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A PvP a Day...


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Okay, I managed to capture a snapshot today:



That was the zone we lost, and I was actually playing Okay. Apart from forgetting that I now have Extricate. Then we went into a HB my team won, and I was the bottom of the barrel, and had no chance to use the darn Extricate even though I remembered it and looked for opportunities to sneak ahead. It just never happened. Oh, well, tomorrow is another day, right? :)


I gotta say, Huttball is becoming my fav zone, and the one I want to figure out the most. One day I will get to score another goal, I hope :)

Edited by DomiSotto
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Just felt like telling a story myself. Last night I made a premade with 3 Guildies of mine to run a few WZs. I was on my Lightning Sorc - finally got Valor 81, yay! :p - with a Carnage Marauder, a Darkness Assassin - Tank - and a Medicine Operative - Healer.


We ran a few WZs, collecting a fair share of lossed against Reps an Imps - mind you, we're no pros, we just do it for fun. ;)


At any rate, we had a few Queshballs, but one of them in particular prooved amazing. We had 3 Operatives, including my Guildie, and 3 Sorcs counting me. So lots of Extrications and double rollings. :D

As soon as we started, we decided turns to take the ball for our Operatives, the Assassin Tank was to guard the ball carrier, and we Sorcs were to pull the ball carrier up. We scored fast and smooth, in hte end, regardless of me being focused ever since I pulled my Op Guildie to the score line claiming a point for us, the first one of the match.

In the end, with me kiting hte other team - they lost it at our 4th score, and began chasing me relentlessly :D - and the rest of ours scoring and throwing heals at me, we won 6-0. :cool:


I love kiting that way, especially if it makes things easier for the rest of the team. And of course, that earned me a fair bit of MVPs, all from those not of our team were splitted evenly between me and my Op Guildie, who healed for more than 1 million and DPSed with her DoTs for half. :D

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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Sounds like a pro match to me :) And congrats on the Valor! I need to work that extricate :) And can't wait to get my God Bubble too. Which tree has the talent that shortens the cool down f the Force Speed?

Lightning. Second highest tier, I think. Also reduces the cooldown of Force Barrier and Slow.

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Lightning. Second highest tier, I think. Also reduces the cooldown of Force Barrier and Slow.


What he said. :D

And the skill's name is Force Haste, 2 points to invest. When maxed, it "Reduces the Cooldown of Force Speed by 5 seconds, Force Slow by 3 seconds and Force Barrier by 30 seconds". Quite useful if you need to kite or run, and not just in PvP. ;)

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Thanks, guys! I am now L48, so I want to rebuild the spec a little, to get my full rotation going, and then start re-investing in the Important Side-stuff, and I was thinking that I want that mobility boost. Want to polish up my Kite&Run&Shock technique. This will help me for when I start learning healing side on my Sage. Starting to have my doubts I will evar play end-game PvE tbh. Just feels hard to fit in with my lifestyle, and stuff. I think the posted changes to the Sage/Sorc are quite nice. Love the idea of being able to cast the Trance while on the move. Will make playing my Consular far easier.


Let's see if I can complete his story tonight and get my daily too. :)


EDIT: I did, but we were facrolled. It did not help that I was fumbling because I just rebuilt he keybinds. After a careful consideration I stuck with madness despite the CD on Force Speed being or so tempting! Here is a screenie of the worst of the two matches. The second I fared a little better, but my damages are still not where they should be. :) Oh, well, one day I will manage those achievements, I swear!



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Okay, real weird PvP today. Got pulled into the zone to hear that we have secured the datacore and won. I have no idea why it pulled me.


The second was Novare, and it was an interesting Novare. Everything changed hands, and I lost my team once, and the other time, had to run, overload and kite and die slowly in 1x5 while the rest of folks came back. Death Field is actually a decent off-healing? My dmg is still not where it should be (providing I am playing an FOM & am level 51), but getting a bit better. I still have a touch of troubles on the Imperial side of the map.




I ams tarted to get itchy to stop leveling and start playing on elder alts. I am sooo very tempted to re-spec my Sage into Balance, but i think I will start off as Heals, and see how viable it is under 3.0 first. I am getting a hang of running/hiding/casting, and clipping the FL. Though I understand that we can't clip FL in 3.0 to proc the Crushing or Lightning Strike. (Sigh) However you say it in Sage. I feel just like at work when I try to remember technical speak in my native tongue. You know, what I studied for many years once... and relearned in English many years ago... Crazy.

