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Just how much "ambush burst damage" can a TT/CF Scout do?


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This will show you that Slug is vastly inferior in terms of dps.....


To "make up" for that "inferior" DPS, slugs get huge range and deal out big damage when they connect.


Comparing DPS figures on weapons with such vastly different in-game mechanics is, disingenuous to say the least.


That "vastly inferior" DPS doesn't seem to stop gunships routinely topping damage output tables in a match (although Ion AoE certainly helps there, so I'm being a little disingenuous myself).


Besides, how does nailing someone halfway across the map while they're busy engaging someone else somehow not qualify as an "ambush"?


Neither TT or BO are overwhelmingly crazy on their own, only when you add CF into the mix do they get ridiculous.


Perhaps that's the simple answer: remove Concentrated Fire altogether?

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Perhaps that's the simple answer: remove Concentrated Fire altogether?


Nope, this is not adequate. You need to fix the systems, which are overpowered all by themselves. The crit damage on CF ups blaster damage by 18% for six seconds, but it stacks with something that ups it by 50%+, and something else that ups crit damage- the magnitude of this is way more than 18% during those. The folks claiming the issue is only the six second window seem to forget that every ship has access to CF, but it's only a problem on... scouts with burst damage systems.



The problem is scout.


The problem is burst.


The problem is TT/BO.




It's not CF, it's not railguns, it's not any of the other garbage you can be all suddenly curious about, as if you may have found the answer. The answer is these systems. They need to be less bursty.




It would be nice if there were multiple offensive cooldowns to choose from, but if no copilot ability can be good because scout, then fix scout.

Edited by Verain
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Sometimes I have the feeling that cooldowns are being treated as they have close to 100% uptime. Especially complaints about cooldown stacking confuse me. To stack cooldowns you have to wait 60s for CF to be ready.

In a fight with almost equally skilled/geared teams there is a good chance that cooldowns aren't ready.


Also sometimes it sounds like the fact that a scout actually has to overcome around 10-15km distance is completely ignored. If scouts could make themselves invisible I could understand that, but they can't.

In a fight with equally skilled/geared teams there is a good chance that a scout will not be able to close that distance because someone spots it early.

Edited by Danalon
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Sometimes I have the feeling that cooldowns are being treated as they were always ready. Especially complaints about cooldown stacking confuse me. To stack cooldowns you have to wait 60s for CF to be ready.

In a fight with almost equally geared/skilled teams there is a good chance that cooldowns aren't ready.


Also sometimes it sounds like the fact that a scout actually has to overcome around 10-15km distance is completely ignored. If scouts could make themselves invisible I could understand that, but they can't.


This made me l o l. Let me break it down for you since you obviously just fly scout. TT is a 45 second CD that improves acc/crit chance/crit multitude (multitude and more chance on final tier). BO is a 60 second CD tht increases rate of fire/regen/crit chance/damage of blaster (when fully upgraded [note: you can get range too, if you want to]). So, in essence, scouts get 2 (TWO) CDs at least every minute (this include co-pilot ability). Where, everyone else gets 1 (unless you count clarion/imperium combat comand which iwhishes it was TT but with crap weapons).


So, yes, in a fight against skilled players they are hindered more then you are in a scout.


Also, the fact that scout has better engine rate of use for energy and they are faster then most ships. So, your complaint about hve to close the gap is stupid since they can regen/move there faster then any other ship. And, all you need to do is LOS until you have about 20% engine to close that 15k gap.

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Nope, this is not adequate. You need to fix the systems, which are overpowered all by themselves. The crit damage on CF ups blaster damage by 18% for six seconds, but it stacks with something that ups it by 50%+, and something else that ups crit damage- the magnitude of this is way more than 18% during those. The folks claiming the issue is only the six second window seem to forget that every ship has access to CF, but it's only a problem on... scouts with burst damage systems.


i still reckon TT and BO are fine as they are.

it's when you combine them with CF it gets silly.

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I do not. I've seen scouts burst very hard outside of CF. CF just really makes the problem worse.


Note that CF is totally fine for every other ship type in the game, if not actually way too weak.

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I do not. I've seen scouts burst very hard outside of CF. CF just really makes the problem worse.


Note that CF is totally fine for every other ship type in the game, if not actually way too weak.


This, more or less.


I used to destroy peeps with BLCs in 3/4 shots with only BO online - no CF. CF will just reduce the amount of shots, but change nothing in the grand scheme of things (kinda).

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