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So...Watchman used to be *better* than this?

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So...I've been having a blast running Watchman spec. Granted, I'm only 54, so things may change at 55. But....


I have no relics, so I'm bolster-nerfed, but I still perform just fine in warzones. Better than fine actually - usually top damage, kills, and killing blows by a ridiculous margin.


And people tell me that Watchman was actually beastly with the self-heals prior to a certain patch...1.7 or 1.XXX I dunno.


That's literally the only thing I think I have a gripe about. The self-heals...they're a nice thought...but certainly not anything to write home about. It's not even close to being as useful as the Guardian's self-heal. How do the current self-heals compare to the ones of olden days? And does anyone think it would be better if they went back? I ask because I can see my survivability taking a crap at 55...when other 55's are blasting at me with much more gusto than the mid bracket players do LoL.

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Previously in 1.0 the healing from Watchman/Anni's DoT Crits was 2% of your max health, making it very brokenly OP if you had say 30% crit, which would mean ~1/3rd of your DoT ticks would heal you for 2% HP. See where this is going? Problem with that theory though is. Madness Sin's and Balance Shadows have 2% healing from Death Field and their 3 DoT's that can crit. So, technically removing the 2% was a stupid nerf that could be removed and probably increase Anni/Watchman surviability by ALOT
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I had heard that Watchman back in the day used to be awesome and kind op, but the nerf bat they took to their self heals plus and dots crushed the spec. I runned watchman spec in a few warzone and am loving the increased damage, but still it would be awesome if they bring back the self-heals back perhaps in the next patch!!!



Heal to Full, Give me back my heals :p

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Really the largest nerf to watchman was so many classes getting better frontloaded damage while theirs largely stayed unchanged. And yes Watchman was very strong in the 1.0-1.3 patch cycles when I was first playing this game regularly. I usually still ran combat just because I liked it better, but it was fun to sometimes respec to watchman. And watchman was by far the strongest 1v1 non-stealth spec in the game at that time, and I still usually beat most sins I went against when running the spec.
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I would love to see something where the heals would increase in magnitude depending on my health - If I'm close to 100% health, then only give me maybe .5%, but if I'm below 30%, then give me like 3% back on DOT crits. With a sliding scale up to full, so the more health I have, the less the dots heal me for.


That would be a fun mechanic.

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Yes i know this, but at the start of the game when it was mad op, everyone was kinda new to the game and didn't know other classes but there own so alot didnt realise that watchman dots could be cleansed. Also smash buff of 1.4 helped greatly in thefall of popularity of the other specs.. until recent times tbh xD before 1.4 combat and watchman where the favourite specs. Edited by AngusFTW
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I have been around a long time in this game and a avid PvPer, I use to do ranked but due to the PvE geared champions queing and Valor and min max gear for best dps not having any meaning (something this screwy bolster took away) there really is no point.


I thought I would chime in on this though, the Sentinel/Marauder dynamic has changed and they have had no choice in doing it, as there was not any foresigh and only a select group testing the damage pushes for these two melee dps classes in the game. While some classes seen the changes for the better (Shadows and Sins) earlier on in WZ, there were still bugs to be ironed out with the benefit PvP gear stats to class beneifits (reason you have seen so many freaking changes with defensives, and damage abilities over healing) "Look over a lot of the patch notes from 1.4 to now.


Sentinels and Marauders in the beginning had REALLY bad survivability, after the nerf to their % change on heals to damage in PvE and PvP and it remained like this up until 2.0 or 2.1 " I think it was".


As of right now, I think there needs to be a lot of changes done as I see a lot of dps classes beating on Op and Scoundrel healers for days to no avail, due to the fact that survivabilty for healers "Shield, probe, insta cast proc heals, heal bubbles on damage" along with the fact that no calculations on the developers part was done to see what the effects would be with survivabilty and initial burst between these classes,"How many people actually tested this on PTS?".


Not sure if they will get this together or not but up until then, if you want to be competitive in PvP Regulars or solo ranked, run a Stealth class (shadow/Sin) or a Jug/Guardian, as you will do just about as much damage due to your survivability and won't feel like a cannon fodder.

Edited by Tonev
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^ So many words...so little communicated.


