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A PvP a Day...


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Oh, my F1-F12 are bound on the sides of my mouse. The Interrupt is bound the same for everyone, on tab, because I do not like to move my hand too far way from the cluster of the combat abilities. I 'tab target' one of the mouse side button.


My binding works for me for now, I know where things are, I am just not used to watching the channels.


As a healer all my targets were friendlies, so I have by far less experience watching and reacting to an enemy. And, of course, I am slower than an average person, much less an average player with my reflexes.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Okay, so I think after a lot of planning and leveling, I have a far better idea how my PvP DPS Elementary is going to work.

Today I will start a Sage and a Scoundrel, and bring them to level 25 as well, because I have not tried those ACs as DPSs.


So, in the end my set up is going to be:


Level 41: Mando/merc

Level 25: Sentinel, Shadow, Sage, Scoundrel


Hopefully, working through the low levels at a slow PvP-only pace will help me build up as a DPS.

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Well, ran a single WZ on my brand new Lethality Op, tonight. Joined in progress, and I was the only one who capped a pylon. :eek:


Both teams were at about 0 points when I joined, so scarce I thought we started moments before, but... Nope.

I have no idea how long they'd been at it, but judging from deaths and kills after the WZ was over, I'd say a fair bit... After it ended, with 3 full rounds of double cap I staged yolo, well... Everyone but me had a bunch of deaths and kills. Like, above 20 of each per person. While I had all the Objective points. :confused:


So yeah, I double capped on my round one... And nobody from either team bothered to cap either pylon after that. No orb moved off mid either. Same for my round two. And same for my round 3. After that, my team won with a huge advantage, obviously. :rolleyes:


Oh god, if this is a sign of what is to come... I'm scared! :eek:

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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Oh god, if this is a sign of what is to come... I'm scared! :eek:


Wow, that's about the worst I've ever heard. I've seen plenty of times where no one goes the the pylon at first, or, of course, like everyone has seen, the cap-n-leave. Maybe they agreed at the start to do that so they could just death-match, and you were ruining their fun? :rolleyes: (I'm rolling eyes at my own comment there, not you :D )


I have hope though. I am on my lowly level 31/32 jugg in midbies, and I just ended two pretty fun games. One was a pipeball believe it or not! :eek: Had a same faction game, with some of the guys on the other side that had just helped me win the previous voidstar (which was also, come to think of it, pretty good - we were short handed by 2 people for about 1/2 the first round, and we still limited them to just past the first bridge). Anyway, I like playing against people who I just had with me on a winning team, feel like I get to test my mettle so to speak. :D They started out going up 2 to zip, and it looked like we were in trouble. Then we came together, and started to get used to who was doing which part... I'd grab the ball and pass it to someone over the acid, or I'd be down there to guard whoever grabbed it, and try to Cc the enemy team as best I could. I didn't get up top much after that, because the rest of the team was managing the scores. We ended up pulling ahead and wining 5 to 2! :D


The second was an arena. These are rarely fun for me, because they are usually so lopsided (and I don't much like the format anyway), but this one was pretty good. We had 2 tanks and 2 dps, against their 4 dps. The first round we lost, after it came down to a duel between 1 of us and 1 of them at the end. Our guy lost, but only by a bit. 2nd round we managed much better. I actually survived the whole round. They didn't focus me too much, so I got to Cc them quite a bit. I even managed to successfully force-push one of their big hitters off the platform in the middle of his ravage - so I felt really proud. (haha). We ended that round with 3 of us standing. Round 3 they took out me and the powertech I was guarding pretty quick, while we had only downed 1 of them. But I guess they must have used a lot of their burst to do that, because our remaining 2 guys actually out-lasted and burned them down. So we won 2 matches to 1. And then I saw, for the very first time EVER, every single person on each team put in a "/say gg". I was awed.


