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BW is forcing tanks to use accuracy?


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We never missed an interrupt on nightmare Draxus once we finalized our strategy. Tanks were responsible for nothing. Healers each interrupted once in Phase 8 and popped an accuracy adrenal beforehand. They never missed.


Pretty much how we handled it. Everyone has an interrupt so... whats the real issue here?


Honestly as a fight develops you have to learn to adjust on the fly. A missed interrupt during Draxus is a killer, but assuming you are on vent or teamspeak etc. the issue can be over come as long as the group is talking to each other as they should.


Can accuracy help a tank? Sure. Is it a requirement because of so called misses? Nope. Mitigation and main stats are much more important. You have a team backing you up.

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Accuracy affects anything you attempt to do to a hostile target ...

the only exceptions to this rule are abilities that taunt, which cannot be resisted per their tooltips.


It is worth noting that some bosses, at least at some time, cannot be taunted. Others cannot be interrupted. People manage to cope with this, so I expect they cope with accuracy affecting interrupts too. They must, because as far as I know every bit of content in the game has been cleared by someone.


Is the issue whether the miss mechanics prevent clearing content, or whether they make farming it difficult?

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It is worth noting that some bosses, at least at some time, cannot be taunted. Others cannot be interrupted. People manage to cope with this, so I expect they cope with accuracy affecting interrupts too. They must, because as far as I know every bit of content in the game has been cleared by someone.


Firstly, when enemies aren't tauntable or interruptable there isn't also going to be a mechanic which requires you to taunt or interrupt. You're pretty much labeling the fight mechanics as something you "cope with". Having a mechanic that doesn't allow you to interrupt an attack is far and away from a mechanic which highly encourages you to interrupt (through killing everyone, or some other negative effect) and having it just fail. The first is the expected behavior of the fight, the second is not.


Secondly, just because something can be beaten it doesn't mean that it's good design. I could design a boss that has 1 hit point but will kill you instantly if you don't kill in your first attack. Oh, and also it resists 99.99% of all attacks. Surely people will cope because it'll be cleared by someone.


But really the question is, what's the point of making it miss sometimes? What about it adds anything interesting to the gameplay? And if you think having interrupts miss is important then why not revert the assassin's shroud to fail 5% of the time? Why not revert taunts to being able to miss? Why not make heals fizzle 10% of the time? Why not make force barrier sometimes just fail to activate? After all, people will just cope, right?


Is the issue whether the miss mechanics prevent clearing content, or whether they make farming it difficult?

Or is it just not fun?

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But really the question is, what's the point of making it miss sometimes? What about it adds anything interesting to the gameplay?

It adds challenge and variety. Other people have already provided examples how to cope, but spinning some examplea:


"For this fight, the off tank has to wear some accuracy gear, so healers, be ready to heal more."


"Tanks, interrupt early and if you miss, call out immediately so someone can try again."


"We are going to have the DPS Jug tank the boss during this period of time so we do not miss the interrupt."


"Here, use this Accuracy adrenal when you see this channel start, then interrupt."


Yes, all this coping behavior makes the fight more challenging. It creates another unique situation for a particular fight that the players must adapt to or roll the dice. I do not consider that bad - HM raiding should be hard, and NiM mode should be so hard that only the best players can do it.


Or is it just not fun?

That depends on what you enjoy. I enjoy both a tough challenge and a faceroll, depending on my mood. YMMV.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Firstly, when enemies aren't tauntable or interruptable there isn't also going to be a mechanic which requires you to taunt or interrupt. You're pretty much labeling the fight mechanics as something you "cope with".

Two examples of taunt-immune bosses where the tanks' inability to taunt the boss will almost guarantee a wipe:

  1. Nightmare Corruptor Zero (Nightmare Power on) - any DPS or healer caught in Anti-Gravity field will need to patiently wait their turn to be slaughtered by Corruptor Zero while the tanks get to stand around and watch the bloodbath.
  2. Hard mode Dread Council final phase - if the Bestia or Calphayus tank has picked up one of those bosses' crystals, then dies and is battle rezed, the boss they were tanking will not come back to them and is also immune to taunts.


In both of these examples the team has blown the mechanics of the fight and suffers the consequences, which is an almost guaranteed wipe. That is the same consequence to missing a critical interrupt in nightmare Draxus. Welcome to Wipesville! Population: You.


