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Low population on certain servers. Consider locking out the bigger ones for a while.


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I'm confused. First, the original poster asks to lock the players from the heavily populated PvE servers, so that they'd join a lightly populated PvP server. Then he starts another thread asking to stop giving lots of credits and comms in PvP matches, because it attracts the wrong kind of players(probably players like me, who can't PvP to save my life). So, you want PvE players to come to a PvP server but not PvP. Ooookay... and what will they do there, exactly?
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Alec, you have the lightest hand with Photoshop and the best darn taste in Jedi robes, but she nailed you there.


I keep getting the impression that there are those hard-core super-awesome PvPers that desperately want to play against the same kind of PvPers. But since it is a hard skill to acquire, v. expensive to gear, and the game has tons and tons to offer in terms of other content and without any kind of player coaching, mentoring, support etc... why would anyone want to learn to PvP anyway? It is a time sink and a humiliation for a newb. So... yeah. Are you suggesting to force people to learn PvP now?

Edited by DomiSotto
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I stand corrected on the quality of the PvP're. For me a PvP'er is automatically assigned classified as a superior player-being :) I am in awe, and wouldn't go near.


As for lots of content, well, there are 8 class stories. Which can be done in two different way each, multiply per male or female alts. Plus a huge load of things after Corellia. There is also space stuff. And crafting. Five months into it, and I am still overwhelmed by the amount of things to attend to in this game. Used to putting 40-50 hours in a game, beginning to end. This is completely different.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I stand corrected on the quality of the PvP're. For me a PvP'er is automatically assigned classified as a superior player-being :) I am in awe, and wouldn't go near.


As for lots of content, well, there are 8 class stories. Which can be done in two different way each, multiply per male or female alts. Plus a huge load of things after Corellia. There is also space stuff. And crafting. Five months into it, and I am still overwhelmed by the amount of things to attend to in this game. Used to putting 40-50 hours in a game, beginning to end. This is completely different.

Us PvP'ers pride ourselves in our skill in the game with fighting against other players. In no way do we come off as being "superior player-beings" you think we come off to be.


As for the "lots of content," I could point out in MULTIPLE ways how that is not true but I'm not even interested because A) you seem to be the casual player EAware is targeting B) I'm not interested in beating a dead horse for the 7th millionth time C) it would derail this topic.


However, I respect your generally respectable (lol :p) positivity of the game.

Edited by Blind-Defender
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The second paragraph of your post is an example of the statements that t led me to my conclusions in regards to the PvP players' general nature. Generalizations are to be avoided, and I understand that. However, I would tentatively vote against something I would not like happening (i.e. restricting PvE server access). Not that I believe Bio would do it. but the freedom of one ends where it starts impeding the freedom of another.
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To Tux's point, yes there are PvPers that are good and friendly and what not, but as Andryah indicated, generally speaking, the community as a whole is demanding and transient in nature. Balance is the end all and be all of the competitive PvPer. If they feel that a game is not meeting their sense of balance, we see the exact thing we see here and in every single other competitive game on the market.

Yet I've never ever been requested to use a parser for PvP, only PvE.

I've never been kicked from a group in PvP due to my poor gear, only in PvE.

PvPers have never voted me out of a WZ because of my low Valor rank (alt toon), yet I've been kicked from a PvE group for not having done the instance (on that toon).


All these things you believe PvPers are, I've never experienced in PvP...only in PvE. You have this completely false sense of what PvPers are and I can't help but feel sorry for your ignorance.

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Yet I've never ever been requested to use a parser for PvP, only PvE.

I've never been kicked from a group in PvP due to my poor gear, only in PvE.

PvPers have never voted me out of a WZ because of my low Valor rank (alt toon), yet I've been kicked from a PvE group for not having done the instance (on that toon).


All these things you believe PvPers are, I've never experienced in PvP...only in PvE. You have this completely false sense of what PvPers are and I can't help but feel sorry for your ignorance.


Just to counter here, PvPers don't vote you because the voting system for WZs is actually only there for people to remove AFKers that have cleverly hidden themselves in the map and no one has attacked them. If PvPers could vote people out of the WZ by good old fashion "majority vote = kicked", the opinion on that front might change ;)


And as for the OP's topic, I think server merges are the only fair solution. Directing the population to that degree creates problems, as you are actually forcing new players to pick servers you choose instead of granting them the freedom to play where they want to.


Either way, it is a problem that you can't lock servers because of the freedom to the player base, veteran and new. And it is a problem because "content drought + summer = lacking population" isn't really a viable excuse either, considering some servers always have a lack of people available to play no matter the time of year or content available.


The real problem is that these servers that are lacking haven't reached that critical point yet where Bioware has to say "Ok, let's merge these guys somewhere". But some servers are getting dangerously close to that point, being a representative of the Begeren Colony where the good players transfer away and there is barely anyone running PvE content on server.