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Not feeling righteous today, but still managed to play three games so far:




Would have won this one, but a sneaky little Sniper ran off to our other node and gave the Imps a double cap, which caused the yellow god-wave to activate thereby granting us the loss. I managed to receive the "Omna is unbeatable" message, and as you can see from the card, I did pretty well as a multirole; I'm really going to miss being able to spec as such when the update arrives, but so is life.


I was able to keep my DoTs on multiple opponents, and those earthquake grenades I crafted really came in handy once or twice. I was able to heal, damage, and escape like a boss, hehe. I managed to pick up a new trick last night while reading the forums and I was able to both practice it and put it into effect during my matches.


What's this glorious trick you ask? Well, anytime you roll, as in the escape, Sabotage Charge becomes available, thereby allowing you to remise your opponent. That is, you are able to dodge/counter and apply the charge all at once, thereby making it hard to hit you while your C4 attaches to your target awaiting detonation instructions. It is really fun to use as it keeps your opponent on their toes. Using this technique I was able to avoid massive hits while taking out the enemy, or having my teammates detonate the charge for me.


I made sure to use my DoTs very liberally, so as to prevent the stealthers from disappearing on us as much as I could. I also applied the heat to a Sorcerer to keep him from healing his teammates; everytime I loaded him up with DoTs, he fled, lol.


I must say, even though we lost, this match really showed me how awesome my favourite character really is when specced dual role. What I also like is the ability to escape like a boss, heal up, and jump right back into the fray, while taking out opponents left and right. If you haven't played with yours lately, I suggest you give it a whirl (I can post my setup for you if you fancy it).

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This was also another good match:




I became "unbeatable" in here as well, and guess what? I chased down an Assassin and planted a shot right up his butt! Take that for beating up my Sorceress, lmao! He was pretty clever as everytime I got his HP down to a sliver, he would cleanse and cloak out. I thought about having Carbine Burst on my bar as some folks stated it takes stealthers out of stealth, but I can't stand that skill and since I am also a half-healer, it would be a waste of Upper Hand (almost typed Tactical Advantage, lol). He kept fleeing everytime I pounded on him, an when he decided to go toe-to-toe with me, I killed him. What I find funny is that some Assassins will spend quite a bit of the fight trying to get behind me, but I know to always face them so there's no way for them to even land a single Maul on me (barring a stun of course).


I also ran down a Mercenary healer. She was pretty good I must say, as she managed to keep away from me for a spell. A few times a couple of her allies joined the fray, thereby forcing me to make a hasty retreat. At one point, I even learned to use a skill I have never used in PvP until today, probably due to the fact that I never use it in PvE whatsoever, since Risha and I take down anything pretty fast.


What skill is that you ask? Why it's Dodge of course! When the Mercenary's allies arrived, they quickly filled me up with slows, DoTs, and other ailments. Naturally my first thought was to use two skills: Escape for the slows and Triage for the ailments. In a split second, it then occurred to me that I have a natural ability to sanitize all afflictions in a single keypress. So I used a simple combo of Dodge, Scamper (just once), and Disappearing Act. Now you see Omna now you don't, hehe.


After that little dust-up, I caught the Mercenary out in the open and I chased her down like no tomorrow. She kept a good pace ahead of me, and managed to throw in a few heals and cleanses, but once I got close to her, my good friend Distraction put an end to those heals and my constant barrage of Vital Shot, Shrap Bomb, and Flurry of Bolts finally did her in. Man, that was cool!


I also chased and gunned down another Mercenary, but he was not a healer as he did not once perform any of the functions of the previous Mercenary, but he did manage force me to play "ring-around-the-roses" until I caught him hiding behind a crate. He used his knockback, but for some reason it failed to connect and I was not expelled from the platform. He then ran right through me on a last ditch attempt to escape, but because I specialize in a repeated bombardment of DoTs, he was unable to escape my onslaught.


When I finally garner all of my Obroan, I can tell I will be even better.

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Oh, I forgot to mention or rather ask, have you ever had a righteous feeling of joy knowing that it took four people to kill you? I had that happen to me during my last set of matches and it was awesome to see four different characters using everything they have to tear me apart.