Nightmare progression teams are, in fact, expected to "cope with" the possibility of interrupts missing. We adjusted our strategy with nightmare Draxus to eliminate missing interrupts by understanding and working with the game's systems. 1) DPS always interrupt something first. 2) Healers only interrupt if absolutely required to, and pop an accuracy adrenal first to spike their accuracy above 100%.


Also, what is the difference between nightmare Draxus randomly selecting a DPS in Phase 5 (double Corruptors at the back) to grapple 40 meters away from their designated interrupt target the instant before they are required to interrupt, as compared to an interrupt randomly missing due to low accuracy? You know that both of those situations have the possibility of occurring. Should both those mechanics be eliminated because they are random and make the fight harder? No. They should be understood and planned for.


We wiped plenty of times to Draxus Phase 5 grapples screwing over our guaranteed DPS interrupts. We adjusted our strategy and beat the mechanic. Our Sniper entrenched and our Powertech used Hydraulic Overrides when the tank on Draxus warned of the upcoming grapple. We also positioned a third person at the back of the room to cover for any interrupt that went wrong.


The only way that interrupts missing would be a problem in this game is if the mechanic of why they missed was not functioning as described. That is, if a DPS with 100.43% accuracy, which is currently understood as guaranteeing their interrupt will not miss, suddenly starts missing interrupts, that would be a problem worthy of screaming about.

Edited by Levram
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Happens to me quite often on various characters. My scoundrel will use Dirty Kick, I see the animation, the ability goes on CD but my target is not even stunned.


Now I guess it's not about the regular Miss, most likely the server not registering the CC but that happens way too often.

Yep, happening as well with stealth CC on scoundrel.

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It adds challenge and variety. Other people have already provided examples how to cope, but spinning some examplea:


"For this fight, the off tank has to wear some accuracy gear, so healers, be ready to heal more."


"Tanks, interrupt early and if you miss, call out immediately so someone can try again."


"We are going to have the DPS Jug tank the boss during this period of time so we do not miss the interrupt."


"Here, use this Accuracy adrenal when you see this channel start, then interrupt."


Yes, all this coping behavior makes the fight more challenging. It creates another unique situation for a particular fight that the players must adapt to or roll the dice. I do not consider that bad - HM raiding should be hard, and NiM mode should be so hard that only the best players can do it.



That depends on what you enjoy. I enjoy both a tough challenge and a faceroll, depending on my mood. YMMV.


I'm glad you've found a way to cope (assuming that the adrenal gives 100% accuracy, it's the only real solution you've posed) with that particular fight, but I have a more fundamental issue with interrupts (and other utility abilities) missing. Random is not challenging. Random failure of properly executed utility is not challenging or fun.


But since you seem to disagree, do you support all of my changes that I've listed above? Afterall they'd make things more challenging for you.


Two examples of taunt-immune bosses where the tanks' inability to taunt the boss will almost guarantee a wipe:

  1. Nightmare Corruptor Zero (Nightmare Power on) - any DPS or healer caught in Anti-Gravity field will need to patiently wait their turn to be slaughtered by Corruptor Zero while the tanks get to stand around and watch the bloodbath.
  2. Hard mode Dread Council final phase - if the Bestia or Calphayus tank has picked up one of those bosses' crystals, then dies and is battle rezed, the boss they were tanking will not come back to them and is also immune to taunts.


In both of these examples the team has blown the mechanics of the fight and suffers the consequences, which is an almost guaranteed wipe. That is the same consequence to missing a critical interrupt in nightmare Draxus. Welcome to Wipesville! Population: You.


Nightmare progression teams are, in fact, expected to "cope with" the possibility of interrupts missing. We adjusted our strategy with nightmare Draxus to eliminate missing interrupts by understanding and working with the game's systems. 1) DPS always interrupt something first. 2) Healers only interrupt if absolutely required to, and pop an accuracy adrenal first to spike their accuracy above 100%.


Also, what is the difference between nightmare Draxus randomly selecting a DPS in Phase 5 (double Corruptors at the back) to grapple 40 meters away from their designated interrupt target the instant before they are required to interrupt, as compared to an interrupt randomly missing due to low accuracy? You know that both of those situations have the possibility of occurring. Should both those mechanics be eliminated because they are random and make the fight harder? No. They should be understood and planned for.


We wiped plenty of times to Draxus Phase 5 grapples screwing over our guaranteed DPS interrupts. We adjusted our strategy and beat the mechanic. Our Sniper entrenched and our Powertech used Hydraulic Overrides when the tank on Draxus warned of the upcoming grapple. We also positioned a third person at the back of the room to cover for any interrupt that went wrong.


