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A PvP a Day...


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Woot! You've mastered huttball! :D Isn't it great when you are actually doing "plays". I love those games. But yeah, sometimes the downside is that the other team has a few players that start to realize, "hey, we really need to stop that girl!"


I managed to actually focus a sorc healer, help burn em down, and then when they tried to force-speed away I grappled, pulled em back, and rocket-punched them back to spawn. We ultimately lost the game, but that little victory made me very happy. :p


On my healer I finally got "fully geared"... for lowbies. LoL. So I got enough light-side points to fill in those last two relic slots. Then had a good huttball myself. Good team, playing to win. We finished it up when we were up top their side, waiting to get through the last acid, and the ball carrier got knocked all the way down to the basement. But I hit a wall, and stayed up top. Luckily the guy had enough awareness to see me jumping up and down frantically, and he passed all the way back up for an easy score (since they all followed him down :) ). 6 to zip!


Only had one close game today. A VS. We had to get through the second set of doors quicker. I think I helped that one by acting as a "tank" with my healer. For that last door we were not really making any progress, and I went over to try the loan defender on the other side. They panicked so bad that I soon had 3 of them trying to kill me, then another healer came over and we were cross healing and they had 4 or 5 there at that point. And then our team planted against the remainder on the other side. And believe it or not, the countdown clock and the round 2 timer were tied! The door exploded open at 0 seconds, and then we lost I think due to the tie-breaker rules. Still, it was exciting. :D

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Congrats on being fully geared! That's an important first step :)


I think I will be playing a PT as well, once I finish the Knight, but I will be trying a DPS version.


I did the Imperial side on Sorcerer yesterday, with one amazing Arena that completely made me understand the skill gap. I was grouped up with two other players, a merc DPS and sensei, against a trinity full set of 4. What follows defies logic, because we won. I think they tried to kill sensei too hard, and yeah, 2 DPS is not enough for that. During the break between the two rounds, a Mara loaded in, and asked: "Why did someone pull out?" and it was a bit of fun to see him informed that nobody did. Anyway, second time round, they re-focused on me, did bring me down after I used every trick I know, but that kept 2 DPS with a formidable healer working, so... a win. Holy cow.

Edited by DomiSotto
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LoL about the arena. I'm always a cross between happy and sad when I get in a group of really skilled players in an arena. We win, so that's cool. But I'm like... why do I even need to be here? :o (Not that that was your level of skill, that's mine. :D ).


I just got my cleanse on my lowbie healer. It's my only new button, and I always go into the match thinking "I have to use cleanse now!" And then I finished the match with, "crap, I forgot to use cleanse again!". I even forget on myself when I have dots. It's like a blind spot. :( I think I have to change my UI. I've read other threads (and maybe this one too, can't remember all the posts!) where healers say "make your ops frame bigger" or some such thing so you can see the icons! So I guess I have two things to do to really be able to use cleanse effectively - make the icons bigger somehow so I can see them, and then learn which icons I can cleanse. Damn, healing is so hard!

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I use suggestions for showing the buffs/debuffs directly from the Sage/Sorc healer guide. It is really good, you can see really fast if someone is slowed etc. I had troubles using cleanse in the beginning, but now I just stick it in the rotation, along with the bubble. If there are a lot of Force Users around, chances are the guy you heal will have stuff that you want to cleanse off!


Not that that was your level of skill, that's mine


My level is still bottom of the barrel, lol :)

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I came to the conclusion that I actually like the midbies, because it is such a weird mix of possible and impossible. Yesterday, under Alderaan's mid I came upon a L58 Assassin kicking the last 10% out of a Sentinel. I've taunted, did the whole toss, jump, push, jump thinggie, the Sent cloaked out, then came back, and, here we go, no solo kill for the Sin.


