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I could see allowing Heads of state keeping their bank accounts, but anything further to me would be to much. Like Capital ships and the like, but if they themselves didnt have it (example, it was the "states" money and not theirs) then they shouldnt be allowed it. The only reason I say this is because I feel there really should be more thought put into heads of states, then "who is hard to kill and was a good leader". So things like Criminals would make good leaders, and their "monotary POWER" would mean a bit more. I think there is to much focus on Force Sensitive and Military leaders, Monatary and Criminal Overloads have always been "powerful" figures in Star Wars as well.


Almost exactly why I brought it up. :)


This Kaggath I only have Force Sensitives at all, because I didn't want my leadership to be so easily killed just because the enemy had Force Sensitives.

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Had secondary thought and want your guys opinion. If we did a losers bracket. What do you guys think if I swapped. My Admiral (who's name for what ever reason is escaping me right now which I feel ashamed of) to Onasi instead, and got rid of Hapan Ships for Valor class..... if I could even do that, I dont think I can though can I.....


I dont know peoples thoughts on what I could do to get access to a Valor Class.

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Had secondary thought and want your guys opinion. If we did a losers bracket. What do you guys think if I swapped. My Admiral (who's name for what ever reason is escaping me right now which I feel ashamed of) to Onasi instead, and got rid of Hapan Ships for Valor class..... if I could even do that, I dont think I can though can I.....


I dont know peoples thoughts on what I could do to get access to a Valor Class.


Does Onasi have many strategic feats? I know Carth is a pretty good gunslinger, but his feats with his fleet do not seem as obvious. As for the Valor class, I think Beni might allow it, since it is the same Faction he served in and such...


Though, you already know my opinion of Hapan Battle Dragons... :rolleyes:

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Does Onasi have many strategic feats? I know Carth is a pretty good gunslinger, but his feats with his fleet do not seem as obvious. As for the Valor class, I think Beni might allow it, since it is the same Faction he served in and such...


Though, you already know my opinion of Hapan Battle Dragons... :rolleyes:


No way would Onasi get you a valor, sorry but there's a 300 year gap.Unless Jace suddenly gets me Venators....Hell, throw back to Antilles and the Imperious ships anyone? :p


As for the Valors, tune, friendly advice here bud... They suck. You'll have a worse time with them than the battle dragons I'm afraid.

Edited by Selenial
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I must say that I agree with Beni's decision to post matches beforehand, if only to aid my ability to prepare BattleZone analyses. I wasn't able to post my analysis of the last match, but if anyone is curious, I can summarize it.


Got any analysis's of Jerec or Desann by chance? :D


Side Note: I am quite curious as for what your current analysis for last match.

Edited by Silenceo
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Sil I just gotta ask, why are you so obsessed with Desann? He's not that spectacular. :p No offense.


Kus... eh... Well he did beat Post-Endor Luke once I think, well, at least wasn't curb stomped by him I mean. :p


Though as to why Desann, it is because he is the deadliest lightsaber brute I can have right now, that fits in armor that was KNOWN for using armor. Gorc used armor, too large for new armor. Savage, taken (curse you Beni!). Then there was that other Sith in the armor from Exar Kun's time...


That and due to his style, if he doesn't have to worry about defense other than his lizard hard, he can press the offense much harder, not to mention his reach over most duelists. Also, trying to use less conventional characters. Besides, he shares many things with Jerec.


Mostly though, it is the saber brute thing. He wasn't spectacular no, but nor was he a push over. Add to his habit of wearing armor... well, he gets a lot stronger with that additional upgrade. :D

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Got any analysis's of Jerec or Desann by chance? :D


Side Note: I am quite curious as for what your current analysis for last match.


No, I don't. I've got to do some research on them before I write anything on them.


I can post it in the match thread, just to show my opinion on it.

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No way would Onasi get you a valor, sorry but there's a 300 year gap.Unless Jace suddenly gets me Venators....Hell, throw back to Antilles and the Imperious ships anyone? :p


As for the Valors, tune, friendly advice here bud... They suck. You'll have a worse time with them than the battle dragons I'm afraid.


Ya that ws my thought, but Idont think Valor's suck as much as you guys think... Seriously how is it I like and think these things are awesome... and every one just looks at me and goes.... "those suck" :(.


Average Knights Awesome.... everyone else "they suck" :(


Corran Horn Awsome.... Everyone else... "he sucks"



Hapans Awesome.... Everyone else "they suck"


Next I am going to find out Rancor's suck... Rancor's are awesome.....

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Ya that ws my thought, but Idont think Valor's suck as much as you guys think... Seriously how is it I like and think these things are awesome... and every one just looks at me and goes.... "those suck" :(.


Average Knights Awesome.... everyone else "they suck" :(


Corran Horn Awsome.... Everyone else... "he sucks"



Hapans Awesome.... Everyone else "they suck"


Next I am going to find out Rancor's suck... Rancor's are awesome.....


