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A PvP a Day...


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I've become bored with PvP so I don't queue for it anymore especially due to the 12x event. It was fun while I did play, but there's really nothing new after you receive and mod all of the Obroan pieces. It seems like you are still having a blast, but as for me, I think that's it.


I may jump into a warzone after the update but meh.


The entire point of PvP is for the sake it itself.

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Ah, sorry to see you go! Well, you never know. :)


I had a hilarious day on my Seer, with lots and lots of losses. Speaking of cool people in the zones, someone joked "It wasn't that nice of a ship anyway," after one of the Alderaan's routs. :) Despite how bad it was I have seen zero people being mean, so good karma to the unranked PvP crowd. We've survived the 12xXP.


The comps were mesmerizing, from zones that consisted entirely from commandos and gunslingers to the zones consisting of heals and tanks... Looks like everyone was leveling that one AC they did not try yet...


Interestingly enough, I went into an arena with 3 DPSs, a Commando, a Sage and a Slinger and we won against a Shadow, Mara, one more DPS and an Op healer... One of those shocking things.


I can honestly say I can't heal worth a dime on my Seer! Even after a frantic day in the zones!!! But! She finally retired the Rakata relics (oh, she made them herself, so very cute, lol)!


Well, brace myself for tomorrow, the all new game, and back to guessing as to what to get where in terms of gear. I think I will start trying the PvE 'cause I am tired of being in the "New and Undergeared". :) By now I have Cunning, Strength and Aim set for 156, still need to get one for Willpower. Legacy gear ain't fancy, but it will have to do.


SO, tomorrow, I am back on the Marauder. Zones, and new Content. Oh, my!


EDIT: I Need to take an inventory of my toons to see who starts with what PvP-wise to compare their performance. :)

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A day ( total daily gametime) doing only PVP, hmmmmmm intersting, but I fear it will only highten my already gigantic predjudice agaist all Things pvp related........but maybe since I couln't give flying bantha about the x12 bonus I could use my sniper, a New class ( only lvl 20) naturally low geared, and og try for a day in the WZs and see exactly WHAT I get out it.......will report back
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Ah 3.0:




Got into a few good dustups but no one paid any attention to the objectives so we lost, lmao. The new skills work wonders since I was able to dish out lots of hits and survive for a spell. Really missing Force Speed.

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Unfortunately my kid got flu, so I was playing Candyland and Guess Who more than SWTOR today :)


I have started the re-gearing and remaking the chars, and the Forged Alliance solo run to get used to the character again. Then I can check the zones out and get my behind thoroughly disassembled. :) I am still not a big fan of my running Mara. It was hard to figure out the utilities to use, or the armor/mods etc to equip. I am so used to using the references and collective opinions... now I am flying by the seat of my pants. Oh, well, not the first, not the last time.

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Now this was an epic battle:




Man, we tore into them like no tomorrow. Every Assassin I saw I went after and pounded them into the ground. Due to having most of my good skills early, I was able to go toe-to-toe and kill them relatively quickly. They'll probably be more of a pain when they can cloak out, but so far none of them I've met could handle this, hehe.


I was on one of the bridges within the last room when an Assassin saw me and we charged for each other. He activated his Wave too early, so it was unable to propel me off the bridge. We went at it like madmen until my stun came off of cooldown and I was able to take him down.


Another Assassin saw me and ran in to get the kill, but lmfao he was trying to avoid my Wave and ended up suiciding by running off the edge of the bridge. I never laughed so hard during PvP!


We lost because we couldn't manage to secure the datacore in time. In the first room I was able to blast open the doors, but in the second room no one really paid much attention to the download and I can't blame them; the fighting was too hot to pass up! :D

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Finally finished my FPs yesterday and did a daily on the Mara. It was a Voidstar, and for the first time ever I saw my character load with 40+ thou hitpoints. Not that it mattered much. I dunno, I thought I was getting better, but I am just not a great player on the mara. Too slow, and don't remember all the keybinds fast enough. I got blow off that silly bridge twice, which made me feel really stupid. The zone was won, but it was not thanks to me, that's for sure.


Seeing I have so much troubles with Mara, I am starting to wonder if I should even bother with a Guardian and a Shadow. Leaping is the easiest on Mara, and I still have problems. I dunno if I can do it on the harder to move classes tbh.

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I had a pretty fun one in the new middle bracket today.


I was playing a 55 Lethality Operative and I went to Grass about halfway through the match while our team were 2 turrets up. I had a 2 vs 1 against a Gunnery Commando and a Medicine Operative for a while before a Sentinel joined the fight. I killed the Gunnery Commando and began to move back towards the Grass node (I was fighting down near the stairwell that runs underneath the map).


