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As a Tank, what do you expect from healers?


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Ok. My previous comment a page ago was just me being snarky. A good point that was brought up was to look at this as an opportunity to tell NEW healers what their tanks are looking for.


So this time with a little less snark.


Healers...take the time to learn a little about HOW the tanks take damage. What I mean is...know enough about the fight and different damage profiles to make informed decisions about when to heal the tank. Some fights the damage profile is smooth. You can go ahead and just leave me at 50% health with a HOT while you finish topping off the rest of the raid. Some fights...you HAVE to keep me above a set % because the boss does frequent (and large) spike damage. Learn which tanks are more prone to what damage from which boss.

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Am I alive? Is the dps alive? (assuming they didn't do something stupid and die to mechanics) If the answer to both of those is yes, then do whatever so long as those things stay that way. I'll tell you when i can afford to take care of myself for a bit to buy you time to heal other people, and i expect you to tell me if that's what you need because, let's be honest, tanks that aren't vanguards can totally layer self healing with defensive cooldowns to buy several seconds if need be.
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I'm not a tank, I'm a DPS.


But here lately, I've been running into some crummy healers. I know there are some great ones out there. I know there are some people out there who are new to it. But I'm talking about people level 30-50 who are absolutely horrible at healing.


For the love of God, just heal the group. Not just yourself. I can pop Zen/Rage when I need to. But when we're fighting the boss, and me, or the tank or even both are getting low on health, and I see you attacking the boss too, that irks me. Specially when I die, and you say something ignorant at the end of the mission like, "Wow you suck." No, it's Wow you didn't do your job correctly and we all wiped.


In my opinion, I think EVERY role needs to be adaptable and open to suggestions from within the group. If some tells me, hey don't do that, or do this and have a logical explanation I would gladly change for atleast that lone FP or mission. So if I politely ask you to do something differently, telling me to F off is a great way for me to not watch your back, or just be an *** and let, specifically, you struggle.

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I'm not a tank, I'm a DPS.


But here lately, I've been running into some crummy healers. I know there are some great ones out there. I know there are some people out there who are new to it. But I'm talking about people level 30-50 who are absolutely horrible at healing.


For the love of God, just heal the group. Not just yourself. I can pop Zen/Rage when I need to. But when we're fighting the boss, and me, or the tank or even both are getting low on health, and I see you attacking the boss too, that irks me. Specially when I die, and you say something ignorant at the end of the mission like, "Wow you suck." No, it's Wow you didn't do your job correctly and we all wiped..


It's worth checking to see whether they're an actual healer in those circumstances. There are people who queu and DPS/Healers, presumably hoping for a faster pop, with little intention fo doing the second. Seems to be popular with Commando/Mercenary types just lately, for some reason. My Combat Medic got interrogated over it last night when I joined a group part way through CWG, and who thought I might be another. Seems like a good way to hit ignore lists if you ask me, but then I wouldn't do it past the low levels where role isn't really significant - I healed Athiss as a level 22 Commando in Gunnery spec (before going CM full time) when our healer dropped out, but there's a point where that becomes too hard.



I tend to be a healer myself so don't tank often, but when I do there's a couple of things I want from the healers. One, don't assume I'm a telepath and know what's happening behind my back, so that means yelling when you're being attacked and no one is paying attention. I'm a Powertech, I can shoot them at most ranges. Two, if you can help keep the mobs close together, that'll help me keep aggro on them.

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I've been reading these twin threads the last couple of days and found a lot of interesting suggestions for tanks - since I usually tank, I thank everyone for those, it helped me a lot into making things less stressful for healers - and for healers, my next challenge - and I obviously thank everyone for those too. :)


Having tanked my fair share of content, both while levelling, before those TFPs and after their creation, and Ops aswell, I think I can give a small contribution here.


What do I expect of a healer.

- Knowledge of his skills. Spamming AoE heals doesn't make you great, especially if I have to move around due to mechanics. :D

- Ability to prioritize. I've had 16m Ops where healers were assigned to maintank only, offtank only, first dps row, second one. Most of times, that led to a decimated dps team and 2 healers in 0 resources, with 2 tanks topped and 2 healers with almost topped resources. Noticed this both as tank and as dps, most of times I switch to offheals as lightning sorc in that case, if I don't get heals. The dps loss I provoque that way is still negligible compared to the loss of 3 other dps. Usually one of the healers takes the hint... :rolleyes:

- Heal me if I'm getting low. I don't want to be always above 80%, but I'd say 40-50% is reasonable. I don't really care who heals me, if it's the healer assigned to me or another one... If I am maintanking, and even if I offtank, I'm going to get damaged, a lot. Sure, I have a reusable medpack, a reusable adrenal and dcds, but those won't keep me alive forever. I once tanked a 16m SM DF run without getting a single heal, and guess what? I'm still not sure how I managed to die only once on Brontes. :cool:


There could be other things like behaviour or similar, but those are shared between all roles imo. I dislike prima donna tanks, healers and dps at the same level, to make an example. ;)

Thanks for these thread OP, much appreciated. :)

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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