Yeah, midbies.... :) Well, we have lots of healers running in 60'ies on the Binger, but almost none in midbies. I guess people respec. Well, maybe I will get a handle on playing a Guardian, to see if he is a better Pub toon for me to run at 60. But so far the targeting, oh the targeting! Was trying to get to L46 yesterday, but did not make it. Gonna start Voss today with barely equipped Rusk. Guardian's next re-equip is not till he hits 47... gotta be rough going. I actually think if I catch a good time when midbies pop, I might just do PvP for those 1.5 levels.


Had a lot of fun in the 60'ies too, playing both with and against some awesomely good players :) Taught me a lot more about the focus and made me think that next time I will put a Sniper on focus target and interrupt the ambush if I can. Got my Sage a DR relic by mistake. It was not part of the gearing plan!

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Domi, are you still on the Harbinger? I have a Level 17 Healer Smuggler that I'm been trying to bring myself to level, but I want to try pvp healing on it. I just don't like running randoms because the state of pugs is, well... frustrating. I wouldn't mind grouping with you for a bit to keep you company.


I also have multiple other non-60 toons on both factions on Harbinger, some in the 10-29 and some in the 30-59. If you want some company in warzones let me know. I hate running them by myself.


What I'd like to find, ideally, is a guild that does some pvp premades, but just in regs. I don't have much interest in running 8v8 ranked (is that still a thing? I was gone for a while) and solo ranked I'm afraid to step into until i'm geared enough. Even my 2 60's are only in a couple of pvp pieces. Trying to figure out what toon i want to play first.


I like PvP in this game (which is odd, since I hate it in WoW, which I don't play a ton of anymore). I just don't like PvPing by myself. I'm not bad at it, but I'm not a superstar, either. I'm just average to above average. I know what objectives are, which I guess puts me ahead of 95% of the pvp population anyway.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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Domi, are you still on the Harbinger? I have a Level 17 Healer Smuggler that I'm been trying to bring myself to level, but I want to try pvp healing on it. I just don't like running randoms because the state of pugs is, well... frustrating. I wouldn't mind grouping with you for a bit to keep you company.


Well, you didn't ask me, but I'm also on Harb. :D If you want feel free to hit me up if you see my toons on - both listed below are in midbies. Flint is pub, Jet is empire. (I also have a lowbie healer named Cry'MeAnOcean on empire). Or not. It won't hurt my feelings either way. ( :( ) The only catch is that you then have to come here and post stories in this thread. :p


Oh, and 8v8 ranked died quite a while ago. So you don't have to worry about that. :)

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Well, you didn't ask me, but I'm also on Harb. :D If you want feel free to hit me up if you see my toons on - both listed below are in midbies. Flint is pub, Jet is empire. (I also have a lowbie healer named Cry'MeAnOcean on empire). Or not. It won't hurt my feelings either way. ( :( ) The only catch is that you then have to come here and post stories in this thread. :p


Oh, and 8v8 ranked died quite a while ago. So you don't have to worry about that. :)


Apologies, didn't notice the sig. But yes, I'm game to run random warzones with anyone, really. I just hate solo'ing it. Not necessarily because I'm in fear of PvP - just because having another person talk me off the ledge when I want to throw something at the screen because someone left Snow unattended is.... helpful haha

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Yep, I am on Harbinger. Can't say I am particularity good, heh. I assume you are running Scoundrel heals. I have a couple of chars, a Scoundrel and a Commando that would fit into lowbies. I just need to decide which one, and :o remember how to play them. Or I can finally start a Shadow.


I am playing Tredici in midbies and Tuonel on 60-ies atm, so if you see me one of these toons, give me a whisper and if the on-line time works out, i am more than happy to hit the lowbies.


And, yep, no 8x8 ranked any more, it's just the Arenas. To be honest these things make me worried the most.


From the Guilds, I would say depends on the time of day, but kindda like the look of the Ghost Infantry. There are a few others, Hash, Blackjack, Shura, the Wrath of Xedrix, Brazilian, Republic Latina... as you play you will see the names often enough. I am not in a PvP guild myself, but a couple of people play in my guild, and I know someone on the Imperial side, who took it up a challenge to educate me in Sorcery. So, I stopped trying to find a PvP guild and and sticking to my PvE guild. It is large, and well-run, so happy enough there.