As I was running a Corruption Sorcerer joined me and together we had a 2v2 against the Scoundrel and Sentinel for a short time before the Commando rejoined. We proceeded to have an epic 2v3 fight for a couple of minutes before a Sage and a Shadow also joined. It turned into a 2v5 which went on for at least another minute (in which time I managed to take down the Commando) before a second Sorcerer came to help us. Unfortunately another Sentinel joined their side so it became a 3v6. We battled like this for another minute before the second Sorcerer died. It became a 2v6 at which point we decided to retreat. We made a slow move towards the health pack near the middle node (the one on the rise). During this time we kept each other alive, although it was mainly the Sorcerer who was getting focused. We used nearby wreckage to LoS and I eventually made it to the health pack while the Sorcerer bubbled. Unfortunately they were bursted down fairly soon after that. I made it back to mid but was killed just as a friendly Sorcerer gave me a pull.


The game ended as I was on the speeder back, so I was a little disappointed to have been defeated so close to the end. It was a lot of fun, though (mainly made possible by the lack of coordination on the Republic team). I think I'll probably be having more of these experiences in 3.0 because Lethality has almost become a hybrid DPS/heal tree. The free Kolto Infusion with every roll and 2 Kolto Probes are pretty useful off-heals and I'm finding I'm a lot more effective in small or solo fights than I used to be.

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Seeing I have so much troubles with Mara, I am starting to wonder if I should even bother with a Guardian and a Shadow. Leaping is the easiest on Mara, and I still have problems. I dunno if I can do it on the harder to move classes tbh.


Demi: go for it. I've been maining a Sentinel since I joined the game and have had a love hat relationship with her. Love the play style, hate melting so easily. With 12 xp I went for a Guardian (tried a bunch other classes too but somehow melee seems to be my thing) and the Guardian has the survivability I wish for in my sent, and can also hit pretty hard. Haven't had a chance to jump on him since 3.0 but tonight for sure. I say go for it, you won't regret it.

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Yes, you are right. I made the Knight placeholder already, so why not try him once my 5 chars get to L60 & we get Togruta. Nothing to lose, really. Then at least I can compare and see where I suck less.


I have all Mara’s abilities now with the Render, so I started moving them around the binds to build rotations that make sense. Seems to be helping this morning, so fingers crossed I can try it in the zones this afternoon.


The way she is leveling, I will hit 60 without having the time to get enough comms and practice in the midbies. Oh, well. It’s not like I haven’t played zones in the top bracket under-geared before....

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That's interesting. Would you recommend trying the spec? I am not sure what to do with my lowbie Scoundrel. I've never really played the class before.


Definitely! I think Lethality is the most interesting spec in the game. It's a weird kind of ranged/melee hybrid with a high skill cap that takes a lot of playtime to master. It relies heavily on good positioning and knowing when to be at range and when to be in melee.


With 3.0 it's almost become a DPS/heal hybrid which I really like. Lethality Operative is one of the most flexible classes in 8-man PvP and can fill multiple roles. It can be a pretty good DPS class if you're playing it right, then there is the option to play as a second healer if your team is lacking in that department. Lethality Operatives also have great survivability in a 1v1 - 1v3 situation because of their ability to kite using the roll and self-heal without needing to stop. This, coupled with their high amount of CC and ability to stealth makes them one of the best node guards in the game.


I haven't tried my Lethality Operative in 3.0 Ranked, but it was pretty poor in 2.0. It has a longer setup time than many other DPS classes and Ranked Arenas are less objective-based and generally favour simplistic classes and traditional roles with little room for unusual hybrids or playstyles. Other teams can afford to heavily focus a Lethality Operative in Arenas, which puts a lot of pressure on it's comparatively poor defensive CDs.


They are, however, great fun for solo queuing in regs (which is how I spend the majority of my play time) and since you're spending most of your time there I think you could also enjoy the class.


Hope this helped!

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It did. It might fit the play style for the character well, because he is paired with a Shadow, but I am not sure I can manage anything that requires a lot of creativity. Luckily, he is level 25, so I can try that and see how it works.


Heh, my self-confidence is at its nadir right now. I did take my Mara into the zones just now. Two Pipeballs, both we were just facerolled 6:0. I am now very much in favor of selecting the Expunge as my Heroic ability. I was stunned for most of the zone, and I was giving back... well basically nothing; some chockes, some slows, some roots. I tried to slow the ball carriers down, but I had troubles keeping my sh-- stuff together in the ballgame & those guys were passing awesomely. I'd like to blame it on the flu I got from my kid, but I know otherwise. Interestingly I got an MVP in each zone, which was embarrassing considering how terrible I was. Well, back to practicing. I really want to see Rishi!

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Finally finished my FPs yesterday and did a daily on the Mara. It was a Voidstar, and for the first time ever I saw my character load with 40+ thou hitpoints. Not that it mattered much. I dunno, I thought I was getting better, but I am just not a great player on the mara. Too slow, and don't remember all the keybinds fast enough. I got blow off that silly bridge twice, which made me feel really stupid. The zone was won, but it was not thanks to me, that's for sure.


