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A PvP a Day...


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Yes, having a taunt on the class bumps the medal count. I too had to keybind my nascent Shadow differently than everyone else because the logic is different to me.


I dunno if you are going to keep playing it or switch to an elevenths Sage, but hey, hopefully it all good!


@Alrick - well, hey, you are popular :)


I've done my active datacroning, though I parked a couple of chars by starting locations on a couple I had troubles with, so now I am completely and totally free of anything else I want to do before October 19th or 27th or whatever the 4.0 drops on. Now, fingers crossed the crones are retroactive, or I might not be happy :)

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No, I prefer the republic, but I play with the Empire as well & my PvE endeavors basically are all on the Empire side. My mentor mained Imperial, plus Teclado and Banderal run imps as well. I am running mostly merc atm.


Couple of fun things in the zones:


Two stealth guys in the holding pen: We are going to go get the Grass.

The higher level merc (judging by the handle, the same guy who plays an absolutely amazing PT): So, we are going to abandon mid?

The Stealth: Five people on the mid is hardly abandoning.

Me: So, who’s on snow?


Stealth: Juggernaut will be the best.

Two Juggernauts make the beeline for the mid. I go snow figuring that a level 41 merc after all is better than a level 30 merc, and that any level merc is better than nothing… I, like, have an extra casted DoT now after all, you know, potent stuff. It worked out, thankfully, since the folks that wanted snow were non-stealth (sage and guardian) and to give credit to my teammates they did respond to calls. That did not disperse my grave doubts about a merc being uniquely suited for the task. Seriously, if they had one Operative, I’d be food….


Also, in the realm of PvP could be sweet. A Juggernaut apologized for killing me in a reg arena via an emote. We teamed up for a couple of zones afterwards. Ah, the Sith, could surprise you after all that time. 

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I'm jealous. I have NEVER seen anyone apologizing himself or herself for killing someone on the other side; all I ever see are the usual insult emotes ...


Funny you say that because one of my teammates was spitting on people he destroyed after the warzone ended. T'was very funny!

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I pulled a couple of arenas yesterday, not exactly a glorious day. Try using a Focus Target's Target, but I am still waaay too slow. By the time I position myself by a LoS object, and find the correct target in that mess, things are well under way. :( I wish it allowed you select the target on the frames while in the prep zone. It's really odd, sometimes it does show the person, and sometimes it is just blacked out, I don't know why. I mean, is it better to just shoot an incorrect target while looking for the correct one?

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I just had the most amazing hypergates! I'm on my midbies immortal juggernuaght.


We are fighting tooth-n-nail, but slowly going behind. No major mistakes are being made like the cap-n-leave-pylon or anything like that, they are just better a killing than we are. We are down, I'm not sure, maybe over 100 points after 2 rounds.


Then we decide to rush their pylon. Well "decide" is a bit of an overstatement. I head there out of mid, and see that a couple stealth from my team have also went that way. The enemy team concentrates on me and I"m able to survive long enough, and slow them down so that the stealths cap it. Not ideal capping "theirs" so early, but it gives our team a boost of moral.


We fight over it until about a minute left, and then they get the upper hand and take it just as the spawn door opens and I was heading to try to reinforce. I see another stealth is with me, so I head off toward mid instead, hoping to draw them away. I do that well, and die. :D And sure enough, with about 30 seconds left the stealther grabs their pylon again! We held it through the timer, with many last second saves where they ALMOST took it back, but we managed to interupt the recaps just in time.


Now we are up about 400 v 200, but they have way more kills than us. We try the same tactic, but fail this time. This round ends with us at 595, and them at 592! Because of the funky way AGH scores I figure the only way to win this is with an orb. I say that in spawn as the pylons are finishing their explosions.


Out of spawn I see a couple of our team heading to the pylon, and none of the enemy, so I head mid. The enemy pretty much owns mid, and you know, there's no way they are going to let me waltz in and take an orb, right? Well, apparently asking nicely works fine, because I just walk through them, cap the orb and walk out. Maybe "crawl out" would be a better description, since I must have had 4 slows on me. About the time I exit mid I hear that they've capped their pylon. We have ours too.


So I pop all my DCs, and slowly crawl towards our pylon... just praying the they are not doing the same thing! And I made it! Ran in the orb for the win!


Best Win Ever. :D

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Wow, that's really cool! I am still merc'ing away, but will try to pull out my Shadow over the weekend, after the raids are all done for the week.


EDIT: Oh! My bad pride things: went over 27,000 kills finally, and did over 1,000 dps in a couple of matches. :o

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I've had a quite similar Hypergates match a few days ago ... very close ... First, the imp side ran around like headless chickens, doing exclusively nothing but deathmatching ... then, during the match they must have had some serious backfills : Much, much more competent players who turned the table !


