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A PvP a Day...


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Eh, not yet Domi... I began augmenting my gear, three pieces done, up to now, but I assume that being mostly Brutalizer now should offset the lack of augments. :o


Still, queue didn't seem to pop at all, and as such no attempts done yet. I'll let you know if I'm terribad on it soon though, after all it's almost like being a PvP beginner. :D

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I'd rather do all blue augments than limited number of purples. The price difference is 10x but the effectiveness of all 14 pieces of blue is great. All 14 blue augments on the markets on a good day will cost on Harbinger about 100 thou, which is like a Black Hole run. Are you making your own MKs or purchasing?
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Purchased Wildstar deluxe last night, so I shall take a wee break from SWTOR. Wildstar so far is pretty cool, and I miss having actual magic and being cutesy, lol. One thing I've seen so far is that the game is kind of empty. I thought it would have had more people or maybe I'm just not far enough along yet. About to make my second character now.


Plus, it will help to take my mind off Verizon and their BS (if I don't get my 6 Plus on Friday someone is gonna lose their nuts!).

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I spent most of the day on re-equipping the boy. That included Esseles, because apparently I was spec confused and his offhand is not a shield generator, it is a power generator... Still don't have the shield, so need 2 more levels till I can buy the star-crossed thing.


But then I went and did a whack of zones just because I like playing him in the wzs. We lost a Voidstar, and 2 Queshballs (the second one 3:2, so... close....) and won a couple of Alderaans. I am almost maxed out on the wz comms, but I looked at the equipment and ain't worth it right now. So, I will be all set for Planetary Comms. Will get Elara something nice, I suppose once the boy picks her up.


So far playing the Vanguard was a lot of fun! One of the Alderaans in particular, I did my usual stand in front of the objective thinggie and the rest of the folks kept hiding, so the other team repeatedly went for the lone green half-naked boy... to find out that there were a healer and a couple of DPSs in the wings. Stuff of legends! Guards/taunts seem to net me huge scores, and I come out from the matches with MVPs, by some reason. I ended up the highest scoring from the team a couple of times, even with the losses. Kindda childish, but feels good....


Now, my life's ambition is to learn to play Huttball. And to get to L22 when I get my pushback... if I do get on the Shield Tech. I know my Commando has it. 'cause in that last match I got the pushback envy! The Imps were tossing us a lot. :(


Okay, I better go do some more chores, since I ostensibly took a day off to do chores, not play the game!


And, I am lonely again, I suppose... anyone? Hello? There gotta be plenty of new players nowadays! Come on over, let's have some real commitment and laughs going here!

Edited by DomiSotto
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I spent most of the day on re-equipping the boy. That included Esseles, because apparently I was spec confused and his offhand is not a shield generator, it is a power generator... Still don't have the shield, so need 2 more levels till I can buy the star-crossed thing.


But then I went and did a whack of zones just because I like playing him in the wzs. We lost a Voidstar, and 2 Queshballs (the second one 3:2, so... close....) and won a couple of Alderaans. I am almost maxed out on the wz comms, but I looked at the equipment and ain't worth it right now. So, I will be all set for Planetary Comms. Will get Elara something nice, I suppose once the boy picks her up.


So far playing the Vanguard was a lot of fun! One of the Alderaans in particular, I did my usual stand in front of the objective thinggie and the rest of the folks kept hiding, so the other team repeatedly went for the lone green half-naked boy... to find out that there were a healer and a couple of DPSs in the wings. Stuff of legends! Guards/taunts seem to net me huge scores, and I come out from the matches with MVPs, by some reason. I ended up the highest scoring from the team a couple of times, even with the losses. Kindda childish, but feels good....


Now, my life's ambition is to learn to play Huttball. And to get to L22 when I get my pushback... if I do get on the Shield Tech. I know my Commando has it. 'cause in that last match I got the pushback envy! The Imps were tossing us a lot. :(


Okay, I better go do some more chores, since I ostensibly took a day off to do chores, not play the game!


And, I am lonely again, I suppose... anyone? Hello? There gotta be plenty of new players nowadays! Come on over, let's have some real commitment and laughs going here!


