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Legacy Storage?


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You really want that answered? it isn't that hard to max out crew skills even before you hit 55.


This is very true. My cybertech has maxed out the skills yet my sorcerer is only lv 26. Same with my biochem. In fact I was able to max out all my crafting and skills before any of my characters reached 55 save my very first one.

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Alright folks, round 2! From what I can tell there were two big questions still on the table and here they are:


Can I place BoP items in my Legacy storage?

As of Game Update 2.9, you cannot place or "transfer" BoP items through your Legacy storage. I will say that this issue is something that we will continue to discuss internally and could potentially change in the future.


Can I access my crafting materials from Legacy storage?

Yes you can! The way it will work is that when you go to craft something, your materials will be pulled in this priority order: Inventory, Cargo, Legacy storage.


Thanks everyone!





Officially not looking forward to this patch now. I'm sure most everyone agrees. Thanks for taking something that should have been a no-brainer and absolutely ruining it.

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I wasn't expecting BoP items to not be able to put in there at at all, not sure why people were so outraged when it was obvious. I'm surprised its even on their wall to see about seeing about changing it.


If CM items were a totally separate category from non CM items, I might have questioned it but they aren't willing for something that is pretty much free to exploited for free stuff. Hell they are already losing money with Crystal colors collections because legacy weapons can bypass that collection cost.


Until they can find away to seperate these two, it won't happen.


This is what I expected and great for me. Great for crafting and for seeing all the non-bound CM armor I have to ease my character customization by not having to look through the cargo bay of 3 different characters.

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What we really need is the ability to turn any armor into legacy armor (at a price, likely, but it should be worth it). Cartel legacy gear would not unlock in collections when moved around.

Or even better, have a gear appearance tab, so we can dissociate the looks of each character from the power of their gear entirely (and not have to spend half a million in augment kits if we just want to change our look).


Crafting from the legacy bank will be super useful, finally I wont need to have my mats spread all over a dozen alts.

Edited by Loc_n_lol
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Alright folks, round 2! From what I can tell there were two big questions still on the table and here they are:


Can I place BoP items in my Legacy storage?

As of Game Update 2.9, you cannot place or "transfer" BoP items through your Legacy storage. I will say that this issue is something that we will continue to discuss internally and could potentially change in the future.


Can I access my crafting materials from Legacy storage?

Yes you can! The way it will work is that when you go to craft something, your materials will be pulled in this priority order: Inventory, Cargo, Legacy storage.


Thanks everyone!





will we be able to "store" credits for easy use in our legacy?

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Alright folks, round 2! From what I can tell there were two big questions still on the table and here they are:


Can I place BoP items in my Legacy storage?

As of Game Update 2.9, you cannot place or "transfer" BoP items through your Legacy storage. I will say that this issue is something that we will continue to discuss internally and could potentially change in the future.

Makes sense although it's understandable a big let down for many players.


Suggestions, allow players to:

  • Drop bound mods in the legacy storage: we can already share them between alts with Bound on Legacy gear, it's "just" making it more convenient
  • Deposit BoP items in the legacy storage but only the character owning them can use them
  • Medium term: find a non game breaking way for players to unlock the look of an item for its others characters.


Can I access my crafting materials from Legacy storage?

Yes you can! The way it will work is that when you go to craft something, your materials will be pulled in this priority order: Inventory, Cargo, Legacy storage.

Interesting for crafters indeed, hopefully the legacy storage won't be too expensive as crafters eat storage like famished hamsters....



Finally allow players to share their credits between alts through the legacy storage.

For now it's annoying to have to log on alts just to transfer credits between toons.

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That "Bound on Pickup" (BoP) implies that said object, whatever it may be, is bound to a SPECIFIC CHARACTER ONLY. IT CAN'T BE moved around outside the domain of that character, which is you can't send it by mail or keep it in your Legacy Storage.


There is an important point you are glossing over: no character can ever possess a BoP item. "BoP" is an attribute that only exists on un-owned itmes that no one has picked up yet. Those items become "Bound" as soon as a toon takes possession of it, and is at that point indistinguishable from any other "Bound" item.


