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Need serious advice for Sentinel PvP


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Hi all,

I enjoy the game so much as a Star Wars fans, and I know I will stick to this game for quite some time.


However, comes to PvP, I am struggling to make an impact of being a Sentinel, so please may you give me some advices for currently pro players:


1.) Which Tree right now is more effective on PvP? Watchman/Combat/Focus?

I currently heard people saying Focus or Watchman is the way to go, but please explain more.


2.) I heard that PvP is all about burst dmg, so which tree should I go if that so?


3.) Which skill sequence you usually use when pvp? please advice.


Thank you all fellow Jedi, may the force be with you. :o

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focus has the most burst, and CC.


Watchman's dots make it more viable, when you get chain CC'd.


Also, game seems to have serious de-syncing issues. Aka, you leap on someone. hit them. And they are outside of your melee range by the time you actually land. or you land 15ft away from them.

You root/stasis someone, and they just magically blink out of it/telepot behind you,etc. (not cc break, just go in and out of it due to syncing.)

people on ground, teleporting up to ledges.


all around meaning, dots let you tap someone while the others need you to stay on them.

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focus has the most burst, and CC.


Watchman's dots make it more viable, when you get chain CC'd.


Also, game seems to have serious de-syncing issues. Aka, you leap on someone. hit them. And they are outside of your melee range by the time you actually land. or you land 15ft away from them.

You root/stasis someone, and they just magically blink out of it/telepot behind you,etc. (not cc break, just go in and out of it due to syncing.)

people on ground, teleporting up to ledges.


all around meaning, dots let you tap someone while the others need you to stay on them.


Yep, basically since the game is clunky and really bugged in pvp atm, pretty much this lol.


Its actually impossible to play any "serious" pvp atm, because of all the bugs ruining it. And also this makes range classes get an even larger advantage then before in pvp now.


Bioware needs to fix this asap.

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focus is the worst pvp tree... I'm a level 50, valor 36 sent... Watchman is potentially decent if played well, but is difficult to play. Combat, according to some very very good sents I know, even better than watchman as a PvP spec but I have yet to try it. Plan on respeccing tomorrow I'll let you know how I feel then.


Watchman is, safe to say, a viable spec if you can learn your keybinds, know your abilities, and be very good at managing focus and your cooldowns.... This is a hard class to play.

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A search would have given you much more than you asked for : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=54706


But basically :


Focus is control, force abilities damage and more defense

Combat is straight up direct damage/burst with some very powerful PvP centric talents

Watchman is very strong DoTs, but weak upfront damage with limited specific PvP talents.


No tree is significantly better than the others, although reading talents description, Focus and Combat would tend to be more PvP centric while Watchman would be PvE boss fights.


But as been pointed out, the current desync and weird game behaviors tend to favor Watchman in PvP as well.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Hi all,

I enjoy the game so much as a Star Wars fans, and I know I will stick to this game for quite some time.


However, comes to PvP, I am struggling to make an impact of being a Sentinel, so please may you give me some advices for currently pro players:


1.) Which Tree right now is more effective on PvP? Watchman/Combat/Focus?

I currently heard people saying Focus or Watchman is the way to go, but please explain more.


2.) I heard that PvP is all about burst dmg, so which tree should I go if that so?


3.) Which skill sequence you usually use when pvp? please advice.


Thank you all fellow Jedi, may the force be with you. :o


I have only played watchman, and im only at lvl 29 atm. So I will skip directly to question 3.



Since you got a lot of abilities which is very situational I will give an example of how a typical rotation for me in pvp is:


Force leap in > overload saber while in air > zealous strike > Cauterize


From there it's very situational.


If the charlie is out of reach to apply the slow, I use blade storm or force stasis. The force leap in again if I dont manage to get close enough to apply the slow (12 sec cd on force leap in watchman tree).


Or if im against someone who is getting healed > healing debuff





But I usually start with overload saber + cauterize.



If I have a good round I usually get around 200 k dmg total, and around 18 k healing (from pvp med pack, and dots who crits).


Here is part 1 of a video of me playing a huttball match, got 230 000 dmg that round. Will upload part 2 the day after tomorrow. Sorry about the quality but it was my first try at recording some gameplay:


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I have had a lot of joy with a combat Sent (Albiet at level 18). Given the pace of the fighting, your abilities are off cooldown before you know it.


Keybinding is a must, the sheer number of abilities you get is just staggering. Personally, I have my slow bound to Shift+Mouse 4, Crippling Throw bound to Shift + Mouse 3, and Kick on Mouse 4. This lets me react to things like a knockback quickly and easily.


As for the talents, you can front load a hell of a lot of damage, especially if you pick on a weak opponent and stack your focus up ready to unleash on a nice squishly light armour class. I have walked out of all my previous Warzones as MVP and with top damage for the Republic side, and a hell of a lot of kills.

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Honestly, it's all about how you use your focus points which I know is not easy to adjust to. This is the first time I've really seen a melee DPS class that was more of a "thinking" class than just a "faceroll" class. I'm actually a big fan of this. It's takes time to get used to and a lot of trial and error. I am Combat spec'd and have dropped a few abilities that are not heavy hitters for that spec. Cauterize is a big one that I debated on for a bit but in the end, I realized it does not do enough for Combat Sentinels. A big thing is to attempt to back off a 1v1 at times to get your force leap off again and get a quick stun on your opponent. Another good thing that has worked for me is to act as if I'm playing a stealth type class, I like to circle around my opponents and constantly try to hit them in the back and stay mobile. Try to keep them facing away from you a lot and burst em down. I am usually top 3 DPS in warzones depending on how my team is.


If you aren't completely comfortable with 1v1s, then try to stick around a teammate or 2 and keep working at it to get what works for you down. I am no expert and it will take some time before people find what really works for Sentinels/Marauders. It will take a lot of trial and error as I have already said but do not get discouraged.

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im level 23 as combat and i personally feel overpowered at times.


When i get on a sniper they literally cant do anything, and i dont even have any of the nuts snares/stuns yet. Once those come in i dont understand how range is even suppose to survive.


Leap is a 15 second cd

Master strike roots them in place and takes out half their health

Ranged 2 sec stun that reduces healing



I dont even slow people i just pop transcendence or whatever and run around doing damage.


I havent tried the other spec's, but combat is really good from what i can tell.

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