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Marauder Build PvE (Solo)

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(This is not my first character, i have the game since it came out and had a lvl 50 sith sorcerer, but i lost my login credentials including the physical security token -> NEVERMIND, just saying i am not completely new to the game)


I started as a Sith Warrior and decided to skill as a Marauder, since i also had a (think lvl 38) Sith Juggernaut in my old account and i honestly did not like it. I do not know which build exactly it was but i did not like it at all.


My question: i am totally playing PvE (MOST of the time solo, lets say 90%) only.


Which build shall i go for? Carnage or Annihilation. Annihilation is more of a DoT Playstyle i read.. but what is "better" for soloing PvE with a healer companion later on?


Found two Builds:

Annihilation: http://www.sithspecs.com/sith-warrior-marauder/swtor-sith-warrior-marauder-build-annihilation-leveling-spec/

Carnage: http://www.sithspecs.com/sith-warrior-marauder/swtor-sith-warrior-marauder-build-carnage-leveling-spec/


Currently i think annihilation should be better since many people said that on the internet (mostly here at the forums) and Annihilation got a Buff with 2.8? Is that correct?


Thank you for all the responses!

Edited by drecksnamenwahl
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Both Carnage and Annihilation are extremely good specs to play. I dont have a Mara currently, but I did level my Sentinel in Combat (Carnage) 1-50, then went Watchmen after. Carnage will be easier to play in the lower levels, as Annihilation doesn't get good until after you your able to use the full skill tree, so I would level in Carnage, then try Annihilation after you hit 45 at least.


For FPs and Ops, both Carnage and Annihilation are about the same. Anni is your sustained DPS , where Carnage is more burst DPS in phases, but still has great sustained DPS as will. Anni as great off-heals during Zen phases, and good utility due to having two interrupts (no min range on Force Charge makes it a second interrupt ). Anni also has a static rotation, where Carnage has you think about what ability combos to use during Gore windows.


As stated before, Dulfy.net has a great Mara guide. What spec really come down to what style of play do you like more

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Thank you for the answers!


So since Carnage is better for low levels i will stick with that first.


How shall i spend my skill points (priority wise)?


The suggested spread has a few abilities from Annihilation and Rage too. Which abilities should i choose first?

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Is there a reason you don't want to spec rage at all?


I say this as I find it a lot easier leveling in this spec as most of the time you will be fighting big packs of adds and rage spec is great for this purpose.

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Either will more than suffice. Try both and stick with the one you like better.


I'd recommend this guide: http://dulfy.net/2014/02/03/swtor-marauder-dps-class-guide/.


Dulfy, you shall find, is the font of all knowledge. Good luck!


I think I need help understanding how to read my stats....


This guide specifies things like "68-74% Surge".... But all I can find is a Surge number of 295, inside of the window that come up on crit multiplier, I think.


Is there a primer somewhere that explains what stats these other numbers are derived from? Otherwise, I don't really understand what to change in order to improve my numbers according to the guide...

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I think I need help understanding how to read my stats....


This guide specifies things like "68-74% Surge".... But all I can find is a Surge number of 295, inside of the window that come up on crit multiplier, I think.


Is there a primer somewhere that explains what stats these other numbers are derived from? Otherwise, I don't really understand what to change in order to improve my numbers according to the guide...


Stats are presented by us players in two ways: score (295, from your example) or percentage (68.00, from your site's recommendation).


You can see these both on your character screen. On your marauder, hit 'C' to bring up your character screen. Look to the bottom left. By default it should be your melee tab. You'll see (off my head), damage, bonus damage, accuracy, critical chance, and critical modifier.


Crit chance is what we call 'crit,' and critical modifier is what we call 'surge.'


Accuracy, critical chance and critical modifier should all have a percentage score (not showing the percent symbol). For example, my accuracy is something like 100.68. If you hover your mouse over, say critical modifier, a tooltip will open that shows how that score was computed. The tooltip will show in there where all your 'surge' modifiers are coming from, perhaps like 'Gear: 245' or some such. The total listed there in the tooltip is your score while the number given on the character screen is your percentage. (Percentage is also given in the tooltip, I believe). (Again, this is all off my head whilst I am not in game).


I am not a theorycrafter, but I certainly try to reap the rewards of their work. I think the reason some will give advice in score (vice percent) is that diminishing returns will work differently for different classes and so a score is a more class-neutral way to present advice. 295 recommended surge (I think) will result in a different percentage value for a marauder than an assassin, for example. So, the Dulfy guide suggesting 68-74% means a different value to us marauders than it would for a mercenary.


Make any sense? If I am wrong or offbase, we have many resident marauder gurus who may happen along.

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