It feels like you have something to say, but I don't know what it is.


Well, If you actually read it uber goober, you will understand it, I'm not sure what your education level is though?


Just giving a history lesson of why Sentinels and Marauders are cannon fodder in WZ now, especially with every other class having a better defensive (1 on 1 that is).

Edited by Tonev
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Really the largest nerf to watchman was so many classes getting better frontloaded damage while theirs largely stayed unchanged. And yes Watchman was very strong in the 1.0-1.3 patch cycles when I was first playing this game regularly. I usually still ran combat just because I liked it better, but it was fun to sometimes respec to watchman. And watchman was by far the strongest 1v1 non-stealth spec in the game at that time, and I still usually beat most sins I went against when running the spec.


Disagree. I think the largest nerf was the burn healing debuff. That 1% made a difference.

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Plz... 100k? Watchman already does that in an average game try doubling that. Bet 360k healing wouldn't be uncommon if the self healing is ever reverted back to 2%


Well, I'm not in the 55 bracket yet...I have no relics, and due to crap teams I can't ever get above 6 or 700k damage.


Once in 55...with aug'd gear...


Yeah, I'll have quite a bit more going on. 1/3 of a level. [ ] <----this close

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Disagree. I think the largest nerf was the burn healing debuff. That 1% made a difference.


It was substantial, and the nerf to GBTF affected watchman more than the other two specs due to the ability to self heal being an important part of the spec. But I remember when Watchman damage was superior to either of the other two specs in PvP. Certainly not the case now with burst having scaled up so much.


That said, I ran watchman again last night and did pretty well. I did not see the uncleansable dots making much of a difference, as I almost never saw them cleansed prior to the change. It's the evade purge from ops that is the main issue and that remains unchanged. The buff to merciless slash is substantial though and really helps.


Main things the spec needs now are a way to frontload merciless stacks, and an improvement to the way GBTF works. I think those two changes would make any buff to the self heals unnecessary, although changing the talent that makes saber ward self heal to making rebuke self heal could be considered (although it might be op).

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Well, I'm not in the 55 bracket yet...I have no relics, and due to crap teams I can't ever get above 6 or 700k damage.


Once in 55...with aug'd gear...


Yeah, I'll have quite a bit more going on. 1/3 of a level. [ ] <----this close


When it was 2% people where doing like 150k-200k healing with like 18k hp :D:D


heres an ancient scoreboard pic of back in the day as watchman in 1.2/1.3 where i outhealed a commando healer! (ofc... not a very good commando healer but it was still funny!)


ahhh back in the days xD

Edited by AngusFTW
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Well, I'm not in the 55 bracket yet...I have no relics, and due to crap teams I can't ever get above 6 or 700k damage.


Once in 55...with aug'd gear...


Yeah, I'll have quite a bit more going on. 1/3 of a level. [ ] <----this close


I can guarantee you this, if you do see 600-700k damage in a WZ, you will see healing from Operatives and Sorcs averaging 900k-1million. The only time i see numbers like this pulled is when I am in Void Star and both teams are evenly matched with same amount of healers or other team has a bunch of tanks and healers and no one dies on either side.


Game changes big time at level 55 due to the PvP gear gap and the amount of Operatives Juggs/Guardians you will run into (Imps favor Operatives more so than any other class).


I think though, they need to give us back the 2% heals on burns again, I was in a WZ where the Jug did 260k healing just from ED today.

Edited by Tonev
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I can guarantee you this, if you do see 600-700k damage in a WZ, you will see healing from Operatives and Sorcs averaging 900k-1million. The only time i see numbers like this pulled is when I am in Void Star and both teams are evenly matched with same amount of healers or other team has a bunch of tanks and healers and no one dies on either side.


Game changes big time at level 55 due to the PvP gear gap and the amount of Operatives Juggs/Guardians you will run into (Imps favor Operatives more so than any other class).


I think though, they need to give us back the 2% heals on burns again, I was in a WZ where the Jug did 260k healing just from ED today.


Funny, I have topped 700K twice this week on my nearly full brute sent running a watchman spec. I've even topped 500K once on a team that had no healers but was otherwise strong. A very weak group and I will struggle to hit 200K, but will still usually be near the top DPS for my group.

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