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A PvP a Day...


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If I get to 55 playing only one skill tree and want to try a different tree, but same class, I re-roll another toon

It can be extremely hard trying to learn all the intricacies at lvl 55 while getting pounded by people who know their class

Plus you really learn how to play the class/ tree better in pvp if you start early and have time to work out useful tactics and which abilities work and which are useless... These can differ from PVE considerably

But then, I have 18 toons now that I pvp on... Lol



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Frankly, I am pretty sure every other AC needs more help than Shadows.


Well if we're going on a pure spec-by-spec basis, then yes, Madness Assassin is probably the most broken overpowered thing currently in-game. However, deception is perfectly fine where it's at. It needs neither a buff nor a nerf in my opinion.

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I had terrible troubles with my first char, who was a Balanced Sage in PvE, but now playing a Madness Sorc, it's very smooth. I must have improved some. Never really tried a spec in PvP, but the 2 more chars I want to try are a DPS Guardian and a DPS Shadow. When I am ready for a melee char in a zone that is.


Oh, zut. I decided I do not want tat datacron on the Trooper. Given that I have to get it on the Mara, life's just too short. I did catch the balloon after a few relog-ins, but then as the datacron came into view, I tried to jump on the bench (and WITHOUT sprint) I jumped out of the balloon. Of course. Where are those long jumps when you need them. :) Oh, well, I guess, I can give it another go if I have to get back to tat for the actual open world PvP or any quest. :)


So, yeah, a totally wasted morning. Put the crew on Alderaan, and that's that. Hopefully will be able to pug into a wz in the afternoon :)

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Hypergate. Won. Empire was at its worst, really, since I ended on top of the chart (I guess I just stopped dying since getting the Hold the Line and being like a level away from moving to where I'll get beaten up into the pulp) and our stealthie grabbed the core in under whatever minutes showering the team with xtra medals (okay, those guys are officially too awesome; I don't qualify to play one). I think we actually played 7x8 too at some point.


Did not have a daily? All messed up with play time and my 24 hrs clock is off compared to Bio's? Still Valor 28 and not maxed out, yay! Sorry too sleepy to comment.


Also, I suddenly see Social Ranking. That's FPs, right? Not the PvP? I mean killing others in a good company can be construed as social... and antisocial... ?

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Huttball, huttball! We went to the very end of the match with a 0:0 score (we ended up holding the ball, so it counted as a win, but it was just a luck of the draw). It was a really hard game, with basically one big death match in the mid, anyone trying to pull off from the mid to the rafters got stopped and killed on both sides. I neded up with a ball few times, but just could not see no passes. Argh. Need to figure that game!


Also pugged in Cademimu. On L28. One wipe, 45 or so minutes. Give me a warzone any day over an FP! The sadistic game loaded the III level of the Daily into my log. I am worried if I pug, it will now throw me into Taral V on level 29. 'cause I levelled up. Again. Is there a shortage of tanks or something in this game? Why is it pulling me into the higher levels FPs?

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The annoying social life interfered, so I got back into it today, and pulled a 4x4 zone. Panicked, but stayed, as an Ops Leader no less - Okay, that's the first! But we facerolled the Imp team. I think one of them quit in frustration so the 2nd round was more of a Hide and Seek than a death match.


We had a Sage, and Guardian and a vanguard as DPSs, to my Vanguard Tank. They had a sorc, 2 assassins and either a mara or a Jugg. I am guessing too low level? Because we should have been squashed in a comp like that?


And, yeah, no matter what I need to stick to at least one a day. My hands were shaking after that one. So, I am going to enjoy Alderaan, and pug in in later in the day to see if I can get into 8x8. I will probably get to L30 by then, so my, oh my. Back to the grunts level!


EDIT: Managed to sneak in Hypergate (nothing particularly special), actually went to L30 as soon as I took the daily prize out of the box in the zone. So, I guess, mid-level next time?

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And, yeah, no matter what I need to stick to at least one a day. My hands were shaking after that one.


That's adrenalin! Haha. Or for me it is. My hands shake after a really REALLY close, fought tooth-n-nail match.


