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Bioware giving preferential treatment to some players


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Or they could just treat everyone equally.


If people behaved equally, but people don't. One person calls CS and is polite and offers a complete explanation of the problem and the solutions he has tried without emotional upheaval and drama. Another person has exactly the same problem, but when he calls CS he berates the rep, uses profanity, demands a solution immediately, says his world is ruined, and really doesn't have much information about the problem and speaks in twisted generalities.


Particularly if this "problem" isn't covered by a script, you want these two people to be treated equally? I don't think so. Only if CS is a robot. In the Real World people are treated differently depending on how they treat others. You want better tips? Treat people nicely.


Your vendetta to keep calling until you get the exact same solution as your friend shows your character and what kind of approach you take.

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Sometimes I sit on the chair.


Sometimes I'm the chair.


Unfortunately that is how it is.


It would be nice if all things were equal, but it's pretty sensible, IMO, to accept that they are not. People will choose what they wish to do on an individual basis. Sometimes your lucky, sometimes not.


I see nothing wrong with submitting another ticket...just try to avoid being annoying or demanding. That will likely, IMO, not achieve the desired results.

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Any chance you could mention...


1. What the issue actually was?

2. What differences actually exist between you and your friend?



It seems like those are pretty significant factors that have been completely left out.


1) The basic premise is revoking character transfers.

2) No differences in what we said, I was extremely nice on the phone.


By the way I put in an additional ticket and to summarize they said under my circumstances(which were identical to my friend's) they do not authorize it, however "we offer reversal of character transferrals in these fringe cases as exceptions". So someone made an exception for my friend but won't for me, sounds like preferential treatment.

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Yeah, do another ticket and hope for a different CS rep. My friend had an issue where CS screwed him over. First ticket he sent them about it, the CS rep was a dick and basically said "too bad so sad" (paraphrased of course). He sent another ticket saying that response is unacceptable if they want to keep his subscription, got a different CS rep, and was reimbursed for them screwing him over in the first place.
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