Sadly, Vanguard gets no pushback... :(

But you'll get a pull and, if you go all the way up to tank spec, a charge! Plus an ability that makes you immune to pushbacks and slows, which is kind of great especially in Huttball. :rolleyes:


Those MVPs were likely because you played your role very well. I assume you taunted on CD, kept moving your guard to the attacked guy of your team and also focused target with the others, there. ;)

From the looks of it, you may have just found your perfect class and spec for PvP. Keep up the good work, Domi! :D

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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I spent most of the day on re-equipping the boy. That included Esseles, because apparently I was spec confused and his offhand is not a shield generator, it is a power generator... Still don't have the shield, so need 2 more levels till I can buy the star-crossed thing.


But then I went and did a whack of zones just because I like playing him in the wzs. We lost a Voidstar, and 2 Queshballs (the second one 3:2, so... close....) and won a couple of Alderaans. I am almost maxed out on the wz comms, but I looked at the equipment and ain't worth it right now. So, I will be all set for Planetary Comms. Will get Elara something nice, I suppose once the boy picks her up.


So far playing the Vanguard was a lot of fun! One of the Alderaans in particular, I did my usual stand in front of the objective thinggie and the rest of the folks kept hiding, so the other team repeatedly went for the lone green half-naked boy... to find out that there were a healer and a couple of DPSs in the wings. Stuff of legends! Guards/taunts seem to net me huge scores, and I come out from the matches with MVPs, by some reason. I ended up the highest scoring from the team a couple of times, even with the losses. Kindda childish, but feels good....


Now, my life's ambition is to learn to play Huttball. And to get to L22 when I get my pushback... if I do get on the Shield Tech. I know my Commando has it. 'cause in that last match I got the pushback envy! The Imps were tossing us a lot. :(


Okay, I better go do some more chores, since I ostensibly took a day off to do chores, not play the game!


And, I am lonely again, I suppose... anyone? Hello? There gotta be plenty of new players nowadays! Come on over, let's have some real commitment and laughs going here!


Good on you, lass. No need to be lonely as DeLaaNie is back to take *** and kick names! Err, you know what I mean. ^.^


Wildstar is tons of fun, but the dang lag I can't stand. Funny thing is, its servers are in Texas, same as this, and here I do not lag whatsoever. I'm still going to play it, but once my sub runs out I won't renew until the lag is gone. Other than that, if you haven't tried it and want to, let me know; I think I have a guest pass you can use.


Also, I just got my debit card charged!!! Yay Verizon!!!

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Ha, no, I can't manage more than one game at a time, and I still have DA waiting in the wings :) and good to see you!


Well, I think my nice times are more due to my having been through some 150 warzones so far, and most of the folks on these levels probably way newer. My challenge is to grow as a player with the character. :)


Alright, gotta trade the comms in and see how far I can go on Taris and if I can get into at least one wz before I have to get going again. :)


EDIT: And yeah, got torn apart in 2 warzones today, as normal. I need to work better on staying in/with a group. I am trying to, but somehow end up cornered far too often. Work on that! Well, at least I managed my daily.

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I think I will give me Sniper a rest and remake my Sage. I like the sound of Darth, but I also fancy pretty icons and all of the Sorcerer's are too bland, not to mention I don't want to use lightning all of the time. I miss being a mage, and I know it will be better for me to play from level one back to 55 while PvPing instead of trying to PvP using my 55 Sage.


I will take Cox's info into account as well. All I have to hope for is not losing to the Imps (like how as an Imp we mostly won against the Pubs) constantly, lmao, but I guess that is part of the fun.


