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Kaggath Battlegrounds

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Lol, only one person gave a faction name, your not alone. :p


I PM'ed you my faction's name, also I forgot to save a copy of my lineup and I made some last-minute changes so I'd be much obliged if you PM'ed me the original list back once you've reviewed it for errors. :cool:

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Alright, I've put up a list of taken units, I'd encourage you to review when selecting further units.


Also I've added a new rule:


#116 If you have chosen any mechanised unit as an infantry i.e droids, your supplier must be capable of manufacturing them as well as your vehicles, though not the exact unit, only the class.

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I am sure if people have been paying attention to the rambling I have done during the last three matches of the last Kaggath, they will know my faction inside and out before it is even debuted, not including you ofc Beni. You can just check the faction submission message :rolleyes:.


So then don't use the same faction twice? I hope people aren't using the same factions, that's just boring.

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So then don't use the same faction twice? I hope people aren't using the same factions, that's just boring.


Impossible, this is my first Kaggath. What I meant was that they could likely tell what I would choose seeing how I viewed certain ships/units/leaders or how I approached the battles. Though, its no secret that I am a fan of the Empire's war machine. :cool:

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I've also edited Rule #58;


#58 You may choose two light vehicles and one heavily vehicle. Noting that classification is determined by firepower not size. Or alternatively simply two light vehicles (you will receive a boost). As such there is no real specification that can be given here regarding what is classed as a light vehicle and what is classed as a heavy vehicle; ultimately it will be the Arbiter’s decision.


I just didn't see the benefit of heavy vehicles for smaller more mobile factions, I hope this helps.

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That reminds me, there is a duplicate in the Capital Ships section. Not sure if that just means 2 people chose to use that class of vessel, or if it was merely a typing error. *There are 2 Vindicator-Heavy Cruiser entries*
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Well, looking at the list of units taken, my faction suddenly feels inadequate. Knew I shouldn't have taken it easy on you guys...


Which ones are yours then so that we may compare notes?;) *I have a few hunches...*


All joking aside, it looks like it will be quite fun, though Malevolence...I coulda sworn was a super weapon...

Edited by Silenceo
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Which ones are yours then so that we may compare notes?;) *I have a few hunches...*


I'd love to, but I really shouldn't.


All joking aside, it looks like it will be quite fun, though Malevolence...I coulda sworn was a super weapon...


Musta removed the cannon. I was thinking of picking it.

Edited by Aurbere
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Some really odd choices this time around....NekGhouls *guessing force sensitive rak ghouls?* as well as Killiks? Intriguing. So far it looks like every faction will operate vastly differently, though one or two might have similarities *looks like 2 droid factions and 2-3 Imperial stylized factions*


We currently have how many participants? 7?

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Some really odd choices this time around....NekGhouls *guessing force sensitive rak ghouls?* as well as Killiks? Intriguing. So far it looks like every faction will operate vastly differently, though one or two might have similarities *looks like 2 droid factions and 2-3 Imperial stylized factions*


We currently have how many participants? 7?


Someone picked Vong stuff too...

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Someone picked Vong stuff too...


True, though they likely will be fairly balanced due to the numbers being roughly equal to their opponents, not to mention they likely will not be doing as much subtle conversions. Not saying they won't pose a threat of course, Yorik coral and their plasma projectiles certainly can sucker punch the unprepared.

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True, though they likely will be fairly balanced due to the numbers being roughly equal to their opponents, not to mention they likely will not be doing as much subtle conversions. Not saying they won't pose a threat of course, Yorik coral and their plasma projectiles certainly can sucker punch the unprepared.


Well, hopefully I don't run into them.

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My faction will be unstoppable! Except entirely stoppable.


Eh. I kinda just made my faction for the lolz. I don't expect (or even really want) it to win. I'm not nearly as... passionate about this one as I was my last one.

Edited by Warren-Stride
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OK I'm also editing this rule, for organisations and suppliers:


Both require a base of operations which you must choose it must be able to produce what your supplier provides, or capable of accommodating for the needs of the organisation, it must be directly affiliated with them in some way though there may be exceptions.


I just thought it would work better that way.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Well, looking at the list of units taken, my faction suddenly feels inadequate. Knew I shouldn't have taken it easy on you guys...


I think I figured it out almost entirely, and I'm surprised....


Also, Agreed on the whole different faction thing...


I'm surprised someone took Trench/Maul though. Somebody is trying to counter stealth tech :p

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I'm surprised no one has taken a certain red guard. :p Also whoever took the Phase 2/3 Dark Troopers, good luck to any faction fighting against those things.


In my experience there's no such thing as luck. ;)

Edited by Aurbere
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