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Praise where praise is due


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There have definitely been a lot of issues with 2.8, no denying that, but there are two things about it that have been positive:


1) The Nightlife Event as a whole. The vitriol of gen chat, the gold sellers, and the jawa films are non-existent. Few have time for harsh words when they're clicking away


2) The real reason for this thread: some great, quickly attainable Legacy weapons and gear. A little RNG involved, but I think most are getting a stack of certificates much faster than they could grind out dailies for rep. The gear sets I could take or leave, but for those who missed GSF or didn't get involve in prior events, it's an easy way to move pieces between characters. More importantly, the Blaster Rifler, Sniper Rifle, Blaster Pistol, and Assault Cannon are all friggin' great. I love the effects, the animations, and the sounds, definitely some of the best in the game period, and not millions of creds on the GTN or 1000CCs a piece.


So, it's not all roses right now, but I have to say that part of 2.8 was definitely done right. Best of all, the event is over an extended period, so people who work weekends, are out of town, etc, don't miss out on something because of short-term scheduling issues. Just my thoughts on it.

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They added two types of slot machines and some vanity gear and broke the game in doing so. WTH Denial ain't just a river in Egypt. mmhmm Oh no he eigh eigh!


I guess you're right, it's not. The quote here is prime proof of that, since more than that was added, and some even had to be stepped back, you know, the thing you're all in denial about them adding in the first place? The thing that actually broke the game, since it ran just fine for me after the patch and *gasp* the slot machines are still there.


I spent a bit of time in the casino yesterday, and my biggest disappointment was that there are no Legacy off hands in the selection. I spent 20k and walked out with a dual bladed lightsaber. Not too bad, considering how much the RNG Gods have always hated me.

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There have definitely been a lot of issues with 2.8, no denying that, but there are two things about it that have been positive:


1) The Nightlife Event as a whole. The vitriol of gen chat, the gold sellers, and the jawa films are non-existent. Few have time for harsh words when they're clicking away


2) The real reason for this thread: some great, quickly attainable Legacy weapons and gear. A little RNG involved, but I think most are getting a stack of certificates much faster than they could grind out dailies for rep. The gear sets I could take or leave, but for those who missed GSF or didn't get involve in prior events, it's an easy way to move pieces between characters. More importantly, the Blaster Rifler, Sniper Rifle, Blaster Pistol, and Assault Cannon are all friggin' great. I love the effects, the animations, and the sounds, definitely some of the best in the game period, and not millions of creds on the GTN or 1000CCs a piece.


So, it's not all roses right now, but I have to say that part of 2.8 was definitely done right. Best of all, the event is over an extended period, so people who work weekends, are out of town, etc, don't miss out on something because of short-term scheduling issues. Just my thoughts on it.


You see folks, this is how you post praise IMO.


I agree, I think the event has been a success overall. I would like to see it as something that is no longer an event but a regular game feature, but I think the reaction has been mostly positive.


I would also add that they did seem to fix most of the issue rather quickly, so I give them some kudos for that as well.

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I see nothing to praise quite honestly.


Some may try to point out that which they feel it's positive... While actually praising something that should be a full-time feature(!!!) present in the game 365 days a year, NOT for two months, only to magically disappear...


For no reason.


In addition to this, 2.8 was that update where Early Access to Strongholds was supposed to hit; It got delayed an additional two months. Ok, I can understand that.


A new GSF ship(?) was also bound to hit but Eric then pointed out that they would focus their attention on the two upcoming expansions and as such, the new ship would stay in limbo... Indefinitely. Ok, I can understand that too.


But then...


The Group Finder for 16-SM - which was pretty much the only MAJOR and PERMANENT thing they were going to add to the game - went bonkers and now they're back to where they started.


Praise? You want me to praise them for filling up the entry hall for the Casinos with machines, while disregarding pretty much 90%(!!!) of the actual place where the gambling should take place? In addition to the fact it's only an event and NOT a permanent feature, as stated already? On Nar Shaddaa?


No offense but you've got to be joking.




Not even the 30 Ultimate comms reward for completing operations using the GF is working. Again, good times.

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Note....the following set of responses is not meant to counter your point or try to demean your opinion or discount your concerns. You're naturally entitled to your opinion. I would just like to give my thoughts on some of the points you made if you would allow it.


I see nothing to praise quite honestly.


Some may try to point out that which they feel it's positive... While actually praising something that should be a full-time feature(!!!) present in the game 365 days a year, NOT for two months, only to magically disappear...


For no reason.


I agree with the contention that this should not have been an event, but rather a game feature like GSF. However, if this is an introductory event with the intent of placing it into the game permanently in the future I would be fine with how it is now.


In addition to this, 2.8 was that update where Early Access to Strongholds was supposed to it; It got delayed an additional two months. Ok, I can understand that.


I give them a pass on this one as well. I would rather the feature be everything I expect it to be....they released GSF too early IMO and it did not draw in the kind of crowds it should have as a result. The same thing can happen here if it does not meet player expectations.


A new GSF ship(?) was also bound to hit but Eric then pointed out that they would focus their attention on the two upcoming expansions and as such, the new ship would stay in limbo... Indefinitely. Ok, I can understand that too.


I am ok with this as well. I have little interest in GSF at this juncture.


But then...


The Group Finder for 16-SM - which was pretty much the only MAJOR and PERMANENT thing they were going to add to the game - went bonkers and now they're back to where they started.


