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Modest game balance suggestion limit advanced ship types

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Wow what an amazing statement. Well I guess if your goal in games is to hurt the other player's feelings and make them not want to play the game it does make sense.


Given I've literally streamed games where I just fly around uselessly when the matchmaking is heavily favored toward my team I don't think this ridiculous conclusion you've taken from my statement has a lot of meaning.

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Given I've literally streamed games where I just fly around uselessly when the matchmaking is heavily favored toward my team I don't think this ridiculous conclusion you've taken from my statement has a lot of meaning.


So you are broadcasting matches of exactly how pathetic your competition is, and you think that demonstrates you aren't out to rub it in their face ?


I gotta ask though how is it less fun to be doing nothing in a ship you "like to fly" vs actually fighting in another ship ?

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I gotta ask though how is it less fun to be doing nothing in a ship you "like to fly" vs actually fighting in another ship ?


he wouldn't be fighting anyway, he'd just be flying uselessly in a ship he was forced to use

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I'm opposed. If they want, they can earn the ships like the rest of us. If they don't have them, they don't have them.


So instead of say limiting your choice, if there was an imbalance in ship selections between the teams the team that was short ships would be temporarily be granted ships ?


I'd be much more in favor of just giving all players 10k fleet req spendable only on ships, and going forward starting all new players with that. In fact, every idea on this note has been better than yours, which is awful.


Actually I am pretty certain it would make the game much more interesting or at the very least give it an extra dimension.


No, it would not. Let's play "what would happen if the devs were so drunk that they took anything general_brass has ever typed seriously, as if it were communications, instead of just screams to try to get attention from the forums".



1)- Earning ships would be confusing, especially for a noob. "I could get the battle scout, and it's excellent, OR I could get the bomber, but I wouldn't get to earn req on my bomber, right? Like, what if I go into a battle and a bomber main can't play because I'm on mine? How does it work who can play? AM I MAKING MY TEAM WORSE BY PICKING SUPPORT????


2)- Playing would be awful. I wouldn't be able to swap to the ship that the team needs. I wouldn't be able to play the ship I enjoy. But you KNOW this- that's why you think it's a good idea. you hate good players sooooo much and you especially hate bombers and gunships. Why should the devs make my game experience bad? I actually PLAY the game.


3)- Bait and switch for anyone who bought support ships. Again, you LIKE this, because you think anyone who plays as a team, doesn't fly slowly in a straight line shooting rapid fire laser, has friends, spends requisition, or plays anything but starguard is cheating. You'd LOVE for the actual players of this game to suffer. "Don't terrible bads who don't care and queue sporadically deserve to have as much fun as you?"




And neither do you! You don't get to sit back and laugh as players who have played by the rules and obtained the ships that this entails flail about, unable to choose anything but novadive or starguard! You'll never have the pleasure.


4)- Ships are not balanced that way. I'm sure you noticed that ships are meant to have tradeoffs. Gunships and bombers are not strictly better than scouts and strikes. They are not "advanced ship types" in any way. In fact, it's easier to be moderately helpful on a bomber than on a rocket pod scout, which is what you actually start with. The fact that the boy bomber, type 1 gunship, and type 2 scout define the meta is mostly a result of them having a particularly favorable set of components- in theory, the type 2 gunship is a solid contender, having abilities the type 1 does not. In practice, they are not as good. Instead of addressing balance issues, you would have them written into the soul of the game, made permanent.


5)- There's no way in the game to choose who would get to actually pick their good ships. If it was first come, first served, it would be all about who has the SSD. If it's random, it would punish good players. If it's based on achievements, or some other metric by which it can figure out that I should be able to choose a bomber or gunship because that will help my team a lot more, that could be ok-ish, but it wouldn't get what you want, which is noobs playing on some ship they aren't comfortable with and aces forced into playing something the team doesn't need.




