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Gender question for Male gamers


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I've played through all the story lines except the Smuggler and Agent and just can't make myself level those because I really REALLY dislike the play style of both the AC's. I just can't take it anymore. I'll get to them eventually I guess.


Atm. I'm looking at going through some stories again, but playing it differently, like I played a Sith Warrior Darkside, I'll probably play a Mara light side this time. But the classes I'm looking at going through again are a Commando, Sage or Mara. My question for male gamers, is which of these would you play through as a female a 2nd go around. All my toons are males, but for the sake of seeing a much different side to the story, I think I'll role a female as well. Which class plays best as a female in your opinion? I'm thinking Sage? But again, just looking for suggestions and why.



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The main class storyline is exactly the same regardless of gender. The only thing that changes is the romance options available with companion characters. So really, if you want to see a difference between a male and female playthrough it depends on whether or not you plan to do the female romance, and then which companion character you think is better to romance. Also, I've noticed that in all the content before Makeb the developers put in many more "flirt" options in conversations for male player characters. For instance, on Imperial Balmora you get to flirt shamelessly with Darth Lachriss as a male, females don't get any option like that.




Commando = Aric Jorgan romance

---I haven't seen enough of the Commando storyline to make a judgement on this.


Sage = Tharan romance

---Personally I find Tharan's playboy attitude creepy as heck, so I wouldn't ever want to see his romance.


Marauder = Quinn romance (also a possible "one night stand" with Pierce)

---I usually think Quinn is annoying, but his romance storyline can be pretty hilarious if you enjoy toying with his emotions on a Dark Side path.



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The main class storyline is exactly the same regardless of gender. The only thing that changes is the romance options available with companion characters. So really, if you want to see a difference between a male and female playthrough it depends on whether or not you plan to do the female romance, and then which companion character you think is better to romance. Also, I've noticed that in all the content before Makeb the developers put in many more "flirt" options in conversations for male player characters. For instance, on Imperial Balmora you get to flirt shamelessly with Darth Lachriss as a male, females don't get any option like that.




Commando = Aric Jorgan romance

---I haven't seen enough of the Commando storyline to make a judgement on this.


Sage = Tharan romance

---Personally I find Tharan's playboy attitude creepy as heck, so I wouldn't ever want to see his romance.


Marauder = Quinn romance (also a possible "one night stand" with Pierce)

---I usually think Quinn is annoying, but his romance storyline can be pretty hilarious if you enjoy toying with his emotions on a Dark Side path.



Cool thanks, if that's really all the changes, I'll just stick with a male. I just thought that it might add some other slight variations to the story if you played female, other than the flirting.

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The female Consular has the option to romance Iresso, yeah. You can also


have a fling with Tharan, but he calls it off pretty quickly because Holiday gets jealous and annoyed and starts randomly zapping him in retaliation. She's a strong female character in some respects, I guess.


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The only thing I would consider playing as female is the trooper, and thats because Jenifer Hale (female Commander Shepard / Fall-from-Grace from Planescape Torment / Bastila from KotoR / Leah from Diablo 3 / Lyris Titanborn from ESO.....) is the voice actor. Edited by Uvirith
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Female Jedi Knight with a love/hate with Doc. I've laughed real hard whenever they started having a convo.


Female Inquisitior. Go full maniac dark. It was so very Bellatrix Lestrange :D


Female Agent. While male version gives off a very James Bond / Jason Bourne feeling, the female version of convos are a bit more... Different. The romance option itself is much different from almost every other option in the game.

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I found in general the female voice acting to be stronger than the male for just about all the characters. It's true the main storylines don't change, but there are nuances and of course the romances are completely different. I'd confirm the above on the female agent romance in particular, it's incredibly unique. Edited by hadoken
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My thoughts thus far;


==Light Side==


1. Consular - Either really. I play a male Sage and Female Shadow.

2. Knight - Either. I play a male Sent and a Female Guardian

3. Smuggler - I am going to say either because some here stated male but I played a female and it works very well.

4. Trooper - Definitely male. From real life military and gaming experience, a male Trooper is definitely the best experience. Although I could tell the game developers did not all serve in the military, but they were close enough.


==Dark Side==


1. Inquisitor - Definitely Female - reminds me of the Drow Priestesses from Menzoberranzan. Both my Sorceress and Assassin are female.

2. Sith Warrior - Either really - I am playing a female true Sith Warrior with Jaesa Willsaam as her apprentice, and truly they look and fight awesome together.

3. Agent - Personally, I think a male is better suited. At least, in chapter 1. I am not sure about after. I play a male operative and a female sniper, and both are still in Chapter 1. Personally, I think the sniper should have a dedicated class story instead of the Operative and Sniper being combined. And I can say the same for the other Advance Class paths as well.

