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Relic question for Annihalation Marauder


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I finally won a second underworld relic yesterday in HM ops yesterday. I had an augmented Underworld Serendipitous Assault and an augmented Arkanian Focused Retribution. When I went back to the vendor, I did not see an Underworld Focused Retribution. Does it not exist? I got the Bounless Ages in its place.
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I finally won a second underworld relic yesterday in HM ops yesterday. I had an augmented Underworld Serendipitous Assault and an augmented Arkanian Focused Retribution. When I went back to the vendor, I did not see an Underworld Focused Retribution. Does it not exist? I got the Bounless Ages in its place.


It does not exist. Focused Retribution was added when the Dread operations came out. They added an Arkanian version as a quest reward, but never added in an Underworld/Kell Dragon version. Best you're going to get with an Underworld Token is the BA you got, though I recommend that you attempt to get a better FR as soon as you can (PvP, HM DP)

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Thanks. I had a feeling this was the case, as I couldn't find anything on it via Google. I'll use the BA for now and hope to get an upgrade soon. I just started grinding HM DP and DF. Sadly, my toon has the worst rolls ever, but maybe I'll get lucky!
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Lols. Everyone sucks at PvP unless you do a truckload of it and work out the maps and objectives and get all the gear for it. Just let your group know you're only grinding for a relic and most decent players will understand. You may even get lucky and have some groups give you a specific task you can help out with while relying on the bolster. Your 168 rating gear and above will have a negative impact on the bolster so if you've still got some 162 or below stuff sub out those pieces before you queue. I think it's only 800 regular comms for a relic so you should only have to do the dailys once to afford it
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  • 3 weeks later...
Lols. Everyone sucks at PvP unless you do a truckload of it and work out the maps and objectives and get all the gear for it. Just let your group know you're only grinding for a relic and most decent players will understand. You may even get lucky and have some groups give you a specific task you can help out with while relying on the bolster. Your 168 rating gear and above will have a negative impact on the bolster so if you've still got some 162 or below stuff sub out those pieces before you queue. I think it's only 800 regular comms for a relic so you should only have to do the dailys once to afford it


It turns out I had the comms from my earlier, pathetic attempts at PvP. I bought the relic, augmented it, and noticed a huge performance difference. Thanks for the tip! I'm hoping one of my other alts has similar comms, but my new healer definitely doesn't and I'll have to sadly show my pathetic PvP skills off again!

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It turns out I had the comms from my earlier, pathetic attempts at PvP. I bought the relic, augmented it, and noticed a huge performance difference. Thanks for the tip! I'm hoping one of my other alts has similar comms, but my new healer definitely doesn't and I'll have to sadly show my pathetic PvP skills off again!


If you have the planetary comms and can afford to get the augment kits, a set of blue level 45 mods in a fully augmented set with decent PvE relics and blue level 52 implants/Ear pieces will make you pretty competitive in PvP as a healer. Only real deficiency will be skill if you don't play much.

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The quickest way to bypass the bad luck on rolls would be to do a bunch of reg warzones to get enough comms to get the PvP FR Obroan relic as it is fine for HM raids too


By simply doing PvP twice a day leveling up, you should end up w/ Brutalizer Relics which are not half bad.

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By simply doing PvP twice a day leveling up, you should end up w/ Brutalizer Relics which are not half bad.


Brutalizer relics ? at like as soon as you hit 55 two of them ?


I seriously doubt you can reach valor rank 40 before 55 by simply doing 2 matches a day if you do the leveling with planetary quests, flashpoints, kdy, etc, as well. Won't be enough valor points earned soon enough to grind wz comms to convert them later to ranked ones at 3:1 ratio


Getting wz comms for two Obroan relics before or at 55 is trivial, Brutalizer ones, not so much.

The point is Obroan relics are good enough for DF/DP hm, but if your goal is pve then there is not much point bothering with the Brutalizer stuff since is easy enough get the Dread Forge ones (specially now that they can be crafted) which are better by quite some margin.

Edited by wainot-keel
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Brutalizer relics ? at like as soon as you hit 55 two of them ?


I seriously doubt you can reach valor rank 40 before 55 by simply doing 2 matches a day if you do the leveling with planetary quests, flashpoints, kdy, etc, as well. Won't be enough valor points earned soon enough to grind wz comms to convert them later to ranked ones at 3:1 ratio


Getting wz comms for two Obroan relics before or at 55 is trivial, Brutalizer ones, not so much.

The point is Obroan relics are good enough for DF/DP hm, but if your goal is pve then there is not much point bothering with the Brutalizer stuff since is easy enough get the Dread Forge ones (specially now that they can be crafted) which are better by quite some margin.


I managed to hit Valor 40 on my Merc last week during double XP while going from 23-55. Full Brutalizers as soon as I could get them. With double XP off, running Valor boosts inside WZs while doing the daily/weekly will be more than enough to manage Valor 40 well before hitting 55 so long as the person still has a decent number of levels to cover. Doing 14 WZs a week so long as a Valor Boost is used while playing should be sufficient. It's very doable with XP back to standard levels.


The real pain is juggling all the WZ comms by buying and returning gear until you hit valor 40. That's one area in which it's much faster just to suck it up and play until you hit 40 even if you're not much for WZs. That will give you the 1400 Regular comms and 2600 Ranked to get all your relics as soon as you hit 55.

Edited by Prototypemind
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