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Everything posted by Vagosei

  1. I can hit 3700 np on a dummy with engine. Real importance is what you do during a raid. In my old group I was always the top 2 dps in the operations. So engine is certainly viable. Only lurker can give anyone a little trouble if group doesn't do everything right.
  2. Hats of to you....Outstanding healing guide!!!!
  3. I believe you are about right as I do about the same with Engine..HM or Nim ops I switch to Hybrid as I can sustain about 2400. And I'm not that good at playing Hybrid. I don't think the Dev's have done their homework enough to keep the specs Equal as sometimes the Roll is needed for the extra dps to match the other specs and you can't be Rolling around in HM or NIM Ops. . Most Snipes that I know for max dps right now is the Hybrid during a OP Raid. . I sure wish I had a better answer for you. Most raid groups do a ton of cc and are scared of having an Engineering sniper in Hm due to the aoe type spec that it is.( They always Police me when I get in there with my snipes) I will say this. for the few hundred dps loss. I still like the Engineering Spec..In the End I do believe you are doing just fine.
  4. Best one to us for now is the rakata if your biochem. If I remember correctly its 1575 armor buff for 15 sec. Or if you can find the old exotech ones they work the best.
  5. For the most part crit can be anywhere between 75 and 150 depending on how you set your toon up. I've found the end results about the same in most cases so it doesn't have to be exact. I do play all 3 tree's. Lethality needs closer to 150 but the other 2..can be lower. My personal favorite is engineering...Its harder to play but for me its the most )fun..
  6. I've been around since beta..and yes there are very few left...but the issue is still there...only not very often anymore.
  7. Don't feel left out...I used to pvp a lot and stopped due to how crazy and uneven the classes were...but I do still hit the pvp here and there. There were a lot of hacks in game to which it was really bad. There are still a few that use them. For example. I was on my mara just a few weeks ago and doing ok in a match. Then I ran into a group that I could not even kill one person. They would get to about 2300hp and no matter what you did..they would not die and all of a sudden go back to full health. So....that being said there are still some cheaters out there...I don't think mara's are dead in pvp. Some classes are still just better than others..as are the players
  8. You can't do that with tanks...you Must add up and do the math...Just doesn't work any other way...Can't be lazy with tank stat mitigation...will get you and your raid team killed fast.
  9. I'll give my motivation factor...first person who fails in their part buys everyone beer. Great motivation...worked for us
  10. I run Engineering and I found the best crit rating of around 75..all cunning power and surge
  11. You need all 4 not just 2...just the correct amount of all 4...And it depends on which spec for the amount of crit...which is still small anyway
  12. There ya go Toasty......spread that good sense of humor out there...some need it.....lol
  13. I agree. Some of us old timers did get tired of the disrespect to other players instead of just having fun...After all this is just a game.
  14. Carnage and the reason being as in a lot of boss fights the high burst and movement you need to do. Anni is great dps on a test dummy but for overall dps during an operation..Carnage is better.
  15. Tank comps work well with tank gear as you would gear yourself. Mitigation isn't the same obviously but yes it does work. I have my tank gear on Broon right now and its good enough to tank hm flashpoint with normal healing if Que'ed tank drops or just isn't geared.. Granted on Broon its around 40.5k hp with proper mitigation from all the pcs but relics...So I would definitely say it will work as well as survivability for the comp
  16. Its terrible...don't do hybrids tree's with mercs...Either heal or dps..Use full tree's only..whichever you prefer
  17. He's only talking about one boss and you run through him before you taunt...the most basic tanking maneuvers in the game...Shouldn't have to tell anyone about that one...if so then they shouldn't tank
  18. All boss fights require different strategies...my whole point is to not use HPS during a operation only on a dummy for personal rotation only. I will bubble a tank the entire time if necessary though. Too many will try to use Hps during a raid..As for why I Have no idea why. I don't play much anymore but I do get on and read the forum once in a while...Sometimes I just scratch my head.But the way I look at it..if I can help someone with information then why not.
  19. Don't use saber throw to start out with him...Just jump in...Aoe taunt just to get his attention..then rotation with juggy/guardian. . all while using single taunt during your normal rotation..Juggy threat generation has been messed with with the Dev's a bit and this is what I've found works just fine. Tarzan dps can't take it from me after that....Dps threat dump is still mandatory during a normal rotation with them.
  20. Considering myself as a good sorc healer I only use the bubble under 10k health myself or just at the start and only on the tanks. Parses are only good for personal use and to make rotation better. I can pull up to 4k HPS no problem but can't sustain it. If any class healer can maintain even 2.8k hps or higher. Positioning of dps and tanks in a raid can make or break the healer's. Combo of 2 or more different types of healer are almost necessary with the 16 man's. But to judge any healer during an operation is flat out ludicrous. Due to each type of healer's that have their strong points and weaknesses. The guilds that run together with the same groups will always perform better as a raid group. And can't leave the tanks out...if they do their Job well...All healer's HPS will be low...which is what you want anyway. Pulling their weight is a subject to the the whole raid group..not just one.
  21. If the tanks allow the dps to take threat for a split second then taunt the multiplier is much greater and actually easier to hold and maintain threat throughout with any class tank. Don't do the 4 sec thing
  22. There is only one solution for the non tank mitigation believers....Make a Healer and you will soon understand what, when, and why. Then comes the WOW factor when healing tanks altogether...
  23. My God....Glad I'm not healing...wish you guys luck
  24. Those veracity are better than the 72's also...only the 78 token are even close to the damage mitigation that they have
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