They attacked us very much - a Sorc trolled us several times - I recognize this troll Sorc from his or her behaviour, because this Sorc has done it before - but I don't remember the name anymore - and WE were in the denfense now !


In the end, we won, but it was close in the end.

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First, the imp side ran around like headless chickens, doing exclusively nothing but deathmatching ... then, during the match they must have had some serious backfills : Much, much more competent players who turned the table !


Ah, the witching hour.


Well, I am still running with the Empire on Glaen, and getting even more of those Sith still can surprise you after all this time moments. We were fighting Alderaan, and a Marauder (and gods, how I was afraid of these guys when I first started) was fighting on the rafters, dropping health, so I ran up and off-healed the player, so s/he managed to hang on to that last 5% health and get the opponent down. To my surprise I got a "ty' whisper.


Nothing but wins today, but I was hanging around 800 dps. On the upside, I am getting used to running as a DPS, and starting to feel that I might be up to trying out some of my currently 60 once the expansion drops. I am thinking the PT/VG pair and maybe Slinger/Sniper. Hey, I am sure that desire will evaporate as soon as I get the first proper "Oh, look, tasty Merc!" butt-kicking.

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I wish you lots of fun ! :) because I'm on vacation for a week from tomorrow on.


I only fear that I might perhaps not be able to get the nightmare mode achievements done ... But at least I have a few good friends who might be able to help me ... ;)


I'm looking forward to reading lots of funny stories here ! ;):cool:

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Have a great vacations, Alrick!


I took a day off today, and tried a few zones on my Shadow. (Sigh) I love the AC very, very much, aesthetically and stuff, but I am too damn slow to play the melee. I am not giving up, but yeah, I am some parsecs away from where I gotta be.


Merc was fun though.


Even tried a zone on my Gunslinger, wearing a vintage Obroan set sans augments and stim (Full Noob), and yeah, I am going to switch her to Marksmanship. I remember someone joked that Dirty Fighting's highest achievement is to mildly annoy the target, and that's pretty much describes my performance! :rolleyes:

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Wait, I'm confused. I thought vacation was when you played MORE PvP? :p


Only had a couple noteworthy matches today. Zoned into an arena with 5 healers total, 2 for us, 3 for them. Then one of "their" healers dropped, and they got about 4 replace/drops right in a row, before the match even started. They finally settled with 2 DPS, 2 healer and we had 1 dps, 2 healers and me (tank). I think that's what it was.


First round we manage to get one of their healers, and then we were able to take the rest out. Round 2 went to acid, and there we got to the middle first and were able to keep them out. So a long match of trying to figure out how to separate healers from targets, and basically failing. :D


And then I ended with a pipeball that showcased... OMG... TEAM WORK! :eek: We did not have operatives with lolroll. We did not have any super-power-techs. We were not all level 55-59. We just had a group that got the ball, passed the ball, guarded the carrier, healed the carrier, and went ahead for passes. We got a 6 to 0 win. Granted, most of the other team did not seem that interested in trying to stop us. :( Maybe they thought we were a premade, and so they "had no chance!". :rolleyes:

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Was trying more Shadow today after pulling about 3 arenas in a row on a merc. As a result, I mind arenas less, but my merc has a few new dents on his armor.


My Shadow was pulling a bunch of arenas as well - probably low queue, but also got a cool Alderaan and a backfill in Novarre. Oh, and hse got to score her very first time in Pipeball. I struggle a lot with the Shadow. Finally started spreading the dots, resulting in increasing my DPS to the 700 range, and score a kill on some poor lowbies here and there as a solo, but not yet to the point of 5 solo kills in a game t get the achievements. That's the first taunt-capable character I am not using the taunt on, I am just so overwhelmed with all the running around, DoT'ing, kiting and hitting that I simply forget. On the do-list! Level 30 is too close! Damn, why can't I de-level???!!!

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I know I'm a regular player, there is many people much better than me, im not competitive, i dont mind losing if i enjoy the wz, but i'll remember a today's wz the rest of my life:


I was having a bad day playing at wz's with my sin at midbies, losing most of them., with what I call the "weekend team style": more lag, capping and leaving, no chat com at all, no team support, whiners,...


So an arena popped up, first round won pretty fast, and suddenly the ops leader starts whining: "***? the healer healing a lvl 31 (me) instead of the high lvls? suck my *** and this kind of stuff". After a silence, the healer answers: when U get better DPS than him then I'll heal U. Another silence (everybody checking the board thinking "OMG that can't be possible!!" It was). So second round starts and won, won the match (the enemy team was very very bad). Nothing else on chat. I got high and they got down, all is relative, i wasn't better than them, they were worse than me!!!


That healer made my day, it worth all the crap wz that I played before, and here is where i want to get to, when u think that u are not having fun, and the wz window pops up, give it the chance to surprise U.



