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A PvP a Day...


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Stop trying to focus on everything that's happening. It can be stressfull and overwhelming if you're not natural at blocking out the unimportant information.


Just plan on doing one thing, the whole warzone, and close your chatbox. Just do your thing. Maybe focus on a healer (use target marker). Or just stop caps on the node. Or just focus on healing teammates. Once you're over the fear of screwing up, incorporate another thing, and do both. Maybe healing, and stop capping. Or maybe dps the enemy healer, and cap the node.


Once you've worked up to being able to contribute, re-open your chatbox. Wait until you know that your input to the warzone was beneficial. Did you stop a cap? Did you cap the node that led to the win? Did you kill the healer? Did you kill the dps that was burning your healer?


DO NOT OPEN YOUR CHATBOX BEFORE THIS. You'll just get flamed and probably want to quit.


It's PUG pvp...nobody has the right to whine about others. They still will though, and your enemies will talk trash. So will your teammates, because they're also AFRAID OF LOSING and want to blame someone else.


Don't be their somebody else.


Can I just say that stuff like this restores my faith in the PvP community. Course I would have been flaming the guy. Mercilessly. But I would still want him to persevere, learn, have fun, and eventually become a ******.

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One piece advice that I've never followed was to close the chat window, tbh. Because I believed and I still do that the communication is vital.


I've started my RL carrier by a direct flight from Uni to the rig sites of Northern Alberta. I've rigged up lines with the crew knee-deep in freezing mud at 2 am on back to back jobs, racing the pipe.


And let me tell you, the PvP is the whole new level of crude. 'Cause, you know, the guys are actually inventive as opposite to simply applying one qualifier to everything.


The other thing is, I have never had a chance to play team sports in mixed groups since my early teens, so I haven't really had an up close and personal view of men when they compete. It's something else entirely :)


EDIT: And the zones today were quite brutal, with only 3 wins vs maybe 8 or so losses. In the beginning we, the pug, were running against I think a full 8M premade that was likely fully set-up (I could not bring the Sing down even 30% while s/he was tearing through me - I resorted to playing catch, but it was all to no avail.


And, again, I am getting the annoying issue with the chat not closing periodically. I know that I am doing exactly the same thing, so it is frustrating that sometimes the chat just doesn't disengage. Now, I am paranoidly checking it every time I am sending a call, and keep sending the few letters out until it closes. I stopped pretyping the call, because that's when the problem seems to be the worst.

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OMG, OMG, I’ve met Kwerty! I still have a happy smile on ‘cause of that :) Aww, a total fan-girl moment!


In the 60 Bracket:


The Battle for the Chest Piece has been won. The Battle for the Pants has begun.


Five Obroan à Exhumed to go in total. I am actually surprised just how decent the stat distribution is on the Supercommando. I don’t think I am going to have to change anything, really, unless his Defense creeps over 12%.

Zones were zones, mostly loses (a few facerolls), some heartening wins. Two stood out from the fog of war.

First was just because it had the fun personalities’ interplay. The Embittered Sentinel, a Merc with a Dream and an Overworked Op Lead. A Voidstar.


As soon as I see a Sent load, he gets the Guard (‘cause Domi’s theory on Guarding postulates that Sent>Slinger/Mando>Sage> Stealth/Guardians); he goes: “Thank you, but you don’t need to do it.” Telling him/her it won’t hurt, and he goes: “It will hurt you.” A couple of japes, of course, about keeping our Sent up so he can solo the op. Poor guy.

Anyways, it’s one of those Voidstarts where all the rDPS stand to the sides, and nobody demos any desire to come up-front and cap behind my back. Op Lead is saying to try the other door, one guard only there, nothing happens; I ask if anyone went? Lead goes “no”. Made a run for it with a couple of other guys, but to no avail (where are the Shadows when you need ‘em real bad?)


Yay! no breaks for us, meaning we have to hold those doors in R2 or lose. Anyway, about a few seconds in, the Embittered Sentinel sent out the call that s/he was left guarding That Other Door. Reluctantly, I go switch him/her up, and then comes the Merc.