And I was going to search this thread out, but your post had already brought it to the front. Seemed like a good place to post a first for me. I got my jugg "push" just recently, and I managed to **on purpose** push the ball carrier into the acid in the Quesh HB. We were dueling when I saw the tell-tale start of the acid gush. So I force choked him, then moved around into position, and WOOSH, have an acid bath buddy (although I was a bit nervous I might push him through and beyond it, putting him safely on the other side, which would have sucked). I felt very sith right then. :D I also scored right after that, but the acid push was much cooler because we were killing them score-wise anyway.

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Haha, nice to see you're enjoying it, Domi. :)


Just wanted to share three of mine, even though I'm not a rookie anymore, sadly... :p


At any rate, a few days ago I was on a WZ spree on my lvl 55 Sorc DPS, Lightning speeced. He's almost full Brutalizer now, though not even close to getting augments for all of it... :o

At any rate, queue popped and I accepted. The team was me, a Vengeance Jugg, a Madness Sorc and a Carnage Marauder. Other team was 1 Darkness Assassin (Tank), 2 Deception Assassins and an Operative Healer. :eek:

Stealth full opponents! Boy, was it scary... The three Assassins for some reason took me as maintarget, which means I was focused all the time... Four backstabs as opener, stuns, taunts, pulls... You think of it, I got it. ;)

However, I'm quite good at closing in my godbubble if needed, so after I understood they were focusing me I closed into it and the other three downed them all. Man, was I surprised! In the end we won the match with a 2-0. :cool:


Second match I want to mention here is a Queshball. Can't remember the full team composition, but we had two other Sorcs, not counting me, a Jugg and an Assassin. We won 6-0, but it was so awesome it deserves a full chronicle. :o

Boy, was it great! Assassin grabbed the ball, Force Speeded outside, Sorc 1 pulls him upstairs, Assassin moves closer to score line, where I went to be ready to pull, I pull him in front of the score line, he walks through it. 1-0. :cool:

Then Jugg grabs teh ball, Sorc 2 pulls him upstairs, he Interecedes to me and walks to the score line. 2-0. :D

Score three and four are exactly like the first two, but at this point for whatever reason I get focused like there is no tomorrow. I run away from the score line and fall to the lower level. At least 4 are trying to get to me, but I Force Speed away, use the speed boosts or close in my godbubble. Team scores again, 5-0, while I keep those 4 busy. :cool:

Score 6 is the most epic: Jugg grabs the ball while I'm still kiting the other team around, gets slowed and Intercedes to me. The enemies focus him and almost down him, so he passes... to me. :eek: Before I can even think of Force Speeding away, Sorc 1 pulls me up, and Sorc 2 pulls me to the score line. I walk through it and make the team win the match with a nice 6-0, without dying even once. MVPs rained on me there, but I felt so great for having such a team that I thanked them all. Also, the WZ took like five minutes total. :D


After those two I moved to my lvl 50 (back then, now 52) Assassin Tank. I queued for a WZ and got a pop almost instantly. Team was me, a Maddness Assassin, a Deception Assassin and a Sorc Healer. :D

Our opponents were Reps, for once: a Focus Guardian, a Vanguard Tank, a Dirty Fighting Scoundrel and a Sage Healer. Well, we got them down very fast, once I pulled the Sage to us and stunned it. Only the Vanguard and the pulls he focused on our Healer managed to trouble us a little, though in all honesty they were so unfocused it wasn't as much as a problem as it should have been. Other side of Stealth team is great too. :p


All in all, a fun PvP week, this one. :)

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@Banderal: nice one! I need to remeber that for when I get to my Guardian, but it will be a while.


@Cox - wow, I wish I could play the ball like you do! I am so hopeless, always get tangled in the id still (so v. noob!)

With sorc, whenever I get into a 4x4, it's always "Focus Sorc", I think that might be a new fashion trend in focusing. Either that, or Gunslingers ain't playing any more.

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So, would you guys say that in general, focusing order in 4x4 is from a squishy DPS (medium-light) to the pure healz to non-squishy DPS (heavy) to the tank? I understand that it's all very different and that's exactly why PvP is so cool, but I still can't figure out what makes a successful 4x4.