Seeing I have so much troubles with Mara, I am starting to wonder if I should even bother with a Guardian and a Shadow. Leaping is the easiest on Mara, and I still have problems. I dunno if I can do it on the harder to move classes tbh.


Mara is very unforgiving if you miss an ability.

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So, back into the fray on my newly lvl 60 Lightning Sorc with PvP MH (ranked :cool: ), OH, Belt and Bracers. Rest is 186 Augmented.

My build is composed of Force Suffusion, Sith Defiance and Tempest Mastery for the Skillful Tier, Emersion and Lightning Barrier from the Masterful Tier and Force Haste and Force Mobility from the Heroic Tier.

Which means that, with the change to Lightning that makes Lightning Bolt/Lightning Strike instant every time I use Force Speed, I have great kiting potential without sacrificing DPS, and it's hard to keep me stationary if I don't want to. ;)


So, got a few ones, but the best was a Novare Coast, where I got focused as soon as I showed up - joined halfway through - since I capped hte S turret basically alone, others in the team charged in as they noticed enemies running there - we already had NW and NE was contended, we were the W team. :)

I kept running in circles around htem and never, ever got stopped, unless stunned. And even in that case, CC break and Force Barrier were there, so... :rolleyes:

I scored 750k DMG and about 400k heals, mostly selfhelaing myself with Resurgence - HoT - the casted Dark Heal and Unnatural Preservation. :D

I died once as the enemy base reached 0%. It was epic, and I felt great. Got 3 MVPs off that battle. :o


Next one, teams were pretty much the same, Imps VS Imps. I got to try and do my work taking hte Orbs to our pylon, and managed without dying even once in the whole WZ. Damn, I even guarded the pylon for a full round and killed a Deception Assassin solo, as he tried to stealth on me (not without calling the inc, mind you, but nobody came to help me, so... :eek: )!


All in all, happy with the new stuff, I have to say, 3.0 is indeed quite interesting. Bugged in PvE, I admit it. But interesting nonetheless. :D

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I am absolutely in love with Rishi :) My Mara hit level 58, and after that I found out that the training skills are gonna be free starting Tuesday. So, I am gonna run her till she hits L59, then just coast... Did a couple of WZs, the daily, and while my muscle memory is a bit better, I am doing poorly. Mid of my team, on the losing side, with under 200 thou damage. I am certainly taking that stun breaker next time I level up on the camo cloak. Maybe I should try Fury, but part of me doesn't like the idea of respecing into something completely unfamiliar when I barely hold together the familiar.


Next week is the BH week, which I will have to work like the old Geppetto, 'cause I owe my husband 30 contracts.


EDIT: And, aww, forgot to hand in my daily yesterday, so lost the daily for today, but had a winning zone. Actually missed my chance to be the cool ninja. I went through the doors nobody else used, extended the bridge unmolested while everyone was tied in the fighting, and then I chickened out instead of going across the bridge and for the doors on my own, returned to the group and followed the folks who broke away to use the bridge. Oh, well, I guess I had a little preview of what's a lonely life of a shadow is like. :)

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Okay, finally the game's all updated, and rebuilding everyone. Then it is the BH contracts.


THEN, I am going to put 162's on my Mara and see if it was the gear at fault or me. Chances are it was me. By then everyone in L60 bracket will be wearing 2nd Tier too... Lol!


Cheers, folks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I never really got to trying 162's on a Mara, just don't feel like it. I did one zone on L60 on her, because I was flagged when I threw a snowball at the flagged same-faction player :) Awful.


SO, just finished the Forged Alliance on the Trooper, and coming back to PvP on L57. I have played him last on L55 before the expansion went live on the 2nd. Curious to see what have changed and how my 4 pc Obroan+162s would measure up once I ding L60 and before I get the new Tier I however you spell it! :)

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So, my first two matches. The gear seems Okay, I am bolstered to over 42 thou hit-points with 1939 expertise. Which, I think, is decent enough for a L57.


We lost badly, a Hypergate and an Alderaan. And I can't say enough how much one assassin on the other team was contributing. A good player on an OP class... he literally held off in 1 vs 5. I almost feel I need to play one to at least start understanding their limitations if they have any at all.


I did not take the screenshots, but I was placing the 3rd both times on the losing team, which is what it is, with a customary MVP or two from I guess whoever I was guarding :)


I also notice what other people were noticing: the regs are dominated by the Consular/Inq class with a rare guardian and a merc in the mix. One Sentinel on AHG.


Well, L2P, always L2P :)


I also noticed I have a fair bit of comms on my Mara, 1250/800 I think. Not gonna be needing them any time soon, that one. I might buy a piece of tank's gear on it & do Legacy transfer.

