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Railgun Drone firing through solid object.


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I've noticed that some of my shots fire at evading pursuers who also LOS still hit. Initial belief was that it didn't recognize the edge of the object, thus allowing it to still fire and hit, but if the symbol changes, the system is able to detect that LOS has been broken... It may not use that information when calculating a hit (without knowing the interior of the code, it's guesswork on our end :( )... But this is something I've seen before, and it's stupid.


Side note - do the railgun sentries still have perfect aim?

Edited by SammyGStatus
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Bot... Yas they does.. And this ws the second hit... I waited for it before moving just to take this screenie


Indeed, on the screen your engines are turned off. No way for the shot to be due from lag. It clearly aimed through the wall.

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I've noticed that sometimes it's possible for ship A to have LoS to shoot ship B but not vice versa.


I generally notice this in gunship vs. gunship battles, where my opponent targets me from just over the edge of a rock yet I need to move a few meters before I am able to target and hit him, but I've also noticed it occasionally when hiding under a sat or trying to kill someone hiding under a sat - one of us can target and shoot the other, yet the person being fired upon is blocked by a piece of the sat.


Given that, I suspect that it's possible for a railgun sentry drone to have LoS on you without you having LoS on it.


However, the sentry drone in your picture appears to be a bit further out of LoS than the examples I've mentioned above, so either they are still able to shoot through objects or the rendering of the object between the two of you is inconsistent depending on viewpoint.

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However, the sentry drone in your picture appears to be a bit further out of LoS than the examples I've mentioned above, so either they are still able to shoot through objects or the rendering of the object between the two of you is inconsistent depending on viewpoint.


This is what I think happens in every single case of LoS problem. Physics-wise, I f you can have a shot in straight line at someone, this someone can shoot you too.

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Ok, so, here's some stuff:


1)- Everything in the whole game can shoot from inside an obstacle to outside.

Players, mines, drones, everything. If you can get inside an obstacle, you can shoot out of it.

2)- Mines and drones COULD fire through ANY object if they wanted to. The fix seems like it was to their AI.

3)- Mines and drones COULD float inside any object if they wanted to. This fix was to their initial pathing.

3)- There are many spots in the game where a player can fire from inside an object to outside, without not QUITE being counted as inside. Most are out of the way.

4)- There are even more spots than that where a persistent bomber can get a mine or drone to float to, despite it not being possible. Almost all of these are out of the way as well.



What the devs did was make it so that:

1)- A drone will stop charging or locking if you LOS it. A drone will stop shooting if you LOS it.

Then they almost immediately did:

2)- A drone or mine will, if the path from the back of the ship would result in it being in an object, instead be near that object.

Then after forum QQ they did this:

3)- A mine will no longer target for damage an opponent who isn't in LOS.



So ANY time you see a missile or railgun drone into a wall, don't be surprised that it can shoot you. That's not even the bug- the bug is that it CAN GET THERE!

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The bug is that it can pierce shields, always hit and deal a hefty amount of damage simply for pressing the "1" button on your keyboard.


It hits for like 60 to hull.


Something that can hit through pilot skill is very important IMO.

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It is 130, and you take the armor ignore, not the extra shield pierce.


If you DO take the extra shield pierce, it ups it to 182, however, nowhere close to 300.



Anyway, my point stands: we need things like this that actually hit strong players no matter their skill and ship's evasion.


I mean, pretend that the drone could be evaded. Now it's way more damage versus scouts. Do you up the damage to compensate? Certainly distortion, with a 20 second cooldown, becomes a pretty great counter to this much longer cooldown. If you don't up the damage, you nerf the drone a whole lot. If you DO up the damage, you hurt non-scouts.


Pretend that there's some critical mass of flight skill that lets you evade it. Likely this would be much easier on a scout than a strike as well.




I just like that it actually hits a scout, some of the damage goes to hull, and it doesn't matter if you are very skilled or not. If the game was full of this junk I'd be cross, but one thing? I like that there's a "this will get some damage through" option, for sure.

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It is 130, and you take the armor ignore, not the extra shield pierce.


If you DO take the extra shield pierce, it ups it to 182, however, nowhere close to 300.

Said 200, not 300.

The last upgrade of the drone offers to increase damage by 10%. 182 with 10% extra damage makes for 200.

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Railgun drone is annoying but not overly strong. I can live with it.


Livable? Yes. Should it be better than a decent portion of GSFers / EVERY new pilot? No :( They've become twisted and evil, like mesquitos with lasers..... <PUN> AND this isn't even a BUG! </PUN>

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