper will get aim. so even if it was BoL, it still wouldn't be transferable.

2. we have enough needing for companions/alts already, but at least some people are discouraged by the cost of pulling mods in order to transfer them. and you get more of a shot for implants/relics/earpieces, since they are not transferable.


now. I'm not saying that BoL on everything could work. but removing this one restriction via legacy storage will do more harm than good by exponentially increasing instances of ninja looting.


so... if we are going to change this system? we have to change the WHOLE system.

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Just a question. Guild storage. Does it have a credit bank as well?


Yes, it does if the GM is a subscriber. I do not know if a F2P guild can have credit storage. I may be wrong, but I believe that if the GM is F2P or preferred then all members must be F2P or preferred. If there is a subscriber in the guild, I do not believe that the guild can have a F2P or preferred GM.


I am not sure what restrictions, if any, apply to F2P or preferred with regards to credit deposits or withdrawals, though.


Just my thoughts, but I believe that the total amount in the guild bank is not limited by a single player's account status. I would expect that any credit caps that may apply to a legacy storage credit balance would not apply to a guild bank's credit balance.

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I personally would have liked to see it just for consolidation.


I have many characters with varying amounts of credits. If I could leave say 50K credits on each character, but put the bulk of my credits into legacy storage, I would:


A) have a better idea as to my total wealth


B) find it easier to get needed credits to whichever character needed them


Reason A makes a lot of sense to me, actually. Having your total accumulated wealth across your Legacy be an easily tracked number makes sense. I still don't think actually transferring credits will be easier with Legacy Storage, however. You're either going to be parking a character in your Stronghold at all times and then mailing the credits to whichever character needs them regardless, or you're going to be spending the time to travel to your Stronghold on the character that needs funds.

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Reason A makes a lot of sense to me, actually. Having your total accumulated wealth across your Legacy be an easily tracked number makes sense. I still don't think actually transferring credits will be easier with Legacy Storage, however. You're either going to be parking a character in your Stronghold at all times and then mailing the credits to whichever character needs them regardless, or you're going to be spending the time to travel to your Stronghold on the character that needs funds.




It may just be me, but I have several alts that I use mostly for crafting, and so parking one of them in my stronghold would not be an inconvenience. Most of them are parked on their ships now.

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If you are going to restrict F2P and preferred from utilizing the credit storage of the legacy storage, then he cannot even use escrows to gain access to those credits because he cannot utilize the credit storage function of legacy storage, which would include withdrawals.


If you are going to say that a preferred can withdraw credits from legacy storage (even if it is with somethign similar to the credit escrow) but not deposit, then how do you prevent the circumvention of the no mailing credits restriction? If a subscriber places credits in legacy storage with his main and then drops to preferred, how do you prevent him from withdrawing credits with his alt, thus circumventing the no direct transfer of credits to alts restriction? Are you proposing that BW keep such minute database entries as to determine how much each character that every player has deposits into legacy storage so that they can then limit the amount of credits each character can remove?


I'm just trying to point out that it is nowhere as easy as many would like to believe it is to code in credit storage without affecting many other facets of the game.


It is easy. If the account goes unpaid, the credits auto withdraw to the first character loaded. they then are treated as normal as to escrow. simple

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It's an interesting question IMO....can preferred players get around credit transfer restrictions by using a guild bank?


technically - yes. practically only if there are no withdrawal limits to speak of, or those limits are high enough to make them moot. which general tends to only happen if they themselves are GM and/or sole person in a guild


AND that doesn't work cross faction.

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As opposed to you claiming that it is easy, but providing no proof whatsoever to back up your claim?


some of us do code for a living. The problem isnt that hard. I am sure if the actual programmers were told to do it by the devs, they could do it relatively easily. Yes, it would take a little time to code it.but it isnt like inventing cold fusion. it was a design decision most likely based on economics. EA is not plowing that money they have been making back into development and they are most likely doing the best they can with what resources they were given. people are asking for them to reconsider. it isnt a bad request, and who knows, in a month or 2 they just might give it to us.