The only way that interrupts missing would be a problem in this game is if the mechanic of why they missed was not functioning as described. That is, if a DPS with 100.43% accuracy, which is currently understood as guaranteeing their interrupt will not miss, suddenly starts missing interrupts, that would be a problem worthy of screaming about.


Executing a mechanic improperly is not the same as executing it properly but having it fail anyway.

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Random is not challenging. Random failure of properly executed utility is not challenging or fun.

This. Especially when the content team seems to be blissfully ignorant of longstanding class limitations.


We aren't uber NiM raiders and we're happy with that. We bring the player, not the class and we don't juggle specs or gear. We like the challenge of HM but if we miss interrupting a Corrupter on Draxxus it's usually a wipe for us.


The camel's back has been well and truly broken by the content drought and this design fail just piles on more straw. Most of my team has moved on. The chance of convincing them to come back for 3.0 is trending towards 0.

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... I have a more fundamental issue with interrupts (and other utility abilities) missing. Random is not challenging.

Not a fan of card games, then? Anyway, I disagree. Coping with randomness, i.e. "playing the cards you are dealt," is a challenging part of many games and inevitably (according to quantum physics) of life itself.


[Followup edit] Would you prefer they removed the RNG entirely from SWTOR, or is it just this particular roll of the dice that bothers you?

Edited by BuriDogshin
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The game would get really boring really quickly if you eliminated RNG and gave the same mechanics to every mob.

If someone wants a totally predictable game with the same constantly predictable mechanics I highly suggest Super Mario Brothers or maybe Spyro.

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I personally feel that they should RNG my subscription fee and see how they like that. Maybe I'll pay this month maybe I won't, but they still have to give me everything a sub gets even if I don't pay.
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I personally feel that they should RNG my subscription fee and see how they like that. Maybe I'll pay this month maybe I won't, but they still have to give me everything a sub gets even if I don't pay.

You should rephrase it in a snappier, siggable way.

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I personally feel that they should RNG my subscription fee and see how they like that. Maybe I'll pay this month maybe I won't, but they still have to give me everything a sub gets even if I don't pay.

To be fair, it would have to be:

  • Roll a 20: play for the month as a subscriber without paying
  • Roll a 2-19: play for a month, pay for a month.
  • Roll a 1: pay for the month, but only get preferred status.


Because if you can only "win," they'd raise your subscription fee to make up for the occasional free month. :p

"There ain't no rest for the wicked ... Ain't nothing in this world for free."

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Not a fan of card games, then? Anyway, I disagree. Coping with randomness, i.e. "playing the cards you are dealt," is a challenging part of many games and inevitably (according to quantum physics) of life itself.


[Followup edit] Would you prefer they removed the RNG entirely from SWTOR, or is it just this particular roll of the dice that bothers you?


There are some fundamental differences in the randomness between something like a poker game and having utilities miss. Poker is more of a psychological game than it is a game of what you have. To quote Bond in Casino Royale, "In poker you never play your hand. You play the man across from you." Also, the cards you have to play are what you have. When you go to play your straight at the end there isn't a chance that your two will change to a 9 and screw it all up.


That said, yes I do tend to avoid games where the win state relies much on luck. I've grown out of games like chutes and ladders, I don't like simple dice games like Yahtzee, I don't like gambling, and I avoid random packs.


As for if I would remove all RNG from the game, no I would not. It depends on the type of RNG, since much of the existing RNG is not very meaningful. Random damage values over a smallish range, not too significant. Random bonus from crit, can give a "jackpot" feeling while not punishing the player if they don't. Damaging attacks randomly missing, only significant for DPS in the context of doing the absolute highest DPS possible, only significant for a tank right at the start of the fight but taunts can't miss anyway.


However there are or historically have been other RNG scenarios that I support(ed) their removal. Loot randomized to a specific class wasn't fun. Randomly dropping either a belt or implant, not cool. Randomly dropping supplementary mk-2 gear, not a big deal. Mercs having their main rotation tied to RNG, not fun. Assassins' defensive cooldown randomly not working, not fun. Assassins randomly getting hit for unhealable amounts of damage, not fun. Styrak randomly teleporting a healer, not fun.


You still haven't addressed whether or not you support my proposed changes to adding extra randomness to abilities. They seemed to be right up your alley.

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There are some fundamental differences in the randomness between something like a poker game and having utilities miss.

