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Devs need to be aware of this Reddit Thread

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If they pay attention to a reddit post over their own forums that say the same thing DAILY, I'd be pissed. The guy on reddit is 100% right...but what he's saying has been echoed here 1000's of times. Bioware moves far too slow for the MMO world.
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If they pay attention to a reddit post over their own forums that say the same thing DAILY, I'd be pissed. The guy on reddit is 100% right...but what he's saying has been echoed here 1000's of times. Bioware moves far too slow for the MMO world.


And simultaneously downplayed or ridiculed, every so often.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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The thread in question.


I know we as gamers may often sound whiny when we say there should be new content, but endgame content in this game has basically come to a standstill. Flashpoints are nice for advancing a story, but they are not a substitute for operations for PvE players. If I had a choice between the five flashpoint released in the last year or a new operation, I would take the new operation each time, and I think most endgame PvEers would agree.


Fortunately, not every player is an "endgame" player. In fact, "end game" players are generally not the majority in any MMO. For a game that is two and a half years old, SWTOR has as much, if not more "end game" content than any other MMO at that point in its lifespan. As much as players like to ignore the fact, you cannot compare 4, 8, 10, 15, or 20 years of content and development to 1, 2, or 3 years of content or development.

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Everything that's been said + other issues like the game engine and the reputation of being a failure even tho the game has been profitable enough for EA. I did all class stories, most of ops fights...a couple of secret bosses will always remain secret for me but that's fine and there's this feeling of a depleted resource about this game.

Personally I'd much rather move on to another BW MMO based on experience and lessons learnt from swtor. Really sometimes don't understand how come such universes as Dragon Age or Mass Effect still haven't got an mmo expansion announced. At least that'll be content and stories we haven't seen yet at all.

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Everything that's been said + other issues like the game engine and the reputation of being a failure even tho the game has been profitable enough for EA. I did all class stories, most of ops fights...a couple of secret bosses will always remain secret for me but that's fine and there's this feeling of a depleted resource about this game.

Personally I'd much rather move on to another BW MMO based on experience and lessons learnt from swtor. Really sometimes don't understand how come such universes as Dragon Age or Mass Effect still haven't got an mmo expansion announced. At least that'll be content and stories we haven't seen yet at all.


Because the investment needed for such an experience, would probably be akin to the one EA / Bioware made with TOR and the results weren't exactly the ones they expected?


Not to mention that neither Dragon age or Mass Effect, have exactly the same kind of following that Star Wars have.

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lol its funny how easily people ignore facts, just because "raiders" or "PVPers" want to keep saying there has been no new content all year does not make it true. just because you don't like GSF, burnt your self out on kuat trying to level to 55 in a weekend and think "tactical flashpoints are stupid" does not mean that new playable content and a ton of balance / quality of life changes have not been consistently added to the game since ROTHC launched in april 2013, only a little over a year ago. though the last patch was weak and some of the content hasn't been the best like the bounty event, and I wasn't a fan of turning the rakghoul event into a click 5 quests off a terminal daily area that swtor has turned into but strongholds / guild ships hopefully will be a awesome addition to the game and we will most likely see a rise in the level cap by the end of the year or shortly after, 2-4 months.


in short swtor is not only about raiding even though "raiders" think the mmo world begins and ends with them, personally I think the devs already cater way to much exclusive content, rewards, and credit faucets to raiders in this game backed by the very true facts that raiders get secret bosses, unique mounts / titles and the easiest access to high end crafting materials and schematics on top of having the best gear to make other content lol face roll easy. and yet they still whine and complain :rolleyes:

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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lol its funny how easily people ignore facts, just because "raiders" or "PVPers" want to keep saying there has been no new content all year does not make it true. just because you don't like GSF, burnt your self out on kuat trying to level to 55 in a weekend and think "tactical flashpoints are stupid" does not mean that new playable content and a ton of balance / quality of life changes have not been consistently added to the game since ROTHC launched in april 2013, only a little over a year ago. though the last patch was weak and some of the content hasn't been the best like the bounty event, and I wasn't a fan of turning the rakghoul event into a click 5 quests off a terminal daily area that swtor has turned into but strongholds / guild ships hopefully will be a awesome addition to the game and we will most likely see a rise in the level cap by the end of the year or shortly after, 2-4 months.


in short swtor is not only about raiding even though "raiders" think the mmo world begins and ends with them, personally I think the devs already cater way to much exclusive content, rewards, and credit faucets to raiders in this game backed by the very true facts that raiders get secret bosses, unique mounts / titles and the easiest access to high end crafting materials and schematics on top of having the best gear to make other content lol face roll easy. and yet they still whine and complain :rolleyes:


And by the time Galactic Strongholds is officially released, a full year will have passed without a single new operation, daily area or flashpoint outside the tactical ones.


