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It's also summer, so people could be out doing real life stuff and just not logging in. I
The funny thing is, when the population declines in the fall, people will say it's due to kids going back to school and not having as much free time again. There's always an excuse for the declining population, never an acknowledgement of it.
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The funny thing is, when the population declines in the fall, people will say it's due to kids going back to school and not having as much free time again. There's always an excuse for the declining population, never an acknowledgement of it.


What I find hilarious in the statement you quoted, is that it pretty much implies that throughout the year, people don't do any stuff at all... They just stay in their homes all year and only go out during Summer-time.


Again, hilarious. :D

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You said this...


Then you said this...


If PvE servers were all there were, maybe you'd be right Oddball...but they aren't...as you admit, the PvP servers are suffering.


You need to look at the whole picture, not just your server. I try to look at things from other players perspectives...please try to do the same for things like this. For those of us on PvP servers, we ARE seeing the decline.


A year ago, we were at a FAR better place than we are today imo. Weekends of POT5 are scary dead. There's about a 3 hour window per day where the ONE Pub Fleet has 90-140 players...before and after that it drops sharply.


This just reminds me of when someone is having an issue, like not being able to login, and someone feels the need to point out that they aren't having the same problem...Just because YOU aren't having the same issue, doesn't mean it's NOT an issue.


Yes, but there are 6 PvP servers and 11 PvE servers. Even with the decline of the PvP servers, the overall population is still pretty steady since the PvE servers seem to be growing.

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What I find hilarious in the statement you quoted, is that it pretty much implies that throughout the year, people don't do any stuff at all... They just stay in their homes all year and only go out during Summer-time.


Again, hilarious. :D


Not really. Wasn't saying that nobody does anything the rest of the year. But typically speaking, there is more outdoor activity in the summer. Just saying that could be a factor in lower numbers actually logging in. In my line of work, seasonality is a major factor in activity. Not sure if its applicable to the game or not, just wondering.

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Where to begin? Yesterday I returned to the game after 2 years to find my home server, Space Slug, was deleted, and all 7 of my characters were transferred without my knowledge or consent to The Harbinger server. "Interesting" I thought, and I looked into having my characters transferred to a server of my choice. Apparently, I am forced to pay 20$ per character I own to transfer them. Awesome!


So lets look past all of this, lets get into the game and experience the world I know and love. Ah, creating a new character. Wait, what's this? I'm not allowed to choose a Sith Pureblood race unless I pay "Cartel Coins?" But, my Sith Marauder, Thane, is a Sith Pureblood, and I surely didn't pay any money to choose that. Okay, lets just keep it simple, lets choose a human. Everythings normal after that, and I get into the game I knew from so long ago. Doing quest, everythings going normal, check my mail and see my anniversary gifts waiting for me. 2 years worth of goodies, and my pre-order bonus crystal, awesome! Lets continue on, lets get my quest on! Going on, smashing through NPC enemies and completing quest at record times. But wait, what's this now? "Subscribers can choose all quest rewards!" the game spews at me after completing a quest. "huh?" I ask myself. I remember getting all of these credit lockboxes 2 years ago when I played, and I never had to subscribe to anything. Okay then. Oh, this helmet I have is disgusting, lets remove it so I can see my face. What? I have to pay Cartel Coins to REMOVE MY HELMET? Oh, I guess my character's just retarded, and needs help from others to take off her clothes.


I can't believe you're treating a customer this way. I can't believe you completely changed this game into a dictatorship, so that I, a pre-orderer customer, am not allowed to make a POST on the forums unless I pay 15$ to subscribe to your game. I can't believe I payed 50$ to support your game before it even launched and now i'm being restricted to such a horrid degree. I can't believe I pre-ordered your game and I'm not given the Hutt Cartel expansion, when my brother paid 20$ to purchase a digital deluxe version of your game to get the Hutt Cartel expansion for free because he's a "subscriber." I, a pre-order customer, am not allowed to make a forum thread when I made them years ago.


Do you guys actually support the changes they made to this game? This surely wasn't here from the start, I did NOT have to pay money to choose to be a Sith Pureblood, I did not have to pay money to remove my helmet.


You left the game for 2 years. Came back, but without a subscription. You don't want to pay money a la carte, which is what free play is other than a free sample.


You are not a customer. :rolleyes:

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So are your rude remarks, sir. I wanted to have a conversation with others about their business practices.


No, you want to cry like a 5 year old having a meltdown in supermarket about how you don't get for free the same things the rest of us have to pay for.

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