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That healer made my day, it worth all the crap wz that I played before, and here is where i want to get to, when u think that u are not having fun, and the wz window pops up, give it the chance to surprise U.


Yep. Although, to turn that around...


I know I have yet to figure out why sometimes I get lots of protection points, and sometimes not much. I had that happen in an arena yesterday. We had 2 tanks, a healer and a DPS. Round 1 the other tank threw a guard on the healer and promptly charged into the main enemy group, WAY out of range of guard working. I tried to help the healer and stay in guard range of our DPS, and of course failed. I was throwing out taunts on cooldown, at least as much as I remembered. End of the match and the other tank had around 200K protection, and I had about 50K. Round 2 I guarded the healer and stuck with her, and of course more taunts. We lasted quite a bit longer, but still lost. That other tank STILL had about 200K and I had about 50K. I have no idea how they got that much protection both times, but I'm obviously still doing something wrong. :o


And then other times the score will pop up and I'll have the 200K. I wish I knew what was happening. Currently I think it's either I'm taunting the wrong targets, or the enemy team recognizes me as a tank to reduce the taunt/guard effectiveness. Not sure though.


Hmm, I guess that's kind of the opposite of your point. Sorry! :D


About the healer giving you props in chat, though - that's just all kinds of awesome.

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Were you focused? That's what I can think off. If the other tank taunts and they shoot you, the protection goes to him. On the other hand what you get is what they put on your guardee. If you are guarding the healer, it makes sense they were splitting damage between you and the heals to bring both of you down.


EDIT: It was nice that the players complimented you :) Folks have been actually really nice lately, feels so much better.


I made a mistake of queueing for one level 60 zone on my Slinger and regretted it despite the zone being a win. Basically it had all the ranked guys farming kills. They did not care enough to even blast the doors. Just focused elimination for kills. I basically was killed off no matter where I tried to take cover and start the rotation on anything. Was not worth switching to Sharpshooter for this. So, I went back to lowbies and midbies to keep working on my chars. I'll play my 60's once KotFE drops.

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Returned into the fray after levelling most of my character now. All I miss is my second Assassin in the low 40s now, my second Operative is done. 54 atm, going to bring him to 55 only with PvP. Lethality speeced.

So, I only ran two WZs with him before the levelling spree, so I'm not that great in PvP on him. Never been a great Op player, although I know how to play it decently. Still, back to stories.


First WZ was a Quesh Huttball. 3vs8. And I was in the 3, of course. And obviously, we didn't get reinforcements at all. :rolleyes:

Still, actually almost scored solo! Got killed right after the top lvl acid pit... Lost it without too much trouble, damage and heals were pityful as after that exploit I constantly had 5+ on me all the time when not stealthed. :cool:


A couple WZs after, I got an Ancient Hypergates. 8vs8, finally. Reps vs Imps too. At start I make clear I'm Lethality Speeced and after a Tank Assassin says I should offheal mid - yeah, with what? All I have are my Kolto probes and the Diagnostic scan... :rolleyes: - I respond no can do and explain why.

So I go cap our pylon instead, and keep it safe. 3 times I call incs, 3 times an Assassin DPS comes to help. Never seen anyone else there, and said Assassin DPS was also running orbs like a pro. :D


Funny thing is, I get to literally melt a Sent solo about a dozen times. :p

That guy was extremely stubborn, and kept coming at our pylon solo all the time. After the second Inc call made only for him, I realized I could solo him with no trouble, so I just whispered the Assassin DPS to work his orbs and keep an eye on my health bar. Well, this guy's mindset was simply as below: :(

1. Get to the enemy pylon and start capping.

2. Attacked, spam the basic attack.

3. Die, respawn, rinse and repeat.

Throughout the whole WZ, I never saw that Sent use Force Charge. Nor Force Sweep. Nor anything else but the basic attack. I had him as an opponent in a few more WZs, where he played exactly the same.

Sure, he wasn't in the 50s, but at 39 you should have something beyond the basic attack... Right? :confused:


We won without too much trouble, although at a point the Tank Assassin I mentioned before asked to guard in my place. And lost the pylon because he didn't call an Inc of 4 ppl. :rolleyes:

Surprisingly, I see 4 enemies are there, and count 4 more mid, where I'm DPSing to at least get more than 6 medals... So I get to their pylon and cap it. :D

And I proceed to hold it till the end of the round despite incs. After that we won without trouble. :cool:


Last notable one was a Novare Coast. 8vs8, Reps vs Imps once again. Still had that Sent, which kept charging the S turret no matter how many times he died - and trust me, it happened a lot. :eek:

At start I went to cap our N turret, the NE one. Enemies focused S, and one of our Operatives - we had 4 :D - went to disrupt their NW turret soon after. Sadly, they managed to take that guy down, and cap NW. S was captured by them shortly after. :o