This idea is awful. The phrasing is awful. The ramifications are awful. It will never happen. None of your ideas, all of which exist solely to hurt veteran players so you can walk in and launch ludicrous rhetorical questions, will EVER happen.

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No, it would not. Let's play "what would happen if the devs were so drunk that they took anything general_brass has ever typed seriously, as if it were communications, instead of just screams to try to get attention from the forums".



Well if you wanted to demonstrate that you don't deal well with any viewpoint but your own, you have succeeded.


1)- Earning ships would be confusing, especially for a noob. "I could get the battle scout, and it's excellent, OR I could get the bomber, but I wouldn't get to earn req on my bomber, right? Like, what if I go into a battle and a bomber main can't play because I'm on mine? How does it work who can play? AM I MAKING MY TEAM WORSE BY PICKING SUPPORT????


Overall where on the scale of confusing would you rank this ? Above or below

Being 1 shot by ships

Being shot by ships halfway across the map

Having ship types that can't get to the action without running out of gas ?


Everything has a confusion element when you don't understand what is going on. Having items grayed out is hardly a new experience for anyone who uses a computer.


2)- Playing would be awful. I wouldn't be able to swap to the ship that the team needs. I wouldn't be able to play the ship I enjoy. But you KNOW this- that's why you think it's a good idea. you hate good players sooooo much and you especially hate bombers and gunships. Why should the devs make my game experience bad? I actually PLAY the game.


The majority of all games ever made limit what you can use as equipment, who can be on the teams, when team players can be switched. This does not make them "BAD" rather it makes them very very good.


Well seeing as a gunship was the first ship I mastered and a bomber the second, I think you might have a tiny bit better luck claiming I hate scouts and strikes, a person not trying to be polite might claim you need an enema.


3)- Bait and switch for anyone who bought support ships.


Have to break this up a bit,


Any change to ship stats, system stats, anything that alters the game balance is bait and switch. Right now we get nerfs based on groups of players driving things to worst case scenarios. The no safe spawn in deathmatch is a prime example of nerf because of allowing an imbalance in team composition.


Again, you LIKE this, because you think anyone who plays as a team, doesn't fly slowly in a straight line shooting rapid fire laser, has friends, spends requisition, or plays anything but starguard is cheating. You'd LOVE for the actual players of this game to suffer.


I read this and I can only think you are very insecure in your ability to do well in this game.


"Don't terrible bads who don't care and queue sporadically deserve to have as much fun as you?]




Just makes me sad.


And neither do you! You don't get to sit back and laugh as players who have played by the rules and obtained the ships that this entails flail about, unable to choose anything but novadive or starguard! You'll never have the pleasure


So you think that without the greater ship options, your "good" players wouldn't be able to win ? And it would be funny for me because I wouldn't be able to use all the 20 ship options I have ?



4)- Ships are not balanced that way. I'm sure you noticed that ships are meant to have tradeoffs. Gunships and bombers are not strictly better than scouts and strikes. They are not "advanced ship types" in any way. In fact, it's easier to be moderately helpful on a bomber than on a rocket pod scout, which is what you actually start with. The fact that the boy bomber, type 1 gunship, and type 2 scout define the meta is mostly a result of them having a particularly favorable set of components- in theory, the type 2 gunship is a solid contender, having abilities the type 1 does not. In practice, they are not as good. Instead of addressing balance issues, you would have them written into the soul of the game, made permanent.


Balance gets built into the soul of a game one way or another Games that are well balanced are fun for the vast majority of players, games that aren't well aren't.


5)- There's no way in the game to choose who would get to actually pick their good ships. If it was first come, first served, it would be all about who has the SSD. If it's random, it would punish good players. If it's based on achievements, or some other metric by which it can figure out that I should be able to choose a bomber or gunship because that will help my team a lot more, that could be ok-ish, but it wouldn't get what you want, which is noobs playing on some ship they aren't comfortable with and aces forced into playing something the team doesn't need.