For the rest of the match, it’s the same thing, over and over and over. Merc comes, tries to take me out. I call, Team Lead comes over, burns him/her down, throws me a heal while I am desperately trying to self-heal what the Merc took off me while I was sending the call. Sometimes s/he brings a Mara along…


Op Lead goes: “What, one death is not enough? Can’t they learn?”


Dunno. Perhaps the Merc has had that dream to kill a tank. Or maybe s/he just liked me. (Aww….) Mostly, I guess, they figured siphoning people off the right would help them.


We did win, by outDPSing, because the doors held. But my hands shook really badly after that one with adrenalin: if I got stuck in the chat interface again with all the many calls I had to do, I’d end up being that guy who let the cap through. Earned meself an MVP, wondering if it were the Embittered Sentinel….


Second, was because I could not get the strategy right. We went into an arena with the x-heals, DPS and a tank against us. Sage and Mando as heals. We had balanced. Thinking it over, I should have set the guys on the Sage, while I’d cc and then pressured the Mando because we both could match each-other’s running, and it would be my DR vs his/hers self-heals.


In Lowbies/Midbies: Nothing, had some PvE stuff to take care of.

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Yesterday was a write-off, but today I went through my Dailies via 2 Alderaans, winning both, one lost Pipeball and one won Hypergate.


I was running with very strong players, both Alderaan was the same faction.


One thing in Pipeball gave me my noob moment. I am pretty sure I walked twice with the ball in the yellow zone (we played purple) but it did not count? How far do you need to get in? In the regular Huttball, it's just stepping over the line? The zone was very laggy though + my inexperience with actually getting to the end zone... Well, yeah, disappointed, it was that close. Unless I got completely stupid?


Another time, on like 5th time the stealth sapped me, I could not target him so lost a cap, though quickly took it over, so next time I got sapped, I typed "behind you!" to the second guard. :) Funny. :) Another amusing thing was that I was calling, but the guys had another plan, obviously, so someone told me just hold it... vs. 4. Ha! I am good, but not that good!

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Yeah, sure, "hold it"... :rolleyes:


I was told the same once but I was on my Sorc at 60, so I had my godbubble, and I actually managed to last a full minute while offhealing and burning all I had to stay alive. But yeah, if another 3 didn't came to help and allow me to survive, we'd have lost our turret and the WZ. :eek:


So whoever told you that was either clueless or not thinking, I fear. :p


At any rate, keep up the good work, Domi. ;)

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Well, guess what? I cap E, but shortly after one Shadow from the opposing team arrives. Lvl 27. He comes out of stealth and starts a cap. I call inc, and engage. Of course, as expected, I fight valiantly but die. Nobody comes to help, the Shadow caps before I manage to return from respawn. :eek:


I won't quote what one guy from my team told me in Ops, but let's just say it was quite unpolite. And he also told me to stop queuing, because he can't carry a team of 7 noobs on his own. Lovely. :rolleyes:

On my team's defence, after that event 4 others came NE trying to help me recap, but without success.

Apparently, the other team was stealth heavy, so hard to foresee where they were. :(


We lost it, of course. But in the end, I had the satisfaction to see that guy - a Sorc DPS at lvl 28, btw - deal less dmg than me. A DPS Assassin at lvl 12... Oh, and he actually died more times. ;)


Still, the fact he kept ranting at me for 3 more WZs after that via whispers made me add him to my Ignore on all my characters. Would be lovely to have Ignore Legacy wide, but, oh well... :o


Sorry if this doesn't sound that funny, but I felt the need to vent a little and, after all, I guess seeing the guy that acts all pro play badly is somewhat fun... :p


95% of the idiots who run their mouth in WZs are garbage. They run their mouth because actual good players call them on their **** so they adopt it towards others when they are still the problem. If you struggle or need help, look for people in good guilds that you know do well.

Be nice and ask for some help of need be most pvpers have no issue helping people out. We get angry when idiots run their mouth and still do nothing. The guy who got mad at you is not a good pvper, just a 12 year old with a keyboard throwin tantrums.


Try to be patient with us if you ask for help we may have just had a bad match.

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95% of the idiots who run their mouth in WZs are garbage. They run their mouth because actual good players call them on their **** so they adopt it towards others when they are still the problem. If you struggle or need help, look for people in good guilds that you know do well.