Okay, I hit L32 on my Trooper (and finished Ch1), and I think I have a whole bunch of important abilities now in place. I have a gap closer (Storm) and big Self-heal (Adrenalin Rush, I think?). I have also located my interrupt on a rarely used key-bind (I know, it is a facepalm), because I started to be needing it a lot more in levlelling. I am now at the point I can't rely on the single button binds only!


Hope to try a mid-level WZ in the afternoon!

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So, would you guys say that in general, focusing order in 4x4 is from a squishy DPS (medium-light) to the pure healz to non-squishy DPS (heavy) to the tank? I understand that it's all very different and that's exactly why PvP is so cool, but I still can't figure out what makes a successful 4x4.


Okay, I hit L32 on my Trooper (and finished Ch1), and I think I have a whole bunch of important abilities now in place. I have a gap closer (Storm) and big Self-heal (Adrenalin Rush, I think?). I have also located my interrupt on a rarely used key-bind (I know, it is a facepalm), because I started to be needing it a lot more in levlelling. I am now at the point I can't rely on the single button binds only!


Hope to try a mid-level WZ in the afternoon!


Your initial focus in arena's depends on your team comp and the other team comp, but in a general sense I find that focusing the squishiest dps generally works so long as your team has a decent dps output itself. For instance, a dps operative would always be my first target. Even being guarded with a healer focus healing them, they just melt.

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@Banderal: nice one! I need to remeber that for when I get to my Guardian, but it will be a while.


@Cox - wow, I wish I could play the ball like you do! I am so hopeless, always get tangled in the id still (so v. noob!)

With sorc, whenever I get into a 4x4, it's always "Focus Sorc", I think that might be a new fashion trend in focusing. Either that, or Gunslingers ain't playing any more.


You'll get to that point, eventually, Domi. Just keep practicing and you'll see. :)


So, would you guys say that in general, focusing order in 4x4 is from a squishy DPS (medium-light) to the pure healz to non-squishy DPS (heavy) to the tank? I understand that it's all very different and that's exactly why PvP is so cool, but I still can't figure out what makes a successful 4x4.


Okay, I hit L32 on my Trooper (and finished Ch1), and I think I have a whole bunch of important abilities now in place. I have a gap closer (Storm) and big Self-heal (Adrenalin Rush, I think?). I have also located my interrupt on a rarely used key-bind (I know, it is a facepalm), because I started to be needing it a lot more in levlelling. I am now at the point I can't rely on the single button binds only!


Hope to try a mid-level WZ in the afternoon!


As for the killing order, it depends on the Arena. :o

Your team composition and skill level have much to do with it, aswell as the opposing team's. If your team is extremely skilled with interrupts, to make an example, killing the enemy Healer may be easier than taking down a DPS. While if the enemy Healer is terrible at keeping focus on a target, pulling a DPS away from him and taking him down may be easier. ;)

You'll figure what to do by instinct soon enough, just keep up your WZ training and you'll be more than fine. :cool:


Keep writing your tales, though, it's amazing to see how much fun you get from the WZs you play, regardless of how they go! Brightens up my day, at least. :D

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As a DPS Gunslinger, I sure felt that focus :) I'll need to keep thinking about 4x4 and playing them. As scary as it sounds on starting level in the next bracket.


It didn't pan out today, with all the Expansion excitement (I think I can finally kill Rewhine. Like dead. Not coming back. I hope.) and my hubby actually having a bit of time to play. :) But he's working late tomorrow, so I am gonna try to catch up. I think I will be playing normally till Nov 1st, then pre-order and rip my unfortunate IA through the class story to just be done with it.


Wow, EXCITING! Wonder how the changes gonna impact the PvP. New class balances and whatever they call it? COmbat somethingish? Hopefully the Vanguards will not get shafted! I am starting to like the boy!

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Okay, I wasted valuable time on soloing Mando raiders (yeah, a lapse in judgment), but finally got back into zones. 3 losses in a row, 2 Alderaan wars (pugged in the middle of a loss in the second one) and one Pipeball. Didn't feel all that different about being L32 vs L29. Got intoa duel with a Sorc L47 and lost it by a small margin, should have healed. Mostly tried to annoy the sorcs in the match, grappling them off the pipes, guarding however was close, but yeah, we were wiped out. In the first zone, I should have went mid instead of guarding since mid match. Another guy kept coming back, so we were losing people in the mid....