I didn't mention poker. I was more thinking Bridge.

That said, yes I do tend to avoid games where the win state relies much on luck.
You may want to avoid Internet MMOs then, since Darth Lag, a pretty random fellow, has probably wiped more raids than any boss mechanic.

As for if I would remove all RNG from the game, no I would not. It depends on the type of RNG, since much of the existing RNG is not very meaningful. ...random bonus from crit, can give a "jackpot" feeling while not punishing the player if they don't.

Do you raid much with a Sorc heal? Not getting stacks of Force Surge over two consecutive innervates because of bad luck, even though you popped Recklessness, is pretty meaningful and very annoying. But i wouldn't change it, that would be boring.


Anyway, clearly you like less randomness than some other people. That's fine, but that doesn't make you right and them wrong. However, I get the feeling the people who figured out how to beat the NiM mode miss-interrupt-and-die mechanics, as posted earlier in this thread, enjoyed doing it, and I'd rather not take that pleasure away from them, even if I will never have it myself. YMMV.

You still haven't addressed whether or not you support my proposed changes...
While I am flattered that you desire my opinion of your proposal, "get used to disappointment." -- The Dread Pirate Roberts, The Princess Bride.
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Jeez, this thread has really gone off on all sorts of odd tangents.


OP, a few things.


a. I understand your complaint. I don't want this to seem as some sort of insult to you. But as has been shown by people in this thread, independent of how it should work, interrupts being subject to accuracy is part of BW/EA combat design philosophy.


b. In your example regarding False Emperor. WHY ISN'T ANYONE ELSE IN THE GROUP INTERRUPTING DURING UNLIMITED POWER?. It's the one thing that needs to be interrupted in the fight. If it's gets off, it's the group's fault. Having 4 people "miss" with their interrupt (because they don't all have gear sufficient enough to get to 100% accuracy) would be terrible/unfortunate/bad design/almost unacceptable, but it seems like you hit your interrupt, missed, and no one else even bothered to try to stop it. There is absolutely no reason why all 4 people in the FP shouldn't hit their interrupt during unlimited power.


c. As Levram has mentioned, currently only NiM Styrak is a "Guaranteed" wipe when a tank misses at an inopportune time. Just because it's not "fun" or "nice" to have to heal through Affliction on NiM Draxus now, it can be done, pretty easily. If you could keep up on the fight with NiM power, your healers can get you through an Affliction.

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I didn't mention poker. I was more thinking Bridge.

"Card games" is a rather vague term, and although I played Bridge a couple times in one of my game mechanics classes I largely blocked it from memory.

You may want to avoid Internet MMOs then, since Darth Lag, a pretty random fellow, has probably wiped more raids than any boss mechanic.

If you can point me to the person responsible for lag in MMO games I will gladly yell at them.

Do you raid much with a Sorc heal? Not getting stacks of Force Surge over two consecutive innervates because of bad luck, even though you popped Recklessness, is pretty meaningful and very annoying. But i wouldn't change it, that would be boring.

I do, and that's not a symptom of crit as a mechanic, so much as an ability tying itself to the crit mechanic. While it can be annoying to go too long without a crit I find it easily manageable overall.

Anyway, clearly you like less randomness than some other people. That's fine, but that doesn't make you right and them wrong. However, I get the feeling the people who figured out how to beat the NiM mode miss-interrupt-and-die mechanics, as posted earlier in this thread, enjoyed doing it, and I'd rather not take that pleasure away from them, even if I will never have it myself. YMMV.

I don't think that other people are wrong for getting enjoyment out of randomness, afterall some people enjoy slot machines and chutes and ladders. But I disagree that this form of RNG is good design.

While I am flattered that you desire my opinion of your proposal, "get used to disappointment." -- The Dread Pirate Roberts, The Princess Bride.

For clarity I was referring to this, "And if you think having interrupts miss is important then why not revert the assassin's shroud to fail 5% of the time? Why not revert taunts to being able to miss? Why not make heals fizzle 10% of the time? Why not make force barrier sometimes just fail to activate? After all, people will just cope, right?"

Edited by MillionsKNives
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Random failure of properly executed utility is not challenging or fun... Executing a mechanic improperly is not the same as executing it properly but having it fail anyway.