It's getting kind of annoying actually, hanging by a thread like this. Would rather Bioware just cut it and merge some servers that are pretty much dead or dying off.

Edited by ZooMzy
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OK, that is a fair point. No way to move creds or mats server-to-server ... hmm, maybe there should be.


Oh I can bash it all onto my main I will move but then how will I make if I need my alts, really? I am a crafting kind of a person. An honest man. Buying for resale ain't my style lol

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I'm confused. First, the original poster asks to lock the players from the heavily populated PvE servers, so that they'd join a lightly populated PvP server. Then he starts another thread asking to stop giving lots of credits and comms in PvP matches, because it attracts the wrong kind of players(probably players like me, who can't PvP to save my life). So, you want PvE players to come to a PvP server but not PvP. Ooookay... and what will they do there, exactly?


Arena matches, not PvP matches. Stop lying. I would be very happy to get double rewards for regular warzones but Rated warzones are to be taken somewhat seriously, given that there are leaderboards over there and even exclusive rewards for top 5.

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Have you thought about closing off character creation for the more populated servers?

Ever since the great server merge of 2012, servers have been unique to a combination of region, language and playstyle, with the exception of US east coast having two PvE servers. This means that in the absence of friends or other external factors, new players should have an unambiguous optimal choice of server (except US east coast PvE players). Which group of people do you consider less important and not worthy of having their own server? German and French speakers perhaps? Or PvE players?

Edited by DataBeaver
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Your idea to restrict where players can roll is a non-starter. The only way it would work is to force players to roll on a server type that they wouldn't normally roll on, or in a region other than their home region.


BioWare isn't going to force players to roll on a PvP server over a PvE server, and they aren't going to force US players to roll on EU servers either.

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Your idea to restrict where players can roll is a non-starter. The only way it would work is to force players to roll on a server type that they wouldn't normally roll on, or in a region other than their home region.


BioWare isn't going to force players to roll on a PvP server over a PvE server, and they aren't going to force US players to roll on EU servers either.


Uh. You didn't read.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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That's the dumbest idea I've heard in a long time.


So because your server is low on people, you are now going to dictate where I get to play with new characters?


How about the opposite?

How about they force you to play on another, more populated server instead?

That'd be great, wouldn't it?

You'll get to play with new people and get to experience a more populated server.

Of course, you'd have to do it without your legacy and all that, but still... great innit? :rolleyes:


Boom. Headshot.

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Oh I can bash it all onto my main I will move but then how will I make if I need my alts, really? I am a crafting kind of a person. An honest man. Buying for resale ain't my style lol


Same as I did on EH. Send a 55 with a lot of creds and mats. Get chrs to fleet get there skills going. Have one chr that does all 3 gathering skills. Send that chr up the planet first. Slicing mats are pretty cheap unless they are purple. You can wait on it. I been at JC since the merge and have 6 full 450 crafters. I have 6 on EH and only 1 isn't complete on all skills but still is 450 on Arms. I still need to finish Scave/UW with him. He still can make 156 barrels. Just keep going greens till your leveled up.

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Yet I've never ever been requested to use a parser for PvP, only PvE.

I've never been kicked from a group in PvP due to my poor gear, only in PvE.

PvPers have never voted me out of a WZ because of my low Valor rank (alt toon), yet I've been kicked from a PvE group for not having done the instance (on that toon).


All these things you believe PvPers are, I've never experienced in PvP...only in PvE. You have this completely false sense of what PvPers are and I can't help but feel sorry for your ignorance.


when you say you were kicked due to not running a parser, is that from a group finder pug the way pvp works? i have never pugged into a pve group that asked to run a parser. sometimes they ask you to run mumble or teamspeak. probably should see more mumble in warzones for pugs, but i suppose they don't do that because it's over so fast.


i've had people in pvp very upset with me due to my lack of expertise. they would have, without a doubt, kicked me due to my gear if they had a chance. it's been a while. is there an option to do that now?


i assume the gear gap has been evened out a bit now? the lack of expertise comments seem to be less frequent, but that might be because i've only pvp'ed one evening in the past several months (yesterday). pvp can be fun if it's based on your ability to play your toon, but if all that matters is wasting months of your life trudging through a gear grind before you can become even close to adequate, it's kind of pathetic.

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Funny because the same could be said about PvE'ers when they don't get content or if a change happens in PvP that "ruins" the PvE aspect they go berserk. :rolleyes:


Please go on and on about a playerbase you have little knowledge of. Your assessment is hyperbolic and argumentative.


Yet I've never ever been requested to use a parser for PvP, only PvE.

I've never been kicked from a group in PvP due to my poor gear, only in PvE.

PvPers have never voted me out of a WZ because of my low Valor rank (alt toon), yet I've been kicked from a PvE group for not having done the instance (on that toon).


