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Sents need PVP buff


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Right now, the only justifiable change would be to give back the old Undying Rage. Put it back to where it cut your HP by half at the START of the 4 second duration, and allow you to be healed while it is active.


Do that one thing, and BOOM, all of a sudden everything will be alright.

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Im sorry but having read through this and noticing that so many people are crying about needing stuns etc all i could think of was *** is Awe if not a stun? it stuns all in range for up to 6 seconds. most classes stuns are single target (excluding flash grenade for smugglers) couple that with stasis and you not only have 2 stuns but one of these does damage while they are incapacitated.

I suggest some people need to learn their class before whining about it. I have had my sent since release and its never felt so well tuned as it is now. And as for damage output in PVP? maras and sents are always hitting stupidly high numbers esp. if they have a healer with them. So no, they dont need a damage boost. In fact they prob need a slight nerf to bring them in line with other dps classes,and for those complaining about surviving, well pvp is meant to be team based. learn to play as a team and you should have no issues at all and find yourself close to top for damage output.

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I don't think you have played a level 55 Sentinel in a WZ.




* adding an armor debuff to Zealous Strike. Less target armor rating increases damage output on target.

* reworking Centering to allow being attacked. Faster building on Centering will allow Transcendence and Zen to be used more often. Increased survivability increases damage output.

* adding 2% Melee Parry/Range Deflect per point in Dual Wield Mastery. Innate 6% increase to Melee Parry/Range Deflect increases defense chances increases survivability increases damage output.


combat PS carnage gore are 100% armor debuff and smash has 30% armor penetration..

you actually build zen being attacked, it's tier one combat tree...

rebuke is one of the best dcds ingame and can be up almost all the times, same for pacify when rebuke is on cd

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combat PS carnage gore are 100% armor debuff and smash has 30% armor penetration..

you actually build zen being attacked, it's tier one combat tree...

rebuke is one of the best dcds ingame and can be up almost all the times, same for pacify when rebuke is on cd


Gore is great when you get it but having a 4.5 seconds window doesn't leave anytime when you just got stunned.


As for 30% armor penetration on Sweep/Smash: Focus Guardians' get that and an armor debuff from Sundering Strike.


I do stand corrected on building Centering while being attack but the devs need to recheck to see if that portion is working. Because, every time there is an update abilities get broken.


Rebuke is great but with a 60 second CD and a max duration of 10 seconds; it lacks compared to Sage's Force Armor.

Edited by Ramtar
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shii-cho mastery: shii-cho form increases armor penetration 15/30%

it's in sentinel focus tree



rebuke refreshes himself up to 30 seconds which is not bad at all


and gore is what it is..better if white barred, and the most useful is the proc'd one, but nobody should expect to land a full master strike during gore against good players..it's like eating thundering blast+chain standing still but with more damage..


and i assume you have cybertech or at least blue grenades..they help a lot on sent/mara

Edited by JouerTue
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ya, sents just need a decent def cd, honestly they are not that good, and gbt is not the anwser. id rather get something that takes more ranaged damage away, damage is fine atm, even in watchman. but honestly, if your playing in watchman and facetanking, or rushing in first you playing it all wrong. watchman has to be played sneaky, rather then in your face like combat. give combat decent def cd, and increase watchmans grp heal = done deal , signed sealed , delivered. its only makeing the heal half better, thats all. the class was offheal class and when they took that out, it riuned it. less damage out of watchman bit of grp heals. better def cd for combat , better damage in it. done.
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Im sorry but having read through this and noticing that so many people are crying about needing stuns etc all i could think of was *** is Awe if not a stun? it stuns all in range for up to 6 seconds. most classes stuns are single target (excluding flash grenade for smugglers) couple that with stasis and you not only have 2 stuns but one of these does damage while they are incapacitated.

