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Praise where praise is due


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We critics don't think this game is doomed no matter what- or else we wouldn't bother. We just think the game's current path is unacceptably mediocre. This game had/has amazing potential. Besides the engine, not many aspects of the game are fundamentally flawed. We strive for better utilization of this potential. You would have us wallow in mediocrity and adopt your pathetically low expectations.

I fear you are only speaking for yourself. Your declared motivation is inconsistant with how some of the other "critics" behave. I won't even call them "your fellow critics," because you don't deserve to be lumped together with them.


Perhaps it's as simple, for some of those critics, as this: it's easier to kick down a sand castle than to build one, and doing the [correction] former gives some people a feeling of power.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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All the ppl that dont like the Casino event, then word of advice "Dont do it then" simple solution, but dont down on the ppl, that like it


Can only speak for myself but...


I never criticized those who enjoy the event but rather the nonsensical notion that Nar Shaddaa should have gambling two months a year, only for it to magically disappear... For no reason.


In other words, you have one Casino for each faction during the remaining 300 days of the year just... Sitting there, looking pretty. In the process, you have the occasional class story mocking you about it, not to mention the occasional comment from NPC's.


YAYYYYYYYYYY!!! :rolleyes:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Can only speak for myself but...

I never criticized those who enjoy the event but rather the nonsensical notion that Nar Shaddaa should have gambling two months a year, only for it to magically disappear... For no reason.


In other words, you have one Casino for each faction during the remaining 300 days of the year just... Sitting there, looking pretty. In the process, you have the occasional class story mocking you about it, not to mention the occasional comment from NPC's.


Works for me. If only they had put it in at launch, they could have had some fun story to go with it.

Might be a little late for that now.


Maybe they can add a year-round VIP gambling area later, that you have to complete a quest to gain access to. RPs could use it to create, for example, Jedi with a gambling vice. [Edit: and perhaps Satele calling you on the carpet for it!]

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Can only speak for myself but...


I never criticized those who enjoy the event but rather the nonsensical notion that Nar Shaddaa should have gambling two months a year, only for it to magically disappear... For no reason.


In other words, you have one Casino for each faction during the remaining 300 days of the year just... Sitting there, looking pretty. In the process, you have the occasional class story mocking you about it, not to mention the occasional comment from NPC's.


YAYYYYYYYYYY!!! :rolleyes:


Might be a test to see how these types of mini events do?

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Might be a test to see how these types of mini events do?


It's not secret that some people have been asking - if not begging(!!!) - for gambling on this game for quite a while now.


Plus, as I've mentioned earlier, having a Casino for each faction non-functional 300 days of the year is just... I don't even have words for it quite honestly.


I won't even get around the fact, as pointed out by several people throughout this section of the forum, that the event - unlike the previous ones - is a massive credit sink designed so that people are broke by the time GS hits.


From the looks of it, I guess it's working; Good for them at least on that. :D

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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They added two types of slot machines and some vanity gear and broke the game in doing so. WTH Denial ain't just a river in Egypt. mmhmm Oh no he eigh eigh!


The OP clearly wasn't denying or in denial about the faults of this patch. Try reading. It is good for your mind.

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Wasn't aware people would notice.


Oh yes. I noticed it right away when I saw your name replying to some things when I got home tonight and onto the forums. Looks very cool. I always see you in threads defending the game and what you like best with your opinions. I noticed it :p

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Oh yes. I noticed it right away when I saw your name replying to some things when I got home tonight and onto the forums. Looks very cool. I always see you in threads defending the game and what you like best with your opinions. I noticed it :p


Well thanks for that. I just give my honest opinions about things.

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not to 2 million subscribers that left :rolleyes:


Uhm they didn't leave because of this event, this is you just beating that dead horse for the nth time. I agree that BW screwed up this past week, mostly on the communication side, but this is just a silly reply.

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Wow I want whatever the OP is taking, as I haven't seen anything in this patch to praise. Are you sure you aren't looking at this patch through beer goggles or a haze of Colorado smoke?


The 'event' as it is called is pretty lame, nothing more than a bunch of boxes with no interactivity, sitting in the foyer of the existing casino, just to part credits from fools.


Maybe if it was a little more casino like, interactive, and in the real casino itself I might be mildly impressed (in fairness I would still most likely consider it fluff content).


And I have to say, if this 'do as little as possible' and call it an event gets people excited, they must have very low expectations. And with such low expectation from many of the players, I can't imagine this game ever bothering to take on the challenge of trying to deliver something truly exceptional. That said, the class changes put in place are on the whole pretty sound as well, so something else of worth that's come from the update, though there's much to be corrected still in regards to the patch.