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Got a nice couple of WZ stories to tell, just now. :)


I was on my Lightning Sorc, still speeced as before, but now almost full Exumed - think that's the name, the 168 rating PvP set. :confused:


First WZ was a Hypergate, which I usually love due to how fast I am at gathering orbs. That is, if I'm not focused and can actually see the others before they kill me. :D

Oddly enough, that once I was the only Sorc, team was a mix of PTs, Mercs and Ops.

Fun started as soon as I arrived mid at start, I had 3 Sents and 1 Guardian on me. Pushed them away, started kiting. Killed 1 Sent, other 2 and hte Guardian kept jumping at me. Good thing is, my Resolve got filled fast, so no stuns. Bad thing is, I got no orbs, so our team was at a disadvantage at the first discharge. :(

I died shortly after, when the 3rd Sent returned, carrying a Shadow along... :rolleyes:

The WZ was constantly like that, wherever I was doing anything at all, those 3 Sents and hte Guardian were on me. I took the risk and moved towards their pylon, knowing I'd die... But on the bright side, my team got all 4 orbs that way, twice, and we managed to recuperate on the second round and to win at the third. Lovely how being focused can be a bad thing as much as a good one... ;)


Second WZ was a Novare Coast. I was in there with a Guildie of mine, Hatred (I think it is now, former Madness? :confused: ) Assassin. Team was balanced, most were Ops and Juggs. A Sorc Healer, and one of hte Ops was a Healer too.

We jump in and my Guildie caps NE. Reps are hitting very hard S, and I mark 2 healer and see 3 DPS Commandos offhealing sparingly. No way we can break that wall, so I move to NW and try to cap or bait defenders from S. My Guildie decides to come along, and we cap NW too. Now, S hasn't even been touched. :rolleyes:

4 of the enemies come NW to recap, me and my Guildie keep them at bay. One of ours moves NE to defend. As the assault on NW gets stronger - at a point we have 7 enemies there with just us 2 - we manage to cap S, right as me and my Guildie die and htey recap NW.

We focus on defence now, my Guildie returning NE and freeing the other one - the Op Healer that moves S - that comes S. I run S and find it basically overrun with enemies. They keep spam-capping, and I keep spam-AoEing to... dissuade them. :o

At a point I move into the fray and start AoEing on the spot, to get rid of a damn stubborn Shadow that seemed to love trying to backstab and root me. My AoE spamming managed to save hte S Turret, and in the end we won the WZ, thanks to the Healers keeping me up as I kept AoEing from within the fray. :cool:

With the Reps making not exactly kind comment on my use of AoE in /say, mind you. I took a moment to tell them something.


Rep1: aoespam, great skill

Me: I did all I could to prevent a cap. Can you blame me?

Rep2: No. *smiley*


It was kind of nice to see that attitude, rather than the usual "XXX are you doing you damn noob, l2p etc." :cool:

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That's a good use of focus, leading them away from your team :)


I keep wondering about the new Tier I set name, the Exhumed. I guess the bio team is running out of the adjectives.


Anyway, for me, I played one more zone on the Trooper, Novare, still lost though we started well with taking mid and west; then too many of us went west, and we've lost the mid, and whaah. You know how it goes. :)


And I had to do a zone on my Mara because I was chasing stonerays on Yavin for a daily and got flagged. That was lost too, and actually made me sigh in relief when I got flagged again (more stonerays, lol) but the flag went away as soon as I returned to the staging area.


Looking forward to getting my Trooper a bit more up to speed, I am messing up my rotation right now.

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Hard morning this morning, really close losses. And then the Republic finally rallied! That healer sage that got the 3 MVPs was amazing :) When i grow my Sage up I want to be like him/her!




EDIT: Another zone... 6 Shadows (!), one Scoundrel and... yours truly. In Hypergate. I felt so... out of place!

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I think I have found my main. As soon as I’ve started playing my Trooper again, it felt good, and playing anyone else in PvP just doesn’t appeal. Even though I can field a Sage and a Sorcerer that is a more successful class than a tank VG; and even though I always thought I’d role heals, I am just not tempted. I guess I like an underdog, but not enough to play a Marauder.


Basically, I found myself levelling through PvP after I’ve finished FA Solo because I am trying to max out the comms. So, I am driving through the planets picking aim/str/end/pres datacrons and play PvP when zones pop. Instead of feeling like a grind, I feel I just stop grinding and feverishly trying to level all my 6 chars to L60 through Makeb-Yavin stretch.


What’s more I am starting to think about my other characters as a support network for my Major. And, yeah, I will need a support network – a PvP main is a pure vanity and a credit sink. But, some folks want to have a decorated Stronghold, some people want to become NiM ready. And I want to score in a Huttball match at least one more time! :)

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