4. Bounty Hunter - Not sure, only played a male and after the Grand Hunt is over, in my opinion, the class story becomes stale.

Edited by Lorica
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Fascinating. As a female, I would not recommend my worst enemy to play a SW, a Knight, and an IA as a Female toon. It sucks/sucked that deeply for me where gender played a role compared to the male.


On the other hand Consular - Female all the way! Drool fest! Male one - ye gods, never!


I also hate F!Inq voice, but I am fine with everything else there :) All other classes I love either, though BH male is fantastic & Smuggler is waaay better as a female imo!


So, almost exactly the opposite, lol.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Of the three given, I'd say Commando, if only because I'm such a Jennifer Hale fan. Though, honestly I wasn't a big fan of the Trooper storyline.


Though you didn't list them, I think the female voices of the Agent (Jo Wyatt aka FemHawke) and Bounty Hunter (Grey DeLisle aka The Handmaiden) did really well, and lend more emotion and levity to their performance than their often serious sounding male counterparts. Female Smuggler (Kath Soucie aka Aerie) was great too with a more youthful and playful sound compared to the cocky sarcasm of the male Smuggler.

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I tried rolling a female sage mainly due to the fact I had a real dislike for male VO (still do really) but in the end, I re-rolled male as it started to bug me when I was being referred to a "she" and "her" all the time not only by other people playing the game, but the cut scenes started to bug me for the same reason.
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Well, I'm female gamer, but I'll answer your question anyway, OP.


Of the three choices that you listed, I thought all three made great female characters honestly. I particularly enjoyed the voice acting on the female warrior. I felt like a real personality was coming across and she was a proud, no nonsense regal-sounding you-know-what. I also played her as a marauder, and the acrobatic nature of that AC fit really well with her body type 2 lithe figure. I could really picture her soaring through the air and kicking butt.


I see you mention sage. My consular was a shadow. I kind of liked it when my calm, elegant diplomat in a dress would break out this huge saber and start busting up the place. :cool:


My trooper was a female commando. Body type 3, Cathar, dark side. Don't mess with her, she'll do what it takes to get the job done, no whining allowed. I thought it worked great.


And, just to add to the discussion, I'll say that I thought the female VA on the inquisitor did a superb job, if you play her dark side anyway. She came across as arrogant, elegant, crazy and oh so snarky, which is exactly how I imagined my sorceress.

Edited by CloudCastle
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I tried rolling a female sage mainly due to the fact I had a real dislike for male VO (still do really) but in the end, I re-rolled male as it started to bug me when I was being referred to a "she" and "her" all the time not only by other people playing the game, but the cut scenes started to bug me for the same reason.


Would be quite weird if she was referred as male, no? Actually my toons being repeatly called to "sir" or "lord" annoy me.

And at least I use pronoun based on characters gender since theres no way to know who's behind keyboard

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I have ran 8 characters now to 55. Have done every class at least once save for Inquisitor and Smuggler. All eight were ran full Light Side. Only one of the eight is female. Here is my thoughts


Male vs Female: I came from playing WoW for 7 years before starting SWTOR last year. Of the 11 characters I had, 6 were female. But as it was WoW, and storylines were just the descriptions of quests for the most part, gender was just a visual thing. The mindset most had in WoW towards playing females was "If you are going to playing it long enough, might as well have something good to look at". Plus some of the races in WoW had better movement and looks as females.


In SWTOR, your class storyline is the same regardless of gender, but it's your companion missions where it does come in. Romances are key, and some classes have even multiple choices based on gender. Your companions treat you differently as well based on if you are male of female. All sort of emotions and thought processes come into play.


My Class Breadown

Jedi Knight: Ran through this story twice; both as male characters. Mainly because I loved the Kira romanic story so much.

Jedi Conuslar: My Sage is my only female character, and I have to say, it was very good choice. Not for the class story as female, but because of t he way your companions treated you as a female. The romance with the Lt. was a bit "*** do I say" when going through it, but liked how it wasn't very involved. I also have a male Shadow that just started Chapter 2, looking forward to seeing the Nadia romance take shape later on

Trooper: Same story as the Knight; ran the story twice, loved the Elara romance story, no complaints

Sith Warrior: My newest finish, I havent even go through any of the companions stories yet fully. Male character that used Quinn the whole time. Highly recommend Light side Warrior, the story is very good. Dont like that I cant romance Jaesa though....

Imperial Agent: This was the most fun I had in the game going through this story. Temple is a fox, absolutely loved her story. Everything on the Agent story was good. Light Side worked out very well for an Agent.

