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Time for a new OP?

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Lets look at the operations the first time they were released (not rehashed difficulty levels) over the 2.5 yrs of SWTOR so far:

  • On release we had 2 - KP, EV - Dec'11
  • EC with 1.2 Apr'12 (4 mths later)
  • Then along came TfB with 1.4 Sep'12 (5 mths later)
  • SnV released with 2.0 Apr'13 (8 mths later)
  • DF/DP released with 2.4 Oct'13 (7 mths later)


It is now Jun'14... 9 mths later... and there has been no announcement about any NEW Operation


I can see why people are getting edgy on content. DF/DP has about done its life cycle, players are ready to move on and there is nothing on the horizon besides besides a few "we will have some news soon" posts.


Really hoping we get some real info on a new OP soon please!!! :confused::eek::confused:

Edited by Oxidsed
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Yeah EC was in 1.2, which I believe was April 12th 2012.

Fixed, thanks for letting me know.

Makes the current 9 mth wait appear even longer... although we can consider that the last release was two ops and hence might have a longer life, though DF/DP go together and individually have less bosses than either SnV or TfB

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They both have as many bosses as TFB. Though less pointless trash, yeah.

And S&V is probably a bit too long for its own good.

So the dread ops are, imo, better than the rest in terms of pacing.

Just need an optional money boss and a hidden boss to be perfect. :p


But, yeah, obviously, I agree, we need new PvE content at the 'casual raider' level. Nightmare ops aren't for us (way too hard). Tactical flashpoints are also not for us (way too easy). And nothing new has appeared here since 2.4.

Edited by Loc_n_lol
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We will very likely have at least one new operation in 3.0


I am not sure if I will be playing then but lets hope they release a nice ops. 3.0, when is that?


Then we will se it recycled two times more the next two years, who knows they might release a ultramode effectivly recycling everything a fourth time

Edited by Icestar
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Actually ........

EV --> KP - 30 days

KP --> EC - 84 days

EC --> TfB - 167 days

TfB --> Scum - 195 days

Scum --> DF/DP - 176 days

DF/DP --> 3.0 - 377 days (assumed, extrapolated number ofc)


EV = 1.0 (20-12-2011)

KP = 1.1 (19-1-2012)

EC = 1.2 (12-4-2012)

TfB = 1.4 (26-9-2012)

Scum = 2.0 (9-4-2013)

DF/DP = 2.4 (10-2-2013)

new operations = 3.0 (14-10-2014 (assumed date based upon the 9 weeks (63 days) patch cadence)


I am in the midst of making a post about facts and numbers and stuff. On my guilds forum I posted the following in response to the 377 days of waiting on a new ops.


This looks really bad at itself ofc. But ....... I assume at launch a lot of work for EC was already done pre launch. I know this doesn't really counts but for me its something to take into account.

Also after Scum we got both dread fortress AND dread palace at the same time. This is the 1st time ever that bioware released 2 operations at once. Do you think it would have been better if dread palace was released at lets say patch 2.6? That would have taken away the bad flavor of a 2nd GSF patch. Also that would have meant:


TfB --> Scum - 195 days

Scum --> DF - 176 days

DF --> DP - 131 days

DP --> 3.0 - 246 days (assumed, extrapolated number)


EDIT: I'm a tad unsure about KP since it is that long ago lol. When I check the 1.1 patchnotes it said the following:

Karagga's Palace

Four new bosses can now be battled by players in Karagga's Palace!

Players no longer get stuck attempting to exit the Karagga's Palace phase.

Reduced the damage of Bonethrasher's Overhead Smash attack and reduced the distance players are knocked back by his Backhand attack in Hard Mode. This gives players more room to avoid being knocked into the pit.

Bonethrasher no longer attacks players immediately after they fall into his pit when re-entering after being defeated, allowing players to regroup before engaging.

Edited by fire-breath
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