Be nice and ask for some help of need be most pvpers have no issue helping people out. We get angry when idiots run their mouth and still do nothing. The guy who got mad at you is not a good pvper, just a 12 year old with a keyboard throwin tantrums.


Try to be patient with us if you ask for help we may have just had a bad match.


Eh, I know as much, I've been PvPing for some time, and saw that happen quite a lot of times. :cool:


I always get puzzled as to how they claim they carry ppl, while everyone with a working braincell would understand that's just boasting... Makes no sense to me. :rolleyes:


Indeed, I tend to team up if friends are online, and with friends I don't mean just Guildies, but also others who I got to PvP against and with a few times. It does help, a lot. :)


I may not be a pure hardcore PvPer, but I like to think that I know my stuff, since I usually play decently. Sometimes I even get the grace of a wonderful match with top dmg, heals, objective or kills without deaths, and I had all ofthose combine in a single match once once in all my time here. :D


I don't blame PvPers, at all. I know the feeling of losing a few WZs in a row, and most of the times it's either if the other team is awesome - which I accept and feel great for trying to counter - or because someone in my team screwed up. Badly. In which case I may feel a bit frustrated, especially if said someone got pointers right from start and ignored them. :rolleyes:


And as for that post, I just needed to vent a little, and I thought it would be a good way to show how NOT to be a good PvP player, in the mean time. ;)

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I know, right? People who are truly good at what they do acquire confidence along with skill. And being confident means not needing to self-assert at the expense of putting the others down. True champions are gracious in winning and good-natured in losing. :) When I grow up I want to be like that!


Nah, I think they really, really, really wanted grass, even though the snow was our home base. We just held the mid and the grass for the rest of the match. That’s faction identity for you! Snow ain’t for real Pub patriots! J I just did not get the memo, and since nobody went snow, well, I assumed it was my duty to cap&guard it.


On the side note, it did take me some time to run out of HPs, shields, Adrenals, medpack and Rush. My equipment is starting to work as advertised, now I am close to the full T1 set.


I am more concerned that I did not blow the CD and interrupted the cap when I saw he LoS’d me. Relying on the second guy was wrong.


See, that is why you shall never-ever miss a day in the zones!




The great Battle for the Pants rages on (and was won, but so much defense, aww)!!!!


All Arenas.


Duh.I guess I got my off-season simulation or something. We lost one (3 tanks, 1 DPS, you gotta be kidding me!) and another one, the rest we won (3? lost count), and I am pretty sure I got all of them: Tattoine,Makeb and the Corellia (?) one. People were switching on my side, but a few were the same. They also all talked in white and friendly-like. Did I walk onto guildies running frindly matches? I sure felt like a random drop from Nooberland. I was very paranoid because one of the comments in the end was "nice guard swap" & I did switch from heals to commando and back, because the commando was too low. Well, we won, so could not have been that bad.


But! We won a match against cross-heals!!! YES! Both rounds to Acid, but we did it!


One of them was funny, because my team got too cocky in second round since we were running in PvP gear, and got totaled by the PvE'ers :) We pulled our socks up in 3rd round. The healer did not charge and I stayed with him/her to keep the Jugg off.


Finally, the notes for the future: Second time I see a Sage (the other day it was a Sorc) planting the character in a corner and healing from there, instead of being constantly on the move. I was going to ask the Sage, but I could not find her after the zone. The Sorc in the cross-heals was a runner. The second one not so good of a runner but still a runner.

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Doing fine on Tageren, it's actually getting easier and easier. Basically, just relics left for him to be fully Exhumed. Lol, that' something you can't share with just a random co-worker. How they came up with the name of the set...



Now, in lowbies, yakes. My L18 Guardian is worse than a Marauder, imagine that... I as much as get grazed by a BH's AoE, let alobe a Dethfield or Lightening Storm and I am dead. Everything sends me back to the medcentre in a hurry! I looked at my Utilities again, and re-selected the point to keep a person immobilized for the duration of the Master Strike. I think part of it is because i am used to playing a mara, so I insert a couple of strikes before tossing myself straight into Master Strike. Also, I forgot the main rule of Leaping: Don't do it before you get pushed.