Somehow I got the impression from these forums that good players were good in any ship.



This idea is awful. The phrasing is awful. The ramifications are awful. It will never happen. None of your ideas, all of which exist solely to hurt veteran players so you can walk in and launch ludicrous rhetorical questions, will EVER happen.


Most of "My ideas" are borrowed from successful games. Usually games considerably more successful than GSF. As much as I would like to claim them as my own, I am just repeating what works very very well.

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So you're admitting that your idea is useless (based on this point alone). When you add everything that Verain nicely summarized... Why are we still talking about it?




Come now, Somebody says they don't like not having a choice when they wouldn't be doing much of anything anyway is hardly an indictment of any proposal anyone has ever made anywhere. All it does is impeach the idea that limiting their choice would spoil the fun they weren't having.

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You do realise that most of the really good pilots don’t rely on gunships and bombers and a swarm of fighters, scouts will finish u just as quick lol


If you cant kill a gunship or bomber the problem is yours not theirs. I have taken a completely unmodified scout and took some of the good gunships out, and gunships are ya perfect counter to the best bombers.


I suggest you start playing a gunship, bomber more to learn more, they are quite easy to take out if you know how.


Before u say I must be a bomber or gunship pilot yes I am, infact im a every ship pilot because I want to know how to kill everything suggest you do the same.


i prey they dont do anything to cater to the low skilled pilots coz there lazy. as for new people comming into GSF, only other week i came across a brand new gsf pilot that i recruited and took under my wing so to speak lol and guess what hes doing better than alot of the players i know to have more advanced ships against is standard starting ships lol.


The most important thing in GSF is not mod a,b,c, or 4, 8, 2 gunships etc its skill that is the vast majority needed, yes if you got 8 pros in maxed ships v 8 pro's in unmodified ships yes they wud struggle but thats not the argument here.

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It's a given that better matchmaking would improve the game, but as things stand there's threads dedicated to the matchmaker not doing its job when it should of been able to. Even with better matchmaking you still have to admit, there will be the dominant compositions for given matches. Bomber stacking for domination, gunship walls for deathmatch and I am sure things I have not thought of. The usual way that kind of thing gets dealt with is by nerfing whatever unit types make it possible. The question then comes down to would you prefer having unlimited freedom to play ships that have been pounded into uniformity, or have less freedom to play ships that are still distinctive and different in how they play ?


this is comming from someone that also loves the gunships along with all the other ships.


one question


How long do you think that wall of gunships lasts when a scout comes from behind with damage overcharge.


Answer - not long. and for those quick enough to react are now facing me that is behind them, and my team now attacking from behind.


most compositions can be overcome when matched with equal skill and tatics.

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My Quell is typically at the top of the leader board, or a close second. Or my Flashfire when I play Pub. Does that make these "advanced ships"? Come to think of it, I have yet to see another Quell on my team, and I can wreck more havoc than any Gunship could even try.


The problem with Gunships and Bombers, is that the majority of people don't know how to deal with them. When I first started playing GSF, I absolutely hated gunships. Now? They are free kills to me.


Bombers are still hard to deal with, mostly because of how tanky they are. But they can't do anything on their own, and a GOOD gunship pilot will wreck anything that a bomber tries to throw out on the field.


All in all, too many of these type a ships will not win your team any games. They are noob wreckers, yes I agree. But not overpowered or overabundant in any way


bang on my friend.


also to OP:


In regards to the suggestion granting free ships, NO.


I along with many earned ours. I have just started a new char that is level 11 ish, and already up to a mark I consistently finish in top 3 for anything.


This yet again comes back to low skilled players wanting everything for free and nerfing.


May I make a suggestion, instead of suggestions like this ask bioware to implement a nerf to pro’s like blasters fire 10% less quicker than a noobs, rockets travel at half speed against noobs, and best one, you have an ability that has unlimited missile lock on breaks, and rail guns only do 10% of there potential damage against noobs.