Man I love being a multirole Scoundrel!:D

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... Death Field is actually a decent off-healing? ...QUOTE]


Yep, and if you viewed the livestream, you lot are going to be able to heal off of eight players now! Crazy right? You'll also have an ability that lets you heal for 100% of the damage you deal, so good luck dying now, haha.




Also, what is your native tongue?

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Hehe, check me out:




Woo, finally got some gold medals, lmao! This match was pretty interesting to say the least. I attacked a Juggernaut from behind and instead of attacking me, he fled! Ikr? It was weird to me too because he just let me kill him lol; I was expecting a good dust-up since he looked like he was tough, or rather his armour made him look boss.


I got killed once when my fingers and brain fell out of sync and I started to press all the buttons 'cept the right ones lol. I did get the "Omna is unbeatable" message again, and comme toujours, I mixed it up with the heals and the dps. I used my trick of Dodge and Disappearing Act, and I Scampered like the wee bugger I am when the situation called for it.


I also used my Freighter Flyby to prevent any caps while everyone was duking it out. There were no Assassins this match, but there were a few Sorcerers and both kinds of Warriors. I chased down an ally to keep the heals on her, but then we had about 4 or so enemies upon us so I had to flee. She led them to the Vanguard who was guarding our node and the Vanguard signaled for reinforcements. Once I got my HP back up, I restored the HP of whomever I could and then the pounding began.


Man, we gave it to them good!

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Not for the Warzone; we lost, lmao, but yay for being able to add two more pieces of augmented Obroan to my outfit!




As for the Warzone, we got murdered, lmao! It was Pubs vs Pubs, but I had a hard time getting through the Vanguards, so I just gave up on them lol. I joined my allies in dishing out some hits, but I got murdered at the enemy bunker lol. That's what I get for trying to be John McClaine.


At one point they were pounding on me so I Scampered away, but my everything were on cd and all I could do was run until a Guardian jumped on top of me and left me for dead in a hole near the middle bunker. How awful. Grrrr, I just remembered I have potions.



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Hey, if you did not guard, you might not have won! :)


I am glad to hear you are enjoying the Scoundrel in the high bracket! And, you sure deserve feeling righteous facing down 4 opponents of an equal level! Go, Omna!


I really don't feel like leveling my IA. :( Just finished Ruvvoy the Inquisitor Class story - he is Level 52, so I need to start Makeb to get him to 55, and I am looking at my Knight, Level 1 and thinking... maybe screw the agent, I can buy Togruta later and change his species? But it's also a now or never thing. I am almost tempted to skip zones on her, just run like mad and be done. That crew is gonna cost me a pretty penny, seeing I won't have time to get any AP's from convos. And 2 of them want Technology of course... QQ


Anyway, hugs, and I am glad people don't mind us having fun come hell or high water! :)


If Seer becomes a bit more viable in the zones, I am going to dance the night away, she is my eldest character!

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Hey, if you did not guard, you might not have won! :)


I am glad to hear you are enjoying the Scoundrel in the high bracket! And, you sure deserve feeling righteous facing down 4 opponents of an equal level! Go, Omna!


I really don't feel like leveling my IA. :( Just finished Ruvvoy the Inquisitor Class story - he is Level 52, so I need to start Makeb to get him to 55, and I am looking at my Knight, Level 1 and thinking... maybe screw the agent, I can buy Togruta later and change his species? But it's also a now or never thing. I am almost tempted to skip zones on her, just run like mad and be done. That crew is gonna cost me a pretty penny, seeing I won't have time to get any AP's from convos. And 2 of them want Technology of course... QQ


Anyway, hugs, and I am glad people don't mind us having fun come hell or high water! :)


If Seer becomes a bit more viable in the zones, I am going to dance the night away, she is my eldest character!


Why not just flip a coin? That's what I do when I don't know what to make/play. I've heard you say that you want a melee force user, so if your feelings tell you to go for it, then go for it! Plus, the longer you stay on it, the better you'll become at it and you'll be able to chase people down and murder them before you know it.


At level 52, you only need about 6 Makeb quests to hit 55, since two quests = 1 level. Do that and then focus on your Knight. The Agent is okay but the story isn't as grand as some people would like you to believe. If you really want to be a Knight, then go for it and post all of your photos! :3

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Heh, I do want to see all the 8 Class stories, so it is nice to run the Imperials through without the sidequests. I might just have uncovered why the gal's performance was poor to start with. I... I did not put a crystal in her rifle. Facepalm.I am starting to get a bit better on her now, basically just throwing bombs.