Anyway, gotta browse the guides and the Class forum to figure out how I can max out damage in what life I've got. :) He's my last hope in the DPS department, heh!

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(Cough) Six months :) But thank you!


Hilariously, PvP'ing makes Conquest a breeze. The only character I meet the points on is Tageren. Well, that would be te second week, if I can get 2000 more points. I have never cared for Conquests, but it is a lovely side effect, as it gives you a bit of purple mats.

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Stop trying to focus on everything that's happening. It can be stressfull and overwhelming if you're not natural at blocking out the unimportant information.


Just plan on doing one thing, the whole warzone, and close your chatbox. Just do your thing. Maybe focus on a healer (use target marker). Or just stop caps on the node. Or just focus on healing teammates. Once you're over the fear of screwing up, incorporate another thing, and do both. Maybe healing, and stop capping. Or maybe dps the enemy healer, and cap the node.


Once you've worked up to being able to contribute, re-open your chatbox. Wait until you know that your input to the warzone was beneficial. Did you stop a cap? Did you cap the node that led to the win? Did you kill the healer? Did you kill the dps that was burning your healer?


DO NOT OPEN YOUR CHATBOX BEFORE THIS. You'll just get flamed and probably want to quit.


It's PUG pvp...nobody has the right to whine about others. They still will though, and your enemies will talk trash. So will your teammates, because they're also AFRAID OF LOSING and want to blame someone else.


Don't be their somebody else.


That is some of the best advice I've seen on an MMO forum ever.


I've not got my feet wet with PvP in this game yet, maybe today will be the day that I get over my initial anxiety :)

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Just do it – it is well worth it, and I can’t recommend enough doing the Daily every day you can. There are days when you wouldn’t want to. There are days when you lose a zone after zone after zone.


Go in anyway.


There is always something that happens that makes you feel good that you did.


I am always here, so you are guaranteed a support group! You will get every question answered, this community is above and beyond awesome! :)

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I don't know if I can manage the 'store in weapons' scheme. I should probably try at least once, I guess, to see how it goes. Are those sold by the comm vendor herself, or do I need to look for a different one?


You are able to type coherently so can definitely handle banking weapons and speeders. Yes, the ranked items are sold by the comm. vendor on the left side of the PVP pick up/turn in boxes if you're on Pub fleet. The process may sound intimidating but it isn't. I have a lot of alts to keep track of, more than are in my sig, and here's my method to maintain consistency:


Pick a spot in your inventory where banked stuff goes. Don't put anything else there (if you don't have a mega-****-ton of PVP alts or none are leveling you might not need to worry about that step). When you buy stuff to bank move it to your designated inventory area. Check on it periodically to see what the timer says, and sell/buy again as needed. I don't let the timer get much below 1 hr. to keep it idiot/me proof, check on it every time I log in to a toon, after a match or two, and every 20 minutes or so if I've stayed logged in for a while.


Develop the habit of prioritizing sell/re-buy. Are you almost done with your umpteenth leveling run through Planet BoredAsHell and just want to complete it but the timers are near your sell/re-buy mark? Hit Fleet Pass and refresh your banked stuff.

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Hi, yes, I actually did it, and was glad it was suggested directly. So, thank you :)


I did not have that much time left, so it was easy for me. I simply sold/rebought everything whenever the timer was under 1 hour; I think I got to 5 or so weapons, so no biggie. I will do it again on a new character.


Is there a weapon available on Coruscant for Valor under 40?




And, I am basically now only an MH away from the full Exhumed, as my comms were > 700 when I finished yesterday.


Nice zones, even managed to score one more time in Huttball, the first time Sages were actually pulling me, aww. Such a lovely experience! Three Huttball matches, 2 won, so awesome!


We've lost Novare (ouch) and then won an Arena, but really we could have stood around spamming the basic attack and did it, 'cause the Imperials had a Mara, a Merc and a DPS Operative (and an Assassin I think, but at this point it did not matter...) vs our VGT-Heals Sage, Assassin and VG-DPS.