As for the GF change, it totally failed and caused major problems for the game. Sure, give them credit for making quick changes and reversals to lesson the impact of the failure, but a failure is still a failure.


That was a nice speech, but I'd urge you to go back and read my opening post again. I praised the quality put into the Legacy weapons and the ease of gaining them and Legacy gear, all the more so for those who weren't subbed for GSF and didn't get the early access Legacy boxes. The ranged weapons from the event are some of the best put together in the game in terms of their effects and sound, and the designs aren't too shabby either.


As many threads as have shown up about the lackluster blasters, blaster rifles, snipers, and auto cannons that real money is being paid for, to be able to get these with certificates for free is pretty nice. Feel free to reply to that as you like, but no need to use this as a place to vent about what is bad about 2.8; I already stated in the first post that many things are wrong with it.

Edited by Prototypemind
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well said.


really more people need to stop acting like drones and start seeing how bad this game is.


Its a bit silly IMO to accuse people of acting like drones and then expecting them to act like drones and fall in line with your opinion, pro or con. That is why I feel comments like "wake up and agree with me" are silly at best.


People form their own opinions. If anyone needs to stop acting like "drones", it would be the fringe on both sides of the fence IMO.


Folks can like the game and still criticize it....by the same token, people can generally dislike the game and still find it has some merits.


IMO this game needs feedback, it needs to be constant, and it needs to be brutally honest. That is the most valuable feedback IMO. In fact, negative feedback is preferred to positive feedback from my perspective....because there is always room to improve and grow.


Just my slant.

Edited by LordArtemis
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TOR ship deserves no praise especially at this moment

Yes it does. The event the OP is praising was certainly well done and worthy of good praise.


Indeed it does Reno, and not just for the event itself. In fact SWTOR deserves praise for being such an enjoyable game, the haters are so compelled to keep creating accounts and paying money to be voluntarily milked by "The Company" just to come on and bash it with comments via those "cleverly" named accounts. It always brings a smile to my face to see these accounts pop up and spill their vitriol. It is only proof positive that the game is successful, popular, and the epitome of what gaming entertainment should be. I will certainly be glad to see them doing the same thing come the 5th anniversary of the game's launch ... and the 10th ... and the 15th as well.

Edited by TravelersWay
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When a patch adds so little and breaks so much, praise would be a tad misplaced, especially when you take into account how long they had it on the PTS.


The last couple of major patches have been (to my mind) profoundly lacking in both scope and execution.


One can only hope Strongholds can break the streak.

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When a patch adds so little and breaks so much, praise would be a tad misplaced, especially when you take into account how long they had it on the PTS.


The last couple of major patches have been (to my mind) profoundly lacking in both scope and execution.


One can only hope Strongholds can break the streak.


And it doesn't break a few more major things in the process.

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Indeed it does Reno, and not just for the event itself. In fact SWTOR deserves praise for being such an enjoyable game, the haters are so compelled to keep creating accounts and paying money to be voluntarily milked by "The Company" just to come on and bash it with comments via those "cleverly" named accounts. It always brings a smile to my face to see these accounts pop up and spill their vitriol. It is only proof positive that the game is successful, popular, and the epitome of what gaming entertainment should be. I will certainly be glad to see them doing the same thing come the 5th anniversary of the game's launch ... and the 10th ... and the 15th as well.


Thats a bit of a broad stroke, don't you think?


It's harsh criticism that made the game what it is today IMO. I am not trying to belittle your views on the game, quite the opposite, only your focus on putting down those that deride it in this particular post.


It seems a bit of a "counter" to me more than genuine praise.


And praise posted that contains insults aimed at those that post criticisms, or praise posted to counter criticism always brings a FROWN to my face.


Naturally the same goes for those that criticize but must insult those that praise the game in the process.


Both are pretty silly practices IMO. Disingenuous praise is not going to lift the game past it's own faults, no more than intentional baseless derision is going to sink it.


The game was probably not doing well on it's own merits in the beginning, had a bad rep, and I think that rep was mostly deserved early on. Now the game is much improved, and obviously much healthier than it was.


And that is just my opinion.

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I can't say I'm impressed by the event, but it is what it is. I see it as a bunch of neat stuff that you can get from a vendor if you spend a lot of time clicking and plunk down a variable amount of credits, with the possibility of winning two special mounts to entice people to spend even more. Clearly a credit sink, but one more creative and time-consuming than "oh hey look, a vendor that sells rare color crystals for lots of credits!".


Overall, I admit to being underwhelmed by 2.8 and disappointed with the problems. And as far as events go, the casino one is rather blah -- but I'd be lying if I said I didn't appreciate the goodies. The bright spot of an otherwise lackluster patch, IMHO. :)

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