If it comforts you, I don't think Corran sucks.

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Ya that ws my thought, but Idont think Valor's suck as much as you guys think... Seriously how is it I like and think these things are awesome... and every one just looks at me and goes.... "those suck" :(.


Average Knights Awesome.... everyone else "they suck" :(


Corran Horn Awsome.... Everyone else... "he sucks"



Hapans Awesome.... Everyone else "they suck"


Next I am going to find out Rancor's suck... Rancor's are awesome.....


Dude, Corran Horn is epic. One of my top 5 Jedi of all time.


Rancors, I love that there are so many types.


Jedi Knights, I tend to take them with a grain of salt, depending on the Era. I never have really said they suck.


Hapans I do think they suck though... From a purely technological and design stand point that I have explained before.


While Valor's aren't great, nor do I think they suck. I merely think they are average, since the Empire equivalent is so advanced and such.

Edited by Silenceo
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Kus... eh... Well he did beat Post-Endor Luke once I think, well, at least wasn't curb stomped by him I mean. :p


Though as to why Desann, it is because he is the deadliest lightsaber brute I can have right now, that fits in armor that was KNOWN for using armor. Gorc used armor, too large for new armor. Savage, taken (curse you Beni!). Then there was that other Sith in the armor from Exar Kun's time...


That and due to his style, if he doesn't have to worry about defense other than his lizard hard, he can press the offense much harder, not to mention his reach over most duelists. Also, trying to use less conventional characters. Besides, he shares many things with Jerec.


Mostly though, it is the saber brute thing. He wasn't spectacular no, but nor was he a push over. Add to his habit of wearing armor... well, he gets a lot stronger with that additional upgrade. :D


Eh tbh his fight with Luke was such PIS, this would have put Desann above Palps which....is just no, even then it looked like Luke was holding back as he didn't really seemed hurt at all.


But eh, alright I see your point.

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Ya that ws my thought, but Idont think Valor's suck as much as you guys think... Seriously how is it I like and think these things are awesome... and every one just looks at me and goes.... "those suck" :(.


Average Knights Awesome.... everyone else "they suck" :(


Corran Horn Awsome.... Everyone else... "he sucks"



Hapans Awesome.... Everyone else "they suck"


Next I am going to find out Rancor's suck... Rancor's are awesome.....


No one days Corran sucks, you just rate him higher :p


But yeh, the Harrowers are much much much better than Valors, there are a lot of reasons for that to be honest.

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Ya that ws my thought, but Idont think Valor's suck as much as you guys think... Seriously how is it I like and think these things are awesome... and every one just looks at me and goes.... "those suck" :(.


Average Knights Awesome.... everyone else "they suck" :(


Corran Horn Awsome.... Everyone else... "he sucks"



Hapans Awesome.... Everyone else "they suck"


Next I am going to find out Rancor's suck... Rancor's are awesome.....


I don't think Knights suck, although it's kinda hard to put a pin where they are considering they can vary at times.


Also Rancors are some of the most dangerous creatures in the SW, they are def awesome.

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Eh tbh his fight with Luke was such PIS, this would have put Desann above Palps which....is just no, even then it looked like Luke was holding back as he didn't really seemed hurt at all.


But eh, alright I see your point.


To be fair, Luke wasn't harmed at all.


It does show though that Desann is not only a saber brute, he is also a force brute. A good array of capabilities and such, and able to at least defend himself against high tier opponents.


As for PIS... Many things are, such as Lumiya surviving Luke so many....times... oh so many!


If Desann had injured/beaten Luke I would see where you are coming from, but in their little battle, if I recall correctly their fight was brief and they exchanged a few blows before Desann launched him across the room and collapse the hall or some such with a saber throw. Effectively ending the duel with a cheap shot.


Which reminds me... If I get the right stuff, I could make something really stronk with Desann... Hmm... Brainstorm, engage!


Though, any suggestions for who else could serve as my saber brute that wouldn't try and kill Jerec? :p

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To be fair, Luke wasn't harmed at all.


It does show though that Desann is not only a saber brute, he is also a force brute. A good array of capabilities and such, and able to at least defend himself against high tier opponents.


As for PIS... Many things are, such as Lumiya surviving Luke so many....times... oh so many!


If Desann had injured/beaten Luke I would see where you are coming from, but in their little battle, if I recall correctly their fight was brief and they exchanged a few blows before Desann launched him across the room and collapse the hall or some such with a saber throw. Effectively ending the duel with a cheap shot.


Which reminds me... If I get the right stuff, I could make something really stronk with Desann... Hmm... Brainstorm, engage!


Though, any suggestions for who else could serve as my saber brute that wouldn't try and kill Jerec? :p


It just didn't seem like Luke was actively trying to find back, so Desann holding his own...doesn't really hold much weight to it. But yes they did have a brief spat before the duel ended.


Although yeah he does show some alright ability, saber throw, Force push, Force choking a non-force sensitive Katarn, deflecting blaster bolts, kinda rather basic stuff, he was only a Padawan before he left.


