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Crew Skills for a first char


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Hi everyone,


Just made a new character on a new server, a sniper. I am subscriber with quite a lot of Cartel coins. I was wondering what trade skills should I pick, between slicing/cybertech/scavanging or armorsmech/scav/underworld, or a money making combo slicing/scav/bioanalysis


I wouldn't mind leveing my gear and my companion's gear while leveling, although I rather don't be broke as this is my first char. I plan do have BH and Trooper alts in this server.


Any thoughts? Money making or armor/mods?

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My recommendation is the money making option.


Leveling a crafting skill has a long term payout, with a short term loss. On your first toon this means you'd be broke most of the time.


Later on, if you want, you can drop one of the three gathering skills, pick up a crafting skill, and level it much faster (because you'll have 5 companions to use at the same time)

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Money making. Slicing, Scavenging, plus Archaeology or Bioanalysis.


As soon as you get your ship droid, keep all companions except the one with you constantly out on lockbox missions until you get to rank 6, then chain run "Unsliceable?".


You'll gear yourself fine via quests and planetary comms. You'll gear your companions just fine via quests and buying cheap greens on GTN every 4 levels.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Money making. Slicing, Scavenging, plus Archaeology or Bioanalysis.


As soon as you get your ship droid, keep all companions except the one with you constantly out on lockbox missions until you get to rank 6, then chain run "Unsliceable?".


You'll gear yourself fine via quests and planetary comms. You'll gear your companions just fine via quests and buying cheap greens on GTN every 4 levels.


Cybertech/Slicing/Scavenging -- you can pick up Slicing and Scavenging nodes while playing, and run Scavenging missions (most metals sell well). You're a sniper, so you'll end up with a +2 Slicing crit on your last companion.


All levels of Cybertech armors and mods sell well (green and blue especially at low levels, no need for Underworld Trading until you start going for purples), so you can actually make money while leveling CT. Plus you can keep yourself in green/blue armorings -- armorings cost more planetary comms than mods or enhancements, and you'll only need 1 barrel, so you'll have no problem keeping your gear up to speed. Also, this will set you up really well if you plan on having alts.


Also, if you have lots of CC, make sure you have Treek -- the unlock is account-wide (unlike HK, which is per-character after somebody in your legacy has him). You can get him at level 10 (on Fleet), and it makes it easier to run multiple missions while keeping a companion available for combat.


EDIT: You do need Blue UT metals to make Blue CT Armorings and Mods, but they are (usually) cheaper than the Scavenging Compounds also needed to make them; the purple UT metals needed to make purple CT Armorings/Mods (at least at low levels) are usually way too expensive to buy off the GTN.

Edited by eartharioch
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Biochem, bioanalysis, and diplomacy are excellent starters too for getting future alts implants, medpacs, and stims. Makes leveling a bit easier and increases your survivability when you're still a resourceless on a new server via reusable medpacs and stims. Edited by NightEngine
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All levels of Cybertech armors and mods sell well (green and blue especially at low levels, no need for Underworld Trading until you start going for purples)


My cybertech needs Underworld metals for blue items already. The prices of those metals are usually rather high. So I really have no idea why you are saying that.


If OP goes cybertech, I strongly recommend to get scavenging and underworld trading along with it. Slicing is useful beyond level 420 or so for the termal regulators. Picking up the lockboxes is certainly nice, but honestly my archeologist makes way more credits with power crystals than the slicer with lockboxes for quite a long time. And the lockbox missions are only slilghtly above break-even (i.e. get you a bit more than you invest, not much though).


Otherwise I think it is more a matter of taste. I like crafting so I personally would get cybertech. One has to invest more thought into it though. Moneywise ANY craft can make money even while leveling. But even with the most "sellable" craft one has to consider which schematics to buy, research, produce,and sell at which time. With collected material one just checks GTN whether it is a good time to sell, and optimizes output.


Armormech is about the worst crewskill IMO. In the long run that craft makes skill and reflex augments, and that is it. Crafted armor sells occasionally, but not too fast.

Edited by Nazdika
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Beltrix, if you cannot tell...just about any choice you make will be a good one :).