Personally I am ok with this change...as long as it is not permanent. For now, IMO, game stability is more important.


Praise? You want me to praise them for filling up the entry hall for the Casinos with machines, while disregarding pretty much 90%(!!!) of the actual place where the gambling should take place? In addition to the fact it's only an event and NOT a permanent feature, as stated already? On Nar Shaddaa?


No offense but you've got to be joking.


That's the thing though....I do not think that presenting praise means you are obligated to do so, nor do I think the OP intended it that way. In fact, It seems to me that the OP was careful NOT to insult those that are the game's detractors....which is exactly how you post praise IMO.




Not even the 30 Ultimate comms reward for completing operations using the GF is working. Again, good times.


That is a concern IMO, and something that should focus on fixing fast.

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Further clarification. :D


I honestly believe there's nothing to praise truth be told.


For the most part, 2.8 brought absolutely NOTHING worthwhile to the game on a PERMANENT BASIS and it actually made it unplayable - for some of us anyway - for a couple of days or so.


I'm not one to demand a refund from Bioware or anything of that sort, since I find that kind of behaviour a bit childish but I won't be showering their efforts with praise either.


In fact, I'll just pretend this update never happened, which is why I haven't gone to Nar Shaddaa to try the event, outside the PTS.

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Further clarification. :D


I honestly believe there's nothing to praise truth be told.


For the most part, 2.8 brought absolutely NOTHING worthwhile to the game on a PERMANENT BASIS and it actually made it unplayable - for some of us anyway - for a couple of days or so.


I'm not one to demand a refund from Bioware or anything of that sort, since I find that kind of behaviour a bit childish but I won't be showering their efforts with praise either.


In fact, I'll just pretend this update never happened, which is why I haven't gone to Nar Shaddaa to try the event, outside the PTS.


Your Lack of Tommy Gun disturbs me. :mad:

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Your Lack of Tommy Gun disturbs me. :mad:


No issue admitting I'm greatly fond of the rewards, especially the Tommy Gun and the Fedora.


Regardless, even in that regard, this "event" is a far cry from that which we had in the past.


In those, we were eligible to acquire both credits AND rewards. In this one, people are expected to pay for the luxury of participating, Casino-themed event or not; Add to the equation that rewards aren't exactly a given.


Ohhh well...

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They haven't confirmed that.


Wish they did, seeing we know zilch concerning 3.0 but they haven't... Or have I missed something?


They confirmed that there will be a level-increasing expansion in 2014 and a smaller expansion first. The smaller one will be the Strongholds expansion and the larger one will be coming at the end of the year.


Do you want me to find it for you?

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They confirmed that there will be a level-increasing expansion in 2014 and a smaller expansion first. The smaller one will be the Strongholds expansion and the larger one will be coming at the end of the year.


Do you want me to find it for you?


Ohhhhh... Now I get it: You're trolling.


Because if you're talking about this...


Producer's Road Map 2014


You definitely need a reality check, seeing that...

June 10th: Game Update 2.8

Nightmare Mode Dread Palace Operation

New ships and an entirely new Ship Role for Galactic Starfighter

And much more… this is going to be the biggest update up to this point - we will reveal more once we are a bit closer to June.

See the part in bold and underlined? Except for the event on Nar Shaddaa, it never came to happen. Also...

(...) Expect to see two digital expansions in 2014 just like you did last year, with one similar to Galactic Starfighter in scope and one more closely resembling Rise of the Hutt Cartel. We reserve the right to adjust our plans based on bad reasons (...)

Which truth be told, hasn't happened yet this year, right?


No offense but you and TORtanked should consider having babies; With any luck, you would nullify each other.

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Ohhhhh... Now I get it: You're trolling.


Because if you're talking about this...


Producer's Road Map 2014


You definitely need a reality check, seeing that...


See the part in bold and underlined? Except for the event on Nar Shaddaa, it never came to happen. Also...


Which truth be told, hasn't happened yet this year, right?


No offense but you and TORtanked should consider having babies; With any luck, you would nullify each other.


Until they come out and say that the level-increasing expansion's been delayed, I'm going to go with it coming out before the end of 2014. Since they came out and explained the delay with the other stuff, I expect that they'd do the same thing here if a delay was needed.


So, yeah. I'm not worried. I mean, you can go around and assume the worst if you like. Seems like a pretty miserable way to see things, but whatever, go on with your bad self.

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Until they come out and say that the level-increasing expansion's been delayed, I'm going to go with it coming out before the end of 2014. Since they came out and explained the delay with the other stuff, I expect that they'd do the same thing here if a delay was needed.


So, yeah. I'm not worried. I mean, you can go around and assume the worst if you like. Seems like a pretty miserable way to see things, but whatever, go on with your bad self.


A pessimist is what an optimist calls a realist.

-- Ashley Williams, Mass Effect.

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-- Ashley Williams, Mass Effect.


Thing is, I didn't call you anything. I just made the point of suggesting that until they state that the December expansion's been delayed, there's no reason to run around in circles like chicken little.

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Thing is, I didn't call you anything.


You merely implied.


Regardless, I have no issue whatsoever with it. Better to be a realist than believing in Santa.


I just made the point of suggesting that until they state that the December expansion's been delayed, there's no reason to run around in circles like chicken little.


I ask again: Where exactly have they ever stated that 3.0 will be released in December?


Suggesting or implying that the Producer's Road Map is of an indication would be a gross understatement, seeing that "outdated" doesn't even begin to describe it.

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