So have hope! Sometimes PUGS figure out how to play objectives! And sometimes PUGs even are 1/2 way decent to each other. :D

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That was awesome, Banderal! Funny, my only remaining Empire character is an Immortal as well. :) Well, I am 22 levels into the Scoundrel, so it's just 3 more, and then the Sage and I will be back to the zones. I got sidetracked a little yesterday running a few bounty contracts because I decided that I did not want a Flashy on my Scoundrel. Now I want that blaster on my Merc too. Seriously, the Big Hunt Blaster is just... well, belongs in a damsel's purse ? I swear, it has a floral pattern on it!
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Remade my Operative since I remember I can't stand the Imp side. Say "allo" to my Bond girl:




Anywhosen, here are all the Warzones I did on her today (she was made yesterday):




Very first match was a Voidstar and we lost, lmfao! I tried to keep the enemy occupied, but they were so many bombarding the door at one point that none of us realized the other door was empty until the bomb was planted. Even after knowing that, they managed to keep us occupied for it to go off, and then they swiftly made for the datacore. When it was our turn we got the door blasted open, but since they made it to the datacore, we lost. I was surprised that I got top in one category and I was elated that I didn't get whacked at all.




This one was a repeat of the first basically, so not much to say here 'cept that we got our butts kicked, lol. I'm always curious as to why Marauders like to think they can take me out solo. I also managed to give the Assassins a run for their money, and when I noticed I was about to get pounded into the ground by a group of their homies, I would simply Dodge+Disappearing Act. BEST.COMBO.EVER!!!



Grrrrr, we could have won this one, but the fellow guarding the node forgot to call out until he was dead and it captured. The match started with the filthy Imps taking South and their home node, with me taking West, comme toujours. After I got a guildie of mine to stand guard, I assisted the others and we took South. We were doing fine until a different guard took over and as stated previously, forgot to call. No biggie, as we all got to kick some tail!




Huttball is always fun ain't it? I almost scored many times but I got killed by the stupid fire trap, lmao! I also got owned hard by a group of the Imps who mauled me right on top of a bridge. Our resident Commando was able to make a score when I finally found the dang "Pass the Huttball" button. He was calling out to me to pass the first time, but I not only did I not see the call, I was busy trying to keep the Imps from nipping at me heels. After he (the Commando) scored, we basically pestered them until time ran in our favour!




This one is one for the books! Out of those 6 scores, four were mine alone! Man this match was a blast as one particular Operative made it his business to keep me occupied, but I always had my grenades, Flash Bang, or teammates handy to get him off me. One time a Sorcerer grabbed the ball after one of my teammates got killed very, very, very, near their goal line. I immediately pounded him into the ground before he could get off the ramp, but with my HP so low and me forgetting to hit the dang potion button, I got owned right on the line, lol. Man I wish this match was recorded so you could see it. For the scores I made, as soon as I made a goal, I immediately jumped down, grabbed the ball, grabbed the speed boost, then hightailed it (sorry Gunslingers ^.^) to the goal line. When my teammates got the ball themselves, I turned into a medic and kept applying medpac like no tomorrow. Man, this match was so cool!




Guard Duty. Surprisingly, I ended up in first place! Weird ain't it? o.O When the Imps decided to come say allo to me, I called out for help and got rid of them. Once I had a Juggernaut and a Powertech come pay me a visit, so I kept applying Sleep Dart alternately until a Gunslinger showed up and mowed them both down. I also got help from two other Scoundrels when I called out "inc grass" or "help grass now". I always try to let my team know what classes are actually on their way to the node as a heads' up of what to expect. By the way, I've never seen the speeders used so much as in every couple of seconds an Imp was on one of them lol. It was basically a graveyard for the Imperials.


Now that all my PvP quests are done, I can go eat and do some PvE. Woo!

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Hey, glad you made it back to Scoundreling. It seems to become a very popular AC.  Seems like you got a good variety of the zones too, which is always awesome.


