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Level 55 Crafting Boxes.


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I got an MMG on my first and only box. Are they still selling that hot on harbinger? I picked up 6 for 525k last night.


Right now I'm debating whether I should be running more GSF dailies on alts to get more boxes but there is not much data on drops and how many exotic crafting mats are dropping.

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I got an MMG on my first and only box. Are they still selling that hot on harbinger? I picked up 6 for 525k last night.


Right now I'm debating whether I should be running more GSF dailies on alts to get more boxes but there is not much data on drops and how many exotic crafting mats are dropping.


You got 6 MMGs for 525k total? Thats a massive steal dude....


Selling for 300-400k a piece on open chat trade and GTN on Harb. Not sure if we are talking about the same thing here...the Lvl 10 Purple Crafting mat. The one that you need 2 of per 180 crafted item(relic/implant/ear/etc etc). Those items alone sell for 2-3.5mil largely due to the cost of their mats, of which the MMGs make up the majority of the %.

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I got some (12) Frasium. Which I have stacks of. And an orange gemstone that no-one wants. And some Viral Residue which was worth about 1/2 the credits reward from the match I just played.

I think I'd be happier with 100 extra rep or 1000 extra credits than this idiocy.


But I'm sure when this gets out, it'll bring 1000s of players rushing to play GSF, no?

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Extra credits I'd have gotten anyway are fine, but this is stupid for bringing people into the queues.


If it worked like the old system where you could get either a blue or a purple (equalizer or mmg), then it would actually be an incentive. Right now, it's pointless when the matches themselves pay out better (and the problem seems to be the matches themselves aren't enough to bring in better numbers). At the minimum, they need to make the double req and credits permanent.

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Yeah, the boxes aren't worth it. I used to use the grade 8 boxes to get components to make grade 7 ship components, but now I'm pretty sure I would have to spend 5-10 times as many comms to get enough materials for even one piece. There really needs to be a higher droprate on the max level materials to make the boxes even worth considering spending comms.
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