But guess what if they granted that those players will still get their butts handed to them lol.

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one more thing OP since your also calling some people insecure about there place in this game.


If you have a mastered gunship then if your any type of a good player you would know a gunship is a easy kill to a good player in a scout, fighter.


This type of pvp is majority skill focused mods are just a cherry on cake.


It is not us that are insecure, its you and other low skilled players that want a easy ride, sorry not going to happen and if bioware actually listened to you, there would only be noobs playing gsf as all the good players would leave.


perhaps ask the good players to turn their monitors off when playing noobs to give them a slight chance lol.

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So you are broadcasting matches of exactly how pathetic your competition is, and you think that demonstrates you aren't out to rub it in their face ?


I gotta ask though how is it less fun to be doing nothing in a ship you "like to fly" vs actually fighting in another ship ?


You know... if you want your suggestions to be taken seriously, you have to stop with the ridiculous, off base attacking of people on the forums that disagree with you. Just because someone doesn't agree with you, doesn't mean that they're out hunting newbies every night. I'm sure there might be some, but you let fly with the "you veterans are out to kill newbies!" argument in most threads you are involved in, whether you know the person or have even seen them fly.


I would like to make the game more newb friendly, but there are better ways to do it than to take away things that veteran players have worked for. I mentioned it before and I'll mention again that a lowibe and a highbie bracket would help out a lot, since even Verain's good suggestion of giving players more ship req off the bat (or just give them the option of 3-4 type 1 ships to pick from) will not separate the skilled from the unskilled. Sure, you'll have people on alts like me that are vets and have hardly any req earned, but most people aren't alt crazy and they'll still be in lower req ships.


Either one of those seems a better solution than a convoluted one that would probably take more development time that would either limit vet player's choices, or one that allows newbies to temporarily play other ship types.

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You do realise that most of the really good pilots don’t rely on gunships and bombers and a swarm of fighters, scouts will finish u just as quick lol




Nobody finishes me quickly, unless I am deliberately playing goofy to give the other side a chance.


Nice try though.

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Nobody finishes me quickly, unless I am deliberately playing goofy to give the other side a chance.


Nice try though.


so from everything I said that's the one thing u pick on, ummm lol


in reply then u havnt met that many great scouts and fighters coz even the absolute best in gunships at times get finished off quickly are u the exception to rule?


am I great at GSF, yes I am, do die also, yes I do, but I wouldn't ever say im never finished off quick lol

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I would like to make the game more newb friendly, but there are better ways to do it than to take away things that veteran players have worked for. I mentioned it before and I'll mention again that a lowibe and a highbie bracket would help out a lot, since even Verain's good suggestion of giving players more ship req off the bat (or just give them the option of 3-4 type 1 ships to pick from) will not separate the skilled from the unskilled. Sure, you'll have people on alts like me that are vets and have hardly any req earned, but most people aren't alt crazy and they'll still be in lower req ships.


Either one of those seems a better solution than a convoluted one that would probably take more development time that would either limit vet player's choices, or one that allows newbies to temporarily play other ship types.



I am sorry and don't take my disagreeing with you as an attack, but every thread suggesting separate queues, or even the possibility that people would be able to opt out of unbalanced matches receives a violent reaction.


Hell Verrain has characterized my suggestion of allowing people to opt out of matches with premade groups as punishing good players. I don't know how you can read that as anything else but he feels entitled to bring an advantage against people who by definition don't have it, and doesn't really care just how bad it makes the game for other people.


Just look at this thread


You would think there was never an online game that limited team composition. That having well defined team composition in a game ruins games for people, and anyone who thinks otherwise is bad.


Occams scalpel here , the only type of solution they come up with is bribing people with items that can only be obtained through this game, to play something they wouldn't otherwise. What do you make of that ? Personally I see it as indicating that "good fights" really aren't their purpose but they are perfectly willing to fight people who are just their for the loot and probably afk.