^^ This has been said for quite some time now but some people just refuse to acknowledge it altogether.


In other words, it's NOT just the raiders being affected here, no matter how much some people would like to claim.

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lol its funny how easily people ignore facts, just because "raiders" or "PVPers" want to keep saying there has been no new content all year does not make it true.

lol its funny how people ignore facts, just because "solo" players pretend there's no decline in population or drought of content does not make it true.


Declining pops are a reality. Lack of development, stagnation and a content drought are real.

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You do realize that every once in a while Eric has posted on reddit and he has mentioned that he reads reddit.


You act like this is anything new though? This has been brought up here many times.


People are always going to ***** when their favorite portion of the game is ignored and will cry when something else comes out.

Yet in the last year we have received the major update that was GSF. In a bit over a month we are getting Player and Guild housing. And not long after that we are getting an expansion the size of Rise of the Hutt Cartel.


I must also point out that the "great" game that is WoW hasn't had a content update in close to a year




Around that time we got http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/2.4.0/dread-war which brought us DF/DP


While we have not gotten any new raids we have gotten other things since that came out. Just not necessarily catering to PvE'ers.


It is true that WoW is coming out with an expansion before the year is over but SWTOR has 2 coming before the year is over.

And I would argue that if the upcoming expansion is the same size as RoHC. That the upcoming expansion + GSF + GSH is about the same amount of content coming in the new expansion.

Not including the events and other improvements we have received within the last year.



my point is that these things take time. Just be glad that Bioware has released things as they finish them instead of holding all of this for a big major expansion later this year like WoW is doing.

Edited by ninjonxb
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You do realize that every once in a while Eric has posted on reddit and he has mentioned that he reads reddit.


You act like this is anything new though? This has been brought up here many times.


People are always going to ***** when their favorite portion of the game is ignored and will cry when something else comes out.

Yet in the last year we have received the major update that was GSF. In a bit over a month we are getting Player and Guild housing. And not long after that we are getting an expansion the size of Rise of the Hutt Cartel.


I must also point out that the "great" game that is WoW hasn't had a content update in close to a year




Around that time we got http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/2.4.0/dread-war which brought us DF/DP


While we have not gotten any new raids we have gotten other things since that came out. Just not necessarily catering to PvE'ers.


It is true that WoW is coming out with an expansion before the year is over but SWTOR has 2 coming before the year is over.

And I would argue that if the upcoming expansion is the same size as RoHC. That the upcoming expansion + GSF + GSH is about the same amount of content coming in the new expansion.

Not including the events and other improvements we have received within the last year.



my point is that these things take time. Just be glad that Bioware has released things as they finish them instead of holding all of this for a big major expansion later this year like WoW is doing.

And yet WoW still maintains millions of subscribers while SWTOR is losing more and more every month... :rolleyes:

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And yet WoW still maintains millions of subscribers while SWTOR is losing more and more every month... :rolleyes:


Thats an argument for another day though. I am shocked they continue to have these numbers with their current lack of releases.

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Because the investment needed for such an experience, would probably be akin to the one EA / Bioware made with TOR and the results weren't exactly the ones they expected?


Not to mention that neither Dragon age or Mass Effect, have exactly the same kind of following that Star Wars have.


That doesn't necessarily mean swtor will be their first and last mmo, does it? SW surely has more fans than any other sci-fi brand out there but other BW galaxies that could have mmo versions are very popular as well...you know, if products like ESO end up getting released, why the heck can't we get to do mmo-type quests on the Citadel or go for the Thresher Maw on Tuchanka...