That being said, I am firmly in the camp of first characters should be gatherers: two of the three gathering (Scav, Arch, BA) and slicing. No matter how you slice it, crafting is a money sink to start. So, starting fresh one's best bet is to gather materials. Whether one saves those materials for a future crafting skill or sell what one gathers is up to the individual; the former saves credits, the latter makes credits.

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And to muddy the waters, I'd go with Slicing, one of the Gathering skills - Bioanalysis probably, and Diplomacy. The last, because it's a simple way to increase your LS/DS score and because while it's not so immediately profitable Companions Gifts and Medical Supplies always seem to sell well on the GTN so the money does come in.
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And to muddy the waters, I'd go with Slicing, one of the Gathering skills - Bioanalysis probably, and Diplomacy. The last, because it's a simple way to increase your LS/DS score and because while it's not so immediately profitable Companions Gifts and Medical Supplies always seem to sell well on the GTN so the money does come in.


That's only if one cares about alignment, and just my opinion, but it ain't a big enough deal to matter (alignment level specific relics are not critical to success).

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My cybertech needs Underworld metals for blue items already. The prices of those metals are usually rather high. So I really have no idea why you are saying that.


If OP goes cybertech, I strongly recommend to get scavenging and underworld trading along with it. Slicing is useful beyond level 420 or so for the termal regulators. Picking up the lockboxes is certainly nice, but honestly my archeologist makes way more credits with power crystals than the slicer with lockboxes for quite a long time. And the lockbox missions are only slilghtly above break-even (i.e. get you a bit more than you invest, not much though).


I updated my previous post to explain my experience with UT Blue mats...when I was leveling my main, I had one alt that had UT, so I never had a problem, but as somebody who sells low-level Scavenging and UT mats, I don't see a problem buying the *blue* UT mats. Also, for your main, just the green armorings + using Planetary Comms for mods and enhancements will be fine.


OP has an agent; that and Sith inquisitor both have companions with +2 UT and +2 Slicing (and no others do), so I'd say CT + Scav + either UT or Slicing is a good option for the main. My main was an agent, and I found Slicing to be "better" because picking up credits in the field was easier than running UT missions and selling at the GTN. OTOH, I started at launch, so I didn't have HK or Treek as options when I leveled, so running max missions and still having a comp for leveling was more difficult.

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I leveled a new character without assistance from any of my established toons.


I took Scavenging, Slicing and Bioanalysis. Slicing because you are basically harvesting credits. The other two because in addition to harvesting nodes I can harvest Strong or better MOBs that I killed while leveling.


Using planetary comms, mission rewards and loot drops I kept myself and my companion outfitted well enough to level easily. I spent credits only on skills and a speeder.


At level 55, having sold all of the resources I gathered on the GTN and all of the loot drops of Prototype or better that I ddin't need and vendoring the cheap and premium stuff I looted, I had over 6.2 million credits.


After that, I dropped Bio and picked up Cybertech. By going back and harvesting mats as I needed them I leveled up Cybertech to 450 in a day. Just buying the schematics and the advanced skill cost over 300k credits and if I were feeling particularly lazy I could have easily bought the mats I needed from the GTN.


You'd be surprised how much those low level mats can go for on the GTN.

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Hi everyone, thanks for the advice. I went scav/bioanalysis/slicing in the end. Making lots of credits. Just had to buy some greens for Kaliyo at some point.

I was checking the price of UT blue metals at the GTN and they were not worth it in my server. Once I hit 55 I will probably drop bioanalysis (low level mats are selling incredibly well) and will pick cybertech.

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Key words "to start". Once you have a cache of cash crafting becomes far easier and better as an income source.


Key words to continue. On a new server my first toon starts with cybertech, scavenging, and underworld trading.


First armorings she can craft:

Cost: 200 credits grey cost for desh (i.e. 4 desh not sold), 140 credits (i.e. 2 Terenthium not sold. OK, that guy needs the lesson, let's say, 400 credits, 2 Terenthium not sold), 3 minutes to craft, 1 day not logged in to collect the revenues.