I suggest some people need to learn their class before whining about it. I have had my sent since release and its never felt so well tuned as it is now. And as for damage output in PVP? maras and sents are always hitting stupidly high numbers esp. if they have a healer with them. So no, they dont need a damage boost. In fact they prob need a slight nerf to bring them in line with other dps classes,and for those complaining about surviving, well pvp is meant to be team based. learn to play as a team and you should have no issues at all and find yourself close to top for damage output.


The issue most people have with Stasis is that it is the ONLY hard stun that is channelled. You can't attack them, while you're using it. Sure, it's all well and good that it does damage while it's being channelled...but that damage doesn't even come close to a crit on our hard hitting abilities. It's also highly susceptible to interrupts; I know if I see someone using it on a team mate, I'll do my best to interrupt it, if I can. I think most people would be happy if they made the Guardian Tank ability that stops it being channelled universal, or perhaps leave the channel and add interrupt immunity during it's duration. (Although personally, I don't care too much about it; I use it mostly as an interrupt or in a 1v1 when my Zen is active :) )


Aside from that; I agree with the Force Camo having a snare break as a baseline ability; nothing ruins a watchman sent faster than constant snares (especially when they don't respect full resolve......) Also the change to Gimped by the Force. If they reverted it back to how it used to be, I'd be happy. Hell, I'd be happy if they added an increased upfront health reduction + a minor healing debuff. Say; 60% health reduction and a 15-20% healing debuff. Just something to make it useful. As it is, most of the time I pop it and end up stunned or knocked back and snared and boom; dead.


Damage wise; we're in a good place. On my Watchman, I have little trouble burning through most healers (aside from decent Scouperatives...god damn evasion). I wouldn't mind our self heals being buffed though... pretty please :o

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I'm confused are the people that Sent/Mara's are attacking just standing there. As far as i know every class has a **** ton of escapes/stuns/disables. Vanguards have 7 secs of stun, Commandos cant be snared 40% of the time have 4 secs of stun, a 30 meter disable, and a knock back with a slow. Sage/Sorc have all the same except they have force speed instead of hold the line. GS cant be leapt too have high tail it and dodge, defense screen and Leg Shot. Stealth classes can stun us from the start meaning we can't use our any of our DCDs at all (gotta love those 10k crits). Guardians have guardian leap as an escape and focused defense not to mention heavy armor which affords a little more natural mitigation.


The way I see it, the problem is so many people have been whining so much about Sent/Mara damage that it's been reduced to the point that if we can't use ANY of our DCDs then we are rendered inert. Don't get me wrong the damage is fine where it is the problem right now is there are so many CCs in the game coupled with the fact that people know we die fast and Sent/Mara's are now usually stunned and focused down very fast, but because we are stunned we cant use any of our DCDs which means we die even faster.


Want to fix the problem, and it is a problem, it's really simple give us the ability to use some of our DCDs while stunned MAYBE, and that's a big maybe, add an additional stun breaker if it dosen't make them stupidly overpowered possibly to GbtF/UR so the CD is still 2 mins

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Gore is great when you get it but having a 4.5 seconds window doesn't leave anytime when you just got stunned.


Rebuke is great but with a 60 second CD and a max duration of 10 seconds; it lacks compared to Sage's Force Armor.


Part of being a good mara/sent is knowing when to use gore. Rebuke/cloak of pain can last for a maximum of 30 seconds, not 10. Everything you've been suggesting in this thread would make mara/sents super OP. The class is already very strong, only guardians have better defenses due to heal 2 full. The only defense changes that would help the classes is reverting GbtF/UR and possibly making camo drop roots/snares as a baseline ability. If you think that mara/sents are underpowered or too easy to kill, you're wrong.


What class balance in the other classes? Force Leap (15 sec CD) and Twin Saber Throw (18 sec CD) are Sentinel's only 30m attack and Force Camouflage (45 sec CD) is suppose to be a closer? How many 10-30m attacks a Sorcerer has that are on 6-9 sec CDs? None of our abilities that do massive damage have a CD lower that 12 seconds. Don't even get me started on Defensive CDs compared to the other classes.