So let's be clear: there are only five kinds of items characters can possess:

  1. Never bound items (like mats and reusable stims),
  2. Bound Items,
  3. Bound-to-Legacy (BoL) items,
  4. Bind-on-Equip (BoE) items that have never been equipped, and
  5. Bound-to-Op-Group Items (which become Bound after two hours)


So if the question is "Can I put BoP in Legacy Storage?," the answer to that is "No, that is impossible by definition.

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How can having extra storage capacity be a bad thing? It's not and that the bare minimum you gain out of patch 2.9.


If you don't like/want the storage or stronghold then don't use it. If the whole patch is a waste of time and of no use to some people then those people should go post elsewhere or post some suggestions in the suggestion area on possible improvements or features they do want etc. ( e.g. a LFG channel that is global or at least fleet and strongholds, then ability to put in a GTN/cargo hold/mail box and I would havel ittle need to ever go to fleet to hear even more moaners/trolls and gold spammers ... just saying ).


I personally don't know how much I'll use strongholds. I know I'm going to enjoy crafting and marketing items for them since they sound like they are going to be fairly popular to a lot of people and people do seem interested in spending lots on them so from that aspect they should shake up the GTN market somewhat as well as hopefully make a few more redundant crew skills more useful if BW put some thought into what skills can make what and what materials they use etc. but time will tell on that score.


As someone eluded to the legacy wide storage will be great for crew skills even if you only run 2 toons with different crew skills as I do. Gives me a bit more freedom with how I use those crew skills etc. so certainly no negative to be seen there.


As for all this BOP stuff ... who cares? Obsolete gear is obsolete, if you run out of room do what I do and vendor it. Anything under Arkanian becomes pretty useless anyway since most long term players should have abundant amounts of arkanian level item mods they can attach to BoL gear and send through mail/legacy storage.

I really don't see the need to change the way the game is played to make outdated, obsolete gear now worth something or useful considering how easy it is to get current generation useful gear ( and how cheap if you do want to buy it ).

Exception of course is earpieces, implants and relics but oh well ... heaven forbid someone actually had to work on their other toons to actually gear them up as opposed to just sending all their old outdated pieces through from their better geared toons as some seem to want to do. Get over it already.

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Suggestions, allow players to:

  • Drop bound mods in the legacy storage: we can already share them between alts with Bound on Legacy gear, it's "just" making it more convenient
  • Deposit BoP items in the legacy storage but only the character owning them can use them
  • Medium term: find a non game breaking way for players to unlock the look of an item for its others characters.


Would like to add one thing... It's arguable but...

Find some way to allow one character to RE an item bound to another character in the legacy.

So not for the purpose of transferring that item, but of learning the schematic.

Mods can be transferred, so they can already be RE'd through legacy but BoP implants, earpieces, armor and weapon shells, those cannot be transferred for the purpos of learning them. And unlike the mods, the commendations implants/earpieces/shells cannot be reverse-engineered either.

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Most alt-a-holics probably probably have. "It's, what we do." -- Wormhole Extreeeme


I guess I'm part of the minority then, 13 55's across two servers, and I've only got the three listed (Plus biochem maxed like 4 times)


And yes, with 7, I still don't see the plus side to this.

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Way to ruin a grand idea. I suspect over 90% of the community and subscribers were looking forward to being able to move earpieces, implants and relics through the legacy bank. But that just eliminated so much hope. Way to go Bioware, grand idea failed execution as normal. I hope you change it so said items can be moved around. As it stands legacy bank is just about useless expect for glorified mat storage.
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If the whole patch is a waste of time and of no use to some people then those people should go post elsewhere or post some suggestions in the suggestion area ..


Why ? Is this the Only-allowed-to-cheer thread ? Did I miss a sign ?

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Did you people miss the parts that read "As of Game Update 2.9" and "I will say that this issue is something that we will continue to discuss internally and could potentially change in the future."?


You people are making it out like they said no you wont be able to do it NOW OR EVER "

" Edited by Anaesha
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Alright folks, round 2! From what I can tell there were two big questions still on the table and here they are:


Can I place BoP items in my Legacy storage?