Revenues: 7'800 per pop (edit: already deducted GTN fee)

Income: 7'200 credits per pop


Do continue to spread the rumor that crafts are money sinks though. It is all about demand and supply. ;) Oh wait, I totally forgot the costs for the green schematic, and the desh for finding the blue one. Totally gonna be 1K, to be spread across all the pops of 7'200 in the next.... 2 years...


As a crafter one gotta like the GTN game, else one is frustrated. But if one does... I can recommend crafts.


Edit: and sorry for being a bit sarcastic here. I hold you and your posts in high regard. May actually copy some of your explanations of probability in the future...

Edited by Nazdika
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Hi everyone, thanks for the advice. I went scav/bioanalysis/slicing in the end. Making lots of credits.


Awesome! All power to you!

I was checking the price of UT blue metals at the GTN and they were not worth it in my server.


All things GTN one needs to check several times, like watch the fluctuation over some time. But if you are making the credits you want to make, and are happy in the process, you totally found the right combination for you. IMO. Grats :)

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The "smart" way is to gather and sell stuff. Salvage and Bioanalysis make the most sense, pick up a 3rd gathering skill that suits you (or your companion's efficiencies).


However, I have to admit, the "smart" way doesn't really "feel" right for some of my characters. As a roleplayer I like the idea that my character is making some of the stuff they take into battle. I have a few others who are more opportunistic / capitalistic and they're happy just picking stuff off the ground and selling it.


My thing is that with all the adaptive armor and customizable weapons these days, if you're making stuff, you need to think about what to make. For instance purely from an armor standpoint, Armortech and Synthweaving don't make much sense. You're better off going Cybertech and making the Armor and Mod items to slot into some adaptive armor.

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Key words to continue. On a new server my first toon starts with cybertech, scavenging, and underworld trading.


First armorings she can craft:

Cost: 200 credits grey cost for desh (i.e. 4 desh not sold), 140 credits (i.e. 2 Terenthium not sold. OK, that guy needs the lesson, let's say, 400 credits, 2 Terenthium not sold), 3 minutes to craft, 1 day not logged in to collect the revenues.

Revenues: 7'800 per pop (edit: already deducted GTN fee)

Income: 7'200 credits per pop


Do continue to spread the rumor that crafts are money sinks though. It is all about demand and supply. ;) Oh wait, I totally forgot the costs for the green schematic, and the desh for finding the blue one. Totally gonna be 1K, to be spread across all the pops of 7'200 in the next.... 2 years...


As a crafter one gotta like the GTN game, else one is frustrated. But if one does... I can recommend crafts.


Edit: and sorry for being a bit sarcastic here. I hold you and your posts in high regard. May actually copy some of your explanations of probability in the future...


I doubt seriously that you are getting 7200 credits per starting armoring considering how fast people move out of the lowest level stuff. Average server prices I've seen for the Artifact Armoring 2's is 4 to 6k on Shadowlands.


You are also misrepresenting the costs to level a crafter. You'll spend over 300k on schematics by the time you hit the cap. And using just that as an example fails. It is a misrepresentation of the entire process and the costs for all of them. Yeah, it only takes a few minutes for Armoring 2's, but when you starting getting into the mid levels the time to craft goes up dramatically for the Prototypes.


Spreading disinformation only works if you aren't dealing with others who have been crafting since day one, haven't made hundreds of millions of credits (probably close to a billion easy by now) and haven't dealt with much more draconian crafting processes and GTN-type sales on other games.

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I doubt seriously that you are getting 7200 credits per starting armoring considering how fast people move out of the lowest level stuff. Average server prices I've seen for the Artifact Armoring 2's is 4 to 6k on Shadowlands.


You are also misrepresenting the costs to level a crafter. You'll spend over 300k on schematics by the time you hit the cap. And using just that as an example fails. It is a misrepresentation of the entire process and the costs for all of them. Yeah, it only takes a few minutes for Armoring 2's, but when you starting getting into the mid levels the time to craft goes up dramatically for the Prototypes.


Spreading disinformation only works if you aren't dealing with others who have been crafting since day one, haven't made hundreds of millions of credits (probably close to a billion easy by now) and haven't dealt with much more draconian crafting processes and GTN-type sales on other games.


