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Should mount speed be increased? Views and opinions wanted!


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0% = Running Speed

35% = Sprint Speed

90% = 25 Mount Speed

100% = 40 Mount Speed

110% = 50 Mount Speed


When you first get "Sprint" you feel a massive difference, same with your first mount at level 25.


From then on it slows down a lot, increasing 10% for level 40 mounts after doing 15 levels worth of quests to 20% after an extra 10.


What are your opinions on increasing mount speed for 40/50, please elaborate as much as you can, examples are welcome =)


I hope to hear from you all soon!

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Yeah dude, i agree...



Like cmon, If im going to be spending loads of credits getting "better" speeder training, then i want to actually feel like im going faster and atm im not.



Agreed, Bioware needs to increase the mount speed per rank.


I know some people will immediately go "the games only been out a few days! wtfbbqsauce!" but its suggestions like these that can actually bring a game forward.

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I dont care so much about comparative speed... I care about overall speed.


If they plan on implementing some kind of speeder racing to the game then fine. If not? I wan't faster speeders so that we can have high speed fast paced racing!

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Don't forget the added armor. You may not get a huge speed bump in the final tiers of speeders, but it takes a lot more damage to knock you off.


I didn't know this, and I appreciate the information.


But really, for how much they ask you to invest (I don't have slicing), it seems like I should at least feel faster. Problem is, to have that feeling that occurs from walk to sprint and sprint to mount a 3rd and 4th time would require the 4th speed to be fairly massive.


Perhaps, the solution is bump back the mount to 14 (along with sprint, for instance purposes), and make it like 40%. Then you make the 25 one 90%, and only make another at 50, at 125%?

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0% = Running Speed

35% = Sprint Speed

80% = 25 Mount Speed

100% = 40 Mount Speed

120% = 50 Mount Speed


I think this would be more appropriate. Personally I probably wont be purchasing the level 40 mount because it's pretty much pointless. Unless of course I'm rolling in credits.. ;-)

Edited by Duulket_Ariakas
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Highest possible speed == The best possible speed you can get before you start getting resources popping into screen and ridiculously low frame rates even under the best possible conditions.


Also, how many areas are there where flying on a taxi to the closest spot and using a speeder at 100% doesn't get you there in a couple of minutes, tops?

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How about slow down walking speed, make sprint 25% boost, level 25 speeder 55% boost, level 40 an 80% boost and level 50 a 110% boost?


I don't think it's how much faster, I just think it's the very small gap in speed increase at higher levels.


That being said I don't want them any faster than they are at 50. Everyone wants everything faster, faster and better and quicker and easier, and then they complain because they will blow through everything ASAP and have nothing to do/not enough content.


Granted, I don't want to grind through things forever, but I don't want to blow past all the scenery and such at mach two, and it starts with the request for faster mounts.....

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yes it should, imo double what it is or something. It just feels really slow... I thought they were known as 'speeders'?


Also remove the dismount effects currently in game. If mobs can kill me as i run past then fine but they shouldn't dismount me and smash my case into the ground :(

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I think part of the reason the speeders feel slower is the fisheye that happens when you mount one. I think if they just removed then they actually feel fast.


Also then I wouldn't get a headache after prolonged use of a mount :(

Edited by KCToker
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