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Child you didn't say much of anything


Yeah, that's that winning charm going. Not saying others don't have that issue (it's an MMO forum, after all), but it doesn't help you.


I am sorry and don't take my disagreeing with you as an attack, but every thread suggesting separate queues, or even the possibility that people would be able to opt out of unbalanced matches receives a violent reaction.


Disagreements aren't always violent with it, and they are often for good, rational reasons. Separating queues is a ticklish business with how small the population is already, so some worry about that (though I think we'd have more people queueing if we just had two simple queues based on how much req people have earned). But opting out of unbalanced matches goes even further than that. People generally hate quitters, as it makes teams even more unbalanced and less fun.


I HATE people that quit or give up in ground PVP. Who does that help? If you're going to sit on a node and pick your nose, don't queue up with me. I only have so many hours a week to play, and I don't want to waste them with teammates that don't even want to try. I don't like getting defeated, either, but I'd rather go out in a blaze of glory than spend precious game time watching electronic grass blow in the breeze.


I'm hardly the only one that thinks this, so people quitting matches or lowering the rate of matches is always going to provoke some ire.


Hell Verrain has characterized my suggestion of allowing people to opt out of matches with premade groups as punishing good players. I don't know how you can read that as anything else but he feels entitled to bring an advantage against people who by definition don't have it, and doesn't really care just how bad it makes the game for other people.


As has been pointed out many times to you, it's an MMO. You're supposed to group up... it's how the game is designed (and the social aspect is a major reason MMOs work). If you want to go Don Quixote and argue against it... okay, but don't expect people to take it too seriously.


You would think there was never an online game that limited team composition. That having well defined team composition in a game ruins games for people, and anyone who thinks otherwise is bad.


I think some games have limited team composition, but it's pretty rare in big name games that I can think of. TF2, Battlefield, most MMOs, etc. And there's a reason for that--people want to play what they want to play, and not be forced into something by some arbitrary game mechanic.


Occams scalpel here , the only type of solution they come up with is bribing people with items that can only be obtained through this game, to play something they wouldn't otherwise. What do you make of that ? Personally I see it as indicating that "good fights" really aren't their purpose but they are perfectly willing to fight people who are just their for the loot and probably afk.


Are you saying the only thing people have come up with to get more people to queue is bribing with rewards? I've seen suggestions other than that, and just because someone suggests the idea doesn't mean they want noob fodder. I want more people queueing up because I think GSF is fun and people will pick up on that the more they play.

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As it was several times suggested in some threads, solution could be separate queues.


One without limits and one allowing just basic ships (strikes and scouts) and just solo queue.


YES, it would lead definitely to longer waiting time, but there are also advantages:

For example most important for me would be more fun for ordinary players. GSF is mostly arcade game so lots of people enjoy just thrill of pure dogfight. I dont understant what is so much funny on sitting whole game on satelite and farting mines or shooting from safe distance, but this would not dissapear. People who like this type of game would still be able to do it, just with probably much smaller group of people who like it too.


Common objection is that veterans still will be able to farm newbies. Yes, that´s true. But without bombers (Domination) and GS (Deathmatch) these veterans must fly in to the enemies and get their hands dirty. In terms of learning how to fly it is very different to be killed by mines or shot from far distance and to be outmaneuvered .


Many people says that farming newbies is not fun and that they don´t like it. But any attempt to change current status is rejected with anger. It seems like some people in fact enjoy farming and just dont want to change anything.

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As it was several times suggested in some threads, solution could be separate queues.


One without limits and one allowing just basic ships (strikes and scouts) and just solo queue.


YES, it would lead definitely to longer waiting time, but there are also advantages:

For example most important for me would be more fun for ordinary players. GSF is mostly arcade game so lots of people enjoy just thrill of pure dogfight. I dont understant what is so much funny on sitting whole game on satelite and farting mines or shooting from safe distance, but this would not dissapear. People who like this type of game would still be able to do it, just with probably much smaller group of people who like it too.