Bounty Hunter: Almost on par with the Agent story as far as fun factor is as a Light side run through. Mako story leaves a lot to be desired though


The Bottom Line: When concerning your gender choice, concern how much you can handle having to think outside of the box if you pick the opposite sex.

Edited by mastervalkar
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As a guy I found most of the female voiceovers are better than their male counterparts which is saying something because all the voiceovers in this game are pretty good.

The female VOs are each more varied, have more weight, fit the given situations better, and are overall a stronger set of performances. I found them more convincing, less monotonous, and just better acted. I think the female warrior is the strongest voice acting in the game. The female smuggler is a close second- it's by far the funniest and is amazing what the actress pulls off here.


Warrior: female

Inq: same

Agent same

BH: female


Knight: same

Cons: female

Smug: female

Trooper: same

Edited by Projawa
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Not sure if it's been mentioned yet... but slightly more changes than just romanceable companions. Romanceable npc options appear based on different sexes. I will never play a female trooper, no matter how much mrs. hale rocks, because i just love me my Sgt. Jaxo that much.


If I was gonna roll up republic classes i would probably go...


Male and Female Knight. Kira is one of my favorite companions to romance, but I also enjoy the idea of a tiny little miralukan girl gettin all up in peoples faces.

Female Consular. Choice based entirely on my opinion of character voices.

Male Trooper. Sgt. Jaxo, need I say more.

Male Smuggler. While I like the idea/image of an elegant yet deadly female smuggler, I FREAKING HATE CORSO WITH A PASSION!

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Actually, if you truly hate Riggs, playing F!Smug is the way to go. You simply string him along, and flirt with every other male in the Galaxy in front of him and watch with morbid fascination as he descends to the very abyss of door-matness. Then you wipe your dirty boots on him... again, and again, and again. And he still keeps coming for more.


I basically was sour when Riggs turns out to be my LI 'cause I wanted to play Solo in skirts, duh, and I could only take this subtle torture until Skavak told him to shut up and go stand in the corner while he is making out with the Captain, and Riggs went.


At that point it was highly satisfying to kick Skavak where it hurt, and that brings us to the other point of the joys of F!Smug: her side romances are the best game has to offer so far. But I dunno if a male player actually could appreciate Numen Brock or Skavak :)

Edited by DomiSotto
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As an altoholic, my answer would be play them all :p Fem!Consular has been my least favorite of all 16 VA.


No one has mentioned this, but on Makeb, Republic females get the same sex flirt, but Imperial females don't. Doesn't matter to me, but you might find it entertaining ;)

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Fascinating. As a female, I would not recommend my worst enemy to play a SW, a Knight, and an IA as a Female toon. It sucks/sucked that deeply for me where gender played a role compared to the male.


On the other hand Consular - Female all the way! Drool fest! Male one - ye gods, never!


I also hate F!Inq voice, but I am fine with everything else there :) All other classes I love either, though BH male is fantastic & Smuggler is waaay better as a female imo!


So, almost exactly the opposite, lol.


Kath Soucie does the female Smuggler, and it's truly some of her best work, which is saying a lot.


I prefer Female BH and Consular myself. Fem Warrior, I agree with you, the male warrior is way better - his voice is very sexy and very BA.

Edited by Vid-szhite
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I am very annoyed about anything predetermined for my chars, so full voicing always makes me leery, but I have to say , F!Smug is a match to my wishful thinking as a voice :)


Now, male warrior - darn, while the female starts out paving the worlds with anyone tempting before as much as throwing a smile their way, and then proceeds to sexually harass her minion, the male has Vette fawning over him, while he flirts away with a lot of interesting ladies. What's not to love?

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Actually, if you truly hate Riggs, playing F!Smug is the way to go. You simply string him along, and flirt with every other male in the Galaxy in front of him and watch with morbid fascination as he descends to the very abyss of door-matness. Then you wipe your dirty boots on him... again, and again, and again. And he still keeps coming for more.


I basically was sour when Riggs turns out to be my LI 'cause I wanted to play Solo in skirts, duh, and I could only take this subtle torture until Skavak told him to shut up and go stand in the corner while he is making out with the Captain, and Riggs went.


At that point it was highly satisfying to kick Skavak where it hurt, and that brings us to the other point of the joys of F!Smug: her side romances are the best game has to offer so far. But I dunno if a male player actually could appreciate Numen Brock or Skavak :)

I will have to keep this in mind and roll my next smuggler female. In fact, this might work out pretty awesome, because I'm not the biggest fan of risha either. And like I said, I really like the idea of a female smuggler.

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