All these things you believe PvPers are, I've never experienced in PvP...only in PvE. You have this completely false sense of what PvPers are and I can't help but feel sorry for your ignorance.


Well, first of all, I didn't deny that there are the same attitudes prevalent in a segment of the PvE population as well. Again, generally speaking, that is relegated to the hardcore/Raider segment, which is a much smaller segment of today's overall community. INB4 the "well, I've seen this and this example" - yes there are always exceptions to the rule, such as Tux's point in his previous post. However, and once again, generally speaking it is more noticeable with the PvP segment of the community because PvP is considered a distinct entity on its own, unlike hardcore PvE. There are plenty of studies and metrics out there that point to this generalization. For the lay person, all they need to do is pop into games like LoL for 5 minutes to see the case in point.


Now certainly, the case can be made for "a few bad apples" giving the community a bad name (as it can for the hardcore PvE segment), but as the evidence bears out, there are a lot more of those bad apples in the PvP segment than anywhere else in the community.

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Uh. You didn't read.


I didn't have to read to know your idea is a non-starter, I just have to look at the server list, and the server you want to benefit, ToFN.


ToFN is one of 3 EU PvP servers, and the only one that is English, the other 2 EU PvP servers are French and German language specific. All other PvP servers are US.


The other 6 non-PvP servers in EU are 3 RP and 3 PvP, and again, they are evenly split as English, French, and German. All other PvE, RP, and the only RP-PvP server, are all US.


So, again, your idea is a non-starter because it would force people to play outside of their region, language, or prefered server type, or otherwise have a "lock" that would be so weak as to be essentially pointless.


The only two servers that a server "lock" could possibly work with are Jedi Covenant and The Shadowlands, both US East Coast PvE servers. Any other type of lock will force players to play on a server either outside of their region (EU, US West, US East), language (English, French, German), or server type (PvE, PvP, RP, RP-PvP) preference.


So, when all of that is taken into consideration what PvP server are they going to "lock" to improve ToFN without forcing US, French, German, PvE, or RP players to roll on an English EU PVP server?

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What if instead of offering a server selection list at first, instead have just a choice of server type/language. Then if the person is looking for a particular server there could be a toggle for that. I would guess 95% of new people would not care in the slightest what server they join beyond the type of server, and this wouldn't punish the 5% that do care.


Honestly, if Bioware simply did this it would go basically unnoticed but would let them funnel players in the direction of the server they want them added to.

Edited by annabethchase
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What if instead of offering a server selection list at first, instead have just a choice of server type/language. Then if the person is looking for a particular server there could be a toggle for that. I would guess 95% of new people would not care in the slightest what server they join beyond the type of server, and this wouldn't punish the 5% that do care.


Honestly, if Bioware simply did this it would go basically unnoticed but would let them funnel players in the direction of the server they want them added to.


Ultimately there is no real good solution when a game is based upon separate servers to begin with. The best way to handle population problems is not to separate the player base to begin with - a la Guild Wars 1. One "server" with separate districts based on language (which could be expanded to include playstyle as well), and players could freely switch between districts at will.

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What if instead of offering a server selection list at first, instead have just a choice of server type/language. Then if the person is looking for a particular server there could be a toggle for that. I would guess 95% of new people would not care in the slightest what server they join beyond the type of server, and this wouldn't punish the 5% that do care.


Honestly, if Bioware simply did this it would go basically unnoticed but would let them funnel players in the direction of the server they want them added to.


If BioWare did this all they would do is spend time developing something that won't make any difference because their is already only one of each type of server in each region/language, except for US East that has 2 PvE servers.


ToFN is the ONLY EU English PvP server, there are no other EU English PvP servers to lock to redirect new players from.


People act like this game has 200 servers, it has 17, 9 EU and 8 US, with 5 US East, and 3 US West.

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Now certainly, the case can be made for "a few bad apples" giving the community a bad name (as it can for the hardcore PvE segment), but as the evidence bears out, there are a lot more of those bad apples in the PvP segment than anywhere else in the community.


I disagree. I think our bad apples just happen to be louder.

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I disagree. I think our bad apples just happen to be louder.


This, and those that don't pvp tend to be more sensitive to the noise. Folks can disagree but their comments aren't any more qualified than these.


An encouraging recent trend is less idiotic "PVEer vs. PVPer" comments and more agreement, or at least recognition, of mutual concerns. Low pops anywhere is bad for everyone, directly or indirectly. There's a nutshell version for the hard-headed types that prefer bias to reality.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I disagree. I think our bad apples just happen to be louder.


Louder, yes, but not any more loud than the "Hardcore/Endgame/Raider" segment of PvE. It ends up getting into pysch profiles and personality traits, details of which I will not bore anyone here with, but based on the researched numbers, there are a lot more of "those" types of people in PvP followed closely by the "Hardcore PvE" (again, simply because the latter comprises a smaller portion of the overall playerbase).

Edited by TravelersWay
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