Common objection is that veterans still will be able to farm newbies. Yes, that´s true. But without bombers (Domination) and GS (Deathmatch) these veterans must fly in to the enemies and get their hands dirty. In terms of learning how to fly it is very different to be killed by mines or shot from far distance and to be outmaneuvered .


Many people says that farming newbies is not fun and that they don´t like it. But any attempt to change current status is rejected with anger. It seems like some people in fact enjoy farming and just dont want to change anything.


Separate queues would only hinder the game, if I was put against 8 newbies coz I solo queued they wud get punished far worse, and if a premade of 4 all went separate and signed at same theres a high chance they will get pulled into same team anyway trust me,


I often fly against premades it don't mean a certain loss, some of the best games ive had were where I was in a complete pug group and was against premades. premades shouldn't be punished because they group up, theres nothing stopping anyone grouping up.


99% of the time when I have grouped up, u know how many were in same guild? none, they were all pugs I took time to chat to and start grouping up with.

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Child you didn't say much of anything


lol bless you.


I put around 6 replies and you resort to calling me a child. at no time have I called u, insulted you, what I have said is fact.


one thing I have come to learn on forums, if someone states their facts, and the other disregards them and goes to name calling etc means they got nothing and just love a good old whine.


you say no one finishes u off quick, your exception to rule then my friend everyone at times runs into bad games they get slaughtered even the best of the best.


you call for gunships and bombers being limited, this is a issue of skill. I myself like many experienced players can kick a gunships *** up and down.


you state walls of gunships in TDM, if people cant counter this there fault. the environment gives you everything you need to counter this rest comes to tactics.


you state bombers in domination swarming bases, fair enough here that's true and its damn hard to dislodge them BUT this is where its the bombers home there strongest point - defending a node, yet again you have everything at hand to counter this and gunships are a good start. not many bombers with patients hiding out of line of sight on a base when he's got 1 or 2 gunships ion blasting satellites and mines draining his shields ready for scouts, fighters to move in.


99% of issues in gsf can be overcome by skill, tactics, just common sense.


I know there's some tweaks to certain components needed upping or downing a bit but that's a never ending storey in any form of pvp in any game.


reason you have not acknowledged my comments is because there true and factual so you have to go to something like calling me a child.

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99% of issues in gsf can be overcome by skill, tactics, just common sense.


This :)


Things that could help::


Expand the preflight tutorial and make it mandatory. That would help the most because it'd give players an opportunity to learn in a less pressure filled environment against the elites. It'd be nice to do it with multiple people in one instance too, so you can do 1v1 training


Expand matchmaking options to regular or ranked. That's gonna take the vets outta the equation for the most part because we don't want to newb stomp but at the same time, I HATE gimping myself by playing a ship type that I don't enjoy as much. If they did ranked and didn't want to implement cross server queues (which is kinda silly) then they could do 4v4 smaller matches in an arena similar to a speedball course in paintball. That way, the relative time for queues wouldn't suffer AS MUCH, and it would allow newer players to get better without having to continually get decimated.


Don't be tools If you're playing against players whose names you've never seen and they are all rocking the stock two ship loadout, you'd do more for the community not playing a GS or a Bomber, even in domination. You're not helping the community get better - you're essentially showing off how good you are. I'm saying that only because in domination, a bomber has a serious advantage vs players who don't know wth they're doing. In TDM, a GS has a huge advantage over players who don't know what they're doing either. If we had ranked matches, this would be less of an issue, but in the current meta we need to restrain ourselves in the "Yup it's gonna be a blowout" matches.


These ideas are to help new pilots. My thoughts about ranked / oppositions that could actually put up a fight are anything goes - play how you want to. If you're against new pilots, you don't NEED to trounce them, and you can still enjoy yourself, albeit less. If you really want competitive matches, make sure you're on the right server for it. Server composition is the biggest factor right now, because there are some servers that do provide players with more intense competition.