Whelp, time to pick a species and an outfit, get HK, and tear Tython apart. I'll let you know how my first Warzone goes on my brand new, hot-off-the-press, Sage. ^.^

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If you are going Balance, I really recommend Focus Target unless you are already doing so. I just set it up on my Madness Sorcerer on Dromund Kaas (Level 17! Yay!) and that's so smooth. Switching between damage and healing/bubbling my husband's BH was seamless. I kick myself for being such a noob playing my Sage, and pulling her off the Balanced build in favor of a Seer. I am even thinking about trying him or my Jugg out just to get a few lessons in character management, but PvP'ing for the Empire... just can't handle it. :)


What I should really try is my Scoundrel. There is a peculiar shortage of Healers in the lowbies on the Pub side. Drives me bananas. The problem is I have problems playing him even in levelling. I need some good training grounds. Maybe take him to Tython or something to get his abilities set in my mind w/o XP gains.


Anyway, I will go see if I can pull at least one WZ before I have to run. Probbly not, but hey, I manged that Aim2+ datacron on Taris on the first try. So happy. And he is level 21, so I can happily skip all the annoying side-quests!


EDIT: Nah, no luck, I have to run in 10 minutes. :( Fingers crossed I wake up early tomorrow to sneak in my Daily before the clock changes on Bio.

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Woo! Hit level 10 and we won:




Suck it Imps! My first death was due to an Operative who hid right next to the pylon. I gave it me best, but granted he was 16 levels higher than I was, it wasn't a match lol. In the end I managed to waste him a couple of times. He thought he was a clever lad by letting a Marauder run to the pylon to make us think he was solo, so he could put everyone to sleep. I stayed back, waited until I could see him, then the boys and I let him have it.


Funny thing is, even though he was stealthed I could still see him. Must've caused him to wonder how that rock got in his face while cloaked, lmao! I have to remember that I am long range; kept fighting with the thought that my skills were 10 metres due to the fact that from levels one through ten they are.


Hypergate is my favourite ground and I am happy I not only got it as my first Warzone but we actually won too yay!

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Woo another win:




This time it was the Makeb Arena. We whacked them good the first round, but in the second round we got taken out. It all came to a head when only a Sniper and a Shadow were left and it looked as though the Sniper was going to take it, but the Shadow mezzed him and shoved his DBL right where the sun don't shine for an epic win!


All this excitement and my new iPhone coming tomorrow? I don't think I can take much more, lmao!

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Lmao got Makeb Arena again:




They had two Snipers this time, so I made sure to keep something close by which would allow for a quick cover incase I got targeted. In the first round I used my push to toss a Mercenary over the bridge to his doom, then he quit the match lmao. Poor sport.


A Marauder went after our Sage, so I showed him that Sages can use their lightsabres too, hehe. We took the Snipers out no problem, and the Powertech lasted a bit longer due to him retreating, but my force ball was faster than his feet.


One more to go!

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Lmao we got our butts kicked royally:




After this last match, I have a headache. Know why? I can't stop laughing at an Operative who made a goal and decided to dance in front of the entire team. He later paid for it with his life lmao. He was performing the dance of death.


A Juggernaut decided to jump up to me to I launched his backside clear off the pipe and down to the floor where he belongs. Filthy Imp! I went toe to toe with the same Juggernaut on one of the lower levels and almost had him until I got blindsided by someone; don't even know who killed me lol.


All in all, it was some good fun. Now I can relax a bit and check on my iPhone as well as on the Verizon forums. Yay for all those wins!!!

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Stuff of legends! Guards/taunts seem to net me huge scores, and I come out from the matches with MVPs, by some reason. I ended up the highest scoring from the team a couple of times, even with the losses. Kindda childish, but feels good....


I just wanted to say welcome to "tanking". Didn't I say it was awesome? :D

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Yeah, I dunno, if "welcome" is what my teammates are thinking :)


Woke up early this morning, so tried a few pops, as they came. It is slow this time of morning. Lost Alderaan, won Novare. Tried really hard to stay in sight of at least 3 other players and guard the healer in Novare (we actually had one). My targeting is still horrible, horrible, beyond horrible.