Heh, I'd still be playing, but I gotta run!!!!


EDIT: Okay, back, gotta try again! HUGS!


EDIT: Heh, 3 more with the same result. :) Sometimes, there is just no winning.

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The Pub is back! The first Alderaan was a loss, but felt so good after the Wed wipe out, 'cause we talked and moved, and all! TOGETHER! And we only lost 10:110, turrets changed hands half a dozen times, CRAZY! I think I might have gotten a couple of MVPs on that one :o


The second we won! It was another one of the crazy close one, going turret to turret, at some point we held all three (that one rare moment of joy! ) We had a scoundrel healer that was absolutely amazing & an assortment of Shadows. I did a bit of jumping around and doing weird things when one went into stealth behind the wall in the LoS just in case s/he decided to do something cool and ninja & go places. Heck, after 7 losses I'd made back flips if I could! I think I did good by the healer, since I did get an MVP, that one I actually looked at because I was typing my happy thanks to everyone. :) Oh, actually managed to set off a few group taunts, in big brawls. Finally. Storm doesn't work still - either I am picking immunes or too impatient as it takes a split moment to initiate.


I've been so Alderaan lucky lately, I finally can move around that map with my eyes closed! hat's a bit of a difference from the "What do you mean, go mid from here? Kill me now! I only know how to be back from death...."


Hilariously, I am still on Alderaan, game-wise, trying to get to the Str 4+ cron. Decided to abandon the planetary quest, 'cause I am level 33, and I don't see any flirting options with Paneer, or whatever that Queen to Never Be for my boy. So, just have to get to the dam somehow (just got offed by a L40 killick. Well, while trying to find the Aim cron I got offed by a L40 badger... 'tis this kind of a day!

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No pressure, eh?


Okay, I was catching up on the story and the flash-points a little over the weekend, so to do something completely different, I took my Madness Sorc on L24 to the zone. I am trying to get to L25. Yeah, after a Vanguard, it is hard to stay hidden. I tried to both heal and bubble and damage, but it is harder than a straightforward attack. My damages are not what they should be, I am doing middle of the board, and with the madness sorc, I should be doing better. Maybe I should not heal, more of bubble and shoot. I think I will have to try again. :) Zone wise, we lost 1 Huttb, won a Queshb (I managed to get to the end zone 2x, but never at a proper time) and lost a Gate.


EDIT: One more Queshb, with an amazing premade. Hey, I even got to hold the ball, but did not pass in time, thought I can manage to the gate. Oh, well. I am starting to love the ball game on a Sorc :)


Then I pugged in Novare twice and got disconnected by the end of the match! Some local issues. SO, I went and planted my tulips, and pugged again... 4x4. By then I thought my karma won't take me leaving, so I stayed, and it was one of the meh-iest matches in my experience. The other team was undermanned 3 to our 4 (the full set of DPS: a merc, a mara, a sniper and I, ye friendly sorc), so went down quickly in an unfair play; they pugged all 4 the second round, but by whatever reason were no better off. Their Shadow decided to go into stealth, so we spent most of our time running around the Tat arena waiting for the player to de-stealth to end the match.


So, yeah. Back to the Trooper goodness tomorrow. Husband want to play our Con-Scoundrel team next, so by the end of Taris I should be able to try out an Amazing Sawbones in a zone :) I guess, i will after all get to pug with a battle cry of: "Heals for the Pub!"

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Bad Domi! I leave for a few and you let this get to page 5?! Grrrrrr!!!!