Here is a screenie where she fights without a crystal:




I'll take a couple of shots tomorrow with the crystal, and fingers crossed I am doing better than that!

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Just had an amazing WZ on my not PvP geared Op. We won, thanks to luck, but it was too crazy to skip a mention here. :D


Our team was the usual mix and match of classes. There was another Op in Concealment tree, like me, which was possibly one of the best ones I ever got to see around. He's the one that got the intel on the other team, mostly. :cool:


The other team, however was... awesome. More details below, don't want to ruing the surprise... :p


Novare Coast was the place that was picked. We went out as usual, 6 S and me and the other Op to the N, me capping E and him running to W. Well, guess what? I was dead in seconds... The other team was full of stealthers, 8 stealthers, to be more accurate. :rolleyes:

Still, we capped S and W, and the team began charging E in waves. Feeding kills to the other team, which however didn't even try to cap the other two nodes. :confused:


Wave after wave, their Invincible remarks by the announcer kept arriving, while our team was mostly trying to understand what was going on. Until, finally, we realized, thanks to the other Op who went close enough to see them unstealth together to prey on our Mercs, Juggs and Sorcs. The other team was fully stealth indeed, and it was composed of 8 Infiltration Shadows! :eek:


As I heard that I obviosuly understood what was going on. 8 Shadow Strikes from 8 Infiltration Shadows hurt. A lot. No surprise I was basically one shot. Like pretty much anyone else. :rolleyes:

At any rate, that was when I decided to remain S to prevent an eventual last minute cap, together with another Merc.

The Shadows charged S as their base was at 2% health, and we barely survived when the 0% occurred and the fight was interrupted. We won 100% to 0%, but they feasted on kills quite a lot. They got more medals. And of course, they kind of made me feel useless, considering my Op has no PvP gear, save for the relics, which I got first to fill the empty slots. :o


At any rate, I got my personal negative record there, 0 dmg inflicted and 0 heals. 7 medals, for who knows what reason. Ranked last too, which didn't happen to me in ages. And I died countless times, I honestly have no idea how many. :D


Well, on the bright side, after such an exploit I can only have better ones, I guess... :rolleyes:

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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Just had an amazing WZ on my not PvP geared Op. We won, thanks to luck, but it was too crazy to skip a mention here. :D


Our team was the usual mix and match of classes. There was another Op in Concealment tree, like me, which was possibly one of the best ones I ever got to see around. He's the one that got the intel on the other team, mostly. :cool:


The other team, however was... awesome. More details below, don't want to ruing the surprise... :p


Novare Coast was the place that was picked. We went out as usual, 6 S and me and the other Op to the N, me capping E and him running to W. Well, guess what? I was dead in seconds... The other team was full of stealthers, 8 stealthers, to be more accurate. :rolleyes:

Still, we capped S and W, and the team began charging E in waves. Feeding kills to the other team, which however didn't even try to cap the other two nodes. :confused:


Wave after wave, their Invincible remarks by the announcer kept arriving, while our team was mostly trying to understand what was going on. Until, finally, we realized, thanks to the other Op who went close enough to see them unstealth together to prey on our Mercs, Juggs and Sorcs. The other team was fully stealth indeed, and it was composed of 8 Infiltration Shadows! :eek:


As I heard that I obviosuly understood what was going on. 8 Shadow Strikes from 8 Infiltration Shadows hurt. A lot. No surprise I was basically one shot. Like pretty much anyone else. :rolleyes:

At any rate, that was when I decided to remain S to prevent an eventual last minute cap, together with another Merc.

The Shadows charged S as their base was at 2% health, and we barely survived when the 0% occurred and the fight was interrupted. We won 100% to 0%, but they feasted on kills quite a lot. They got more medals. And of course, they kind of made me feel useless, considering my Op has no PvP gear, save for the relics, which I got first to fill the empty slots. :o


At any rate, I got my personal negative record there, 0 dmg inflicted and 0 heals. 7 medals, for who knows what reason. Ranked last too, which didn't happen to me in ages. And I died countless times, I honestly have no idea how many. :D


Well, on the bright side, after such an exploit I can only have better ones, I guess... :rolleyes:


Grrrrr, take a photo of that medals page and post it next time!:mad: Makes it more fun that way.:D

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