I know how much I collected pretty much the second before I posted, could not care less whether someone believes it or not. Naturally they are not always so high, not that rarely either. Quite impressive though, you claim to make hundreds of millions and are not aware of the many with really big money who spend pretty much any sum to put their alts in modable armor as soon as possible? Seriously? Wow.


I did not write down how much I pay for schematics, since that is really peanuts. But 300k seems way too much, except you buy a lot more than necessary. Buying schematics that you do not use for money making are a loss. Some crafts certainly turn less schematics into income, but all do enough of that to break even and then some. And time for crafting in midlevel, give me a break please. If you want to be midlevel crafter when you only have 1 companion, ok. That is not the scenario I am talking about at all, though. I only listed the times in the example to give a suggestion of ALL the costs. If something, later levels are less annoying to craft while questing since the result will not pop up every other minute.


I do not know who you are talking about when you speak of spreading disinformation. Not that it matters, but since you bring up the point: I am crafting with much enthusiasm in all games I play, and most often am rich in no time, since way too many years ;) I do make millions with my crafts in SWtOR, have started from scratch on several servers, and earn money from the earliest schematics onwards on all of them. My point is, crafts are not per definition money sinks, not a single one of them. Cybertech is certainly the one where one makes the easiest credits with from the earliest schematics onwards. Which schematic one buys, which one develops further to blue and purple, are choices made by the player. I tend to prefer to pick those which sell well. Naturally, one has to watch GTN, and having a certain understanding of at least one class is a must. As I mentioned somewhere else, selling mats is pretty easy and straight-forward. Making money with crafts needs a lot more thought.


To each his/her own though. I have a lot of fun starting, and evolving any craft on any server, and have a lot of fun indeed advising friends on my servers on how to become rich as well. Those bastards totally steal my markets very soon though, and then I am proud :D

Edited by Nazdika
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I know how much I collected pretty much the second before I posted, could not care less whether someone believes it or not. Naturally they are not always so high, not that rarely either. Quite impressive though, you claim to make hundreds of millions and are not aware of the many with really big money who spend pretty much any sum to put their alts in modable armor as soon as possible? Seriously? Wow.


I'm fully aware. I'm also fully aware of the undercutting that is inevitable, but don't say you make X amount like you always make that amount and then come back and change your story because you got called on it. And even people with "big money" will not waste credits on overpriced low level mods that they will outgrow in an hour of playing. That's how they (and I) got their big money


I did not write down how much I pay for schematics, since that is really peanuts. But 300k seems way too much, except you buy a lot more than necessary. Buying schematics that you do not use for money making are a loss. Some crafts certainly turn less schematics into income, but all do enough of that to break even and then some. And time for crafting in midlevel, give me a break please. If you want to be midlevel crafter when you only have 1 companion, ok. That is not the scenario I am talking about at all, though. I only listed the times in the example to give a suggestion of ALL the costs. If something, later levels are less annoying to craft while questing since the result will not pop up every other minute.


Again you change your story. If you are going to make wild claims you need to back them up with specific facts. You mentioned none of this in your original post, only wild claims that you make massive credits on low level items when anyone who has crafted here knows this isn't the real truth.


I do not know who you are talking about when you speak of spreading disinformation. Not that it matters, but since you bring up the point: I am crafting with much enthusiasm in all games I play, and most often am rich in no time, since way too many years ;) I do make millions with my crafts in SWtOR, have started from scratch on several servers, and earn money from the earliest schematics onwards on all of them. My point is, crafts are not per definition money sinks, not a single one of them. Cybertech is certainly the one where one makes the easiest credits with from the earliest schematics onwards. Which schematic one buys, which one develops further to blue and purple, are choices made by the player. I tend to prefer to pick those which sell well. Naturally, one has to watch GTN, and having a certain understanding of at least one class is a must. As I mentioned somewhere else, selling mats is pretty easy and straight-forward. Making money with crafts needs a lot more thought.


You spread disinformation when you make claims that are invalid, either through outright lies or through lack of information. Again, just claiming you do something and that everyone else is wrong is disinformation. In truth, you can make more credits faster selliing low level mats than you can crafting. Crafting cost credits and for low level characters are credit sinks. Not only do you spend credits to learn schematics you also lose out on the credits that the mats themselves would have brought. In some cases, you lose a lot of credits because the mats at certain mid levels always seem to be in high demand.


