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Please Bioware Do Not give GMs sole power to pilot guild flagships

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Or I could possibly be the fact that they like to reward those who spent their hard earn money to travel to the cantina with a small caveat and release the full info to the general public later. I believe it was said one person traveled all the way to south Africa just to go to this cantina tour.


I see nothing wrong with this method also it gives more power to the community to spread the info

Again, bull-poop.


It's just wannabe-engagement building in a very small scale to create at least few sources outside the official news feeds. I would expect that the community / PR team would understand that outside sources would be created never mind if the information is for "privileged". Or they could arrange it so that people in-game and on external sources are privy to the information.


Now, the current method this is not efficient, it doesn't reach people well and it's not creating a lot of buzz. It's light-years away from being ideal and modern MMO communication that should cater to the existing community as well as possible.


In an ideal world, there would at least be news-tab next to "?" -sign on the in-game Menu Bar where the information would be put and there would be some alert when new information can be acquired. It could even direct people to Reddit or Dulfy -or whatever location is most suitable for the future of the game. People could tab into news/hype from in-game and that my co-players, would create a lot more discussion and revert through the game.

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My theory on Cantinas as a way to get new info out:


  • BW provides new Info at cantina events to motivate people to attend. No one comes just for the cookies.
  • BW wants people to attend cantinas because they want to be able to discuss issues face-to-face with players who care enough about the game enough to come to a cantina event (as opposed to, say, debating with forum troll sock-puppets).



That's my theory anyway.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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My theory on Cantinas as a way to get new info out:

  • BW provides new Info at cantina events to motivate people to attend. No one comes just for the cookies.
  • BW wants people to attend cantinas because they want to be able to discuss issues face-to-face with players who care enough about the game enough to come to a cantina event (as opposed to, say, debating with forum troll sock-puppets).


That's my theory anyway.

Again, nice theory but it's still bull-poop. :)


BW has on many occasions said that they do call things based on metrics and "big data" (my words) and "long term plans". Meeting a handful of players compared to the actual mass playing the game does not give relevant feedback to the developer team. Not at all. Also, my theory is that taking feedback from "fan event" with very very limited perspective is not the best course of action to make decisions. These can be fun and an attempt to create external fan sources but .. yeah. Still wrong way to communicate what is coming.

Edited by Ruskaeth
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If you are thinking of going into marketing consulting, don't give up your day job.

O'really, sir. Tell me please, oh marketing jesus, how do you measure the impact of Cantina events? It shouldn't be really hard for a genius and not all fanboi-forum-troll such as you. As far as marketing goes, I am sure you have a bright future ahead of you offering cereal-tasting at your local grocery store because that is exactly what the Cantina events are comparable to. Especially because what information they release has already been decided or done. I'd rather have them make decisions based on data from in-game than fanboi Cantina meetings. As far as successful marketing at events: Like I previously stated, it's messy and doesn't reach people as efficiently as they could with rather big news.


Meeting handful of fans with (especially) Star Wars themed product is next to useless as far as feedback is considered. Emphasis on words star wars and fans. It's just a guess, but hey most of the marketing is (educated, thought). If we return one hour back in time and the news part of the Cantina events; I offered alternative solution other than Cantina events for giving out "HUGE" bits of news regarding future updates. I emphasized that part of the post with red color, just for you to find it. Take a moment and comment that suggestion. I don't mean that they should quit doing Cantina events but those are a disaster as far as communicating what the future brings for this game is concerned, again, in my humble opinion voiced with no humility.

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In an ideal world, there would at least be news-tab next to "?" -sign on the in-game Menu Bar where the information would be put and there would be some alert when new information can be acquired. It could even direct people to Reddit or Dulfy -or whatever location is most suitable for the future of the game. People could tab into news/hype from in-game and that my co-players, would create a lot more discussion and revert through the game.


Doing something like this (although I like it directly after the login screen, rather than in-game) in addition to other methods would be good. But, the information seen here is different from what the Cantina Tour is all about. The Cantina events are about connecting with fans and sharing stories and answering individual questions.

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TL;DR. Do a search on "focus groups," tell us what you find.


Which part of actual data vs handful of people do you not understand? I already said previously that cantina feedback is just as relevant as feedback on forums for an example. I also cast doubt because of the franchise and fandom. I dont understand how you can miss so much. You are also talented at not answering questions. Very characteristic for a troll.


Alien: Thanks for feedback. However, they are giving fresh game related information at the events that does not reach people very well.

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Am I alone in thinking that it's not at all exciting method of dropping breadcrumbs of information during Cantina Tour to selected few and then see it trickle via random podcast, eventually to Reddit for more attention and then finally here to general discussion is just ********? Does someone think it's in some way "cool" or more efficient way of communicating?


If the information is solid, given by a staff member to create some buzz through the community, I would claim it would be more efficient for a developer or community manager to post a new thread to general discussion and Reddit at the same time -or God forbid; create a news item on the swtor.com landing page.


No disrespect, but this method of leaking crumbs is just (again) ******** way of communicating -even thought the staff might not be too liable for what they say on Cantina Tour. Not being liable could be achieved by a disclaimer on a post here or Reddit too. Just.. omg *** bmw.

