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So after we decorate our doll house...


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If we can duel on Strongholds and Guildships, i think they confirmed g ships so far,it will be a game changer.Imagine a empty fleet because their all at you g ship beting and participating dueling,Ofcourse if your only into pve.lol.then yea it will be a doll house nightmare.
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If we can duel on Strongholds and Guildships, i think they confirmed g ships so far,it will be a game changer.Imagine a empty fleet because their all at you g ship beting and participating dueling,Ofcourse if your only into pve.lol.then yea it will be a doll house nightmare.



Unfortunately since we don't have a server wide channel then joining a custom channel is a must for pve. On P5 we have /opschan imp side and /pot5 rep side. You can join these by being on the appropriate faction and typing /cjoin <channel name>

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Housing and decoration appeal to a very small percentage of the player base. Yes, a plurality of the population will use it in some fashion, but a majority of players participate in operations and flashpoints. You don't level up or gain gear by standing in a house putting trophies on wall.


Feel free to back up that statement with numbers or articles proving that.


Last I read, raiders (ie. people doing ops) was a minority in most MMO's

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Feel free to back up that statement with numbers or articles proving that.


Last I read, raiders (ie. people doing ops) was a minority in most MMO's


Yep if "raiders" were the majority like he claims then people wouldn't spend hours on fleet spamming LFG <insert OP name here>

Edited by Anaesha
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Feel free to back up that statement with numbers or articles proving that.


Last I read, raiders (ie. people doing ops) was a minority in most MMO's


So people decorating housing is the top usage case? lol Enjoying your comments. Keep posting.

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So people decorating housing is the top usage case? lol Enjoying your comments. Keep posting.

Twist words much?


You said this:

... a majority of players participate in operations and flashpoints. ...

He asked you to back it up.

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What new content will we engage in with our friends? I definitely see the time sink involved in these spaces. I think even a disinterested person could spend a few hours doing this, but as far actual new content to engage in with guildies 2014 has been a massive let down.


No one can play the game for you. Find something to like and your outlook gets better. Find stuff to whine about and it gets harder.


I realize GSH is the "big thing" for the end of summer for BW and a lot of people, especially the RP crowd. But for folks that actually want to play the game and not decorate are getting really tired for the same OPs and FPs. Information about the guild ships and the faction missions on planets that they will play a role in seems to me to be so much more important right now to retain subs than learning about how to hang trophies on a wall in a room that you walk around in to admire your accomplishments.


"Information about the guild ships and the faction missions on planets that they will play a role in seems to me to be so much more important right now to retain subs..."


You want info on ships and quests or you'll quit. Got it.

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Housing and decoration appeal to a very small percentage of the player base. Yes, a plurality of the population will use it in some fashion, but a majority of players participate in operations and flashpoints. You don't level up or gain gear by standing in a house putting trophies on wall.


If you are certain it's a very small percentage you should know what that percentage is. If you don't then you are just making crap up. This is an RPG. If you consider RP elements a side issue you are like the chess player who considers chess boards a side issue.

Edited by Mozepy
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You know if I was a dev and was reading comments like yours and others that I've seen in the forums I wouldn't feel very motivated to bust my *** to give you new **** either to be honest.


Then you would make for crappy management, but might be a decent dev. Devs don't make those kinds of decisions, management does. :)


As a business owner myself, i would take it as a personal challenge to impress the crap out of everyone and get everyone on the forums saying, "dam, THIS is what we wanted, thank you, thank you"

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No one can play the game for you. Find something to like and your outlook gets better. Find stuff to whine about and it gets harder.


What are you talking about? I'll have my 9th toon to 55 this week. I two toons in 180+ and two toons in full Brutalizer. I participate in everything in this game and have played since beta.


NONE of that has anything to do with the lack of content produced in 2014 and the dwindling sub numbers.

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well there was over 3000 people watching the stream Thursday, most of the time there is only around 200 or so.


A whole 3000 people? lol And yes, when you starve the population of content for 8 months and don't communicate with your players at all after you announce the delay of GSH, then yeah, people are going to show up to the first morsel of information you finally provide.