You're comparing apples to oranges. Of course sorcs are going to have more ranged attacks! Sorcs are a ranged class, maras are melee.


Everything you're saying makes me think you don't know how to play the class and want an over powered, easy to play faceroll class. Like smash is.

Edited by HaemmernZeit
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Part of being a good mara/sent is knowing when to use gore. Rebuke/cloak of pain can last for a maximum of 30 seconds, not 10. Everything you've been suggesting in this thread would make mara/sents super OP. The class is already very strong, only guardians have better defenses due to heal 2 full. The only defense changes that would help the classes is reverting GbtF/UR and possibly making camo drop roots/snares as a baseline ability. If you think that mara/sents are underpowered or too easy to kill, you're wrong.




You're comparing apples to oranges. Of course sorcs are going to have more ranged attacks! Sorcs are a ranged class, maras are melee.


Everything you're saying makes me think you don't know how to play the class and want an over powered, easy to play faceroll class. Like smash is.


I'm comparing the CDs on the abilities. Sorcerer (Range) has an ability on 6 second CD, and Operative (Melee) Shiv has a 6 second CD. Guardians can reduce Overhead Slash's CD to 9 seconds thur Vigilance.


Any class can be easy when you practice your rotation daily.


OP Sentinel/Marauder would bring in line with Sorcerer/Sage and Juggernaut/Guardian


some reasons why I run Focus:


* 2 leaps

* constant 30% armor penetration

* 92.01% Critical Multiplier

Edited by Ramtar
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Am I the only one to think that the sentinel class is in a really good spot now? After the buffs, watchman offers formidable sustained damage with occasional nice burst and good survivability. Combat trades some survivability for insane burst and utility. Focus has decent single-target pressure combined with decent aoe pressure (not retardedly overpowered as it used to be, but still some pressure nonetheless). But let us be honest, anyone who can play watchman and/or combat at least decently will never have to resort to using derp smash as they offer far more potential for skilled players to excel. Except on some particular occasions.


This whole "lel sentinels/marauders are underpowered" movement started after the well deserved nerf of smash. This was the go to spec for a lot of the average and less than average players who liked the idea of putting up big numbers without putting in the effort. Incredibly easy to use and incredibly potent in terms of damage. This is never a good combination. Now matter how bad you were, you could still put up numbers with smash.


All classes should provide the tools for skilled players to excel. In my opinion, the developers should not balance the classes around average or below average players who instead of working on getting better, rely on "something getting changed" or "something getting buffed" for them to perform... What are you? A hungry dog waiting under the table for some scraps? That is how classes get overpowered. When the average players perform well with a particular spec/class (guardians/juggernauts and probably pts/vanguards right now), what do you think happens to the skilled players? Those same people who know how to push their specs/classes to the limit become way too powerful.


So to put things into perspective... In the current state of the game, a sentinel can REALLY excel as watchman, as combat and hell, even as smash if you like being limited by this noobish spec. The first two specs offer incredible potential for GOOD players to excel and that is what matters. It could be argued that some changes could be made to guarded by the force, but anything over that is completely unnecessary.


People whinning about the state of their sents should read that and go practice. All they need is to be able to activate GBTF while CCed and nothing else in case they are caught with their pants down in a chain CC.

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I think the idea that sentinels should beat every class in melee is stupid. They most definitely deserved a nerf as well, though I'm now playing a marauder.


Guarded by the force does need a buff or change however, because it's currently more of a threat to yourself than anything else.


Remove the 50% health cost after the effect expires and put it before the effect begins, or remove that altogether and give a significant debuff to healing after the effect expires (but perhaps make it only useable at 30% health then). Stuns should still be a viable means of sitting out the effect, but perhaps an immunity to slows and roots is warranted, either that OR being activated while stunned.


The problem I had with mara's using this when I was playing other classes was simply the cooldown. They could be healed back to full while invulnerable way too often. Other than that it was fine.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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