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EA CEO Says Company Is Changing to Become "Player-First"


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It's possible that he genuinely has good intentions. If so, it remains to be seen if the changes can be implemented. Ea management has said similar things before though, so it remains to be seen.. It's a little like a sith talking about showing mercy. We can only know it's true by a lack of corpses in his wake. Still, it's more promising than him coming in and saying everything is fine Edited by errant_knight
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"Makes you an appointment to see a shrink instead" Bleh Toffu!! :jawa_frown:


LOL, last time me and my wife decided to be vegetarians we went to the store and bought a pack of vegetarians hot dog, enough to say it was my shortest transformation from Vegan to "where is the beef"?


One bite of the vegan hot dog and I could swear that tasted like kerosene. :(:eek::rod_tongue_p:

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It's possible that he genuinely has good intentions. If so, it remains to be seen if the changes can be implemented. Ea management has said similar things before though, so it remains to be seen.. It's a little like a sith talking about showing mercy. We can only know it's true by a lack of corpses in his wake. Still, it's more promising than him coming in and saying everything is fine


LOL My Sith just got LS points higher than DS, I think he is an undercover Jedi. (I wish I could make him for real a Jedi, like Darth Veda at then end)

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Sure, sounds nice, but I wonder if he really has also SWTOR in mind or if he just speaks of Sat Wars games they will make in the future. And of course it remains to be proven that these are not just empty words, but that it will be followed by deeds!
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So he wants games with longer life cycles and replayability. I'm not sure why people are reacting as though this is ridiculous. EA's big on selling dlcs and MTs, which benefit enormously from higher player retention.


Its probably pretty hard to do MTs for a game that gets a new installation each year, after all people will just wait for the next one.

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If you read what he said carefully.... no, not really. Why? Because all he is really saying is that he wants his game labels to be more persistent with players...to not have them played through one time and discarded. Seeing as most of what EA produces and publishes is exactly that.... single player or small scale multi-play franchise game properties...it's definitely an area for them to work on.


What he is really saying is that he wants to produce and release content that will encourage players to stick with EA games longer, and play more of them. Basically.. the same desires pitched by every large game holding company in the business. He believes this will earn more revenue and make customers more happy. Let's see him prove it, IMO. :)


The reality is that MMO players in particular, like to root for the underdogs so they have a natural grudge against the large holding companies like EA and Blizzard and a need to express it on the internet. Nothing any CEO does can in any way materially change this behavior. He could however drive his development studios to produce more persistence of play in their single player boxed titles..... but I'm not exactly sure how they would go about this unless they stream new content regularly. That said.. that would be in line with their business model.. so I'm not at all surprised by his emphasis..even though he packaged it in sweets with his wording.


EA is going to have to make better games to do that. Not reskins of the same old, same old. They're going to have to get inventive. Put in effort.


That is the antithesis of what EA is today. Like I said, there will need to be many firings to make that happen.


It's like trying to make the Detroit Lions a winning football team. You have to start by firing everyone and burning down the facilities. Fresh start. Or it will never happen.

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EA is going to have to make better games to do that. Not reskins of the same old, same old. They're going to have to get inventive. Put in effort.


That is the antithesis of what EA is today. Like I said, there will need to be many firings to make that happen.


It's like trying to make the Detroit Lions a winning football team. You have to start by firing everyone and burning down the facilities. Fresh start. Or it will never happen.


Not to mention the fact one of the points he made: "live services." Read - subscription services or streamed DLC. It seems they did not completely learn the lesson of SimCity 5 quite yet.

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The EA hate is very, very strong and in some people's eyes regardless of how they change, they will always be hated for some reason. That being said, give the new CEO a chance to turn the company around and make better decisions. If it follows through, very great for the company!
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Well I do hope they can forge a new reputation and drop some of there more irritating practices. EA has its hands on few franchises (Mass Effect and Star Wars in particular) I actually like. It would be a shame to waste them with poor development, lack of quality control, and sales tactics that irritate the fan base.
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The optimist in me wants to say "Great! Hopefully this will turn the company around"

The realist in me says "So, what you're saying is that you'll only make games that have at least half a years worth of DLC scheduled from launch, including some that should have been on the disc at release"

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It's funny how hate blinds you...

"Players first" strategy already works. We have all seen it. So, it could be that it's not just "marketing PR".


including some that should have been on the disc at release"


No, it doesn't work that way.

Only DLCs that are ready before the launch should be on disc.

Edited by Halinalle
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It appears they have been transitioning away from that.

Well this is PR speak so we need to take this with a grain of salt. Look how heavily microtransactioned SWTOR is. Again I will believe it when I see it but they go back on their word I won't be surprised at all. This is EA we're talking about, a company that was voted WORST company in America 2 years in a row.

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Well this is PR speak so we need to take this with a grain of salt. Look how heavily microtransactioned SWTOR is. Again I will believe it when I see it but they go back on their word I won't be surprised at all. This is EA we're talking about, a company that was voted WORST company in America 2 years in a row.


Well I wouldn't put any credence in those votes.


I would certainly put BP and other nasty companies much higher on that list.


But it's "cool" to hate on EA, and the vote was online, so that certainly affected the results.


Not that I like EA... I just don't think they are the worst company in america...

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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I'll always remember those days in my youth when I played "A Bard's Tale" on my Commodore 64. And when I bought your "A Bard's Tale 2" and It was the same game. And when I bought your "A Bard's Tale 3", I learned what a waste of money your products were.


It took the words "Star Wars" to coerce me to buy another of your products. And now I know that I'll never buy a product from you again if it's not associated with my favorite movie franchise of all time.


EA you haven't changed a bit.

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