I know this for a fact. I took the time to level a character from scratch without any assistance from my alts in order to prove out various theories. At no time while leveling a crafting character did I ever end up with 6 million credits in my bank when I hit level 55, but I sure did when I simply gathered materials and resold them.


Yes, making credits with crafting requires time and effort. Not something someone with a first character, such as the OP of this post, is likely want to do. Crafting for a first character is contraindicated by the fact that a first character is too often "learning the ropes". This post isn't about how you or I do it, but how a new, first character should do it. And gathering and selling mats is the best way to do it.

To each his/her own though. I have a lot of fun starting, and evolving any craft on any server, and have a lot of fun indeed advising friends on my servers on how to become rich as well. Those bastards totally steal my markets very soon though, and then I am proud :D


So now it's "to each his own". Before it was "if you don't do it my way you are wrong". And if you are in the crafting game to earn credits and give away your secrets, you aren't really in the game. It's one thing to give general knowledge, another to tell them exactly what you do. Let them find out what markets are best served.

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I'm fully aware. I'm also fully aware of the undercutting that is inevitable, but don't say you make X amount like you always make that amount and then come back and change your story because you got called on it. And even people with "big money" will not waste credits on overpriced low level mods that they will outgrow in an hour of playing. That's how they (and I) got their big money


Very sorry that I did not take the time to write entire pages so that every possible aspect that COULD be misinterpreted by someone, ANYONE, is ruled out. Earlier in the thread I mentioned that gathering is the easier way to make credits. I really do not repeat each and every thought in each and every post I write in a thread. Go read, before you comment.


I did not say that is the price I always get. And guess what, such armorings can go for 12k. That is naturally not the rule by far, though. Still, I made a test while typing, kinda like rolling the dice, producing a couple of those armorings, and that is the price they went for. Also, even if that armoring went for 3k, I'd still made a decent profit. Anyone who has ever checked GTN twice knows that the prices change. If YOU read BS into my posts it is YOUR responsibility, not mine. And your wild accusations that I did not say this or that in the earlier post, and am changing my story. I am not writing a guide here. My story is this: crafts are not per definition a money sink. I and several of my friends, too, prove that again and again. Up to you to not read my former posts, to not bother about facts, and just calling me a liar. There are always ways someone or other may make more money. I am not here to prove that my way is THE way that makes the most money ever on every server under every circumstance. I am saying a starting player can make decent profit, and if crafting is fun to someone, it is worth it. That was my story from the beginning. Your insistence of reading stuff into my posts that I did not write, and disregarding what I did write, will not change that.


Again you change your story. If you are going to make wild claims you need to back them up with specific facts. You mentioned none of this in your original post, only wild claims that you make massive credits on low level items when anyone who has crafted here knows this isn't the real truth.


You should know that a statement as "crafts are money sinks" is falsified with one example. That is the beauty of falsification as opposed to verification. That is why I quoted one example. I sell those level 9 mods and armors for prices between 3k - 12k, I am making a decent profit in my book. Notice how in earlier posts I did NOT say my first char on a server is a synthweaver. My first char on a server is a cybertech for a reason. My story does not change, your perception is more than questionable though.


I give you so much that my post was on the flip side, and I should have taken it more seriously how much people cling to their pet believes. I rarely have time or interest to type for hours. English is not my mother tongue, so typing is a lot more time consuming. I tried to fix it a bit with my edit, but oh well. The OP was helped, so it had low priority with me, except telling psandak that I do hold his posts in high regard, even if or when I disagree.


I know this for a fact. I took the time to level a character from scratch without any assistance from my alts in order to prove out various theories. At no time while leveling a crafting character did I ever end up with 6 million credits in my bank when I hit level 55, but I sure did when I simply gathered materials and resold them.


Did you indeed. I am looking forward to reading about each and every decision you did on those 2 55ers leveled independantely from scratch, so someone can suggest some better choices with the crafter. Before you are willing or able to do that, maybe want to rethink the wild claims YOU are doing.