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They need to rename the Legacy Storage to reflect what it actually is. It's incredibly limited from what it might have been.


They need to rename the Legacy Storage to reflect what it actually is. It's incredibly limited from what it might have been


Don't forget that there are quotes from well over a year ago about other things that many have taken to be "promises" and for which, many are still asking for ETA's.


I, personally think it highly unlikely that they will change their minds. I think there "still being looked at" comment may have been designed to give themselves a little wiggle room, if they decide to change their minds. It also allows players to think it might happen at some unforeseen point in the future. That's just my opinion, of course.


"You cannot place credits in legacy storage". So, now essentially all it is for is putting matts in. Whoopdy freakin do. What a freakin JOKE. You can't do ANY BOP gear, even as a sub, and now no credits. Bioware really dropped the ball on this one. Pretty let down on how their Legacy Vault works. Very lackluster.


How about throwing SUBSCRIBERS the ability to put credits in? You know, the people paying your frakin bills?


How about letting subscriber pay a fee for putting a BOP piece into Legacy Storage so it can be USED and not WASTED on a toon that can't use it???? Ya, those 180 drops you got of earpiece, implants, and relics....the ones just setting there unable to be used because of a stupid restriction.


So true and sad.


Personaly I need Legacy Storage with:


1. Credit storage

2. Wanna name tabs

3. buttom to move tabs (change order)

4. No limitation for tabs

5. Be able to put Bound items (even if not all. Specialy Equipment and Reputation items)


Thats all Im expecting from Legacy Storage. If Bioware dont wanna create such Legacy storage I wanna know reasons.

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It is easy. If the account goes unpaid, the credits auto withdraw to the first character loaded. they then are treated as normal as to escrow. simple


And if the first character loaded is NOT the character that deposited those credits? Now your suggestion has just enabled that player to circumvent the "no mailing credits" restriction.


Does BW have to so minutely track the legacy credits as to know how much each character has deposited, so they can "load them" back to that character if the account goes preferred?


You want to claim it sooooo easy to code, but you still refuse to show us a viable code to allow legacy storage of credits while maintaining ALL the restrictions that F2P and preferred have with regards to credits.


As I said, I am disappointed not to be able to pool credits as well, but it may be more difficult to code than you would make it out to be.

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some of us do code for a living. The problem isnt that hard. I am sure if the actual programmers were told to do it by the devs, they could do it relatively easily. Yes, it would take a little time to code it.but it isnt like inventing cold fusion. it was a design decision most likely based on economics. EA is not plowing that money they have been making back into development and they are most likely doing the best they can with what resources they were given. people are asking for them to reconsider. it isnt a bad request, and who knows, in a month or 2 they just might give it to us.


I'm not saying that it is a bad request, and I'd like to see them give it to us, as well. I'm just not going to roast BW because they won't be giving it to us when legacy storage rolls out.


I'd rather see them do it in a way that doesn't negate the current restrictions that F2P and preferred players have regarding credits now. I also understand that it may take some additional time to do it that way, and that it might not be possible to do it that way at all with all the various factors involved.

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1. becasue mission quest rewards are class based, so your smuggler will get cunning drops or companion specific drops, while your trooper will get aim. so even if it was BoL, it still wouldn't be transferable.


Hmm... That is true on some items, like what Oricon story gives you, but random FP drops? Nope, those are random. More than once no one in the group needs what drops.


Also, my Imperial Agent could use Aim drops, she has a companion that uses it. :)


I also have 2 of each of the classes I play, so for sure I could pass them over. Not to mention that my trooper can send an aim drop to my bounty hunter and the same is true in reverse.


2. we have enough needing for companions/alts already, but at least some people are discouraged by the cost of pulling mods in order to transfer them. and you get more of a shot for implants/relics/earpieces, since they are not transferable.


Everyone keeps saying this, but I'm not seeing it. It is quite rare that I see such needing, and I play every day.


now. I'm not saying that BoL on everything could work. but removing this one restriction via legacy storage will do more harm than good by exponentially increasing instances of ninja looting.


so... if we are going to change this system? we have to change the WHOLE system.


