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These class rep questions really are pointless when there is no follow-up back-and-forth between players and devs. Dunno what I was expecting though.


This is something I've talked about before.


Ideally bioware would set aside some time for the class rep to have an actual conversation with the person answering the questions rather than have another 3rd party come back with some copy / paste action. If this was done on a semi regular basis as part of their streaming program then I'm sure it would go a long way to rebuilding the communities faith in them but I suppose there's a chance they could mess it all up and end up losing face so perhaps that's why they're reluctant to do it.

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This is something I've talked about before.


Ideally bioware would set aside some time for the class rep to have an actual conversation with the person answering the questions rather than have another 3rd party come back with some copy / paste action. If this was done on a semi regular basis as part of their streaming program then I'm sure it would go a long way to rebuilding the communities faith in them but I suppose there's a chance they could mess it all up and end up losing face so perhaps that's why they're reluctant to do it.


The response to anything but bufs and new content has always been severly negative. They dont really glean much from people who are forum posters, as our tendancies swing more to the pvp side, which apparently doesnt make much of the playing population.


from what I have been reading though a lot of players are super casual. They just want a minorly challenging experience, which is why pvp is such a hard thign to bring to them.The success gap is extremely huge between someone who know their rotation and how to react to situations, and someone who doesnt.


I dont think competetive pvp is ever going to be a focal point. Its nice to have in place, but once its implemented no developer is going to devote a great deal of time to making changes based on a small fraction of the playing population.


If your looking for changes to the class that the devs will listen too, dont ask yourself how will this affect raiding or end game pve, but rather, how will this affect the casual gamers experience.

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from what I have been reading though a lot of players are super casual. They just want a minorly challenging experience, which is why pvp is such a hard thign to bring to them.The success gap is extremely huge between someone who know their rotation and how to react to situations, and someone who doesnt.


I dont think competetive pvp is ever going to be a focal point. Its nice to have in place, but once its implemented no developer is going to devote a great deal of time to making changes based on a small fraction of the playing population.


If your looking for changes to the class that the devs will listen to, dont ask yourself how will this affect raiding or end game pve, but rather, how will this affect the casual gamers experience.


I don't think I'll ever agree with anyone so much in my life again.

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If your looking for changes to the class that the devs will listen too, dont ask yourself how will this affect raiding or end game pve, but rather, how will this affect the casual gamers experience.


Yip this is something I was talking about on the PvP episode of my show, basically saying that the removal of 8 man ranked and subsequent mass exodus of "pro" pvpers might actually help their business plan because there would be less truly good players in the game to destroy people in pvp and help them maintain the illusion of themselves being good.


I mean look at arena as a prime example, after the main pvpers left the game all of sudden a bunch of people who I'd never heard off started "competitive" pvp and declaring themselves as the best in the game. This is has continued consistently as more and more pvpers leave the game. Having aggressive, skilled and motivated players in this game actually points out its many flaws and really losing them doesn't hurt bioware much considering the new direction of the game.

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