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Nice work! My Shadow Tank has 5 pieces of DR already, now trying to stay motivated enough to get my Mando in Exhumed - boy oh boy, under L60 is a different place for TRE PVP Pub-Imp.. although it could be just as well that my Mando is simply to weak to be competitive. Soon L60, we'll see :cool:


Last night I managed 600k DPS (Gunnery) in a Huttball by simply ignoring all objectives and hammering at mid. What else to do with zero survivability :rolleyes:


Next stop: getting my Op to L60 and fully Exhumed! Any suggestions for Concealement or Lethality? (played Healer so far but want to get to know the class better)

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Not a great day in PvP, mostly loses, including one v. annoying arena where I got tank tunneled, but I am now in everything at least Exhumed and like 50 comms away from the 3rd Reaver piece. :p


ahh so you're the healing sorc, that my scoundrel punched the crap out of.. I'll give you this, you didn't do that bad, our team had more..and better healers, your teammates were garbage.

personally I don't see any fun playing a spec that isn't burst dps on any toon, I mean you're playing the second most OP class in the game, but w.e. do what you want.

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I was kind of wondering, thinking about the Commandos not having enough "get OUT!". There is a concussion grenade, there is a carbo freeze, self-heal (or was it taken out in 3.0?), and there are HtL. I assumed the HtL is the "Oh, Sh*t!". Anyway, I read about a Mando in a tanking gear one one of the fora, and I was wondering if the player was doing it to survive better (though dunno if he had a shield?) Obviously, the whole world cannot be wrong, and obviously Commando needs help... if I played one, I'd go full on healer, for sure. :)


And grats on 5 pieces of Reaver - that's pretty much awesome 'cause means your full left side is augmented. Well, for me. :)


OOPS! I guess I get my terms wrong! I am playing a tank vanguard. I thought tank tunneling is when a tank gets focused off :o


I had 3 DPS on the team, two scoundrels and a guardian, but one of the guys had a bad lag & I am not an experienced player, so we lost 2:1. They had sent and slinger, with a couple of sages. The Ops leader wanted the slinger first, even though I offered to bring the sentinel over, b/c I thought 4 melee vs 1 melee is easier than getting to a slinger under cross-fire even with a Smuggle.


My sage, that is going to go next is a healer. I have a lightening sorcerer, former madness, but I do not PvP him after he hit L60. :)

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Yeah well, unless I'm doing something terribly wrong, Hold the Line doesn't protect from stuns, so not that much of a rescue - alas. The burst is very nice, and Full Auto/Boltwhatever on the run is just awesome. No more turret for me :cool:

Now I just need to stop myself from speeding through groups of people (and then blow them as far away as possible) as I'm used to with my Shadow :p Most annoying part is being pretty useless in Huttball.

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Hi, I am not going to talk about things I simply do not know the first thing about, but I empathize. :) I still think that in a healer role you are more likely to find group support and might have a more fulfilling experience as a result. But maybe not. Have fun with the Assassin! The AC is despicably powerful right now in good hands.


Funny thing about heals is that there never seem to be one when I am playing a tank, but whenever I’ve played heals (granted not often), there are always 2 or 3 more… lol. I think I will switch to heals once my left side is Dark Reaver and augmented + suit min-maxed, to get a bit of a break from guarding them blessed nodes. It does a number on the nerves.


Thought some more about that arena, and yeah…. My chicken little tactics were hands down bad. Should have charged the sage, cc’d the sage, then got to the slinger, and stuff, not just pop up DCDs/packs like a dummy.

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True enough, I'll swith back to healer when I hit 60, I think. Not sure though, he was my first real toon (the Mara I started with ages ago is still only L40), so it's a hard call :cool:


Yesterday evening first ranked pop in about forever. We came close, tank+3dps, but in the end just couldn't nail the merc. Go figure: we had him as our priority target, but managed to kill two others before falling to the merc and a remaining sorc. Then again, so much for team play and efficient focussing eh. This way no daily/weekly progress for me :eek:

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Last night I managed 600k DPS (Gunnery) in a Huttball by simply ignoring all objectives and hammering at mid. What else to do with zero survivability :rolleyes:)


And this is why you shouldn't listen to the hype about the viability of 'mandoes. A mando can carry a ball, self-healing, "hold the line" et cetera.