While I understand the concern that someone will "need" because they have an alt that needs it...


Well... if they do, then they do in fact "need" it, don't they?


The only drops that really count are HM 55 and ops, everything else is just leveling trash. Why any of it sells on the GTN is beyond me (drops in 55 tactical FP, the ones with 148 blues), I can't imagine who is buying it.


For ops, most of mine are in a guild and frankly, the people running the place do a good job watching for that and will call people out on it. Often, the raid leader hands out gear themselves and doesn't even allow rolling for it.


I guess my thought is this... You want the game to be harder to play to avoid the chance of a ninja "need" on a random drop in a FP... You want to have to grind gear over and over for multiple alts... for that?


If so, fair enough. I personally don't think the "need" issue is nearly as big a deal as some people do, but that is because I don't see it happening.

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And if the first character loaded is NOT the character that deposited those credits? Now your suggestion has just enabled that player to circumvent the "no mailing credits" restriction.


Does BW have to so minutely track the legacy credits as to know how much each character has deposited, so they can "load them" back to that character if the account goes preferred?


You want to claim it sooooo easy to code, but you still refuse to show us a viable code to allow legacy storage of credits while maintaining ALL the restrictions that F2P and preferred have with regards to credits.


As I said, I am disappointed not to be able to pool credits as well, but it may be more difficult to code than you would make it out to be.


OK are you like only picking on the ideas you don't like just for the sake of argument? I've pitched an idea around about escrow a couple of times now and no response from you in terms of "hey yeah that would work" or "no that wouldn't work because" unless I've missed it?

It's strange because I only posted it due to your shooting holes in everyone elses idea which were more or less on the same path so I put it out there awaiting the same treatment so I could evolve said idea based on your criticism. That criticism never came so should I assume that the basic solution I put forward would work? If so why waste your time continually arguing with the others when you could just refer them to a solution that would work.


In saying that actually why not put forward your own solution that would work? Nothing irks people more than someone who shoots down everytihng without offering up their own solution unless you think there is no solution?


On the most part I've enjoyed your points of view on these various topics in this thread but now it's starting to seem like you want to argue for the sake of arguing.


While I understand the concern that someone will "need" because they have an alt that needs it...


Well... if they do, then they do in fact "need" it, don't they?


The only drops that really count are HM 55 and ops, everything else is just leveling trash. Why any of it sells on the GTN is beyond me (drops in 55 tactical FP, the ones with 148 blues), I can't imagine who is buying it.


For ops, most of mine are in a guild and frankly, the people running the place do a good job watching for that and will call people out on it. Often, the raid leader hands out gear themselves and doesn't even allow rolling for it.


I guess my thought is this... You want the game to be harder to play to avoid the chance of a ninja "need" on a random drop in a FP... You want to have to grind gear over and over for multiple alts... for that?


If so, fair enough. I personally don't think the "need" issue is nearly as big a deal as some people do, but that is because I don't see it happening.


Whilst logically your point on needing is true it can also be seen as still ninja'ing and bad form. I guess it's an eye of the beholder thing and I still maintain that currently the majority of the population do not quite understand the concept of ripping out mods from a piece of gear to send it to an alt in a BoL piece of gear. Heck the majority are more concerned with just gearing their main.

In saying that if you then made it so you could transfer via legacy storage the mystery is removed and everyone would start doing it and thus you would ideally start seeing the "everyone" always needing except the few gentlemanly ( and whatever the term is for women ) players who wouldn't do so.


The rest of your points on gear whilst said gear may not be important to you could be important to player X wanting to send it to their alt Y ( noting of course you can send it cross faction ). I still believe if there was no way to send any bound gear what so ever in this game we would see more people running older content because they had no choice but to do so on those toons as they geared them up for harder 55 content.


But hey ideally the idea of removing the BoL transfer as it is now is moot, it won't happen, I'm only sharing my point of view and why I'm SUPER glad they aren't introducting it into the legacy storage for the laziest of lazy people who can't even be bothered doing the BoL transfer or meeting the money sink costs.