Although yes his species physiology does give him a nice strength advantage.


I don't really have any suggestions no, you can use Desann.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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It just didn't seem like Luke was actively trying to find back, so Desann holding his own...doesn't really hold much weight to it. But yes they did have a brief spat before the duel ended.


Although yeah he does show some alright ability, saber throw, Force push, Force choking a non-force sensitive Katarn, deflecting blaster bolts, kinda rather basic stuff, he was only a Padawan before he left.


Although yes his species physiology does give him a nice strength advantage.


I don't really have any suggestions no, you can use Desann.


Hard to really judge if Luke was fighting hard or not, since the npc's in that game always seemed so choppy in saber combat... Still, why would Luke not try to stop Desann if he could? (before the quick fight was ended I mean.)


As for him only being a Padawan that is true, but he seems to have gotten some pretty good training afterwards considering he trained an entire cult to use lightsabers well, as well as how to use the force. The force power I might add, he figured out how to imbue into others with certain materials. He also shows a few strong Illusions. Not to mention reach is quite important in sword duels if the fighters are of similar skill.


But yeah, he isn't a top tier fighter, but nor is he terrible at what he does. Good strength against most except Savage, superb reach, decent speed, actually quite the thinker if you examine his character. Against standard Desann and Savage I honestly do not know who would win, though I want to lean towards Desann for biased reasons. :p

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Since I am not going to be around, I wanted to expand on why Hapan ships DONT suck.


yes they were meant to fight multi on one, but that ISNT a bad thing.


You look through out the ages, and Destroyers around the galaxy were meant to take on Heavy cruisers 1 vs 2 and win a vast majority of the time.The hapans just took that Philosophy the rest of the galaxy was using and turned it on its head. Making the Destroyer the loser in that scenario. As seen in courtship, the 3 dragons litterally tore a Imp Star to pieces in a single Volley. Yes they have design flaws, but so do things like star destoryers. I know there is a quote floating aroudn about how many flaws it had.


Yes they werent designed for 1v1, nor were they designed for 1 vs Multi. They were designed to fight Multi vs 1, but again considering the ships they were fighting were designed for 1 vs Multi, turning that idea on its head and making it the exact opposite of what a vast majority of commanders understand is a NASTY surprise for the Hapan's enemies. One that kept them safe, for thousands of years. The dragons being in use at least for 200 years even with the rest of the galaxy updating their designs, The Dragon design remained tried and true for 2-3 Centuries.


If it wasnt for Wedge on Sel's team I would seriously argue that the Dragons unique design would be what kills so many. They would engage 2 with destroyers as is the standard battle arrangement, just to be torn apart before they can say

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Hard to really judge if Luke was fighting hard or not, since the npc's in that game always seemed so choppy in saber combat... Still, why would Luke not try to stop Desann if he could? (before the quick fight was ended I mean.)


As for him only being a Padawan that is true, but he seems to have gotten some pretty good training afterwards considering he trained an entire cult to use lightsabers well, as well as how to use the force. The force power I might add, he figured out how to imbue into others with certain materials. He also shows a few strong Illusions. Not to mention reach is quite important in sword duels if the fighters are of similar skill.


But yeah, he isn't a top tier fighter, but nor is he terrible at what he does. Good strength against most except Savage, superb reach, decent speed, actually quite the thinker if you examine his character. Against standard Desann and Savage I honestly do not know who would win, though I want to lean towards Desann for biased reasons. :p


Are you sure he wouldnt have strength to match Savage, think about how strong Luke is, and Vader of whom Luke overpowered. Savage MIGHT be stronger but thats not entirely clear.

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Are you sure he wouldnt have strength to match Savage, think about how strong Luke is, and Vader of whom Luke overpowered. Savage MIGHT be stronger but thats not entirely clear.


Sith magics man, sith magics. :(


Though I still think they are close in strength, with Savage edging out in that category. That said, Desann is much faster and smarter, not to mention his reach is considerably more. Yes, Savage is large, but using a saber staff cuts down on his range tremendously. They also both wear very durable armor as standard, so that is about even, and both seem centered around the chest and legs, allowing movement for the arms to use sabers effectively.


Now, if Desann was in his Phrik suit like he was when he faced off against EoP... He could basically laugh as Savage attack rebounds off of his improved armor and go quite offensive. Though, Savage in said armor could prove to be even more lethal than Desann since it would allow him to just go brute like he loves to do... Bah! So many small differences it is hard to choose!


Side Note: Found the Luke Vs Desann fight

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Are you sure he wouldnt have strength to match Savage, think about how strong Luke is, and Vader of whom Luke overpowered. Savage MIGHT be stronger but thats not entirely clear.


Desann ain't stronger than Vader if that's what you mean.


But in regards to Savage vs Desann. Savage most likely takes it, his weapon, strength and ability is good enough to win.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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