Dev-community relations have always been like this. EAware has always been on the lower end of the grading spectrum when it comes to communication, and the cantina tours don't really change that.


In the past with each new community manager they've always claimed that relations with us would improve and that they would converse with us more, but give it a month or 2 and things go completely quiet again.


Now we have a new community coordinator. Congrats for her for landing the job but I doubt it'll change much. I think she'll serve as a moderator assistant at best just due to the fact that communication from EAware has been really slow and bad for a long time now.

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I already said previously that cantina feedback is just as relevant as feedback on forums for an example.



Problem is that it will be information that someone heard at a cantina event, unless someone records it and let us hear.


The best information they can give us is written in yellow by a confirmed dev or community manager.

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I completely agree with the OP, a guildmaster could be called away for any number of reasons. The fact that the GM is away for whatever reason should not completely cripple dozens of other people's ability and chance to participate in events. The very least, officers must to be able to steer the ship.


Access to the guild ship could be granted like access to the guild bank. Whomever the guildmaster gives privilege to access it, should be able to use it within the limits the GM put in place. If it works for the guild bank, I don't see why I could not work for guild ships.

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I usually stop reading your posts after the first insult you toss out, which seems to usually be in the first line.

It's a measure of the respect you've earned.

Having your respect would make me vomit. You do not reply to questions because you just can't handle being rebutted, kid. Calling Cantina event a focus group truly made my day. Such insight, as it were. :D

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Am I alone in thinking that it's not at all exciting method of dropping breadcrumbs of information during Cantina Tour to selected few and then see it trickle via random podcast, eventually to Reddit for more attention and then finally here to general discussion is just ********? Does someone think it's in some way "cool" or more efficient way of communicating?


If the information is solid, given by a staff member to create some buzz through the community, I would claim it would be more efficient for a developer or community manager to post a new thread to general discussion and Reddit at the same time -or God forbid; create a news item on the swtor.com landing page.


No disrespect, but this method of leaking crumbs is just (again) ******** way of communicating -even thought the staff might not be too liable for what they say on Cantina Tour. Not being liable could be achieved by a disclaimer on a post here or Reddit too. Just.. omg *** bmw.


No. You are not alone. As much as I appreciate player updates from bar tours, I don't believe a thing I hear until it's confirmed by someone at Bioware.

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No. You are not alone. As much as I appreciate player updates from bar tours, I don't believe a thing I hear until it's confirmed by someone at Bioware.


Force multiplication is a nice idea but this game isn't fresh enough to rely on that. I too want to hear it from BW not some zomg clicky like page or fansite. Fansites are great, news directly from the source is better. Maybe the new person, who appears to have experience in this area, will help them improve their centralized dissemination.

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Having your respect would make me vomit. You do not reply to questions because you just can't handle being rebutted, kid. Calling Cantina event a focus group truly made my day. Such insight, as it were. :D

How laughable. Well, we can see how devoted to using facts you are - there's a high probability I was programming computers before you were born, "kid." How old do you think I am?


As to a rebuttals, let me know when you have one. After over two decades as a computer hardware and software engineer, I now earn a nice paycheck as an attorney, and rebuttals are part of my stock in trade.

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No. You are not alone. As much as I appreciate player updates from bar tours, I don't believe a thing I hear until it's confirmed by someone at Bioware.

Which is probably part of the point to doing Cantinas - they can float trial balloons this way.

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How laughable. Well, we can see how devoted to using facts you are - there's a high probability I was programming computers before you were born, "kid." How old do you think I am?


As to a rebuttals, let me know when you have one. After over two decades as a computer hardware and software engineer, I now earn a nice paycheck as an attorney, and rebuttals are part of my stock in trade.


It came out! It came out! And now...


Wait.. i don't want to spoil it for you so:




Great rebuttals mate. Lets go through them again:


1. You can be as old or young as you want mate.

2. Congratulations for nice pay as an attorney.

3. Wait what.. those were your rebuttals AND you do THAT for living. You should try McDonalds next.


And now for the final rebuttal of my reply:


You must have not been very good at computer hardware and engineering if you had to turn to law...lolz.


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Which is probably part of the point to doing Cantinas - they can float trial balloons this way.


Trust me, they don't. I wish they would communicate like that, but they simply don't. You don't get much more info from the Cantina than you do here.


But it's still a good time! :cool:

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Great rebuttals mate. Lets go through them again:

You apparently don't know what a rebuttal actually is.


And now for the final rebuttal of my reply:

You must have not been very good at computer hardware and engineering if you had to turn to law...lolz.

That's not a rebuttal. Clearly, the word does not mean what you think it means.

And once again we see how you have little use for facts:

I did fine as an engineer, if paying six figures in income tax in one year and getting a few dozen patents is any indication. I just wanted to try something new. You can do things like that if you have enough spare money.


Thanks for giving me an excuse to brag, BTW. Although frankly, I'm still being humble about myself. You have no clue who I am or what I've done. :p

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