Because frankly, someone who does not know that low level mods sell, someone who does not bother to even check, someone who does believe he knows what other people buy without checking, someone who just wants to clobber down opinions that contradict his with accusations of being a liar... Not the scientist I put my money on. I worked in science, btw, and in audit and taxes. I do have an idea of what I am talking about when I say I make decent profit. As opposed to others, my statements are based on written down facts. But it does need thought, it sure does.


Yes, making credits with crafting requires time and effort. Not something someone with a first character, such as the OP of this post, is likely want to do. Crafting for a first character is contraindicated by the fact that a first character is too often "learning the ropes". This post isn't about how you or I do it, but how a new, first character should do it. And gathering and selling mats is the best way to do it.


What people want is theirs to decide. Not yours. I say again and again, gathering is the easier, more straightforward way to get credits early on. With crafts one can make decent profit, but it needs more thought. Then THEY decide what is fun to them.


The OP mentioned she might like to craft her own mods, but not be broke. If you think that is not doable with cybertech, I can again only say, wow. In case you want to hear my very own true story of my very own first chars: the first is an artificer, the second an armormech. Guess what, even those were not ever broke, not by a far shot. I covered all 6 crafts before going the all credit route on the 7th. If one wants to make money, one does make money. It is not like it is super difficult in this game, really. They definitely were NOT the richest of all chars that ever hit 55. I never claimed that either. I had a lot of fun, and a lot of credits. Different strokes for different folks.


So now it's "to each his own". Before it was "if you don't do it my way you are wrong". And if you are in the crafting game to earn credits and give away your secrets, you aren't really in the game. It's one thing to give general knowledge, another to tell them exactly what you do. Let them find out what markets are best served.


Funny, seemed to me the "if you don't do it my way you are wrong" comes from you. It was always "to each his own" for me. If one would actually read the posts in this thread, I think it should be fairly obvious. Hint: post #1 shows that OP already knew that the easy-peasy money making route is gathering. #6 is my first post. Where I agree that gathering is easier route, credit wise. Your point is exactly? Oh wait, I am a liar when I quote my sales of a second ago. Because you would not buy the item. Gotcha. I am outta here. Not worth my time.


One thing you are right though: I am not in the game to maximize credits. I am in the game to maximize fun. Which sometimes is related, which sometimes is not. If I could pay the rent with credits, I just MIGHT think about prioritizing credits over fun ;)

Edited by Nazdika
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I plan to do this at some point, but the only crafting skill i find useful to me is cybertech, since i think about what is useful to me overall and long-term.


On my current EU character, i have cybertech (the only way to avoid paying overpriced prices for armorings...damn greedy sods) and i have enough crafting materials to gear 20-25 characters from level 9 right up to level 50, so i really don't have to worry about gathering for a while, sure if i see the materials on the GTN for a reasonable price (not too high, not too low) i buy them, otherwise i just don't bother.


While i hate crafting, it has saved me over 100k credits per upgrade session and thats due to the greed that players tend to feel and somehow think all the items required for the crafted items are very expensive, when it honestly isn't, the cost is virtually non-existent, the only items that i find are worth the prices that they set are the level 50-55 purple quality crafting materials gathered from mission skills, they are VERY rare to gather.


The next character i plan to roll will be mostly just slicing, the scavenging or any other gathering skill is really too unreliable to sell on the GTN, since the other crafters would be gathering the materials themselves, if not, you guys need to get off your asses and make an effort and get the stuff yourself.

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Yes sellers try to get as much out of a sale as possible, but that's good business not greed. And if the price was too high (smart) buyers would not buy. Is it the sellers' fault that they can find buyers at the prices they set?

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Yes sellers try to get as much out of a sale as possible, but that's good business not greed. And if the price was too high (smart) buyers would not buy. Is it the sellers' fault that they can find buyers at the prices they set?


You do know that the cost of crafting most items are incredibly low..right? so selling at a lower price would still bring in profit and would also increase the amount of sales as well.


I find it is more important to find a price that is high enough to bring in more credits than what it costs to make the item, but also low enough so that majority of the players can afford it, even the new players, you could be surprised how much more credits you can make, but i am guessing they are thinking more about short term profit instead of long-term profit.

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