After leveling all the other stories, I finally remade my beautiful Sage. I decided to play normally (as in not focus on class quests just because of the 12x) so that I can finally hit Dark V. Alas, as soon as I hit the Fleet, I decided to hop into a Warzone and unfortunately, it was a Huttball. -.-


This was the outcome:




Muahahahahaha we won!!!!! But just like the announcer said, it was "brutal", lmao! I went down quick within the first 26 seconds but after that I got back in and started kicking butts! I went toe to toe with a Sniper, a Sorceress, and like two or three Operatives. Some I won, some I lost (OH MY GOD, THE ROTWORMS JUST DESTROYED A FROGDOG! THAT WAS JUST BRUTAL! --- Del'ciyi lies splayed out on the floor like a lady of the night).


I had fun going up against the Sniper especially since it is my favourite Imperial class. He did manage to get some nice hits in, but I chased his backside down and made him one with the Force. As for the Sorceress, I learned that it's not a good idea to go toe to toe with someone ten levels above you, lol. I did manage to take her HP down by a lot, but couldn't finish her before she finish me.


Oooh, I did manage to finally claim my Powertech achievement after wasting two more of them so that was another plus. All in all, t'was a blast. Guess I should go get ready for my daily, lol.:D

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I swear to Christ I will die of laughter one of these days:




That Huttball announcer is one funny arse mofo I tell ya!




Domi, I literally am crying right now and my head is hurting me because of that dude. I think I must've lost cause I was laughing and not trying. Funny thing is that I was thrown into the match with the Rotworms already having two goals on the board. Oh wells. I guess Del'ciyi laughed herself into a Force apparition.

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Heya, good to see you. I have been doing the BH week this week, to get my 2 Legacy bowcasters + clear achievements on Kingpins. And learning to tank in PvE while the gear is the same.


But I will be back in the fray next week with my now L37 Vanguard. I am also pushing him to the end of Chapter 2 to get my coveted 4th buff on everyone . So many things to discover in this game! I am at Valor 33, so my next task is to catch up to level as soon as i am out of the woods with the Hunting week.


Gotta love your matches!

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Good to see this is still going on, with the 12 Exp Boost it seems many are levelling low lvl Alts while also WZing a bit, so plenty of new "faces" around. :)


I did it myself on my Operative, Concealment speeced. Female, Sith Pureblood, with that Polar set all white dyed. And I got to see a few fun matches too, while levelling here, but there's a WZ I did on my Sorc that I'd like to share. :cool:


Arena, the Makeb one. My team is me on my Lightning Sorc - now full Brutalizer and half augmented, yay! :D - a Madness Sorc, a Healer Operative and a Deception Assassin. Other team has two Vigilance Guardians, a Sage later revealed as Healer/Madness hybrid - Force in Balance+Rejuvenate :eek: - and a Combat Sent. So lots of buffs + good healing.

I get a bit scared by the matchup, but we all decide to keep it up, our focus being the Sage at first. They obviously focus on the Sorc who doesn't spread things around (A.K.A. me) and I return the favor using DoTs, slows, Stuns, and kiting while my team pins them down. Not even slowly, mind you, but even with our Healer I'm forced to use my Static Barrier, Unnatural Preservation and the like quite often. In the end, my Force Barrier comes in handy as I get close to death, and the two teams manage to get to an even point. Two men standing, one per side. One being me, the other one being one of those Vigilance Guardians. Both at quarter health or lower. :eek:


The Guardian charges me and Master Strikes, I use my WZ Adrenal and Medpac. After his stun immunity buff worns off, I stun him and run for my life, healing as much as I can but also obviously depleting my Force, since I'm stuck in battle. :( The Guardian at first runs to try and chase me, but he doesn't seem to notice where I'm hidden - Mwahahaha :rak_04: - I then have to fight him with something like 100 Force. I'm almost fully healed, he's at quarter health. I focus on DoTs and keep myself up using whatever I can, and manage to down him with something around 100 HP left. Phew, that was a tight one! :p


Second round I get focused even more, if at all possible - and while I'm at it I die, but in the mean time the other team has 2 defeated players - the Sage and a Guardian - and another one at quarter health with DoTs ticking - the Sent. The last Guardian was at almost ful health after using Focused Defence.

No need to say, my team with 3 at almost full health vs 1 weakened and one with an important buff depleted won the match. MVPs galore there, I was so cheered up! :D

It was the first Arena in quite some time where I was able to do more than being hte focus target, so it was extremely rewarding. :o

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