Just staying on mid, derping and ignoring objectives is the WORST thing you can do.


- If your team currently have the ball, killing the enemy just means they will respawn ahead of you ballcarrier and kill him as he approaches the goalline

- If the other team has the ball you're likely better off trying to kill thir ballcarrier.

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Well, give the heals a shot - at least then you'll be a player on a mission. :) To be honest, it’s tempting to space out and not worry about the objectives and just try the number game. I think the fact that people do brag about it has something to do with it.


Yesterday was weird in one way. I normally never get whispered to, but I’ve got two whispers on the Fleet. I logged in for a couple of min before work (slept in) to RE the fortitude stim (I finally decided to go purple) and got invited to join a group by somebody with both first and legacy names including “Troll”. Yeah, right.


After work, I went to pick my Daily and was about to jump to Rishi to keep going through the story-line, when I got what I think was a personal whisper stating that I was “another FOTM fanboy”. I am not sure if VGT now qualifies as a FOTM, I thought it was the DPS version? I mean, Kwerty’s posted just now that VGT is the worst tank for ranked, that should settle it, right?


Anyway, “what’s the Harbinger is coming to?” aside…


The zones were typical. Novare, where I got to guard the node (surprise, surprise!), and luckily had a friendly Sage to come help out just before I died against 2 Sins. I went mid after that just to have a bit of respite from W, but saw the Sage dropping the points, so got back West. We had a bit of a skirmish on the W after, so it was not all about scanning the landscape for the signs of trouble. Won it eventually.


Then we lost a Pipeball. Pfft. Well, at least I got to carry the ball from the swamp to the ladder, and pass it for an eventual score.


Then I loaded an arena as a second tank, quit immediately, hopping the guys would pull heals, loaded again after a few minutes and another arena with 2 tanks+2DPS against 4 DPS. Won it 1:2 due to sluggish play by the Imperials. ‘Cause we were 2 VGT, a Sage and a Sent with 50 thou hitpoints. Against a merc, sniper, sorc and sin.

The only thing that went for us was that we burned their Merc just a touch faster than they’ve burned our Sent. Then I swapped guard to the second tank (hope a certain poster doesn’t see it) and I am guessing he must have packed more DPS gear than I did, because we did burn the other 3. Was too busy typing kill order/position preference (I wanted us to be able to LoS them when they focused, as we were 3 melee vs 3 ranged) before the rounds to check their HPs, because I am a total noob. Thinking chances are they were in PvE, save for maybe snipes. Assassin was just dying suspiciously fast, instead of killing us all before we got half-way through our openers.


Gearing: 3rd piece of Reaver, and just 2 relics to replace & I will have a fully augmented set.


Then I will have to have a think. That arena where I played a moth in flames, makes me think to go conservative and replace the two shield/defence mod/enh with shield/absorb rather than the DPS, leaving just the MH as a DPS piece.


I also noticed playing through Rishi that my rotation became sloppy. NOT GOOD.

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And this is why you shouldn't listen to the hype about the viability of 'mandoes. A mando can carry a ball, self-healing, "hold the line" et cetera.


Just staying on mid, derping and ignoring objectives is the WORST thing you can do.


- If your team currently have the ball, killing the enemy just means they will respawn ahead of you ballcarrier and kill him as he approaches the goalline

- If the other team has the ball you're likely better off trying to kill thir ballcarrier.


Have you actually tried carrying the ball with a mando? HtL doesnt stop stuns + no bubbles whatsoever = bad idea. Or at least, my ball carrying adventures are usually pretty short-lived. Protecting ball carrier ditto, for again those pesky stuns and only one slow (with long cd). Therefore cleaning mid does have some value.


Funny you mention your rotation slipping Domi, I have the same with my shadow tank: ran a 60 HM fp for a change and they spanked me for not staying still. And indeed, while I had trouble beating the Oricon H2 commanders in my pvp running around style (and some very poorly geared comps), it went much better keeping static to properly build up rotation etc. So, one my learn-to-pvp-to-do:

-work on offensive rotation to get better dps

-learn to monitor opponent better to identify when burst will come or when dcds are down to stun at best time (first targets sin and jug)

-learn hard switch (thanks for asking that ;) )

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