By sending a healer or a tank with 93% accuracy to perform an interrupt in fight where it must hit or else it's a wipe, and not compensating for the fact that they will miss 7% of the time means, in fact, that you are not executing the mechanic properly and you deserve to wipe when the interrupt misses. You know missing is a possibility so it should not be surprising when it happens. The Developers have said the mechanic of doing anything other than taunting to a hostile target is based on accuracy.


This is what I am hearing from the people who insist that the Developers change interrupts to be a guaranteed hit, "I have entered this boss fight with a pre-conceived notion of what should work based on my own opinions. I refuse to adjust my team's strategy to overcome the actual mechanics of the fight. I insist that the Developers change a fundamental system of the game so that the strategy that I want to use will work."


That is the laziest form of gameplay that I can think of. "Change the game to eliminate the things that I find to be difficult and for which I refuse to adjust my strategy, but which other teams are able to pass consistently."

Edited by Levram
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By sending a healer or a tank with 93% accuracy to perform an interrupt in fight where it must hit or else it's a wipe, and not compensating for the fact that they will miss 7% of the time means, in fact, that you are not executing the mechanic properly and you deserve to wipe when the interrupt misses. You know missing is a possibility so it should not be surprising when it happens. The Developers have said the mechanic of doing anything other than taunting to a hostile target is based on accuracy.


This is what I am hearing from the people who insist that the Developers change interrupts to be a guaranteed hit, "I have entered this boss fight with a pre-conceived notion of what should work based on my own opinions. I refuse to adjust my team's strategy to overcome the actual mechanics of the fight. I insist that the Developers change a fundamental system of the game so that the strategy that I want to use will work."


That is the laziest form of gameplay that I can think of. "Change the game to eliminate the things that I find to be difficult and for which I refuse to adjust my strategy, but which other teams are able to pass consistently."


I'll simply quote Keyboardninja from this thread:



This is very, very bad design. Or rather, it is very bad design with respect to the content. The specific reason for this is Nightmare Draxus. In 8 man, the 8th phase (four Corruptors and a Despoiler) cannot be done (pre-nerf) without a minimum of 6 interrupts, and most groups require 8 depending on when the Despoiler starts to cast. Doing it with 4 interrupts is categorically impossible due to the Despoiler. This means that Nightmare Draxus pre-nerf was a fight which came down to a coin toss on whether or not your tank's interrupts were resisted.


Nightmare Styrak is a very similar fight. While it is possible to do it without the tanks or healers stunning/knocking back anything, you are forced to stack a very specific DPS composition to do it (you basically need four DPS with omni-directional knockbacks to pull off the fight without tanks or healers using their knockback).


In other words, the content team is continuing to produce content which hard-requires healers and tanks to use their interrupts, stuns and knockbacks, and provides immediate and harsh penalties for failure (in the case of both Styrak and Draxus, the penalty is generally "raid wipe"). If content were designed such that at most four interrupts were required, very few people would disagree with the design decision you detailed, Tait.


In short, the content design and the combat system design are at odds here. One of them has to give, otherwise groups will continue to wipe on bosses for absolutely no reason other than a coin toss on the accuracy roll of an interrupt. Either it should be impossible to resist an interrupt, or NPCs which are involved in "6/8 player interrupt" mechanics (e.g. Corruptors) should be given 0% resist chance, rather than the 10% which is standard.


Stuns and knockbacks should probably always be subject to resist, otherwise PvP will fall into a pit of massive imbalance and unavoidable sap-caps.




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For clarity I was referring to this, "And if you think having interrupts miss is important then why not revert the assassin's shroud to fail 5% of the time? Why not revert taunts to being able to miss? Why not make heals fizzle 10% of the time? Why not make force barrier sometimes just fail to activate? After all, people will just cope, right?"


All most people are asking for in this game is that abilities function as described in their tooltips.

  1. Force Shroud's tooltip said that it was 100% effective, but in reality it was only 95% effective. People asked the Developers to change the ability so that it matched the tooltip. If the tooltip had always said "95%" chance, people wouldn't have said a word about it.
  2. The tooltip for taunts says that they cannot miss, and they function as such.
  3. The Developer's have said that accuracy only applies to abilities used against hostile targets. You and your teammates are not hostile, therefore heals not missing, or Force Barrier being guaranteed to activate is functioning as described.


The tooltips for interrupt abilities do not say that they are guaranteed to work and the Developers have clarified how accuracy affects interrupts. The system is functioning as described.


So yes, players do in fact cope with the game's systems when they are functioning as described and able to be clearly understood.

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I truly believe that the devs agree that it would be desirable to remove accuracy requirements for interrupts and then remove accuracy from all tanking gear.