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Yet in the last year we have received the major update that was GSF. In a bit over a month we are getting Player and Guild housing. And not long after that we are getting an expansion the size of Rise of the Hutt Cartel.


Today? June 26.


Early Access for Galactic Strongholds? August 19.




"In a bit over a month"? Talk about convenient phrasing.


I must also point out that the "great" game that is WoW hasn't had a content update in close to a year



And yet WoW, as far as I'm aware, is still a sub-game ONLY for the most part. They must be doing something right in order to stick to their current strategy.


Around that time we got http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/2.4.0/dread-war which brought us DF/DP


While we have not gotten any new raids we have gotten other things since that came out. Just not necessarily catering to PvE'ers.


You're trying too hard or you're just really small-minded.


As I've mentioned repeatedly, a full year(!!!) will go by without a single new operation, daily area or flashpoint outside the tactical ones. This is FACT.


It is true that WoW is coming out with an expansion before the year is over but SWTOR has 2 coming before the year is over.

And I would argue that if the upcoming expansion is the same size as RoHC. That the upcoming expansion + GSF + GSH is about the same amount of content coming in the new expansion.

Not including the events and other improvements we have received within the last year.


You actually don't know that.


Strongholds was delayed and the fact that there are no news concerning 3.0 is frankly disheartening.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Kind of a circle jerk going on here...


The majority of players never achieve what that redditor is talking of - 5 fully-gear alts - because most people don't have the incredible amount of spare time that requires. The "hardcore" raiders (a laughable term compared to what it used to mean in old games: permadeath) need to understand that they are the minority, always will be the minority, and need to recognize the pattern here: in EVERY MMO I'VE EVER PLAYED the hardcore community never had enough content. EVER. Guilds were always breaking up for lack of things to do, blah blah blah. Get it through your heads, just because you ran the race ten times faster than Joe Public, that doesn't mean it makes sense for a game studio to try to crank out content at a rate sufficient to please you.


You may now return to your regularly scheduled complaint session.


Pretty much spot on, IMO. People insist on ignoring the fact that this is a broad appeal MMO... and while they expand new areas of content.. those locked into the same old same old pull their own finger nails out.


Broad appeal MMOs simply do not meet the needs of those who exclusively play only a small fraction of content.

In short, give us something. We shouldn't be 9 months away from the last operation without even a hint of when to expect new content.


Maybe...maybe.... build your own case and present it next time, rather then cross quoting from reddit. It would carry more credibility IMO. On the other hand.. if you just wanted to create the dramatic thread of the day.. yet again beating on Bioware for not releasing enough of the fractional content you desire... then mission accomplished.


This is NOT the MMO to play for real deep hardcore PvE endgame. Never has been, never will be. There are other MMOs that specialize in that portion of content. And by the way... it's completely OK to play multiple MMOs, each for their different strengths.

Edited by Andryah
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Today? June 26.


Early Access for Galactic Strongholds? August 19.


"In a bit over a month"? Talk about convenient phrasing.




And yet WoW, as far as I'm aware, is still a sub-game ONLY for the most part. They must be doing something right in order to stick to their current strategy.




You're trying too hard or you're just really small-minded.


As I've mentioned repeatedly, a full year(!!!) will go by without a single new operation, daily area or flashpoint outside the tactical ones. This is FACT.




You actually don't know that.


Strongholds was delayed and the fact that there are no news concerning 3.0 is frankly disheartening.


I am REALLY getting tired of stating the same thing over and over again





Sure it is fact that they have not given us a new operation in close to a year (still 3 months away) but I am pointing out that we have received other things that are not catering to PvE'ers


I am also saying this as someone who primarily PvE's (I lead a raid group).



This also isn't exactly unique to SWTOR and is common place in MMO's in general.

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That doesn't necessarily mean swtor will be their first and last mmo, does it? SW surely has more fans than any other sci-fi brand out there but other BW galaxies that could have mmo versions are very popular as well...you know, if products like ESO end up getting released, why the heck can't we get to do mmo-type quests on the Citadel or go for the Thresher Maw on Tuchanka...


It would probably imply - at the very least(!) - they do not have the manpower, not to mention interest, in having more than one MMO going on.


I find this fairly obvious.