As of Game Update 2.9, you cannot place or "transfer" BoP items through your Legacy storage. I will say that this issue is something that we will continue to discuss internally and could potentially change in the future.


Can I access my crafting materials from Legacy storage?

Yes you can! The way it will work is that when you go to craft something, your materials will be pulled in this priority order: Inventory, Cargo, Legacy storage.


Thanks everyone!




Good! It would have broke the game.

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What a waste. So, basically, those of us that love alts just get to transfer everything via legacy armor and are stuck with legacy armor. Wheeee!


Sorry, Bioware, this player is officially uninterested in GSH now. Legacy storage is nothing more than an extra cargo hold.

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Meh... no biggie. I have legacy gear coming out of my ears and swapping mods for the new or lowbie alts is not a concern at all. Besides, its not like I've kept a bunch of BoP stuff that wasn't being used on hopes that one day we would have a way for other alts to use those items. Lol. That gear was vendored long ago, except maybe a few sentimental items like my first Rakata set etc.


Now for crafters... for crafters, yes! Finally one place where I can store all those damn mats and clear out some space. Good news. Very good news.


There will be a significant amount of space cleared for me anyway. I'm in.

Edited by Rafaman
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Yeah, sorry, I normally defend Bioware tooth and nail, but not on this. People are permitted opinions.


All opinions are welcome and hey, they have already said they are continuing to talk about it so they may change their minds. Players have to be heard.


As I said earlier, not a big deal for me, but it can be for others.


I will say however, that this certainly doesn't ruin the patch. There is much more to this patch than Legacy Storage.

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So, you don;t want them to do this because of a few greedy/rude people? You want all the decent people who sub to pay the price because of a FEW people? Put it on Master Looter then. Problem solved.


Maybe you enjoy getting 180 Implants and Earpieces for another class in ops and can't use it because it is BOP...but an alt could be using it with Legacy Vault transfer? Maybe you like having gear drops for other classes that are BOP be utterly wasted, when another toon could be wearing/using it via Legacy Vault transfer? I don't. I subscribe for over 2 years now with 20 toons and 8 55's. We dedicated subs deserve this. Flat out. I understand certain restrictions, but not everything that is BOP should be disallowed in Legacy Vault.


Just add a fee for taking it out of Legacy Vault on an alt, problem solved. I would gladly pay 100k to take that 180 Implant/Earpiece out of the Vault on an alt who can use it.


Talk about a false sense of entitlement. No one deserves to be able to bypass the BOP restrictions.


If you want that 180 earpiece on your smuggler, then run that content on your smuggler. Face rolling content with your over geared main does not entitle you to be able to bypass the BOP restrictions and gear up your under geared smuggler.

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All opinions are welcome and hey, they have already said they are continuing to talk about it so they may change their minds. Players have to be heard.


As I said earlier, not a big deal for me, but it can be for others.


I will say however, that this certainly doesn't ruin the patch. There is much more to this patch than Legacy Storage.


I would agree there is more, and it's all great, but the fact they couldn't figure out some way to allow the mods/enhs/armorings/barrels/hilts to be transferred without having to use legacy armor just makes me laugh. They just don't want to take out that huge credit sink, which really only effects those of us that love alts. Not having implants, relics, etc, etc, etc transferable makes sense - but not things that already can be done like that.


Just still seems like a glorified cargo hold. Hell, at least a guild bank can have credits stored in it. And for those of us that craft, most tend to keep the materials for a specific profession on those toons.

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I'd actually be fine with this if they just made the entire left side of a character BoL as soon as purchased.


Sorry, I would rather they not. I'd prefer people have to do a t least a little work with the alt to gear up an alt, rather than just facerolling content on their uber-geared main. And yes, I have an uber-geared 186/180 healer main I could go facerolling with. But I like new challenges, so I am gearing the left side of my alts by running them, as gawd intended.


Especially with the new Gree BoL Offhands, the balance between how much you can gear an alt using your main and how much you have to run that alt to gear it is pretty good. BW should leave it as is.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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