To round myself out I will against state I'm 100% for all empty shell gear being automatically BoL and once a mod is fitted it becomes Bound until all mods are again removed. This would remove the ability to supoer power alts that haven't earned said power whilst allowing all cosmetical transfers of gear to occur which I've no problem with. :)

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OK are you like only picking on the ideas you don't like just for the sake of argument? I've pitched an idea around about escrow a couple of times now and no response from you in terms of "hey yeah that would work" or "no that wouldn't work because" unless I've missed it?

It's strange because I only posted it due to your shooting holes in everyone elses idea which were more or less on the same path so I put it out there awaiting the same treatment so I could evolve said idea based on your criticism. That criticism never came so should I assume that the basic solution I put forward would work? If so why waste your time continually arguing with the others when you could just refer them to a solution that would work.


In saying that actually why not put forward your own solution that would work? Nothing irks people more than someone who shoots down everytihng without offering up their own solution unless you think there is no solution?


On the most part I've enjoyed your points of view on these various topics in this thread but now it's starting to seem like you want to argue for the sake of arguing.


I actually addressed the "escrow" earlier in the thread, a few pages before you suggested it.


I don't know how to solve the problem. I wish I did. I suspect that BW does not either, since there are so many variables involved. Many people have suggested things that address PART of the possible problems, but unless I am mistaken, no one has yet suggested anything that solves all of the possible problems.


I'm not just trying to shoot holes in everyone's suggestions, though it seems that I am. I'm just trying to point out that while some suggestions seem like they would work, there are issues that are still left unresolved. This is, IMO, a much larger problem than just being able to lump all my credits into one location, no matter how much I would like to do so.




Whilst logically your point on needing is true it can also be seen as still ninja'ing and bad form. I guess it's an eye of the beholder thing and I still maintain that currently the majority of the population do not quite understand the concept of ripping out mods from a piece of gear to send it to an alt in a BoL piece of gear. Heck the majority are more concerned with just gearing their main.

In saying that if you then made it so you could transfer via legacy storage the mystery is removed and everyone would start doing it and thus you would ideally start seeing the "everyone" always needing except the few gentlemanly ( and whatever the term is for women ) players who wouldn't do so.


The rest of your points on gear whilst said gear may not be important to you could be important to player X wanting to send it to their alt Y ( noting of course you can send it cross faction ). I still believe if there was no way to send any bound gear what so ever in this game we would see more people running older content because they had no choice but to do so on those toons as they geared them up for harder 55 content.


But hey ideally the idea of removing the BoL transfer as it is now is moot, it won't happen, I'm only sharing my point of view and why I'm SUPER glad they aren't introducting it into the legacy storage for the laziest of lazy people who can't even be bothered doing the BoL transfer or meeting the money sink costs.


To round myself out I will against state I'm 100% for all empty shell gear being automatically BoL and once a mod is fitted it becomes Bound until all mods are again removed. This would remove the ability to supoer power alts that haven't earned said power whilst allowing all cosmetical transfers of gear to occur which I've no problem with. :)


I agree with you that more options with regards to legacy gear would be nice.


I'd rather see a way to convert empty orange shells into legacy bound gear, as that will allow players to share those sets without having to rip the mods out each time they want to send them between characters.

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Hmm... That is true on some items, like what Oricon story gives you, but random FP drops? Nope, those are random. More than once no one in the group needs what drops.


Also, my Imperial Agent could use Aim drops, she has a companion that uses it. :)


I also have 2 of each of the classes I play, so for sure I could pass them over. Not to mention that my trooper can send an aim drop to my bounty hunter and the same is true in reverse.




Everyone keeps saying this, but I'm not seeing it. It is quite rare that I see such needing, and I play every day.




While I understand the concern that someone will "need" because they have an alt that needs it...


Well... if they do, then they do in fact "need" it, don't they?


