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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

2.8+ DPS Leaderboard

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I contemplated Updating the last one, but was unsure if I would be swapping this game for Wildstar (like the OP did I'm sure). I would be more than willing to create a new page if others updated it with me as well.


Yeah we should probably restart the thread.


Though this time, update it to the 1.5 mill hp dummy. Its time. There are multiple people of each advanced class with 80+% of their gear being dread masters, and since each server leaderboard has a 1.5 mill HP option, we'll get to see it all.

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Yeah we should probably restart the thread.


Though this time, update it to the 1.5 mill hp dummy. Its time. There are multiple people of each advanced class with 80+% of their gear being dread masters, and since each server leaderboard has a 1.5 mill HP option, we'll get to see it all.


Personally, I don't feel its the right time to move it to 1.5m. Yes some classes are getting closer and closer to 4,500, but not everyone is there yet. Possibly with the next tier of gear and/or class changes 1.5m will be the new standard, but with the current Dread Master (186) gear the 1m dummy is a perfect fit. I would love to hear what others' opinions are! /thread

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Yeah we should probably restart the thread.


Though this time, update it to the 1.5 mill hp dummy. Its time. There are multiple people of each advanced class with 80+% of their gear being dread masters, and since each server leaderboard has a 1.5 mill HP option, we'll get to see it all.


I agree people are starting to get pretty quick to 1 mil, I think with starting a new thread, should move it to 1.5mil, just my thoughts

Edited by Gnimish
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I don't think 1.5 million should be the health pool for dummy parses until 1.5 million parses are done in 5 minutes on average in the meta of the parsing community. I think 5 minutes is a very solid benchmark. I think once level cap and new abilities/new gear happens, 1.5 million may be the better method, but even with 186 gear, 1 million IMHO is a better parse right now.
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Currently in the process of editing the current excel spreadsheet. Have a few friends helping edit it so we can have this done tonight (Maybe?) Will be creating a new thread when this is done. I will notate who will be able to edit the spreadsheet so this can be done on an (almost) daily basis.
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Currently in the process of editing the current excel spreadsheet. Have a few friends helping edit it so we can have this done tonight (Maybe?) Will be creating a new thread when this is done. I will notate who will be able to edit the spreadsheet so this can be done on an (almost) daily basis.


WAT BOUT MY LIGHTNINZ PARSE? does it go up in a lightning section ?

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Well its not the top sadly, but here is my new Juggernauts latest parse.


3975.6 - 4:11.649 - http://www.torparse.com/a/729112/time/1406366040/1406366291/0/Overview

AMR: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/466c0165-f5a0-437d-9078-f0848200b63a


Couldn't get the intervals set correctly on Torparse, so here is the actual DPS in TTK if that's how you plan to add them Yolo.


04:14:00.952 Vezev enters combat.

04:18:11.967 Vezev kills Operations Training Dummy.

1,000,000/4:11.015 (251.015 sec) = 3983.825

Edited by veSev
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Keiki has pretty much gone to Wildstar and a new updater is very much needed. Ty Yolo and your friends for doing so. Same is needed for the Shadowlands Progression thread too as she is supposed to also update that, but hasn't done so in some time. :mad:
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no mainhand, one relic and unoptimized mods and enhancements. DT implant ears ect ect ect


such a shame its on the 1.5m dummy :(


This is a great thing to point out & will be addressed on the new thread that will be up later this evening, an AMR will be required if you want your post on the boards. No AMR = no post (I will have another tab for incomplete parses with missing information). But we will be going with the 1 Million HP dummy until the majority of classes are within 5 minutes on the 1.5 Million HP dummy.

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This is a great thing to point out & will be addressed on the new thread that will be up later this evening, an AMR will be required if you want your post on the boards. No AMR = no post (I will have another tab for incomplete parses with missing information). But we will be going with the 1 Million HP dummy until the majority of classes are within 5 minutes on the 1.5 Million HP dummy.


it wasnt my intention to have this parse posted becasue i didnt know 1.5m parses were included?

i was just sharing a nice parse that i got for once so you all can feel bad for me and my servers 1.5m leaderboard





but hey if oyur going to open up and accept 1.5m parses then wewt :rak_03:

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