Honestly, I think we need like a new Guild dedicated to happy PvP for the beginners, New Blood or something....

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- just because having another person talk me off the ledge when I want to throw something at the screen because someone left Snow unattended is.... helpful haha


I'm not sure I won't be on the ledge with you. :( Had a pipe-ball today where no one wanted to play HB at all. As I ran towards ramp up to their goal with the ball, I see two guys on the ramp ahead of me who promptly run off and back to mid. Really? Then an AHG with mostly the same people. We have an easy win, just guard the pylon. There are about 4 of us there. 1 enemy shows up, and, yep, you guessed it, the 3 others go chasing him off into no-wheres-ville. Another stealther shows up and mezzes me. I call "one AT pylon". I have to break mezz to stop cap. I call AGAIN "guys, 1 AT THE PYLON". He combat steatlhs, and remezzes me. No one comes back at all, and he caps and they win, and then one of the chasers has the never to type into chat " w t f". Grrrr!


But then I just had another AHG where we won, so it's OK now. :D

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If you want to add me to your friends list, my 17 healer Smuggler is named Lawyer. I do have a couple of Republic 55's but haven't dusted them off since I resubbed. I'll try to level it up to 30 quickly so I can do some midbies. PM me anytime for some group warzones.
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Sounds good, I’ll add you and see if we have time confluences. :)


I had a day off yesterday, so played a fair bit on all my 3 alts. It was fun, but kind of uneventful, I suppose. About the only thing I can remember is that a L45 Guardian is good enough to pound down a L50+ Marauder. But hey, it’s not like it’s a newsflash, right?


I’ve also managed to pug into a Huttball with the all-rank-star team, and they’ve rocked, and I’ve got my fan moment. :o On the other hand, I have acquired a certain someone who takes exception to me apparently, so I’ve been trash-talked a couple of times. Now, my experience in PvP is complete, lol.

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It was our traditional Faceroll Tuesday on the Harbinger.


I started with my Knight, and it was Okay. I won an arena with 3 guys on the 55+ level against a weaker team. And, I think, we’ve lost a Pipeball and an AHG, and won Novare, or something like that. It was actually fairly even experience for a Tuesday. I now get a Dispatch, so tried to use it as an execute a few times, with some success.


I started my 60’s heals run on the Imperial side, and quickly pugged 3 arenas in a row, luckily not a single Space Station one. I vaguely remember thinking: “I wish I could warm up on an 8x8…” and then thinking was out of the question. There was one we won, and by some reason I emerged with 2 MVPs out of it, I guess for blissfully blowing every heal and CD I had, then bubbling through 3 mDPS loving me dearly and tenderly while my 3 DPS took down one of theirs in the second round. I actually lived through the first round, yay!


I don’t remember much of the Imperial side after that, because I went Republic for a solid 2 hours afterwards, almost doing a Weekly in a single day in basically all losses. Sensei logged in somewhere in the middle of what I came to think off as a brutal training session. We pugged against the double premades, so might as well train. Did win an Arena, cause pugged two more Serenity Shadows in addition to Sensei. Their scoundrel heals though was top-notch and amazing, and we actually managed to lose Round 1, because the three Shadows went about doing their own thing each.


I worked on staying to my role, prioritizing own survival and heals. I am trying to handle LoS better, and practice running around the objects with and without force speed during the waiting times. It was not coming together for me, but I started to get a feeling that if I try a little harder and look around a bit more, it might. A few times I was blown out of existence before I could even activate the bubble. I have not met a daily personal goal of 1.5 mln heals in a zone (hangs her head down in shame).

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I haven't checked this thread in like half a year, and holy hell you're still at it.