Well, I finally caught up with Banderal and met his newest tank  We had a blast, only had one team that did not cooperate well, and had a trashtalker on it. And a couple of people without relics or… offhands. On level 53-55. I sort of can get missing a relic, but an offhand on that level? We waited out a little after that match, to be honest, to, well, queue dodge (blush).


But the rest was really nice. Folks that talked and took what came our way in a cheerful competent way. We had a PT who held East in NC in such a sturdy manner with though s/he was a tank. Checked him the next load, turned out to be a DPS. Much respect.


Got to play against that Gunslinger again, a Novarre and a Pipeball. The player now has the character to level 53 (I bet s/he was playing while I was leveling my young alts, heh), and despite my attempts to interrupt I am still just getting totaled by the player. I think I just went for interrupt whenever I saw the guy channel. Usually it was the Aimed Shot, I can’t remember off hand if that’s the Slinger’s Ambush, meaning I was doing the right thing. Unfortunately, when I managed to get the player low, s/he moved off to the back of the Queshball box, to heal up. And, of course there was an acid trap in the way for me. And the rest of the times, well, they had two slingers trying to control the mid, and well, I tried to run with someone else, to take these guys out, because leaving Slingers up on the high is a bad, bad idea, but yeah, it was not always, erm, coordinated.


I would love to end up on the same side as s/he plays when I play my mando, to mooch targets off the player, but by the discrepancy in the levelling speed, it is not going to happen. Ah, too bad. Could have learned from shadowing the player, not just trying to L2interrupt.


It was very lovely to get back into the game, but heh, rusty. I keep forgetting the Kolto Override!

Edited by DomiSotto
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Oh, you still have time to grind out the Staged stuff on Makeb :)


@PvP: I am starting to understand the loyalty people show for the Mando/Merc class. It has a lovely gameplay. I also see the challenges (Banderal <3 Guard). Been slowly advancing to the 27,000 kills. Basically, was just thinking that I basically got everything I wanted from this game now, save for the PvP DPS achievements, so I will keep my heals as PvE chars for now and stick to the DPS, as much as I am tempted to test out Merc heals with Banderal tanking.


Going to try my Shadow on APAC time, I think, because iirc nobody has a lowbie Pub side atm in S-Key, or?

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That's great. We can take turns node-guarding & see how it goes :)


Take turns? No way! You are stealth, and we all know that a stealth's only job in a WZ is to solo guard. Well, I guess two jobs. They are also there to get blamed for the loss when they cannot hold the node 4v1 while the rest of the team hunts down that pesky enemy operative at mid. :D

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Oh, you still have time to grind out the Staged stuff on Makeb :)


I actually got it the evening before I got ill. Great.

Almost 2 weeks wasted ... well, not fully. ;)

And the forums were quiet due to my absence, I gues, which is a good sign, too. ;)

And the week after this coming week I'm on vacation.

Well, RL matters more to me, in the end. ;)

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...Going to try my Shadow...


I think I'm going to delete my Scoundrel and craft one of these. I always fancied the playstyle in PvE and always pounded them into the ground in PvP, so now I'll take one of my own in and see how I fare.


P.S., I think I'm going to attend that Cantina event right here in NYC and see what all the hubbub is about.

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I think I'm going to delete my Scoundrel and craft one of these. I always fancied the playstyle in PvE and always pounded them into the ground in PvP, so now I'll take one of my own in and see how I fare.


P.S., I think I'm going to attend that Cantina event right here in NYC and see what all the hubbub is about.


Do it!

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Oh, wow, I think you totally gotta go! The closest Cantina to our parts was in Vancouver, which is still pretty far.


And, a lowbie Shadow is Okay in PvP. Kills lowbie Operatives that come stealing her nodes :) 'Cause, you know, no Infiltrate.

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I think you should attend it as well. I always liked them at the Games Com. :)


Me, I'm slowly getting back to normal again. I was told that it's not as worse as I had feared. I can go looking forward into the next week again. :)


I'll try to get online this weekend, but don't count on me.

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