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in short swtor is not only about raiding even though "raiders" think the mmo world begins and ends with them, personally I think the devs already cater way to much exclusive content, rewards, and credit faucets to raiders in this game backed by the very true facts that raiders get secret bosses, unique mounts / titles and the easiest access to high end crafting materials and schematics on top of having the best gear to make other content lol face roll easy. and yet they still whine and complain :rolleyes:


In a mmo that apparently seems to be facing its decline it doesn't matter how rich they are, and attention wh*ring on a mount obtained from Titan 6 in front of a "crowd" of 10 ppl standing at the cargo hold access points on the fleet won't make that much difference either :rak_03:

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I am REALLY getting tired of stating the same thing over and over again



Source on that please, other than the Producer's Roadmap?

Expect to see two digital expansions in 2014 just like you did last year, with one similar to Galactic Starfighter in scope and one more closely resembling Rise of the Hutt Cartel. We reserve the right to adjust our plans based on bad reasons. (...)


Hasn't exactly happened yet, right? :rolleyes:


Also, using caps and getting overexcited won't exactly benefit either of us.


Sure it is fact that they have not given us a new operation in close to a year (still 3 months away) but I am pointing out that we have received other things that are not catering to PvE'ers


Inaccurate. It's not only close to a year but it will go OVER(!!!) a year, around the time Galactic Strongholds is officially released.


Yet again, convenient phrasing.


This also isn't exactly unique to SWTOR and is common place in MMO's in general.


I wouldn't know. I only play TOR, as far as MMO's are concerned.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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It would probably imply - at the very least(!) - they do not have the manpower, not to mention interest, in having more than one MMO going on.


I find this fairly obvious.


Yeah, in the SWTOR launch era it would make little sense. They couldn't even have Battlefield and Medal Of Honor co-exist...but now things have changed for this mmo. Too bad honestly I used to love swtor but I can't find anymore anything to love it for

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Because unlike SWTOR, WoW releases content regularly.


WoW has released nothing for almost a year.


The reason WoW continues on in the market place is that they continue to reharvest their prior installed base. As long as WoW veterans respond to their incentives to come back and play again (even if only for 3-4 months at a time) ... they will likely continue to do so. It's much easier to draw back an MMO player who has 4-5 years of invested time and effort in their characters.


IF WoW launched today.... it would not survive as a sub-only model. Which proves that installed base in MMOs is a valid target for marketing incentives.

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Source on that please, other than the Producer's Roadmap?



Hasn't exactly happened yet, right? :rolleyes:


Also, using caps and getting overexcited won't exactly benefit either of us.




Inaccurate. It's not only close to a year but it will go OVER(!!!) a year, around the time Galactic Strongholds is officially released.


Yet again, convenient phrasing.




I wouldn't know. I only play TOR, as far as MMO's are concerned.


I was not talking about when the next update is released. I am talking about right now. In which case


http://www.swtor.com/gameupdates/the-dread-war came out in october of last year. (DF/DP) 8 months ago


http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/242014/game-update-2.6-galactic-starfighter officially launched in February. 4 months ago...




We can discuss the status of all this when 2.9 comes out when we actually know what is coming in 2.9.

We already know it has more then just Strongholds since it includes the 2nd part of the new storyline.

So discussing dates for when that comes out is pointless at the moment.



Again though. You continue to assume because we have not gotten news that the 2nd expansion is delayed.

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As I've mentioned repeatedly, a full year(!!!) will go by without a single new operation, daily area or flashpoint outside the tactical ones. This is FACT.



I will gladly take GSF and 3 tactical flashpoints [especially the invasion ones, kuat ...meh] over more click terminal dailies, ignoring NIM as content for PVE isn't fair unless your ok with dropping NIM all together for a faster SM /HM pace, because new content is new content and still needs dev time and testing time. HM flash points I would love to see more of but the truth is they don't pop and nobody does them [i think its the lack of rewards] so we get tacticals that will at least get you a group in under 5 mins


as for declining populations... its swtor we have seen worse and im sure the devs are a lot more aware of the concurrent population, subscriber base, and micro transaction revenue than any of us are. they took the gamble with focusing resources on GSF / strong holds. personally I think the game will be in a lot better place with diverse content by the end of the year. but we will see

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