Domi, I'm impressed. Both at your progress (which judging by your latest post, is considerable) and your sheer tenacity. Other than that, I hope PvP is treating you well, and that you're keeping the faith.


It's good to see that this thread is alive and well and still serving as an inspiration to new players who worry about never getting better at PvP. Who knows how many people you've given hope to during all this time? You're doing incredible work maintaining this thread, and I just want to thank you for it.

Edited by ThirdDementor
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It was our traditional Faceroll Tuesday on the Harbinger.


I started with my Knight, and it was Okay. I won an arena with 3 guys on the 55+ level against a weaker team. And, I think, we’ve lost a Pipeball and an AHG, and won Novare, or something like that. It was actually fairly even experience for a Tuesday. I now get a Dispatch, so tried to use it as an execute a few times, with some success.


I started my 60’s heals run on the Imperial side, and quickly pugged 3 arenas in a row, luckily not a single Space Station one. I vaguely remember thinking: “I wish I could warm up on an 8x8…” and then thinking was out of the question. There was one we won, and by some reason I emerged with 2 MVPs out of it, I guess for blissfully blowing every heal and CD I had, then bubbling through 3 mDPS loving me dearly and tenderly while my 3 DPS took down one of theirs in the second round. I actually lived through the first round, yay!


I don’t remember much of the Imperial side after that, because I went Republic for a solid 2 hours afterwards, almost doing a Weekly in a single day in basically all losses. Sensei logged in somewhere in the middle of what I came to think off as a brutal training session. We pugged against the double premades, so might as well train. Did win an Arena, cause pugged two more Serenity Shadows in addition to Sensei. Their scoundrel heals though was top-notch and amazing, and we actually managed to lose Round 1, because the three Shadows went about doing their own thing each.


I worked on staying to my role, prioritizing own survival and heals. I am trying to handle LoS better, and practice running around the objects with and without force speed during the waiting times. It was not coming together for me, but I started to get a feeling that if I try a little harder and look around a bit more, it might. A few times I was blown out of existence before I could even activate the bubble. I have not met a daily personal goal of 1.5 mln heals in a zone (hangs her head down in shame).


Nice to see you are so committed to learning... I sense you will go far 😃


** If you have the financial resources to have a top end graphics card... Try it with 3 monitors... Makes LoSing much easier... Great for healers... But also great on any class... It allows a much wider viewing angle and you can see around objects easier as well as sneaky people coming up in your blind spot

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Thank you, guys. But if anything I think this thread demos how much efforts it takes for a normal person with no particular talent and any previous knowledge to work the way to average. This is all I can hope for, since I have a low aptitude ceiling. I love PvP, and just want to get to the point where folks don't mind playing with me. I want to emphasize that unlike 90% of new players I got extremely lucky that someone who is good at this game coaches me.


As for the monitors, Icykill, I remember you meantioned it before in regards to the Huttball. I need to take a look at the net to see how the real estate is actually used in a multi-screen installation. What's great for a good player might make no difference and even be detrimental for someone who is average. Like I will be forgetting to track my hitpoints or something because I can see more of the battlefield, but self-bar is too far from the field of vision. But I will certainly do a bit of research.


And, well, if I am coming back after the summer vacations too, obviously.

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Well, I spent some time downloading another game (I won't say what, but because I read it went F2P) for a few days, and then when I logged in I remembered how drab everything looked and I came back here. :D So I started back with Cry, my healer, and my first game was a VS where we had 4v8 for about 80% of our attack round. Nothing you can do with that really except just deathmatch. We finally got a full team, and then got a door with about a minute to go. We held them on defense until the 1:30 mark, so I thought really not to bad considering.