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Please prove that sub numbers are decreasing. From my personal observations, it's the opposite. The majority of newcomers joining my guild who are f2p end up subbing within months if not weeks. IMO, based solely on observation, both f2p and subs are increasing, not decreasing. If you can prove otherwise, please do. I'm sure we'd all be fascinated by the hard data you can provide. Edited by errant_knight
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They haven't even introduced player housing yet....and when they do, it will be introduced more than 2.5 years into the game. And you're whining that player housing is getting more attention than end-game content? Heaven forbid they put something in the game that doesn't cater to your personal preference. Also, I get a chuckle out of the lame attempts to trash player housing by referring to it as a "doll house" or "barbie house". What are you, 12? Someone hand these people some tissues.
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Please prove that sub numbers are decreasing. From my personal observations, it's the opposite. The majority of newcomers joining my guild who are f2p end up subbing within months if not weeks. IMO, based solely on observation, both f2p and subs are increasing, not decreasing. If you can prove otherwise, please do. I'm sure we'd all be fascinated by the hard data you can provide.


What you're observing is people checking in for f2p and checking out after 30-60 days. Pay attention to fleet numbers on both factions, speed of gf or wz pops, population on starter planets. The double xp and comms events are big draws so things are popping right now. Hopefully that continues and there is not much of a drop after this ends prior to 2.8.


Some of you read this thread and your natural reaction is to get defensive because you love the game. Understand that I love the game as well. That's why I want to see more communication in order to keep sub numbers and interest high. I do not want to see the game fail. People from my point of view are not asking for more information because they are uninterested in the game or its success. That would be asinine.

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You still haven't answered me... when did I say this?


Nope. Have no desire to quarrel with the "BW does everything right" crew. You know exactly what you were implying. No need to pursue that thread of discussion.

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What you're observing is people checking in for f2p and checking out after 30-60 days. Pay attention to fleet numbers on both factions, speed of gf or wz pops, population on starter planets. The double xp and comms events are big draws so things are popping right now. Hopefully that continues and there is not much of a drop after this ends prior to 2.8.


Some of you read this thread and your natural reaction is to get defensive because you love the game. Understand that I love the game as well. That's why I want to see more communication in order to keep sub numbers and interest high. I do not want to see the game fail. People from my point of view are not asking for more information because they are uninterested in the game or its success. That would be asinine.


As if you had any access to any of that information. lol. Stop talking out of your ***, son.

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Nope. Have no desire to quarrel with the "BW does everything right" crew. You know exactly what you were implying. No need to pursue that thread of discussion.


That wasn't even remotely what he was implying. You refuse to answer because you know he never said that and most humans hate to admit when they are wrong.

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Housing and decoration appeal to a very small percentage of the player base. Yes, a plurality of the population will use it in some fashion, but a majority of players participate in operations and flashpoints. You don't level up or gain gear by standing in a house putting trophies on wall.


I can pretty much guarantee that the % of the playerbase that cares about Housing is going to be many times that of those who play Ops. Several other MMO makers have stated that their original Raider population were single digit percentages of the overall population, including Blizzard and just recently Turbine, there isn't much reason to think TOR is any different.

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What you're observing is people checking in for f2p and checking out after 30-60 days. Pay attention to fleet numbers on both factions, speed of gf or wz pops, population on starter planets. The double xp and comms events are big draws so things are popping right now. Hopefully that continues and there is not much of a drop after this ends prior to 2.8.


Some of you read this thread and your natural reaction is to get defensive because you love the game. Understand that I love the game as well. That's why I want to see more communication in order to keep sub numbers and interest high. I do not want to see the game fail. People from my point of view are not asking for more information because they are uninterested in the game or its success. That would be asinine.


You're drawing conclusions rather spuriously. You don't know that they're checking out and unless my experience differs from an unknown and unprovable 'norm', many are subbing.


wz pops depend on the day, the time and the server. While you can pull out one wait time as an example, you'd have to have all the wait time on all servers for a period of time before you could use them to draw a conclusion.


Fleet numbers are relatively meaningless as you can queue from anywhere in the galaxy and have gtns and banks on ships. Unless you have access to all numbers in all instances, this is a strawman argument.


I don't have a problem with you wanting more information. I do have a problem with basing conclusions of doom on assumptions. If you want people to take your argument seriously, talk about concerns, not about facts that aren't. Your last paragraph means more to me than all your previous arguments put together.

Edited by errant_knight
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