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This :)


Things that could help::


Expand the preflight tutorial and make it mandatory. That would help the most because it'd give players an opportunity to learn in a less pressure filled environment against the elites. It'd be nice to do it with multiple people in one instance too, so you can do 1v1 training


Expand matchmaking options to regular or ranked. That's gonna take the vets outta the equation for the most part because we don't want to newb stomp but at the same time, I HATE gimping myself by playing a ship type that I don't enjoy as much. If they did ranked and didn't want to implement cross server queues (which is kinda silly) then they could do 4v4 smaller matches in an arena similar to a speedball course in paintball. That way, the relative time for queues wouldn't suffer AS MUCH, and it would allow newer players to get better without having to continually get decimated.


Don't be tools If you're playing against players whose names you've never seen and they are all rocking the stock two ship loadout, you'd do more for the community not playing a GS or a Bomber, even in domination. You're not helping the community get better - you're essentially showing off how good you are. I'm saying that only because in domination, a bomber has a serious advantage vs players who don't know wth they're doing. In TDM, a GS has a huge advantage over players who don't know what they're doing either. If we had ranked matches, this would be less of an issue, but in the current meta we need to restrain ourselves in the "Yup it's gonna be a blowout" matches.


These ideas are to help new pilots. My thoughts about ranked / oppositions that could actually put up a fight are anything goes - play how you want to. If you're against new pilots, you don't NEED to trounce them, and you can still enjoy yourself, albeit less. If you really want competitive matches, make sure you're on the right server for it. Server composition is the biggest factor right now, because there are some servers that do provide players with more intense competition.


completely agree with you.


this what I do majority of time:


my group - I ask anyone new, needs help etc, give instructions etc.


I tell my group in TDM no spawn camping

in domination - if we get to a certain point, let them take a base so they earn some reqs and learn how to take it.


and if I keep seeing none stop 8 pro's v 8 underdogs I swap faction to try and even odds up in other matches.


there are the odd ones that are complete tools that think its great to kill newbies as they appear in TDM but that's not me and the majority on the red eclipse don't act like this.


my personal tactic is if some1 likes to spawn camp and disregards my instructions I swap faction, note there name and if I see them I will spend that whole match ensureing there deaths are well into double figures lol. it has worked on some occasions. am I good at GSF yeah not bad at all but im newbie friendly and realise that there has to be a regular turn over off new pilots progressing into pro's to keep the game going.


most other problems I cant help newbies, its about them learning and earning what they get.


really hope they do introduce a proper tutorial and one that actually reflects game and deferent aspects with ships components and classes etc.

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My main reason for separate queues is to separate "advanced space battles" from normal dogfighting avaiable to all players, not completly get rid of premade groups. That´s not even possible.

Separate queues would only hinder the game, if I was put against 8 newbies coz I solo queued they wud get punished far worse, and if a premade of 4 all went separate and signed at same theres a high chance they will get pulled into same team anyway trust me,

Why would be newbies punished more when solo queues? They would fly at least against same type of ship which they have, so they can learn some tricks :D


I often fly against premades it don't mean a certain loss, some of the best games ive had were where I was in a complete pug group and was against premades. premades shouldn't be punished because they group up, theres nothing stopping anyone grouping up.

Agree. There is no way how to stop premade and no reason to punish them. Removing of newbies to be farmed by GS or Bomber is not punishing or it is?


99% of the time when I have grouped up, u know how many were in same guild? none, they were all pugs I took time to chat to and start grouping up with.

This is what I dont understand. Most people say that premades dont have any advantage because they in fact dont communicate during game, do not focus on someone etc. So why they even gruping?

If it is for overtake place of solo players in queues, then it is wrong. All should have same time.

If it is for chat, there is no reason for group queue at all. You can chat without that.

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