Then I did not exit 4x4 and had the full demo of how badly I control the character. Our first round was 2 vs 3 (which probably comprised the entire population of the server the queued), and I toggled their weakest DPS. Died fast. My partner, a higher level Shadow asked me why, I said 'the quickest kill', s/he told me to stick to their Merc (higher DPS). Luckily for the poor guy saddled with me, the third person pugged (DPS Guardian), and they basically did the other team in, while I feebly guarded the Shadow and tried very hard to target the right person and drop AoE/more damaging abilities as much as I could. The long-suffering Shadow had to tell me to heal between the matches, and I near died of embarrassment (big health bar is right there, bless ya!) I even keybound 'target next' on the side button, just didn't remember. I'll try using that, but maybe I will be better off with point and click (sigh).

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Funny thing, I got an e-mail with a bunch of really funny posts from DeLaaNee's warzones, but I don't see it on the fora. Did the game/fora went boom yesterday?


I am back from a short family trip. I only had my old laptop, so just played an hour or so on Taris, and got to L22. About to finish Taris, get Elara, sweep by the Station to convert the (again!) overflowing wz comms for plan comms, buy the tanking shield (finally!) and see how it goes in the warzones with a tanking shield :)


I might have a Sunday game on (which means I need to run my Powertech I haven't played on for like a month), so I dunno how much I can do, but I feel yet again that I am starting right at ground zero.Oh, well. Use 'target next' button for guard swap, keybind the harpoon (new and shiny!) and stay by the group, most importantly the healer. Oh, and actually read which class I am targeting on the enemy side. Fingers crossed!

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EDIT: Got into Novare and into a Voidstar after finishing Taris, getting my shield and picking aim, str and cun datacrons off Taris (I dunno, I think I will just collect all 4 stats just in case they do me some good!) :)


I actually had fun, rather than a nervous breakdown though between guarding, taunting and trying to fight I feel like my targeting is going to have to be more on the 'go next', though center screen gave me a few good ones. Yanking people off the objectives was a lot of fun as well as picking operatives/snipers who did not hunker down. I find that I like it more staying with a group rather than guarding a node. Paired with a commando healer we managed to hold the mid in Novare 2 to 5 for a fair bit while the reinforcements were coming to us.


I also used my harpoon to yank channeling sorcs towards me - good idea/bad idea? I know they can stun me, but it takes them off whoever they are killing fast. ???

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I also used my harpoon to yank channeling sorcs towards me - good idea/bad idea? I know they can stun me, but it takes them off whoever they are killing fast. ???


Great Idea, Domi. :cool:

Sorcs suffer a lot if a melee fighters like your Vanguard get in melee range. The fact you pulled them forced to spend a few seconds to run, which helps a lot, since unless they are Madness speeced they can't DPS properly - and also, they struggle even in Madness. ;)

As such, keep it up.


About that comment on guarding, I totally agree with you. The only situations in which I find it wise to guard myself, is if either I'm on my Sniper - Entrench makes me immune ot stuns - or on my Operative - Stealth makes it harder to see me and stun me, since she's Concealment Speeced. ;)


To make an example about my other classes I PvP on, as Sorc I Force Speed back and forth to help where needed, which is never a bad idea as long as all nodes are guarded, and as my tanking Assassin I do the same, also pulling people away if I find it useful, while masstaunting in the middle of the enemies. If you have Taunts, use them every time an enemy is attacking others strongly, you'll greatly diminish their dmg. :D

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I agree with Cox that yanking the channeling sorc is a good idea. I know when I play my sorc, and I am madness, when I'm at my best I'm behind a pillar dotting you up and then hiding - when I get caught out in the open then I die. (Better sorcs than me might fair differently, of course.) :)


I also like when a puller yanks someone into the middle of the DPS in AHG. If the team responds to that, it's usually very quickly one less enemy in mid.


And guarding - yes. I know as a shadow/sin I'm expected to guard the off node. But as a tank it feels like a bit of a waste. No one there to throw a tank guard or taunt on at all. :(

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Thanks, folks. I am a bit paranoid re: guarding because with the stuns/mezzes I am a sitting duck, but then again, who is not at this level, yes?


I hope to put in a couple of zones later tonight, fingers crossed! I did hit L23 :( Ouch. I feel like I am bounced through the levels! And, I am starting to dream about playing a Jedi in the wzs one day :) A Guardian Tank.... :)

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