I remained on the turret guarding for a bit, looking at movements. The opposing team had 4 ppl constantly move around together. And a Vanguard apparently solo guarding NW. Since I got no incs at all, I called for a guard swap, confident I could at least harass NW enough to make them call reinforcements - I was 100% sure there was a stealth too with teh Vanguard there. ;)

Still, the kind Op from before came to relieve me of guard duty, and I proceeded to move NW. I stayed a moment watching, seeing the Vanguard kept placing the stealth scan on top of himself. SO I waited for hte effect to vanish and started my attack. Backstab, poison grenade - which revealed a Scoudrel I knew was there :D - and everything else you can expect from a lvl 54 Lethality Op. :p

I almost got the Vanguard, but my health was too low, so I had to stealth out. I hid behind a corner and rest up. Then re-engaged. This time I focused the Scoudrel, which I forced to stealth out, before almost bringing the Vanguard down again. I barely survived long anough to stealth out again, but now the 4 man brigade came to help. 6vs1. And my team still wasn't able to cap S! In a 6vs2 situation, mind you... :confused:

We lost it, of course. But I at least had the satisfaction of not dying, and having: top Objective Points, top damage, top heals - Kolto Probes and my procced Kolto Injection are all I used :D - and, as if that wasn't enough, top kills. All limited to my team, of course but still a nice result for a character I didn't PvP with since lvl 15, a month ago or so. :cool:


Kind of baffled at that Sent, but still... Yeah. Hopefully things will get better. Eventually. :eek:

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Really weird that Sentinel, but what Icykill posted today:




I am wondering if someone is testing a script for botting zones for Conquest points? Weird, I know.


EDIT: Heh, I got a white say today saying that my character was killed because of his haircut. I jumped over the wall when I saw that nobody went for the home node, saw the Scop capping it, backed away, but he rolled in and of course killed my poor char and had to relieve his/her boredom by commenting on the hairstyle that caused the incident (yeah, it was not the solo kill at all). I guess, if I went all emo bangs, I'd gotten a free pass back to mid. (Right.) Fashion is becoming more and more important in the zones.... "Oh, it's a PvP toon! Gotta dress him up! Or the other kids will tell him that he's ugly and mommy dresses him funny!"

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Did a few WZ on a mid-bracket Jugg I'm leveling but rarely log onto - the opposing teams were full of Sorc/sages PT/vanguards, almost exclusively. It was horrible.


Huh. I also am taking a Jugg through the ranks. Might be level dependent? Or because I'm a tank? I've just gotten into the low 50s, and I'm really liking the class. I guess I don't do mega damage, but between all my defensive cool downs, holy smokes I can last for ever! Which is important, because I still end up solo guarding a lot.


Plus, it's nothing short of awesome to turn the tables on all those DOTS and use them to heal myself. On my shadow they DOT me up, and I'm like... "crap!". On the jugg, I'm thinking "hey, thanks!" :D


I got to actually *tank* a bit yesterday in an AHG. We had a great healer, and someone else was actually watching the pylon (mostly Domi I think). I was bouncing around between "in-danger" team mates with the friendly leap, swapping guard, Ccing like a madman... all in all doing one of my best jobs tanking, and then Domi called inc at the pylon and I missed it completely. And so did the rest of the team, and so we lost the match right at the end when they took it from us. I felt like a cad. :( But the tanking part was fun. :p

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Nah, you did the right thing going mid with the healer. As a combo you were far more valuable in the charging party (and I would like to see you leading the charge more often; I am almost tempted to switch to a healer for it, but well, we'll see. We at least need to try it on your Shadow+ my Scoundrel one of those, b/c I have a feeling we should be able to prevent caps on that dynamic duo forever). In fact you two might have been a bit too effective, as nobody died, so it was very hard to get the folks to leave the mid RIGHT AWAY before the calls, and before grabbing the nodes.


They had a scop that was on our pylon full-time, and kiting an Op on a Merc even in midbies is a miserable proposition. I spent most of this zone hugging rocks, and shooting basic shot to just stop his caps, and once he started bringing in friends, well, for a while we managed to get our guys to come as fast as they did, but not that last time. I had another merc and a sorc there.


Ah, well. Things happen. If that guy was better or higher level (not sure what s/he was) we'd be done in real fast. I am more interested now in playing my two stealth chars.


EDIT: Just found out that you can only have 16 chars on server, so I need to move two to be able to play them off the Harbinger. Wow. :) I picked Shadowlands, since I always used it as my "try the customization options" server, so I have a couple level 1s on it. I am thinking of moving my least favorite AC pair, Guardian (60) and Juggernaut (26). Just gotta sort their inventories out, and throw a few legacy thingies on them. Hopefully, there is some PvP on SL.

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