Then came an ACW where we capped mid, they capped "our" node, and we fought over "theirs". And it was a heck of a fight! We capped it finally, but I think our scores both had dropped to around 500 by that time. Then we swapped 'off turrets' a couple times, but we held 2 more often than they did. Over all a pretty good game. I had someone tanking for me, and pulled my first 400K+ heals (in lowbies). Then I felt like a bum because I totally forgot to MVP the tank! I mvp'd the guy who solo guarded mid most the match and called inc. (How weird is that, where *mid* is the "lone solo guard"? :eek: ). I mvp'd the tank the next game, where we pretty easily won an AHG.

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Sounds good, actually! I got a late meeting at work today, so only had time for Imperial Dailies.


The highlights were my lonely defense of the West... on the Imperial side... (???) against a determined merc, round and round we went, endlessly. He finally did kill me. But at least someone in the end commented that leaving a heals to guard the W was not the greatest idea.


The second highlight was a reg arena with a couple of ranked stars participating on the other side, so I got my fangirl moment! We actually held out longer than I thought we would, but obviously lost, and I ended as the last kill both rounds, so was fun to watch. Heh, even got a couple of MVPs.


In the end we finally won an AHG, so I call it a day. I think my highest heal was a bit over 1.2 mls or something, so no, still not where I want to be.


Slowly getting DR. bracers, second Implant. Just 2 relics on the imp side, more stuff needed on the pub side, but too tire to go do that Daily....

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Just can’t stop thinking on that Arena yesterday. Sensei told me a couple of days back that in an Arena you sometimes cannot run away. I am pretty sure I was moving away far too much. Tbh, though, it was fun, after being two-shot in the midbies arenas. Really, if ranked games were like that, where nobody was negative despite losing, I’d give it a shot (once geared to my satisfaction, lol), because the format, no matter what people say, is interesting. Unless it’s the Orbital Station.


2xXP! Hail Bio!!!! Just as it was getting grindy…


I am off to get my Knight to 60. I guess the boy won’t start the sixties in the full set of Exhumed as planned, but I will make up that difference, no pro. I have 9,000 comms stored so far, so he will hit the ground running anyway. But I will need a few zones, since his valor is at 39 (I know, I know… but how did I know it will be 2xXP?!) Just need to remember the weapon exchange timer in all the excitement. Okay, okay, okay, go, go, go! I want that Sabre Reflect! I want to stop being terrified of the L55+ ’s Force Storms!


Hopefully will put a few more levels on the BH-FotM-to-be too J I’ll start her off as a tank in the midbies, but swap to the whatever the FotM DPS spec is in the 40’ies, like the Knight. I guess, I will be off Zetsuma-Vesev paper, and back to Kwerty’s. :) BH, my last class if the Knight pans out!

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Today has been a weird one. Got into an AHG with my healer, and I'm looking at the guy helping me guard the pylon (:D) and I'm like... "hey, why can't I see you in my ops frame?" Turns out we had 9! We won that one. Man, if we hadn't, that would have been embarrassing. :)


Then got into an arena where there where we had 3 healers and a tank, vs 3 dps and a healer. So I got assigned a "DPS" role, which I guess I did ok. I came out top DPS each time (dots for the win!). And I successfully focused their healer. I felt kinda bad, because now I know how much it sucks to be focused as a healer and have no help from your team, which is what this poor person had. Then I just reminded myself, "Hey, I'M SITH!"

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Thank you! Trade a tale!


@Banderal: Yes, I have hear things like that happen when someone levels up, but to actually see it, woot!


Anyway, I wanted to share a screenshot. I am a horrible Guardian player. But now, on L48, that's what I keep seeing. Between the self-heals and taunts (and in this match I tried to stance-dance and guard the ball carrier for all of a 30 sec). Basically the score gets inflated. And, yes, i took down the ball-carrier a few times (thank you, choke, thank you, execute) so, that's the objective points.



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Nah, it's just by some reason pathetic DPS, plus pathetic protection, plus pathetic self-heals add up to a good score. That's what I am trying to illustrate here. Anyway. I can't see straight. More Knighting tomorrow. A LOT more knighting.... :eek: I did run the Imperial dailies on my sorc. So-so.
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