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No way to play with friends?


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My friend is a level 55. I'm at level 29. Apparently there's no way for us to play together without incurring XP penalties?


Why is this still set up like this, yet there's a bolster system in PvP?

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Perhaps the OP would like a "mentoring" system whereby the higher-level character is downtuned to match the lower-lower level character in terms of gear and abilities. Such a system has existed in other MMOs. I for one would enjoy something like that in TOR.


But I suppose it's more fun for you to bash the OP, rather than bring anything meaningful to the discussion.


Yeah, that.


Many games out there have mentoring systems nowadays (WoW still doesn't, but 'nuff said about that).


Gripes, even Rift of all games has a mentoring system. I'm not even sure why MMOs don't launch with them nowadays. That should be as basic as a group finder.


Still, no one has yet to do it as well as City of Heroes did it.

Edited by Jumajin
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Perhaps the OP would like a "mentoring" system whereby the higher-level character is downtuned to match the lower-lower level character in terms of gear and abilities. Such a system has existed in other MMOs. I for one would enjoy something like that in TOR.


But I suppose it's more fun for you to bash the OP, rather than bring anything meaningful to the discussion.



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If it's a type of mentoring system you want, take a look at my signature with my idea for the game :)


Wow... People have been suggesting this for two years and BioWare is ignoring it? Are they on maintenance mode or what?

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Wow... People have been suggesting this for two years and BioWare is ignoring it? Are they on maintenance mode or what?


You do realize probably thousands of ideas have been suggested(and not implemented) for every MMO that currently exists right?


One person's priorities is not the same as everyone's priorities.

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I'm not even sure why MMOs don't launch with them nowadays. That should be as basic as a group finder.


Maybe because in the modern era of western style MMOs (eastern grind-fest MMOs are a whole different discussion)... they are so simple and easy to level a character that there is little real merit for a mentoring system that down-levels the higher character.


Case in point... this MMO.. and the OP. If he and his friend really wante to play together.. what stops the other player from rolling a new character to level up with the OP at the start?


Would some people use a mentoring system if it was implemented? Absolutely. Is it something that is overwhelmingly needed and asked for by players? Not that I have observed.

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WRT mentoring, leveling a tune doesn't teach you how to use that toon in Operations. There is nothing equivalent to an operation Boss fight in the leveling missions, not even in the flashpoints. So mentoring during leveling is not really important.


You can learn your spec and your rotations off the internet, and practice on a dummy to get your resource management down. That lst is important for ops, way more than in leveling or non-HM FPs.


But IMO the only way to learn situational awareness and the unique fight mechanics of an op boss fight is to do it, preferably with people who know how and will coach you. Having a great guild helps, and is the best mentoring system available.

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WRT mentoring, leveling a tune doesn't teach you how to use that toon in Operations. There is nothing equivalent to an operation Boss fight in the leveling missions, not even in the flashpoints. So mentoring during leveling is not really important.


You can learn your spec and your rotations off the internet, and practice on a dummy to get your resource management down. That lst is important for ops, way more than in leveling or non-HM FPs.


But IMO the only way to learn situational awareness and the unique fight mechanics of an op boss fight is to do it, preferably with people who know how and will coach you. Having a great guild helps, and is the best mentoring system available.


You completely missed the point.

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They should adapt the bolstering system to match your power level to the group the way it does elsewhere.

Of course, I'm pretty sure you're being bolstered based on your geographic location in the world so tying it to group status may be too hard.


If they could do it, restricting the bolster by proximity (since quest objectives can already detect that anyway) would eliminate most of the potential to exploit it.


On the other hand, grouping with a big level disparity really only affects MOB kills and doesn't reduce your quest XP reward.

So yeah, you lose the extra kill XP you'd have gotten along the way but since you're killing so much faster, you can get more quests done in the same amount of time and it all pretty much balances out.



And as for the devs not listening to player desires... Well, players are a whiny, demanding lot and some of the things players want are just stupid.

Others may be cool but are outside the scope of what the game's managers want for the game.

Most often it boils down to a time vs payoff decision.

Development resources are finite and more time spent working on Feature A means less time for Feature B.

If Feature A is the better option for their goals, then that's what they're gonna choose.

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They probably deduced that for the number of people that would use it at 55 and for how long it would be relevant (leveling is pretty fast) it simply wasn't worth the effort.


1-54 you can run tactical flashpoints and pvp as is and it's safely assumed people at higher levels will go for that. Introducing a scaling subsystem for the few 55 Samaritans that'll replay content with friends for absolutely no advancement of their own has to have a low ROI. Most people in a situation like that will simply make a lowbie alt to play that for the purpose of levelling it in a group.

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I see no harm in continuing these characters solo, and starting two new ones to play together. If the character level difference is insignificant, penalties are not much. I have a level 17 char that is going turn right around and go play Corsucant again so the level 12 character can catch up level and story-wise to her.


It is worthwhile anyway to have 5 characters running in parallel to establish the Legacy and cover all crafts after you have a higher level credits making character to support the low level ones. Doing it any other way is much harder imo.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I see no harm in continuing these characters solo, and starting two new ones to play together. If the character level difference is insignificant, penalties are not much. I have a level 17 char that is going turn right around and go play Corsucant again so the level 12 character can catch up level and story-wise to her.


It is worthwhile anyway to have 5 characters running in parallel to establish the Legacy and cover all crafts after you have a higher level credits making character to support the low level ones. Doing it any other way is much harder imo.


Every word of this. Not only that, but you get a much richer experience team leveling like this. Two stories for the price of one!


Some of the best experiences I've had in this game were with one particular leveling partner. Don't miss out. -bp

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