Unfortunately, I also believe they will continue to officially say there's a reason for tank accuracy, because they don't want to have to admit, "Look we agree with all of you but the simple truth is we lost so many subscribers that EA cut our funding and now we can't hire enough coders to fix this. Heck we don't even have enough coders to fix the major bugs in every patch! We'll likely never have the coders to fix all the minor bugs or tackle long-standing irritations like tank accuracy. So sorry, short of getting back 1.5 million subscribers this will never get changed. Now excuse me while I polish my resume for a Wildstar job."


That said, I think an elegant fix would be to add to the top of the tanking tree's signature talents something to the effect of, "Taking this (Energy Blast/Guardian Slash/Slow Time) talent also grants 110% accuracy."


A good time to add it would be next level cap increase so the gear designer(s) can also make sure accuracy is no longer included on any new tank gear going forward.

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I'll simply quote Keyboardninja...


As much as I respect KeyboardNinja and his amazing tank mitigation calculation work, the following statement is wrong:

This is very, very bad design. Or rather, it is very bad design with respect to the content. The specific reason for this is Nightmare Draxus. In 8 man, the 8th phase (four Corruptors and a Despoiler) cannot be done (pre-nerf) without a minimum of 6 interrupts, and most groups require 8 depending on when the Despoiler starts to cast. Doing it with 4 interrupts is categorically impossible due to the Despoiler. This means that Nightmare Draxus pre-nerf was a fight which came down to a coin toss on whether or not your tank's interrupts were resisted.


Phase 8 of nightmare Draxus (Nightmare Power on) required six interrupts. Four came from DPS with 100%+ accuracy and did not miss. Two came from tanks or healers who popped an accuracy adrenal beforehand to guarantee that their interrupts did not miss. The phase was cleared every time without a failed interrupt.


With a proper strategy Phase 8 of the fight was never a coin toss. Never.


P.S. If you needed eight interrupts in Phase 8 of nighmare Draxus, your team's DPS wasn't good enough to be in nightmare content and wipes should be expected. That is why it is nightmare-level content. People are constantly complaining that the latest nightmare content is too easy, so I can't see how "but we needed eight interrupts for our team to be able to clear it" is a vaild argument.


Also, if your healers had to pop a Triage Adrenal to get through the healing in Phase 5 or 6 and therefore couldn't pop an Accuracy Adrenal in Phase 8, your healers needed to be better and the rest of your team needed to take less damage.


The content is designed to be difficult, pick up your gameplay.

Edited by Levram
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All most people are asking for in this game is that abilities function as described in their tooltips.

  1. Force Shroud's tooltip said that it was 100% effective, but in reality it was only 95% effective. People asked the Developers to change the ability so that it matched the tooltip. If the tooltip had always said "95%" chance, people wouldn't have said a word about it.
  2. The tooltip for taunts says that they cannot miss, and they function as such.
  3. The Developer's have said that accuracy only applies to abilities used against hostile targets. You and your teammates are not hostile, therefore heals not missing, or Force Barrier being guaranteed to activate is functioning as described.


The tooltips for interrupt abilities do not say that they are guaranteed to work and the Developers have clarified how accuracy affects interrupts. The system is functioning as described.


So yes, players do in fact cope with the game's systems when they are functioning as described and able to be clearly understood.


We're not discussing whether or not it's working as intended, we're discussing if it should be at all. Not sure why you think anything you said here applies.


I truly believe that the devs agree that it would be desirable to remove accuracy requirements for interrupts and then remove accuracy from all tanking gear.


Unfortunately, I also believe they will continue to officially say there's a reason for tank accuracy, because they don't want to have to admit, "Look we agree with all of you but the simple truth is we lost so many subscribers that EA cut our funding and now we can't hire enough coders to fix this. Heck we don't even have enough coders to fix the major bugs in every patch! We'll likely never have the coders to fix all the minor bugs or tackle long-standing irritations like tank accuracy. So sorry, short of getting back 1.5 million subscribers this will never get changed. Now excuse me while I polish my resume for a Wildstar job."


That said, I think an elegant fix would be to add to the top of the tanking tree's signature talents something to the effect of, "Taking this (Energy Blast/Guardian Slash/Slow Time) talent also grants 110% accuracy."


A good time to add it would be next level cap increase so the gear designer(s) can also make sure accuracy is no longer included on any new tank gear going forward.


This is not a code or staffing issue.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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