The only drops that really count are HM 55 and ops, everything else is just leveling trash. Why any of it sells on the GTN is beyond me (drops in 55 tactical FP, the ones with 148 blues), I can't imagine who is buying it.


For ops, most of mine are in a guild and frankly, the people running the place do a good job watching for that and will call people out on it. Often, the raid leader hands out gear themselves and doesn't even allow rolling for it.


I guess my thought is this... You want the game to be harder to play to avoid the chance of a ninja "need" on a random drop in a FP... You want to have to grind gear over and over for multiple alts... for that?


If so, fair enough. I personally don't think the "need" issue is nearly as big a deal as some people do, but that is because I don't see it happening.


I'm sorry... did you just in the same breath mention your agent companion needing aim drops AND not seeing how other people need on gear for that reason? umm... can you not see how those statements contradict each other? moreover. there are two kinds of drops in flashpoints. BoE. and BoP. BoE is self explanatory and usually drops that are static rather than moddable - fall into that variety (with exception of relics/implants/earpieces - those can be either way) BoP drops? you can pull mods out and transfer them to your alt/companion/whatever via legacy gear.


so basically, you just don't want to pay the extra cost. which probably discourages you to roll need against someone who may need it on their actual character.


also. you don't pay attention or don't see it happening means its not happening? what are you - an ostrich? you yourself said you mostly run in a guild. well.. this is what happens in pugs. and guess what "gasp" people pug.


and then you proceed to change your mind on what "need" actualy means.


I have currently 18 characters. they may need something but it doesn't mean I get to roll need on them against someone's character directly contributing to the run I'm in. becasue guess what? this is how people have trouble gearing up. it makes it FAR harder for someone who is not favored by RNG to gear up the character they are ACTUALLY USING AT THE TIME.


the way need/greed system is supposed to work - need a direct upgrade for the character you are own/spec they are currently using, greed everything else, pass if you don't care.


the game is NOT harder to play with current system. its not hard to get mods out and put them into legacy gear. its not hard to make up the credits it costs, with overabundance of dailies and all the other means to make credits in this game. its not hard to get legacy gear, even if you haven't been playing long enough to get those free sets back from GSF release.


now. if the system is changed to remove people's ability to ninja in a first place? and there are several ways you can do that, one of them being - just remove the whole roll system all together, each person gets individual chance at loot and no one is rolling against anyone. then again - the problem with THIS system is it makes it harder on guilds that may drag a new player through content to gear them up quickly and give them all the drops.


so. to be honest? I'd rather they keep it as it is, instead of allowing BoP items to be put into legacy storage directly. and I say that as someone who would directly benefit from not having that restriction, considering that I actively raid on several characters and keep a few more as fill in for if someone cannot make it. I just don't think its a good idea, given the very possible, negative consequences


P.S. given that not all gear overlaps anyways, even if you COULD put BoP gear into legacy storage, you'd still need to grind multiple sets of gear. moreover - if you are like me and like your alts to have unique to them appearance? mod transferring will have to happen regardless.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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My personal guild is greater than LS. Why would anyone to go through 2 loading screen to use something so limited. LS with the ability to hold credits was asked for when legacy system was released. Allowing a player to easily pool their credits to unlock legacy perks. As norm BW continues its long track record of ignore what the players ask for and giving them a half *** things.
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Alright folks, round 2! From what I can tell there were two big questions still on the table and here they are:


Can I place BoP items in my Legacy storage?

As of Game Update 2.9, you cannot place or "transfer" BoP items through your Legacy storage. I will say that this issue is something that we will continue to discuss internally and could potentially change in the future.




So in other words 90% of the reason this "legacy storage" could be useful is now not.


Ty bioware another useless update instead of fixing the current **** you have in game.

Edited by eerinbastile
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So in other words 90% of the reason this "legacy storage" could be useful is now not.


Ty bioware another useless update instead of fixing the current **** you have in game.


Your opinion. That is all that is. Some of us want it for crafting. If it is done right it will save a lot time that could be use to play the game. Have to wait and see. That is my opinion.

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